Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 56
Single Item
Additional historical papers of the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology
A small amount of biographical material relating to Dr. Norman Heatley's contribution to the development of penicillin at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology.
Shelfmark: MS. 15877
Extents: 1 box
[1942]-2004, n.d.
Additional papers of Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin
Personal papers, correspondence, research papers and other material.
Extents: 6.00 Linear metres (42 physical shelfmarks)
Additional Papers of John Randal Baker
The collection contains notebooks covering Baker's undergraduate and research careers and notebooks relating to his biography of Abraham Trembley. Also included are miscellaneous notes, drafts and correspondence on scientific subjects, including the humane killing of crabs and lobsters. The most substantial series in the Additional Papers consists of correspondence and notes on anthropology and race, and includes draft chapters of the book eventually published as …
Extents: 57 shelfmarks
Archive of A.J. Carlyle
Archive of A.J. Carlyle
Extents: 0.37 Linear metres (5 boxes)
Archive of Arthur Theodore Culwick
Correspondence and papers of Arthur Theodore Culwick (b. 1905)
Extents: 1.05 Linear metres (15 boxes)
Archive of Douglas Jay
Personal, political and literary papers of Douglas Jay, Baron Jay (1907-1996), politician
Extents: 61.45 Linear metres (170 boxes)
1842-2005; Majority of material found within c. 1907-2004
Archive of Edith Bülbring
Correspondence and papers of Edith Bülbring (1903-90), pharmacologist and physiologist
Extents: 1.15 Linear metres (8 physical shelfmarks)
Archive of Emilie Savage-Smith
Papers of Emilie Savage-Smith, b. 1941, historian of science, relating to celestial globes.
Extents: 3.30 Linear metres (49 boxes)
1955-2022, n.d.
Archive of John Randal Baker, FRS, (1900-1984)
The material in this collection includes notebooks on laboratory research, notes (both typed and handwritten) for lectures and practical classes, and a series of cytology notebooks.
Extents: 6 shelfmarks
Archive of Louise Johnson
Archive of Louise Johnson (1940-2012), biophysicist and structural biologist.
Extents: 8.85 Linear metres (59 physical shelfmarks)
Archive of Peter Landin, computer scientist, academic and gay rights campaigner
Archive of Peter Landin (1930-2009) computer scientist, academic and gay rights campaigner.
Extents: 22.35 Linear metres (148 physical shelfmarks)
1953-2006, n.d.
Archive of Peter Tatchell
Correspondence and papers of Peter Tatchell (1952-), human rights campaigner and founding member of the LGBTQ+ rights protest group OutRage!.
Extents: 15.66 linear metres (240 boxes)
1905-2024, n.d.
Archive of Sir Clement Pleass
Personal and political papers of Sir Clement Pleass (1901-1988), colonial governor
Extents: 5.97 Linear metres (17 boxes)
Archive of Sir John Cowdery Kendrew
Correspondence and papers of Sir John Cowdery Kendrew (1917-1997), molecular biologist.
Extents: 43.67 Linear metres (397 boxes)
Archive of Sir Walter Bodmer and Lady Julia Bodmer
Papers of Sir Walter Bodmer (b. 1936) and Julia, Lady Bodmer (1934-2001), geneticists.
Extents: 243.76 Linear metres (2216.0 physical shelfmarks)
Archive of the British Association for the Advancement of Science
The Archive of the British Association for the Advancement of Science cover all aspects of its work over most of the 150 years of its existence, with the records of the annual meetings predominating.
Extents: 45.3 Linear metres (453 physical shelfmarks)
Archive of the Butler Family
Correspondence and papers of three generations of the Butler Family; Alfred J. Butler (1850-1936), Harold Butler (1883-1951) and Rohan Butler (1917-1996).
Extents: 15.85 Linear metres (229 boxes)
1818-2009, n.d.
Archive of the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning
The archive of the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning, founded in 1933 as the Academic Assistance Council, contains papers relating to the support of academics fleeing the Fascist and Communist regimes in Europe between 1933 and 1987.
