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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 39

Single Item

Agreement between Alexander Pope and Bernard Lintot

Agreement between Alexander Pope and Bernard Lintot, 23 March 1714.
Shelfmark: MS. Don. a. 6
Extents: 1 box
Dates: 23 March 1714-1720

Archive of James Legge

Archive of James Legge
Extents: 0.85 Linear metres (22 boxes)
Dates: c.1839-1951

Archive of Joanna Richardson

Correspondence and papers of Joanna Richardson, 1928-2008, biographer, translator and French literary critic.
Extents: 1.54 Linear metres (22 boxes)
Dates: 1925-2007, n.d.
Single Item

Contemporary copy (before 1657) of Robert Codrington's translation of 'The memoriall of Queene Marguaret of Valois' with notes by Edmund Ferrers

Contemporary copy (before 1657) of Robert Codrington's translation of 'The memoriall of Queene Marguaret of Valois' with notes by Edmund Ferrers.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. e. 321
Extents: 266 pages
Dates: before 1657
Single Item

Copies of literary and historical papers by a Mr. Perrie of London

Copies of literary and historical papers by a Mr. Perrie of London
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 641
Extents: 34 pages
Dates: Mid-18th century
Single Item

Copy of an English translation made between 1594 and 1604 by Sir Arthur Atye from Antonio Perez Pedacos de historia, o relaciones ('Leon', [London, 1594])

Copy of an English translation made between 1594 and 1604 by Sir Arthur Atye from Antonio Perez Pedacos de historia, o relaciones ('Leon', [London, 1594]).
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. c. 239
Extents: 111 Leaves
Dates: 1594-1604
Single Item

Correspondence of Nevill Coghill and David Luke, c.1959-1974, and additional papers

Correspondence of Nevill Coghill and David Luke, c.1959-1974, and additional papers
Shelfmark: MS. 15021
Extents: 1 box
Dates: c.1959-2005
Single Item

The Cyropaedia of Xenophon, translation exercise by Richard Gough

The Cyropaedia of Xenophon, translation exercise by Richard Gough, written about A.D. 1750.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. D. 107
Extents: 514 Leaves
Dates: written about A.D. 1750
Single Item

'The Destruction of Troy ... rendered in English from book II of the Æneis of Virgil'

'The Destruction of Troy ... rendered in English from book II of the Æneis of Virgil', written about A.D. 1885 (?) by H. Edwards.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. d. 1
Extents: 48 Leaves
Dates: written about A.D. 1885 (?) by H. Edwards
Single Item

Editor's working draft of the translation by J. H. Bell and J. R. von Sturmer of Claude Levi-Strauss, Les structures élémentaires de la parenté

Editor's working draft of the translation by J. H. Bell and J. R. von Sturmer of Claude Levi-Strauss, Les structures élémentaires de la parenté
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. c. 448
Extents: 1075 Leaves
Dates: 1961-1968
Single Item

English translation by E. S. Dodgson of Bartolome Santa Teresa, Euscal-ernjetaco olgueeta ta dantzeen (ed. Dodgson and A. Campion, Duringo, 1914)

English translation by E. S. Dodgson of Bartolome Santa Teresa, Euscal-ernjetaco olgueeta ta dantzeen (ed. Dodgson and A. Campion, Duringo, 1914).
Shelfmark: MS. Basque e. 8
Extents: 127 Leaves
Dates: 1914
Single Item

English translation, c.1700, of works of Origen

English translation, c.1700, of works of Origen.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. th. d. 53
Extents: 379 pages
Dates: c.1700
Single Item

English translation of a treatise on sanctification by Jeanne-Marie de la Motte Guyon entitled 'Spiritual torrents' or 'The Christian's progress'

English translation of a treatise on sanctification by Jeanne-Marie de la Motte Guyon entitled 'Spiritual torrents' or 'The Christian's progress', 18th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. th. e. 150
Extents: 187 Leaves
Dates: 18th century
Single Item

An English translation of the Assertio incomparabilis Arturii by John Leland

An English translation of the Assertio incomparabilis Arturii by John Leland, written late in the 16th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. gen. e. 46
Extents: 101 Leaves
Dates: written late in the 16th century

E.S. Dodgson Translations

English translations by E.S. Dodgson, 1900-1914.
Extents: 0.55 Linear metres (5 boxes)
Dates: c.1900-1914
Single Item

Fair copy of an English translation by Elizabeth Noel, Countess of Gainsborough, of Charles Drelincourt's Catechisme

Fair copy of an English translation by Elizabeth Noel, Countess of Gainsborough, of Charles Drelincourt's Catechisme, 17th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. th. e. 152
Extents: 148 pages
Dates: 17th century
Single Item

Fair copy of Peter Salvin's English translation of The kingdom of God in the soul, by Joannes Evangelista of Belduke, 1650, published, Paris

Fair copy of Peter Salvin's English translation of The kingdom of God in the soul, by Joannes Evangelista of Belduke, 1650, published, Paris.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. th. f. 21
Extents: 184 Leaves
Dates: 1657
Single Item

Fair copy of poems, and translations from French, Italian, Spanish and German poems, by A. R.

