Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 75
Single Item
Anders G. Jeffner, 'Christian Patterns of History' (the H. Hensley Henson Lectures)
Anders G. Jeffner, 'Christian Patterns of History' (the H. Hensley Henson Lectures)
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon. c. 740
Extents: 54 Leaves
Archive of Frederick Augustus Christal
Research notes and office diaries of Frederick Christal (1921-2006), sanitarian.
Extents: 1.05 Linear metres (7 boxes)
Archive of H. H. Joachim
Archive of H. H. Joachim
Extents: 1.30 Linear metres (26 boxes)
Archive of H. H. Vaughan
Archive of H.H. Vaughan
Extents: 3.50 Linear metres (5 boxes)
Archive of H.W.C. Davis
Archive of Henry William Carless Davis (1874-1928).
Extents: 5.21 Linear metres (91 boxes)
19th-20th century
Archive of Margaret L. Woods
Archive of Margaret L. Woods
Extents: 0.90 Linear metres (18 boxes)
Archive of R.V. Lennard
Archive of Reginald Vivian Lennard (1885-1967).
Extents: 4.10 Linear metres (66 boxess)
20th century
Archive of Sir Peter F. Strawson
Academic and personal papers of Sir Peter F. Strawson, Waynflete Professor of Metaphysical Philosophy at the University of Oxford (Magdalen College) (1968-1987).
Extents: 1.8 Linear metres (12 boxes)
1942-[c. 2000s], n.d.
Single Item
Articles and lectures by E. A. Freeman
Articles and lectures by E. A. Freeman, c.1860-1861.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. d. 145
Extents: 223 Leaves
Single Item
Birger Gerhardsson, '"Not Cleverly Devised Myths": the Attitude to History in Early Christian Teaching' (the H. Hensley Henson Lectures)
Birger Gerhardsson, '"Not Cleverly Devised Myths": the Attitude to History in Early Christian Teaching' (the H. Hensley Henson Lectures)
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon. c. 686
Extents: 91 Leaves
Archive of John Macquarrie
Archive of Reverand Professor John Macquarrie, theologian, philosopher and priest
Extents: 2.54 Linear metres (7 boxes)
Single Item
'A Collection of Letters and other Papers'
'A Collection of Letters and other Papers'
Shelfmark: MS. e Mus. 203
Extents: 262 pages
Written in A.D. 1653 by J. Wallis
Single Item
College examination papers, bills and other papers of Charles Warner of Worcester College, Oxford
College examination papers, bills and other papers of Charles Warner of Worcester College, Oxford
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. c. 94
Extents: 148 Leaves
Single Item
Copies of lectures on conveyancing by Macvey Napier
Copies of lectures on conveyancing by Macvey Napier.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 6734
Extents: 882 pages
c. 1833-1835, n.d.
Copy of Hugh Blair, 'Lectures on rhetorick'
Copy of Hugh Blair, 'Lectures on rhetorick'
Extents: 0.10 Linear metres (2 boxes)
[? 1770s]
Single Item
Detailed notes by B. G. Niebuhr of chemistry lectures of T. C. Hope at Edinburgh University
Detailed notes by B. G. Niebuhr of chemistry lectures of T. C. Hope at Edinburgh University
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 197
Extents: 54 Leaves
Single Item
'The district of Akka, of the Southern Atlas and its dwarfs. By R. G. Haliburton, F.R.G.S. Read at Bath Meeting, 1888.'
'The district of Akka, of the Southern Atlas and its dwarfs. By R. G. Haliburton, F.R.G.S. Read at Bath Meeting, 1888.'
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 24
Extents: 42 Leaves
Written by R. G. Haliburton in 1888 (?)
Single Item
'The Divinity School & Convocation House...'
'The Divinity School & Convocation House...'
