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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 231

Single Item

About ninety short pieces for a treble instrument

About ninety short pieces for a treble instrument.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. Sch. G. 615
Extents: 80 pages
Dates: Written c. 1710-1720
Single Item

About one hundred and eighty-seven short pieces for the second violin, by Nicola Matteis

About one hundred and eighty-seven short pieces for the second violin, by Nicola Matteis.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. Sch. G. 613
Extents: 61 Leaves
Dates: Written c. 1680-1690
Single Item

Account of fees paid in the University of Oxford for Divinity degrees

Account of fees paid in the University of Oxford for Divinity degrees
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon f. 15
Extents: 59 Leaves
Dates: Written in 1853-1877

Additional papers of the Ashmolean Club

Papers of the Oxford University Ashmolean Club, 1860-2017.
Extents: 1.29 Linear metres (9 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1954-2017

Additional papers of the Oxford University Law Society

The additional papers of the Oxford University Law Society, 1986-1990.
Extents: 0.3 Linear metre (2 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1986-1990
Single Item

Album of photographs of Oxford college buildings

Album of photographs of Oxford college buildings, late 19th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon. b. 274
Extents: 31 Leaves
Dates: late 19th century

'An anthem beginning "The Souls of the Righteous", perform'd at the Funeral of King George the Second, presumably by W. Boyce

'An anthem beginning "The Souls of the Righteous "] perform'd at the Funeral of King George the Second, presumably by W. Boyce.
Extents: 0.33 Linear metres (3 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: Written in 1760

An anthem, performed on occasion of King George the Third's wedding to Charlotte, presumably by W. Boyce

An anthem, performed on occasion of King George the Third's wedding to Charlotte, presumably by W. Boyce.
Extents: 0.33 Linear metres (3 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: Written in 1761

An anthem ('The King shall rejoice') by Dr. W. Boyce

An anthem ('The King shall rejoice') by Dr. W. Boyce.
Extents: 0.33 Linear metres (3 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: Written in 1766
Single Item

Anthem, words from Is. lv. 1, etc., music by Charles Bradbury

Anthem, words from Is. lv. 1, etc., music by Charles Bradbury.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. Sch. Ex. d. 19
Extents: 46 pages
Dates: 1874
Single Item

'Antiquarian and Topographical Notes' by the rev. dr. Andrew Clark

'Antiquarian and Topographical Notes' by the rev. dr. Andrew Clark
Shelfmark: MS. Top. gen. e. 57
Extents: 113 Leaves
Dates: Written in 1914 by dr. A. Clark
Single Item

Applications for dispensations from the ordinary requirements for a degree at the university of Oxford

Applications for dispensations from the ordinary requirements for a degree at the university of Oxford, chiefly written in A.D. 1721-1724 by G. Cooper.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon c. 69
Extents: 173 Leaves
Dates: chiefly written in A.D. 1721-1724 by G. Cooper

Archive of C.H. Pearson

Archive of C.H. Pearson
Extents: 1.08 Linear metres (18 boxes)
Dates: 1841-1926

Archive of Charles Alfred Coulson (1910-1974)

Correspondence and papers of Charles Alfred Coulson (1910-1974), mathematician, physicist, chemist, and religious writer.
Extents: 21 Linear metres (175 boxes)
Dates: 1905-1978

Archive of Gilbert Murray

Archive of Gilbert Murray (1866-1957).
Extents: 61.82 Linear metres (562 boxes)
Dates: 1837-1960

Archive of H. H. Joachim

Archive of H. H. Joachim
Extents: 1.30 Linear metres (26 boxes)
Dates: 1900-1934

Archive of H. H. Vaughan

Archive of H.H. Vaughan
Extents: 3.50 Linear metres (5 boxes)
Dates: 1799-1916

Archive of James Legge

Archive of James Legge (1815-1897).
Extents: 0.16 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 1846-1894

Archive of James Legge

Archive of James Legge
Extents: 0.85 Linear metres (22 boxes)
Dates: c.1839-1951

Archive of R.V. Lennard

Archive of Reginald Vivian Lennard (1885-1967).
Extents: 4.10 Linear metres (66 boxess)
Dates: 20th century

