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Showing Collections: 61 - 80 of 312

Single Item

'Canzoni alla Francese del Frescobaldi'

11 works for 2 violins, violetta and bass, 1677-1678.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. Sch. d. 258 (Former reference: Music School B. 4. 18)
Extents: 56 Leaves
Dates: 1677-1678

The Carte Calendar

A calendar of the Carte collection of historical papers, written in 1877-1883 by Edward Edwards.
Extents: 8.25 Linear metres (75 boxes)
Dates: 1877-1883

Carte Papers

Papers accumulated by the historian Thomas Carte (1686-1754), comprising mainly original papers of James Butler (1610-88), 1st Duke of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, with papers of Sir William Fitzwilliam (1526-99), Lord Deputy of Ireland; Sir John Davies (1569-1626) Attorney General of Ireland; Edward Montagu (1625-72) 1st Earl of Sandwich; Charles Middleton (c.1650-1719), 2nd Earl of Middleton; David Nairne (fl.1720), Secretary to the Pretender; Philip Wharton (1613-96), 4th Baron…
Extents: 30.69 Linear metres (279 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 16th-18th century
Single Item

Catalogue by Vincenzo Fiorentino of his own published and unpublished works, 1870-1924

Catalogue by Vincenzo Fiorentino of his own published and unpublished works, 1870-1924.
Shelfmark: MS. Ital. d. 8
Extents: 84 pages
Dates: 1924
Single Item

Catalogue of Greek manuscripts and books in Vienna Library

Catalogue of Greek manuscripts and books in Vienna Library
Shelfmark: MS. Auct. F. Infr. 1. 12
Extents: 173 Leaves
Dates: c. 1607

Archive of John Macquarrie

Archive of Reverand Professor John Macquarrie, theologian, philosopher and priest
Extents: 2.54 Linear metres (7 boxes)
Dates: 1940-2007
Single Item

Catalogue of Vatican MSS. Graeci

Microfilm of the Catalogue of Vatican MSS. Graeci, Vatican Library.
Shelfmark: MS. Film 416
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Catalogues and indexes of Greek manuscripts in Italian libraries and of the library of the Elector Palatine, Heidlburg

Catalogues and indexes of Greek manuscripts in Italian libraries and of the library of the Elector Palatine, Heidlburg
Shelfmark: MS. Auct. F. Infr. 1. 13
Extents: 243 Leaves
Dates: c. 1607

Cherry Manuscripts

Cherry Manuscripts
Extents: 5.06 Linear metres (46 boxes)
Dates: 15th-18th century
Single Item

Chronicle of the city of Venice, from 807 to 1433

Chronicle of the city of Venice, from 807 to 1433, 16th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Ital. e. 8
Extents: 238 Leaves
Dates: 16th century

Clarendon Press Manuscripts

Manuscripts owned or compiled by classical and oriental scholars of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Extents: 17.82 Linear metres (162 boxes)
Dates: 1514-late 19th century

Clarendon State Papers

Clarendon State Papers
Extents: 16.39 Linear metres (149 boxes)
Dates: 16th-19th century

'Codice diplomatico del Consiglo d'Egitto sotto il governo di [Muhammad] Almostanser [= Al Mutasiru] Billah sultano ...'

'Codice diplomatico del Consiglo d'Egitto sotto il governo di [Muhammad] Almostanser [= Al Mutasiru] Billah sultano ...', written in A.D. 1789 by G. Vella.
Extents: 0.22 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 1789
Single Item

Collection of French songs, with a printed Italian operatic excerpt by L. Savi

Collection of French songs, in early 19th-century copies, with printed Italian operatic excerpt by L. Savi.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. d. 302
Extents: 8 Leaves
Dates: early 19th century
Single Item

Collection of madrigals by Luca Marenzio and Giovanni Ferretti

Collection of madrigals for 5-10 voices by Luca Marenzio and Giovanni Ferretti. Scored up by James Bartleman, [early 19th cent.].
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. e. 54
Extents: 200 pages
Dates: [early 19th cent.]
Single Item

Collection of motets, cantatas and madrigals by Italian composers, collected by the younger Richard Goodson

Collection of motets, cantatas and madrigals by Italian composers, collected by the younger Richard Goodson, [1720s-1730s].
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. Sch. c. 9
Extents: 312 pages
Dates: [1720s-1730s]
Single Item

Collection of pamphlets and manuscript copies of historical documents mainly relating to Genoa and Corsica

Collection of pamphlets and manuscript copies of historical documents mainly relating to Genoa and Corsica.
Shelfmark: MS. Ital. c. 75
Extents: 300 Leaves
Dates: 18th century
Single Item

Collection of pamphlets relating to events in Venice, 1718

Collection of pamphlets relating to events in Venice, 1718, 1785-1799.
Shelfmark: MS. Ital. e. 7
Extents: 30 items
Dates: 1785-1799
Single Item

Collection of poems, letters and other items, mostly original and mainly in Italian

Collection of poems, letters and other items, mostly original and mainly in Italian
Shelfmark: MS. Ital. c.77
Extents: 1 box; 42 folios
Dates: 1489-1747
Single Item

