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Showing Collections: 1 - 16 of 16


Archive of Archibald Clark Kerr, Baron Inverchapel

Archive of Archibald Clark Kerr, Baron Inverchapel (1882-1951), British diplomat, with some family papers.
Extents: 21.75 Linear metres (146 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1850-1993

Archive of Carlile Aylmer Macartney

Papers of Carlile Aylmer Macartney (1895-1978), historian and author, relating to Europe in the interwar period and during the Second World War.
Extents: 3.7 Linear metres (37 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1895-1964

Archive of Charles Langbridge Morgan and Hilda Vaughan

Correspondence and papers of the novelists Charles Langbridge Morgan and Hilda Vaughan
Extents: 22.21 Linear metres (321 boxes)
Dates: 1800-2015

Archive of Cyril Dean Darlington (1903-1981)

Comprises: A Biographical and personal: Autobiographical and bibliographical, 1904-1981 Diaries and jotters, 1885-1981 School and university, 1910-1980 Personal correspondence and material, 1922-1978 Family correspondence and material, 1851-1981 Photographs and press cuttings, 1885-1979 …
Extents: 27 Linear metres (247 boxes)
Dates: 1851-1981

Archive of of Sir John Crampton

Correspondence and papers of Sir John Crampton, diplomat, 1836-1886.
Extents: 9.00 Linear metres (90 boxes)
Dates: 1836-1886
Single Item

Collection of poems, letters and other items, mostly original and mainly in Italian

Collection of poems, letters and other items, mostly original and mainly in Italian
Shelfmark: MS. Ital. c.77
Extents: 1 box; 42 folios
Dates: 1489-1747

Drafts of Russian Memoirs by a Member of the Naradnaya Volya Party

Drafts of Russian Memoirs by a Member of the Naradnaya Volya Party.
Extents: 0.16 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: [c. 1880-91]
Single Item

Literary pieces by N. Vinogradov, of Kiev

Literary pieces by N. Vinogradov, of Kiev
Shelfmark: MS. Russ. d. 1
Extents: 117 Leaves
Dates: Written in 1889-1895 by N. Vinogradov

Manuscripts of John Selden

Manuscripts of John Selden
Extents: 40.48 Linear metres (368 boxes)
Dates: 8th-18th century

Papers of Howell Arthur Gwynne

Papers and correspondence of Howell Arthur Gwynne (1865-1950), Reuters correspondent and editor of the Morning Post 1911-1937.
Extents: 6.15 Linear metres (41 boxes)
Dates: 1892-1947, n.d.

Papers of Sir Isaiah Berlin, 1897-1998, with some family papers, 1903-1972

Correspondence and papers of Sir Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997), philosopher and historian of ideas, with correspondence and papers of his parents, Mendel Borisovich Berlin (1884-1953), timber and bristle trader, and (Mussa) Marie Berlin (1880-1974).
Extents: 61.38 Linear metres (826 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1897-1998
Single Item

Photocopies of pedigree documents of the Karpowicz family

Photocopies of pedigree documents of the Karpowicz family, c.1989.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 8418, fols. 19-31
Extents: 13 Leaves
Dates: c.1989
Single Item

Poems in Russian by Nikolas Vinogradov: the first is on Torquato Tasso

Poems in Russian by Nikolas Vinogradov: the first is on Torquato Tasso
Shelfmark: MS. Russ. c. 3
Extents: 62 pages
Dates: Written in A.D. 1897 at Kiev by N. Vinogradov
Single Item

'Russian fables in rime, by Nikolas Vinogradov (beg. with The Owl and the Informers)'

'Russian fables in rime, by Nikolas Vinogradov (beg. with The Owl and the Informers)'
Shelfmark: MS. Russ. c. 2
Extents: 105 Leaves
Dates: Written in 1895 (and 1896) by N. Vinogradoff
Single Item

Tolstoy preface of Tsarstvo bozhie vnutri vas

Holograph draft by Tolstoy of the preface of 'Tsarstvo bozhie vnutri vas' and fragment of an unidentified work.
Shelfmark: MS. Russian c. 4
Extents: 7 Leaves
Dates: 19th century

Zoology Archive

Archive of Zoology, relating to Oxford zoologists and the Zoology department of Oxford University.
Extents: 17.55 Linear metres (117 boxes)
Dates: 1839-2004 (predominantly mid 19th cent.-mid 20th cent.), n.d.

Filtered By

  • Language: Russian X
  • Indexed subjects: 19th century X

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Additional filters:

Indexed subjects
20th century 8
Poetry 3
Russia 3
16th century 2
17th century 2
18th century 2
21st century 2
Correspondence 2
Journalism 2
Literature 2
Science 2
United States of America 2
13th century 1
14th century 1
15th century 1
Biology 1
Canada 1
Crimean War, 1853-1856 1
Cytology 1
Diaries 1
∨ more  
Indexed names
Vinogradov | Nikolas | fl 1897 3
Berlin | Aline Elisabeth Yvonne | b.1915 | née de Gunzbourg | formerly Strauss, Halban | wife of Sir Isaiah Berlin 1
Berlin | Mendel Borisovich | 1884-1953 | timber and bristle trader 1
Berlin | Mussa Marie | 1880-1974 | née Volshonok | wife of Mendel Berlin 1
Berlin | Sir | Isaiah | 1909-1997 | Knight | historian and philosopher 1
Berlin | family 1
Clark Kerr | Archibald John Kerr | 1882-1951 | Baron Inverchapel | British diplomat 1
Crampton | Sir | John Fiennes Twisleton | 1805-1886 | 2nd Baronet and Diplomat 1
Darlington | Cyril Dean | 1903-1981 | scientist 1
Great Britain and Ireland | Foreign Office 1
Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Foreign Office 1
League of Nations Union 1
Macartney | Carlile Aylmer | 1895-1978 | Historian and Author 1
Morgan | Charles Langbridge | 1855-1940 | Sir | civil engineer 1
Morgan | Charles Langbridge | 1894-1958 | novelist and journalist 1
Morgan | Hilda Campbell | 1892-1985 | née Vaughan | novelist 1
Morgan | Roger Hugh Vaughan Charles | 1926-2018 | librarian 1
Morning Post | newspaper | London 1
Narodnaya Volya 1
Oxford University | Department of Zoology 1