Filtered By

  • Indexed names: University of Oxford X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Indexed subjects
20th century 98
19th century 96
18th century 61
Music 38
Universities and colleges 35
17th century 32
Oxford (England) 24
Universities and colleges -- England -- Oxford 17
Universities and colleges -- England -- Oxford -- Societies 16
Lectures and lecturing 13
University of Oxford -- Societies, etc. 11
Antiquarians 9
Universities and colleges -- Great Britain -- Societies 9
21st century 8
Oxfordshire (England) 8
16th century 7
Letters 7
Universities and colleges -- England -- Oxford -- Societies -- 20th century 7
Drama 6
Humanities 6
∨ more
Architecture 5
Correspondence 5
Degrees, Academic 5
Science 5
Scouts and scouting 5
Universities and colleges -- Administration 5
Accounts 4
Chemistry 4
Girl guides 4
Law 4
Literature 4
Mathematics 4
Academic writing 3
Architectural drawing -- England -- Oxford 3
Astronomy 3
Berkshire (England) 3
Church of England -- Clergy 3
College -- Theater 3
Essays 3
Examinations -- England -- Oxford 3
Great Britain -- History 3
Religion 3
Speeches, addresses, etc. 3
Theater 3
Theology 3
x - 15th century 3
13th century 2
14th century 2
Academic costume 2
Acting 2
Architects 2
Authors, Classical 2
Bible 2
Bibliography 2
Buckinghamshire (England) 2
Classical literature 2
Dissertations, Academic -- England -- Oxford 2
Essex (England) 2
Genealogy 2
Great Britain -- Politics and Government 2
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 20th century 2
Great Britain -- Topography 2
Heraldry 2
History 2
History, Modern 2
Libraries 2
Local history 2
Logic 2
Manuscripts 2
Manuscripts, Greek 2
Medicine 2
Petitions 2
Philosophy 2
Photograph Collections -- England -- Oxford 2
Photographs 2
Poetry 2
Politics and Government 2
Scholars 2
Scholarships 2
Signatures (Writing) 2
Students -- Political activity 2
Universities and colleges -- Finance 2
University of Oxford -- Students 2
Women -- Education 2
Abingdon (England) 1
Account books 1
Anabaptists 1
Anatomy 1
Antiquities 1
Apologetics 1
Appointment books 1
Art 1
Art -- History 1
Artists 1
Astronomy -- Early works to 1800 1
Authors 1
Authors -- 18th century 1
Barbers -- England -- Oxford 1
Bible -- O.T. -- Psalms 1
Books -- Catalogs 1
∧ less
Indexed names
Boyce | William | 1710-1779 | musician 7
Bliss | Philip | 1787-1857 | Antiquary and Editor 6
Bodleian Library 5
Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 5
University of Cambridge 5
Jones | John Collier | 1770-1838 | Rector of Exeter College Oxford 4
Oxford University | New College 4
Wood | Anthony | 1632-1695 | Antiquary 4
Alcock | John | 1715–1806 | organist and composer 2
Bradley | James | 1693-1762 | Chaplain to Bishop of Hereford, astronomer 2
Canning Club, Oxford 2
Langbaine | Gerard | 1609-1658 | Provost of Queen's College Oxford, Royalist Pamphleteer, and Archivist 2
Legge | James | 1815-1897 | Missionary and Sinologist 2
Oxford Playhouse | Oxford 2
Oxford University Dramatic Society 2
Oxford University Labour Club 2
Oxford University Mermaid Club 2
Oxford University Scout and Guide Group 2
Oxford University | Exeter College 2
Oxford University | Lincoln College 2
∨ more
Oxford University | Merton College 2
Oxford University | Pembroke College 2
Oxford University | University College 2
University of Oxford | Christ Church 2
Vaughan | Henry Halford | 1811-1885 | Historian 2
Ackermann | Rudolph | 1764-1834 | publisher 1
Ambarum Club 1
Andrewes | Sir | Frederick William | 1859-1932 | pathologist and bacteriologist 1
Anstis | John | 1669-1744 | Herald, Antiquary, and MP 1
Aristotle | 384-322 BC | Greek philosopher 1
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 1
Awbery | John | fl 1700-1799 | Fellow of New College, Oxford 1
Balston | Henry | 1816-1840 1
Beaumont | fl 1688-1730 | Nonconformist 1
Bellamy | Frank Arthur | fl 1870-1930 | pharmacist 1
Bennet | Sir | John | 1552/3-1627 | judge 1