Extents: 63.58 Linear metres (578 physical shelfmarks)
Single Item
Autograph music by Karl Seim, with textual additions
Music by Karl Seim, with textual additions, 1939-1949.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. c.67
Extents: 62 pages
Single Item
A brief memoir by Gwen Davies Koblenz describing her friendship with Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
A brief memoir by Gwen Davies Koblenz describing her friendship with Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 7963, fols. 55-58
Extents: 5 Leaves
1979, 2010
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- 20th century 49
- Science -- History -- 20th century 29
- Science 28
- Social sciences 12
- 21st century 11
- 19th century 9
- Women scientists 9
- Biochemistry 6
- History 4
- X-ray crystallography 4
- Biology 3
- Computer science 3
- Great Britain -- Politics and government 3
- Labour Party (Great Britain) -- History -- 20th Century 3
- Medicine -- History 3
- Philosophy 3
- Physics 3
- Politicians -- Great Britain 3
- Politics and Government 3
- Science -- History -- 19th century 3
- Academic writing 2
- Africa, East 2
- Chemistry 2
- Cytology 2
- Endocrinology 2
- Evolution 2
- Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 20th century 2
- Humanities 2
- Mathematics 2
- Medicine 2
- Medicine -- England -- Oxford -- History 2
- Molecular biology 2
- Oxford | Oxfordshire | SP 5106 2
- Penicillin 2
- Penicillin -- History 2
- Physiology 2
- Political science -- History 2
- Religion 2
- Science -- History -- 21st century 2
- University of Oxford 2
- University of Oxford -- Intellectual life 2
- Women in science 2
- 18th century 1
- Accounts 1
- Advocacy -- Human rights 1
- Africa, South -- Officials and employees 1
- Africa, Southern -- History -- 20th century 1
- Anatomy 1
- Art 1
- Art history 1
- Art, British -- 21st century 1
- Autobiographies 1
- Autonomy and independence movements -- History -- 20th century 1
- Bodleian Library -- Buildings -- Pictorial works 1
- British South Africa Police 1
- Business 1
- Cancer genes 1
- Cell cycle 1
- Church buildings 1
- Church history 1
- Church records and registers 1
- Civil service 1
- Civil service -- Nigeria, Eastern -- Colonies 1
- Colonial administrators -- Africa 1
- Colonial administrators -- Nigeria -- Correspondence 1
- Composers -- Norway -- Manuscripts 1
- Computing -- History -- 20th century 1
- Computing -- History -- 21st century 1
- Conservative Party (Great Britain) 1
- Conservative Party (Great Britain) -- History 1
- Conservative Party (Great Britain) -- Periodicals 1
- Crystallography 1
- Cyclin-dependent kinases 1
- Decolonization -- Great Britain -- Colonies -- History -- 20th century 1
- Diaries 1
- Diaries -- 20th century 1
- Diplomats -- Great Britain 1
- Economics 1
- Economics -- Great Britain -- 20th Century 1
- Electric engineering 1
- Enzymes -- Research 1
- Europe 1
- Europe -- History -- 20th century 1
- European Economic Community 1
- European Union 1
- France -- History -- 18th century 1
- Germany--Emigration and immigration--History--1933-1945 1
- Glycogen phosphorylase 1
- Government 1
- Great Britain -- Politics and government 1
- Great Britain -- Politics and Government 1
- Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 21st century 1
- Great Britain -- Science -- 19th century 1
- Green Party (Great Britain) 1
- HLA histocompatibility antigens 1
- Haemophilia and haemostasis 1
- Historians 1
- Historians -- 19th century 1
- Historians -- 20th century 1
- History -- Ancient 1 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- Hodgkin | Dorothy Mary Crowfoot | 1910-1994 | nee Crowfoot | chemist 8
- Florey | Harold Walter | 1898-1968 | Baron Florey | experimental pathologist and bacteriologist 3
- Heatley | Norman George | 1911-2004 | biologist and biochemist 3
- University of Oxford 3
- University of Oxford | Sir William Dunn School of Pathology x Dunn School 3
- Annan | Noel Gilroy | 1916-2000 | Baron Annan | historian and academic administrator 2
- Baker | John Randal | 1900-1984 | biologist 2
- Berlin | Sir | Isaiah | 1909-1997 | Knight | historian and philosopher 2
- Harris | Geoffrey Wingfield | 1913-1971 | physiologist and endocrinologist 2
- Medawar | Sir | Peter Brian | 1915-1987 | Knight | medical scientist 2
- Peierls | Sir | Rudolf Ernst | 1907-1995 | Knight | physicist 2
- Abraham | Sir | Edward Penley | 1913-1999 | biochemist 1
- Academic Assistance Council 1
- Adam Smith Institute 1
- Aims of Industry 1
- Arias | Dame | Margot Fonteyn de | 1918-1991 | ballet dancer 1
- Aron | Raymond | 1905-1983 | philosopher and sociologist 1
- Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 1
- Ashmolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire 1