Collection of pope prophecies with illustrations in pen and ink and colour wash

Collection of pope prophecies, c.1590-1595, with illustrations in pen and ink and colour wash.
Shelfmark: MS. Ital. c. 73
Extents: 139 Leaves
Dates: c.1590-1595

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  • Language: Italian X

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Indexed subjects
18th century 137
17th century 108
19th century 89
Music 89
20th century 68
16th century 63
Music -- Manuscripts -- 18th century 32
x - 15th century 26
Music -- Manuscripts -- 17th century 23
Literature 22
Music -- Manuscripts -- 19th century 22
21st century 20
Correspondence 20
Religion 20
14th century 15
Humanities 15
Italy 15
13th century 13
x - 12th century 12
Politics and Government 11
∨ more
Motets 10
Venice (Italy) 10
Catholic Church 9
Florence (Italy) 9
x - 11th century 9
Local history 8
Operas -- Excerpts 8
Rome -- History 8
x - 10th century 8
Letters 7
Manuscripts 7
Poetry 7
Theology 7
Classical literature 6
History 6
Italy -- History 6
Operas 6
Authors, Classical 5
Diaries 5
Ireland 5
Italian literature 5
Italy -- Description and travel 5
Madrigals, Italian 5
Philosophy 5
Poetry, Italian 5
x - 9th century 5
15th century 4
Antiquarians 4
Biography 4
Cantatas, Sacred 4
Cantatas, Secular 4
Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 4
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 20th century 4
Heraldry 4
Labour Party (Great Britain) -- History -- 20th Century 4
Library catalogs 4
Manuscripts, Greek 4
Medicine 4
Novelists -- 20th century 4
Operas -- Scores 4
Oratorios 4
Organ music 4
Papacy 4
Science 4
Sermons 4
Sonatas 4
Songs with continuo 4
Songs with instrumental ensemble 4
Statutes -- Italy 4
Suites 4
x - 14th century 4
x - 8th century 4
Accounts 3
Anthems 3
Art 3
Chamber music 3
England -- Description and travel 3
English literature 3
France -- Description and travel 3
Genoa | Italy 3
Great Britain -- Politics and government 3
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 21st century 3
Libraries 3
Manuscripts, Latin 3
Orchestral music 3
Oxfordshire (England) 3
Photography 3
Politicians -- Great Britain 3
Publishers and publishing 3
Social sciences 3
Songs with piano 3
Songs, English 3
Songs, Italian 3
Trio sonatas (Violins (2), continuo) 3
Vocal duets with continuo 3
World War, 1914-1918 3
Africa 2
Africa, Southern -- History -- 20th century 2
Art history 2
Artists 2
∧ less
Indexed names
Handel | George Frederick | 1685-1759 | musical composer 5
Scarlatti | Alessandro | 1660-1725 | composer 5
Sherard | James | 1666-1738 | apothecary, botanist and amateur musician 5
Canonici | Matteo Luigi | 1727-1805 | Jesuit 4
Finger | Gottfried | c 1660-1730 | viol player and composer 4
Lowe | Edward | 1610-1682 | composer, music copyist, organist and writer on music 4
Rossini | Gioacchino Antonio | 1792-1868 | Italian operatic composer 4
University of Oxford 4
Bassani | Giovanni Battist | c 1650-1716 | composer 3
Bononcini | Giovanni | 1670-1747 | composer 3
Caldara | Antonio | 1670-1736 | musical composer 3
Carissimi | Giacomo | 1605-1674 | composer 3
Pergolesi | Giovanni Battista | 1710-1736 | composer 3
Wharton | Philip | 1613-1696 | 4th Baron Wharton 3
Alighieri | Dante | 1265-1321 | poet 2
Attorney General of Ireland | Ireland 2
Bach | Johann Sebastian | 1685-1750 | German organist, composer and Master Contrapuntist 2
Bartholdy | Jacob Ludwig Felix | Mendelssohn- | 1809-1847 | composer 2
Beccadelli | Ludovico | 1501-1572 | archbishop and writer 2
Bembo | Pietro | 1470-1547 | Italian poet and writer 2
∨ more
Blow | John | 1648-1708 | composer 2
Butler | James | 1610-1688 | 1st Duke of Ormonde | soldier and statesman 2
Carafa | Carlo | 1517-1561 | cardinal 2
Carte | Thomas | 1686-1754 | historian 2
Cavalli | Pietro Francesco | 1602-1676 | composer 2
Conservative Party 2
Conservative Party | Conservative Campaign Headquarters 2
Conservative Party | Conservative Central Office 2
Conservative Party | Conservatives in the European Parliament 2
Corelli | Arcangelo | 1653-1713 | composer and violinist 2
Davies | Sir | John | 1569-1626 | Knight | Attorney General of Ireland and Poet 2