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon e. 7
Extents: 45 Leaves
Written in 1891 by A. Clark
Single Item
Full notes of Oxford lectures taken or copied by William Henry Sandon
Full notes of Oxford lectures taken or copied by William Henry Sandon, written in A.D. 1866-1867 at Oxford by W. H. Sandon.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. C. 288
Extents: 438 pages
written in A.D. 1866-1867 at Oxford by W. H. Sandon
Filtered By
- Indexed subjects: Lectures and lecturing X
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Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- 20th century 34
- 19th century 30
- 18th century 17
- Medicine 8
- Science 6
- Letters 5
- Literature 5
- Economics 4
- History 4
- Philosophy 4
- Theology 4
- 17th century 3
- Anatomy 3
- Apologetics 3
- English literature 3
- Humanities 3
- Sermons 3
- Universities and colleges 3
- University of Oxford -- Intellectual life 3
- 16th century 2
- 21st century 2
- Academic writing 2
- Architecture 2
- Botany 2
- Chemistry 2
- Correspondence 2
- English literature -- 20th century 2
- Europe -- History 2
- Geography 2
- Great Britain -- History 2
- Historians 2
- History, Modern 2
- Letters -- 20th century 2
- Literary criticism 2
- Pathology 2
- Pharmacology 2
- Philosophy -- 20th century 2
- Politics and Government 2
- Religion 2
- Social sciences 2
- University of Oxford 2
- University of Oxford -- Students 2
- Abyssinia | x Ethiopia 1
- Afghanistan 1
- Africa 1
- Antiquarians 1
- Art history 1
- Asia 1
- Astronomy 1
- Athens (Greece) -- History 1
- Australia 1
- Authors, Classical 1
- Bible 1
- Bible -- NT -- Epistles 1
- Bible. -- N.T. -- Gospels 1
- Biochemistry 1
- Burial 1
- Celtic philology 1
- Christianity 1
- Christianity -- 20th century 1
- Church of England -- Apologetic works 1
- Church of England -- Clergy 1
- Civilization, Celtic 1
- Commonwealth countries 1
- Conveyancing 1
- Developing Countries 1
- Dissenters 1
- Documentary photography 1
- Drawing 1
- Ecological genetics 1
- Edinburgh (Scotland) 1
- Education 1
- Education -- Africa 1
- Education -- Developing countries 1
- England 1
- English Literature 1
- English literature -- Old English, c.450-1100 1
- English poetry 1
- English poetry -- 20th century 1
- Entomologists -- Africa 1
- Epidemics 1
- Essays 1
- Ethiopia 1
- Evolution 1
- Examinations -- England -- Oxford 1
- Geometry 1
- Glasgow (Scotland) 1
- Grammar, Comparative and general -- Syntax 1
- Greece -- History -- 6th century B.C. 1
- Historians -- 20th century 1
- History -- Ancient 1
- Hospitals 1
- Human genetics 1
- Humanitarianism 1
- Insects 1
- International agencies 1
- Iraq 1
- Jesus Christ -- Mystical body 1
- Jews -- History 1 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- University of Oxford 13
- Williams | Charles Walter Stansby | 1886-1945 | author 3
- Bowra | Sir | Maurice | 1898-1971 | Knight | scholar 2
- Cardwell | Edward | 1787-1861 | Church Historian 2
- Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 2
- Firth | Sir | Charles Harding | 1857-1936 | Knight | historian 2
- Popper | Sir | Karl Raimund | 1902-1994 | philosopher 2
- Vaughan | Henry Halford | 1811-1885 | Historian 2
- Alston, Charles, 1685-1760 (physician and botanist) 1
- Annan | Noel Gilroy | 1916-2000 | Baron Annan | historian and academic administrator 1
- Aristotle | 384-322 BC | Greek philosopher 1
- Aron | Raymond | 1905-1983 | philosopher and sociologist 1
- Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 1
- Austin | John Langshaw | 1911-1960 | philosopher 1
- Barbosa | Petrus | fl. 16th century 1
- Bentham | Edward | 1707-1776 | Anglican clergyman and a natural philosopher 1
- Berlin | Sir | Isaiah | 1909-1997 | Knight | historian and philosopher 1
- Blair | Hugh | 1718-1800 | Church of Scotland Minister and Professor of Rhetoric 1
- Blunden | Edmund Charles | 1896-1974 | poet 1
- Bodleian Library 1
- Boerhaave | Hermann | 1668-1738 | doctor, botanist and chemist 1
- Bradley | A. C. | fl. 1895 1
- Bradley | James | 1693-1762 | Chaplain to Bishop of Hereford, astronomer 1
- British Red Cross 1
- Bywater | Ingram | 1840-1914 | Regius Professor of Greek at Oxford 1
- Carter | Lady | Helen Violet | Bonham | 1887-1969 | née Asquith | Baroness Asquith of Yarnbury | Liberal political figure 1
- Christal | Frederick | Augustus | 1921-2006 | sanitarian 1
- Church of England | Bishops 1
- Conybeare | John Josias | 1779-1824 | Geologist 1
- Copland | Sir | Douglas Berry | 1894-1971 | academic and economist 1
- Cullen | William | 1710-1790 | Physician 1