- Australian National University | John Curtin School of Medical Research 1
- Benjamin | Thomas Brooke | 1929-1995 | mathematician and physicist 1
- Berlin | Aline Elisabeth Yvonne | b 1915 | née de Gunzbourg | formerly Strauss, Halban | wife of Sir Isaiah Berlin 1
- Berlin | Mendel Borisovich | 1884-1953 | timber and bristle trader 1
- Berlin | Mussa Marie | 1880-1974 | née Volshonok | wife of Mendel Berlin 1
- Berlin | family 1
- Bodmer | Julia | 1934-2001| nee Pilkington | geneticist 1
- Bodmer | Sir | Walter Fred | b. 1936 | Knight | geneticist 1
- Bow Group 1
- Bowra | Sir | Maurice | 1898-1971 | Knight | scholar 1
- Britain in Europe 1
- British Association for the Advancement of Science 1
- Brownlee | George Gow | Professor | 1942- | chemical pathologist 1
- Bulbring | Edith | 1903-1990 | pharmacologist 1
- Butler | Alfred Joshua | 1850-1936 | historian 1
- Butler | Rohan D'Olier | 1917-1996 | historian and civil servant 1
- Butler | Sir | Harold Beresford | 1883-1951 | civil servant 1
- Cambridge University 1
- Carlyle | Alexander James | 1861-1943 | Historian of Political Thought 1
- Carlyle | Margaret Monteith | d 1972 1
- Carlyle | Mary Monteith | d 1972 1
- Carlyle | Rebecca Monteith | d 1941 1
- Carter | Lady | Helen Violet | Bonham | 1887-1969 | née Asquith | Baroness Asquith of Yarnbury | Liberal political figure 1
- Casson | Sir | Hugh Maxwell | 1910-1999 | architect 1
- Castle | Joseph | fl. 1853-1863 | varnish maker 1
- Centre for Atlantic and European Education in Economics 1
- Centre for European Reform 1
- Centre for Social Justice 1
- Chadwick | (William) Owen | 1916-2015 | clergyman, church historian and college head 1
- Chain | Sir | Ernst Boris | 1906-1979 | Knight | biochemist 1
- Chain | Sir | Ernst Boris | 1906-1979 | Knight | biochemist 1
- Chatham House: Royal Institute of International Affairs 1
- Church of England 1
- Civitas: The Institute for the Study of Civil Society 1
- Clark | Wilfrid Le Gros | 1895-1971 | anatomist 1
- Conservative Party 1
- Conservative Party | Centre for Policy Studies 1
- Conservative Party | think tanks 1
- Conservative Way Forward 1
- Council for Assisting Refugee Academics 1
- Culwick | Arthur Theodore | b 1905 | Colonial Administrator 1
- Dale | Harold Edward | 1875-1954 | civil servant and author 1
- Darwin | Sir | Charles Galton | 1887-1962 | physicist 1
- Design for Freedom Committee 1
- Diamond Light Source 1
- Direct Democracy 1
- Dolléans | Édouard | 1877-1954 | historian 1
- Economic and Social Research Council 1
- European Foundation 1
- European League for Economic Cooperation 1
- Falconer | Hugh | 1808-1865 | botanist and palaeontologist 1
- Ferry | Georgina | b 1955 | science author, broadcaster 1
- Fleming | Sir | Alexander | 1881-1955 | Knight | bacteriologist and discoverer of penicillin 1
- Franklin | Kenneth James | 1897-1966 | physiologist 1
- Frink | Dame | Elisabeth Jean | 1930-1993 | sculptor 1
- Fyfe | Sir | William Hamilton | 1878-1965 | headmaster and university administrator 1
- Ginsberg | Morris | 1889-1970 | sociologist and philosopher 1
- Gombrich | Sir | Ernst Hans Josef | 1909-2001 | art historian 1
- Grimond | Joseph | 1913-1993 | Baron Grimond, politician 1
- Haldane | John Burdon Sanderson | 1892-1964 | geneticist 1
- Harris | C. G | Oxfordshire Family History Society 1
- Harris | Sir | Henry | 1925-2014 | Knight | cell biologist 1
- Hartman | Dame | (Gladys) Marea | 1920-1994 | sports administrator 1
- Hofstadter | Richard | 1916-1970 | historian 1
- Huxley | Sir | Andrew Fielding | 1917-2012 | physiologist 1
- Imperial Cancer Research Fund 1
- Institute for Fiscal Studies 1
- Institute of Directors 1
- Institute of Economic Affairs 1
- International Policy Network 1
- Ipsos MORI 1
- Jay | Douglas Patrick Thomas | Baron Jay | 1907-1996 | politician 1
- Johnson | Dame | Louise Napier | 1940-2012 | biophysicist and structural biologist 1
- Keate | William | fl. 1775-1787 | master of Stamford school 1
- Kendrew | John Cowdery | 1917-1997 | molecular biologist 1
- Koblenz | Gwen Davies | 1909-2010 | medical technician 1
- Laird | John | 1887-1946 | Philosopher 1
- Landin | Peter J | 1930-2009 | computer scientist, academic, gay rights campaigner 1
- Macfarlane | (Robert) Gwyn | 1907-1987 | clinical pathologist and haematologist 1
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company Ltd. 1
- Maurier | Dame | Daphne Du | 1907-1989 | novelist 1 ∧ less
- Language
- German 7
- French 5
- Russian 4
- Spanish; Castilian 4
- Dutch; Flemish 3
- Hebrew 3
- Latin 3
- Afrikaans 2
- Italian 2
- Polish 2
- Arabic 1
- Czech 1
- Danish 1
- Estonian 1
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 1
- Hungarian 1
- Japanese 1
- Norwegian 1
- Persian 1
- Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 1
∨ more
∨ more