European Parliament | European Conservative Group 2
European Parliament | European Democratic Group 2
Feilding | Lady | Elisabeth Theresa | née Fox-Strangways | 1773–1846 | formerly Talbot 2
Ferrabosco | Alfonso | 1543-1588 | composer 2
Fitzwilliam | Sir | William | 1526-1599 | Knight | Lord Deputy of Ireland 2
Gasparini | Francesco | 1661-1727 | composer and teacher 2
Gentili | Alberico | 1552-1608 | Italian jurist 2
Goddard | Austin P. | fl. 1726-1758 | of London 2
Goodson | Richard | 1688-1741 | organist and music copyist 2
Greene | Maurice | 1695-1755 | organist and composer 2
Lanciani | Flavio Carlo | 1661-1706 | composer, cellist and copyist 2
Lord Deputy of Ireland | Ireland 2
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland | Ireland 2
Marchitelli | Pietro | ? 1643-1729 | violinist and composer 2
Marenzio | Luca | 1553/4-1599 | composer 2
Middleton | Charles | c. 1650-1719 | 2nd Earl of Middleton | statesman 2
Montagu | Edward | 1625-1672 | 1st Earl of Sandwich | admiral 2
Morley | Thomas | 1557/1558-1602 | composer and publisher 2
Nairne | David | fl 1720 | Secretary to the Pretender 2
Paisiello | Giovanni | 1740-1816 | composer 2
Perti | Giacomo Antonio | 1661-1756 | composer 2
Purcell | Henry | c 1659-1695 | composer 2
Sabadini | Bernardo | d 1718 | opera composer 2
Sancroft | William | 1617-1693 | Archbishop of Canterbury 2
Stradella | Alessandro | 1639-1682 | composer 2
Torelli | Giuseppe | 1658-1709 | composer 2
Toynbee | Paget Jackson | 1855-1932 | Dante scholar 2
Trevisano | Bernardo | fl. 1689-1714 | of Venice 2
University of Cambridge 2
Wharton | Thomas | 1648-1716 | 1st Marquess of Wharton 2
Wight | Osborne | d 1800 | Fellow of New College, Oxford 2
Aborigines Protection Society (Great Britain) Aborigines Protection Society (Great Britain). 1
Adimari | Lodovico | 1644-1708 | poet 1
Agostini | Pietro Simone | c 1635-1680 | composer 1
Albinoni | Tomaso Giovanni | 1671-1750/1751 | composer 1
Albrechtsberger | Johann Georg | 1736-1809 | composer and organist 1
Albrici | Bartolomeo | c 1635-1688 | keyboard player and composer 1
Aldrich | Henry | 1648-1710 | composer 1
Aldrovandini | Giuseppe Antonio | 1671-1707 | composer 1
Alexander VI | d 1503 | Pope 1
Alexander VII | 1599-1667 | born Fabio Chigi | Pope 1
Allin | Sir | Thomas | 1612-1685 | Knight | Admiral 1
Amaseo | Giorgio | fl. 1511 1
Amodei | Cataldo | c 1650-c 1695 | composer 1
Anerio | Felice | c 1560-1614 | composer 1
Anti-Apartheid Movement 1
Anti-Slavery International 1
Anti-Slavery International for the Protection of Human Rights. 1
Anti-Slavery Society for the Protection of Human Rights 1
Anti-slavery Society (Great Britain) 1
Anti-slavery and Aborigines Protection Society (Great Britain). 1
Aquinas | Thomas | 1225-1274 | Dominican friar, philosopher, Catholic Priest 1
Ariosti | Attilio | 1666-1729 | composer 1
Aristotle | 384-322 BC | Greek philosopher 1
Arne | Thomas Augustine | 1710-1778 | composer 1
Ash | John Sidney | 1925-2014 | ornithologist 1
Avitrano | Giuseppe Antonio | ? 1670-1756 | composer and violinist 1
Awbery | John | fl 1700-1799 | Fellow of New College, Oxford 1
Bach | Carl Philipp Emanuel | 1714-1788 | composer and church musician 1
Bach | Johann Christian | 1735-1782 | composer 1
Bain | Iain | 1934-2018 | Scholar 1
Balbiani | Giovanni Antonio | fl. 1783-1797 | notary public of Bergamo and chancellor of the community of Alzano di Sopra 1
Baldassini | Antonio Luigi | 1649-1720 | violinist and composer 1
Baltzar | Thomas | 1631-1663 | violinist and composer 1
Barlow | Thomas | 1607-1691 | Bishop of Lincoln 1
Barros | Antonio | de | fl. 1701 1
Bartholdy | Cécile | Mendelssohn- | 1817-1853 | wife of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy 1
Bartleman | James | 1769-1821 | singer (bass) 1
Baruffaldi | Gerolamo | 1675-1755 | the elder | priest, poet and scholar 1
∧ less
English 129
French 74
Latin 74
German 46
Spanish; Castilian 27
Dutch; Flemish 21
Greek, Modern (1453-) 20
Russian 16
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 15
Portuguese 15
Arabic 13
Chinese 10
Japanese 9
Swedish 9
Welsh 9
Danish 8
Hebrew 8
Norwegian 6
Hungarian 5
Polish 5