Binns | Graham | b. 1925 | broadcasting administrator 1
Blenheim Palace 1
Board of Longitude | 1713-1828 1
Bodington | Sir | Nathan | 1848–1911 | Greek scholar, university administrator, and knight 1
Bodley | Sir | Thomas | 1545-1613 | Knight | diplomat, scholar, and founder of the Bodleian Library 1
Bodmer | Julia | 1934-2001| nee Pilkington | geneticist 1
Bodmer | Sir | Walter Fred | b. 1936 | Knight | geneticist 1
Bosch Dining and Debating Society 1
Bracton | Henry de | c 1210-1268 | Judge, Chancellor of Exeter Cathedral 1
Brewer | Thomas | 1611-c.1660 | Musician and composer 1
Bright | William | 1824-1901 | Ecclesiastical Historian 1
Burton-Taylor Theatre 1
Bywater | Ingram | 1840-1914 | Regius Professor of Greek at Oxford 1
Cambridge University 1
Cardwell | Edward | 1787-1861 | Church Historian 1
Chandler | Edward | ? 1668-1750 | Bishop of Durham 1
Chaucer | Geoffrey | c 1340-1400 | Poet 1
Church of England | Diocese of Durham 1
Church of England | Diocese of London | Consistory Court 1
Cockerell | Charles Robert | 1788-1863 | architect 1
Coghill | Nevill Henry Kendal Aylmer | 1899-1980 | literary historian 1
Company of Barbers of the University of Oxford 1
Conybeare | John Josias | 1779-1824 | Geologist 1
Cooper | Benjamin | fl 1692-1700 | clerk of the market, Oxford 1
Cooper | George | d 1737 | Registrar of the University of Oxford 1
Coulson | Charles Alfred | 1910-1974 | mathematician, physicist, theoretical chemist, and religious writer 1
Dearmer | Percy | 1867-1936 | liturgiologist and hymnologist 1
Descartes | Rene | 1596-1650 | French mathematician, scientist, and philosopher 1
Dodds | Eric Robertson | 1893-1979 | classical scholar 1
Drinkwater | Albert Edwin Drinkwater | 1852–1923 | schoolmaster and actor 1
Drinkwater | John | 1882–1937 | poet and playwright 1
Dryden | John | 1631-1700 | poet, playwright, and critic 1
Emden | Alfred Brotherston | 1888-1979 | historian 1
Emerton | Wolseley Partridge | b 1843 | Barrister and Economist 1
England and Wales | Exchequer 1
England and Wales | Royal Navy 1
Epicurus | 341-270 BC | Greek philosopher 1
Eton College 1
Farrer | Austin Marsden | 1904-1968 | philosopher and theologian 1
Ferry | Georgina | b 1955 | science author, broadcaster 1
Fisher | Henry | d 1737 | Registrar of the University of Oxford 1
Fitzwilliams | John | fl 1600-1699 | Nonjuror 1
Fleming | Robert | ? 1660-1716 | Presbyterian Minister 1
Forster | Samuel | fl 1761-1797 | Registrar of the University of Oxford 1
Franklin | Kenneth James | 1897-1966 | physiologist 1
French Protestant Church 1
Furneaux | Henry | 1829-1900 | classical scholar 1
Gardiner | Richard | 1590/91-1670 | Church of England clergyman and benefactor 1
Gibson | Strickland | 1877-1958 | Librarian and Bibliographer 1
Great Britain and Ireland | Parliament 1
Great Britain | Colonial Administrative Service 1
Grenville | Denis | 1637-1703 | Jacobite Archbishop of York | also known as Denis Granville 1
Grenville | William Wyndham | 1759-1834 | Baron Grenville | statesman 1
Gronovius | Jacobus | 1645-1716 | classical scholar 1
Gunning | Peter | 1614-1684 | Bishop of Ely 1
Gutch | John | 1746-1831 | clergyman, antiquary, Registrar of Oxford University 1
Hall | George William | fl 1809-1843 | Master of Pembroke College, Oxford, and Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University 1
Halley | Edmond | 1656-1742 | Astronomer 1
Handel | George Frederick | 1685-1759 | musical composer 1
Hardy | Thomas | 1840–1928 | novelist and poet 1
Hart | Horace | fl 1856-1915 | Printer to the University of Oxford 1
Harte | Walter | 1708/9-1774 | writer 1
Hawes | Samuel | fl 1694-1700 | Nonjuror 1
∧ less
English 213
Latin 36
French 8
Undetermined 6
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 5
Italian 4
Greek, Modern (1453-) 3
Chinese 2
German 2
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 1
Arabic 1
Catalan; Valencian 1
Danish 1
Dutch; Flemish 1
Irish 1
Hebrew 1
Portuguese 1
Spanish; Castilian 1
Welsh 1