- Dahrendorf | Ralf Gustav | 1929-2009 | Baron Dahrendorf | sociologist, politician, and university administrator 1
- Davis | Henry William Carless | 1874-1928 | Historian 1
- Descartes | Rene | 1596-1650 | French mathematician, scientist, and philosopher 1
- Downing | Francis Gerald | b. 1935 | Church of England clergyman and professor of biblical interpretation 1
- Epicurus | 341-270 BC | Greek philosopher 1
- Eysenck | Hans Jurgen | 1916-1997 | psychologist 1
- Franz | Joseph | fl 1758 | professor | Vienna 1
- Freeman | Edward Augustus | 1823-1892 | historian 1
- Freund | Sir | Otto | Kahn- | 1900-1979 | jurist 1
- Gerhardsson | Birger | 1926-2013 | Swedish professor of theology 1
- Gombrich | Sir | Ernst Hans Josef | 1909-2001 | art historian 1
- Green | John Charles | Leedham- | 1902-1984 1
- Grierson | Sir | Herbert John Clifford | 1866-1960 | Knight | Professor of English literature at Edinburgh University 1
- Grotius | Hugo | 1583-1645 | Dutch jurist and scholar 1
- Guericke | Heinrich Ernst Ferdinand | 1803-1878 | theologian 1
- Haliburton | R G | fl 1888 | ? geographer 1
- Harris | John | c 1666-1719 | clergyman, scientific writer, and antiquary 1
- Heaney | Seamus | 1939-2013 | Poet and Lecturer 1
- Henley | John | 1692-1756 | dissenting minister and eccentric | called Orator Henley 1
- Henson | Herbert Hensley | 1863-1947 | Bishop of Durham 1
- Huish | Alexander | 1595-1668 | Biblical scholar 1
- Hunter | John | 1728-1793 | Physician 1
- Hunter | William | 1718-1783 | physician and anatomist 1
- James | Thomas | ? 1573-1629 | Bodley's Librarian and Sub Dean of Wells 1
- Jeffner | B. Anders G. | fl. 1981 | Swedish theologian 1
- Joachim | Harold Henry | 1868-1938 | Philosopher 1
- Jones | Aubrey | 1911-2003 | politician and industrialist 1
- Kabir | Humayun | 1906-1969 | writer and politician 1
- Kant | Immanuel | 1724-1804 | German philosopher 1
- Lake | Arthur | 1569-1626 | Bishop of Bath and Wells 1
- Lennard | Reginald Vivian | 1885-1967 | Agricultural Historian 1
- Lewis | Clive Staples | 1898-1963 | writer 1
- Lipínski | Edward | 1888-1986 | economist 1
- Lynes | Tony | 1929-2014 | writer and social campaigner 1
- Mackenzie | William James Millar | 1909-1996 | political scientist 1
- Marshall | fl. 1780-1790 | Professor of Anatomy 1
- Meade | James Edward | 1907-1995 | economist 1
- Medawar | Sir | Peter Brian | 1915-1987 | Knight | medical scientist 1
- Moll | Karl Bernhard | 1806-1878 | theologian 1
- Morris | William | 1834-1896 | Poet Artist and Socialist 1
- Munro | John Arthur Ruskin | 1864-1944 | Rector of Lincoln College Oxford, Archaeologist, and Historian 1
- Napier | Macvey |1776–1847 |journal editor 1
- Neubauer | Adolf | 1832-1907 | Orientalist 1
- Niebuhr | Barthold Georg | 1776-1831 | statesman, banker, and historian 1
- O'Donnell | Charles James | 1850-1934 | Indian administrator 1
- Oxford University | Merton College 1
- Oxford University | New College 1
- Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society (formerly Oxford Architectural Society) 1
- Plato | ? 428-? 348 BC | Greek philosopher 1
- Pollard | Albert Frederick | 1869-1948 | constitutional historian 1
- Powley | Edward Barzillai | 1887-1968 | public servant, author 1
- Prideaux | John | 1578-1650 | Bishop of Worcester 1
- Prinsep | Charles Robert | 1789-1864 1
- Raleigh | Sir | Walter | 1861-1922 | Knight | Literary scholar and historian 1
- Rishbeth | Oswald Henry Theodore | fl. 20th century | Professor of Geography at University College, Southampton 1
- Robertson | Donald James | 1926-1970 | economist 1
- Roll | Eric | 1907-2005 | Baron Roll of Ipsden | economist, public servant and banker 1
- Romanes | George John | 1848-1894 | Scientist 1
- Rose | Eliot Joseph Benn [Jim] | 1909-1999 | intelligence officer and journalist 1
- Royal Geographical Society 1
- Ruequidort | Johannes | fl. 1577-1582 | medical student at Paris and Toulouse 1
- Sandon | William Henry | fl 1866-1875 | of Wadham College, Oxford 1
- Shields | Cuthbert James | 1840-1908 | | formerly Robert Laing | historian and eccentric 1
- Shirley | Walter Waddington | 1828-1866 | ecclesiastical historian 1
- Smith | David Nichol | 1875-1962 | Literary Scholar 1
- Smith | Goldwin | 1823-1910 | journalist and historian 1
- Steevans | George | 1736-1800 | Shakespearean scholar and bibliophile 1
- Strawson | Sir | Peter Frederick Strawson | 1919-2006 | philospher 1
- Stubbs | William | 1825-1901 | Bishop of Oxford Historian 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 68
- Latin 10
- French 3
- German 3
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 1
- Italian 1
∨ more
∨ more