Showing Collections: 1 - 12 of 12
Archive of Emily Hobhouse
Archive of Emily Hobhouse (1860-1926), humanitarian activist.
Extents: 3.2 Linear metres (31 physical shelfmarks)
Archive of Erik Jensen
Correspondence and documents of Erik Jensen (b. 1933), former UN Under-Secretary-General, during his time with MINURSO (United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara).
Extents: 6.75 Linear metres (45 boxes)
Majority of material found within Bulk, 1991-1998; 1991-2012
Archive of Frederic Eckhard
Interview recordings and transcripts of Frederic Eckhard (fl. 1970s to present), former spokesperson for Kofi Annan.
Extents: 1.31 Linear metres (9 boxes)
Majority of material found within Bulk, 2006-2007; 2000-2013
Archive of Frederick Augustus Christal
Research notes and office diaries of Frederick Christal (1921-2006), sanitarian.
Extents: 1.05 Linear metres (7 boxes)
Archive of Nicola Dahrendorf
Archive of Nicola Dahrendorf, British government and United Nations official
Extents: 9.36 Linear metres (66 physical shelfmarks)
c. 1975-2012
Martin Barber Archive
Correspondence and papers of Martin Barber, OBE, former director of the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS).
Extents: 3.3 Linear metres (22 boxes)
Single Item
Papers of Reggie Norton, Oxfam Field Secretary for Latin America
Papers of Reggie Norton, Oxfam Field Secretary for Latin America.
Shelfmark: MS. 21260
Extents: 1 box
Papers of Revd. Henry Clarke (2)
Microfilm of diaries (9 volumes), dealing with family and social life, humanitarian concerns and spiritual matters, 1847-1907.
Extents: 3 items
Records of grants made by Oxfam ('project files')
Records of grants made by Oxfam for development work and humanitarian emergencies ('project files').
Extents: 663 Linear metres (18,574 physical shelfmarks)
Records of Oxfam finance
Records of Oxfam finance
Extents: 10.0 Linear metres (57 physical shelfmarks)
Records of Oxfam programme policy, management and administration
Records of Oxfam programme policy, management and administration
Extents: 220.0 Linear metres (1320 physical shelfmarks)
Records of Oxfam's Directorate and corporate management
Records of Oxfam's Directorate and corporate management
Extents: 94.0 Linear metres (562 physical shelfmarks)
Filtered By
- Indexed subjects: Humanitarianism X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- Humanitarianism 11
- 21st century 8
- Non-governmental organizations 6
- International development policy 5
- Advocacy -- Human rights 4
- Africa 4
- Charities -- Great Britain 4
- Developing Countries 4
- United Nations -- Officials and employees 4
- Afghanistan 3
- Civil service 3
- Diplomacy 3
- Education -- Africa 3
- International Peacekeeping 3
- International agencies 3
- International relations 3
- Peace 3
- Terrorism 3
- 19th century 2
- Asia 2
- Bosnia and Herzegovina 2
- Democratization 2
- Education 2
- Education -- Developing countries 2
- Foreign relations 2
- Former Soviet republics 2
- Geography 2
- Hong Kong | China 2
- Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) 2
- Internally displaced persons 2
- Iraq 2
- Peace movements 2
- Political prisoners 2
- Public opinion 2
- Publishing 2
- Refugees 2
- United Nations Development Programme 2
- Yugoslavia 2
- Abyssinia | x Ethiopia 1
- Africa -- History -- 20th century 1
- Africa, North 1
- Amputees 1
- Biochemistry 1
- Biography 1
- Cambodia 1
- Charities - - Great Britain 1
- China 1
- Commonwealth countries 1
- Congo (Democratic Republic) 1
- Correspondence 1
- De-mining 1
- Detention of persons -- Africa 1
- Documentary photography 1
- Drawing 1
- Ecological genetics 1
- Economics 1
- Elections 1
- Entomologists -- Africa 1
- Epidemics 1
- Eritrea 1
- Ethiopia 1
- Europe -- Politics and government 1
- Europe, Eastern --Foreign relations -- 20th century 1
- Finance 1
- HIV/AIDs 1
- Haiti 1
- Hong Kong (China) -- Politics and government -- 20th century 1
- Hospitals 1
- Human genetics 1
- Humanitarianism -- Jamaica -- History 1
- Indonesia 1
- Insects 1
- Interviews 1
- Iran -- Foreign relations 1
- Israel 1
- Jamaica -- History 1
- Jordan 1
- Laayoune | Western Sahara 1
- Laos 1
- Lectures (teaching method) 1
- Lectures and lecturing 1
- Malaria 1
- Malaria Action Programme 1
- Malaysia 1
- Maps -- Africa 1
- Mauritania 1
- Medical personnel 1
- Medical personnel -- Africa 1
- Medicine 1
- Middle East 1
- Middle East -- Maps 1
- Military -- 20th century 1
- Morocco 1
- Mosquito 1
- Mozambique 1
- Organization 1
- Pakistan 1
- Palestine 1
- Pathology 1 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- Oxfam GB 5
- United Nations 5
- Oxfam Canada 2
- Annan | Kofi Atta | 1938-2018 | diplomat 1
- Barber | Martin | Former Director of United Nations Mine Action Service 1
- British Red Cross 1
- Bryer | David Ronald William | b. 1944 | Oxfam Overseas Director 1984–1991 and Director 1992–2001 1
- Christal | Frederick | Augustus | 1921-2006 | sanitarian 1
- Civilian Police International | CIVPOL 1
- Clarke | Henry | 1828-1907 | Church of England clergyman and politician 1
- Clarke | family | 1847-1907 | Jamaica 1
- Dahrendorf | Nicola | fl. 1983-present | British government and United Nations official 1
- Eckhard | Frederic | fl. 1970s-present | spokesperson and civil servant 1
- Frente Polisario 1
- Harris | Michael | 1920-2009 | Oxfam Overseas Director 1972-1984 1
- Hobhouse | Emily | 1860-1926 | social activist and charity worker 1
- Jensen | Erik | b. 1933 | former UN Under-Secretary-General 1
- Llewellyn | Bernard | 1920-2008 | Oxfam Overseas Aid Appraiser 1
- Norton | Reggie | b.1933 | Oxfam Field Secretary for Latin America 1
- United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS). 1
- United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO). 1
- Wallis | George James Stewart | b. 1948 | International Director, Oxfam 1992–2002 1
- World Health Organisation 1 ∧ less
- Language
- French 4
- Arabic 2
- German 2
- Spanish; Castilian 2
- Bengali 1
- Danish 1
- Dutch; Flemish 1
- Hebrew 1
- Croatian 1
- Korean 1
- Portuguese 1
- Russian 1
∨ more
∨ more