Fair copy of poems, and translations from French, Italian, Spanish and German poems, by A. R.
Shelfmark: MS. Don. e. 117
Extents: 91 Leaves
Dates: early 20th century
Single Item

Letters, poems and translations by John Potenger

Letters, poems and translations by John Potenger (1647-1733).
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. d. 161
Extents: 261 pages
Dates: 1647-1733
Single Item

A literal English translation of some Ossianic poems

A literal English translation of some Ossianic poems
Shelfmark: MS. Irish c. 2
Extents: 391 Leaves
Dates: Written in about 1840

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: Literature -- Translations X
  • Indexed subjects: Literature -- Translations X
  • Indexed subjects: Literature X
  • Language: English X

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Additional filters:

Indexed subjects
Literature -- Translations 36
17th century 12
19th century 10
20th century 9
18th century 8
16th century 4
Theology 4
Poetry 3
21st century 2
Antiquarians 2
Authors, Classical 2
China -- History 2
Chinese literature -- Translations into English 2
Classical literature 2
Epic poetry 2
Greek literature 2
Literature 2
Philosophy, Ancient 2
Poems 2
Religion 2
∨ more  
Indexed names
Aeschylus | ? 525 BC-? 456 BC | Greek playwright 1
Atye | Sir | Arthur | d. 1604 | Knight | Academic and politician 1
Betham | William | 1749-1839 | Antiquary and clergyman 1
Camden | William | 1551-1623 | antiquary herald schoolmaster 1
Codrington | Robert | 1601/2-1665 | Translator and writer 1
Coghill | Nevill Henry Kendal Aylmer | 1899-1980 | literary historian 1
Cox | George Valentine | 1786-1875 | author 1
Dale | Valentine | c.1520-1589 | civil lawyer and diplomat 1
Dodgson | Edward Spencer | 1857-1922 | Bascologist 1
Dodgson | Edward Spencer | fl 1900-1919 | translator of Basque works 1
Drelincourt | Charles | 1595-1669 | clergyman 1
Edwards | Henry | fl 1885-1888 | Rector of Banningham, Norfolk 1
Epictetus | c 50-c 138 | Stoic philosopher 1
Etheridge | George | 1519-1588 | physician and classical scholar 1
Evangelista | Joannes | 1588?-1635 | mystical writer 1
Fairfax | Thomas | 1612-1671 | 3rd Baron Fairfax | politician, general, and Parliamentary commander-in-chief during the English Civil War 1
Gough | Richard | 1735-1809 | antiquary 1
Gunston | J. | fl. 1681 1
Guyon | Jeanne-Marie | 1648-1717 | mystic and writer 1
Hall | Dorothy Mabel | d 1973 | Historian 1
∨ more
Harington | Sir | John | bap. 1560-1612 | courtier and author 1
Holland | Philemon | 1552-1637 | translator 1
Impey | Elijah Barwell | 1780-1849 | author 1
Legge | Hannah Mary | 1822-1881 | née Johnstone, second wife of Professor James Legge 1
Legge | James | 1815-1897 | missionary and sinologist 1
Leland | John | c 1506-1552 | Antiquary 1
Lintot | Bernard | 1675-1736 | Bookseller 1
Luke | Frederic Davey 'David' | 1921-2005 | German scholar and translator 1
Maro | Publius Vergilius | c 70-19 BC | Roman poet known as Virgil 1
Mendiburu | Sebastian 1
Needham | Rodney | 1923-2006 | Anthropologist 1
Noel | Elizabeth | fl. 1601-1700 | Countess of Gainsborough 1
Origen | c. 185-c. 253 | theologian 1
Parker | Robert | c 1564-1614 | religious controversialist 1
Paul | Cedar | d 1972 | singer 1
Paul | Eden | 1865-1944 | author 1
Perez | Antonio | 1540-1611 | Spanish statesman and secretary of King Philip II of Spain 1
Pope | Alexander | 1688-1744 | Poet 1
Porter | Sir | Robert Ker | 1777-1842 | Knight | Painter, writer and diplomat 1
Potenger | John | 1647-1733 | legal official and writer 1
Prescot | Charles Kenrick | fl 1811 | clergyman | of Stockport 1
Raleigh | Alice | fl. 20th century | Sir Walter Raleigh's sister 1
Richardson | Joanna | 1925-2008 | scholar 1
Riguard | Gibbes | d 1885 | major-general 1
Salvin | Peter | fl. 1657 | translator 1
Santa Teresa | Bartolome 1
Seneca | Lucius Annaeus | c. 4 B.C. – A.D. 65 | philosopher, politician and writer 1
Strauss | Claude | Levi- | 1908-2009 | Anthropologist 1
Suetonius | d. 126 AD | Roman historian 1
Tullius Cicero | Marcus | 106-43 BC | Roman orator and statesman 1
University of Oxford 1
Waterton | Edward | fl 1878 1
Zeller | Eduard | 1814-1908 | author 1
∧ less
French 2
Italian 2
Chinese 1
German 1
Irish 1
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 1
Latin 1
Spanish; Castilian 1