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Showing Collections: 21 - 40 of 55

Single Item

Guard-book of letters, 17th-19th cent., with (fols. 1-8) an essay by Thomas Wright, 'Piers Plowman'

Guard-book of letters, 17th-19th cent., with (fols. 1-8) an essay by Thomas Wright, 'Piers Plowman'
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lang. c. 9
Extents: 24 Leaves
Dates: 17th-19th century
Single Item

Guard-book of literary manuscripts

Guard-book of literary manuscripts, late 19th-early 20th century
Shelfmark: MS. Don. c. 2
Extents: 146 Leaves
Dates: late 19th-early 20th cent.
Single Item

Guard-book of miscellaneous papers

Guard-book of miscellaneous papers
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 624
Extents: 211 Leaves
Dates: 17th-20th century
Single Item

A Key to the King's Cabinet

'A Key to the King's Cabinet', written in 1645 by T. Browne.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. C. 212
Extents: 32 Leaves
Dates: written in 1645 by T. Browne

Lonsdale Manuscripts

Seven volumes of 'Greek Essays' compiled by Mary Lonsdale. The volumes are distinguished by exquisite calligraphy and great variety of coloured illustration.
Extents: 7 shelfmarks
Dates: 1838-1853
Single Item

Manuscript of Walter Pater's essay on Pascal

Manuscript of Walter Pater's essay on Pascal
Shelfmark: MS. Don. d. 84
Extents: 133 Leaves
Dates: 1894
Single Item

Miscellaneous collections of Abraham Wright

Miscellaneous collections of Abraham Wright
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 82
Extents: 49 Leaves
Dates: 17th century
Single Item

Miscellaneous essays by Richard Gough

Miscellaneous essays by Richard Gough
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 10
Extents: 217 Leaves
Dates: Written in about 1750-1760 by Richard Gough
Single Item

Notebook of William Doble of Trinity College, Oxford

Notebook of William Doble of Trinity College, Oxford
Shelfmark: MS. Don. f. 29
Extents: 111 Leaves
Dates: 1641-1674
Single Item

Observations on the Question 'Can Duelling be Justified?'

Observations on the Question 'Can Duelling be Justified?', written in A.D. 1827 by R. Pearson
Shelfmark: MS. Add. B. 81
Extents: 14 Leaves
Dates: written in A.D. 1827 by R. Pearson
Single Item

Oxford University miscellanies

Oxford University miscellanies, made up of three MSS. chiefly written in the second half of the 17th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. A. 368
Extents: 68 Leaves
Dates: made up of three MSS. chiefly written in the second half of the 17th century
Single Item

Papers by Dr. John Wallis

Papers by Dr. John Wallis
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 16
Extents: 210 Leaves
Dates: Written in about 1680-1690 by dr. J. Wallis
Single Item

'Primitive Religion revived', an essay on rational religion 'by J. B.'

'Primitive Religion revived', an essay on rational religion 'by J. B.'
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. th. g. 1
Extents: 252 pages
Dates: Written in the second half of the 17th century at Cheam

Prize Essays and Poems

Prize Essays and Poems
Extents: 0.50 Linear metres (10 boxes)
Dates: 1810-1833
Single Item

Prize winning essays and poems from the Faculty of English Language and Literature, University of Oxford

Comprises printout copies of: Poem 'Leaving you by train through England' by Howard Anglin, Lord Alfred Douglas Memorial Prize Poem 'Trente et Quarante' by Jennifer Kim, Jon Stallworthy Poetry Prize Essay 'A Conversational Study With A Tempestuous Figure' by Oliver Bingham, Matthew Arnold Prize Poem 'Outermost' by Nicholas Stone, Sir Roger Newdigate…
Shelfmark: MS. 23165
Extents: 1 box (1 folder)
Dates: 2023
Single Item

Prize winning essays and poems from the Faculty of English Language and Literature, University of Oxford, 2024

Prize winning essays and poems from the Faculty of English Language and Literature, University of Oxford, 2024.
Shelfmark: MS. 23781
Extents: 1 box
Dates: 2024
Single Item

Sidney Ball Memorial Lectures, University of Oxford, word-processed

Sidney Ball Memorial Lectures, University of Oxford, word-processed
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 7030
Extents: 60 Leaves
Dates: 1993-5
Single Item

Theological articles, essays and lectures by J. M. Thompson, c.1916-1920, manuscript and typescript

Theological articles, essays and lectures by J. M. Thompson, c.1916-1920, manuscript and typescript.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. th. d. 51
Extents: 109 Leaves
Dates: c.1916-1920

Three Essays: Ars musica, 'The origin of geometry' and 'The Grecian dialect'

Three essays, one written by Jeremiah Milles, A.B. of Queen's College, Oxford: Ars musica, winner of the Chancellor's Prize, English Essay, 1773, 'The origin of geometry' and 'The Grecian dialect', n.d.
Extents: 3 shelfmarks
Dates: 1773, n.d.
Single Item

'The title doctor', on the use of the name and title 'doctor', by Ethel Mellor

'The title doctor', on the use of the name and title 'doctor', by Ethel Mellor
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. a. 7
Extents: 64 Leaves
Dates: 1937-1949

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  • Indexed subjects: Essays X
  • Indexed subjects: Essays X

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Indexed subjects
Essays 53
20th century 23
18th century 15
17th century 14
Literature 13
19th century 11
Poetry 7
Religion 6
Letters 5
Humanities 3
Manuscripts 3
Speeches, addresses, etc. 3
Theology 3
Antiquarians 2
Authors 2
English poetry -- 21st century 2
Ethics -- Addresses, essays, lectures 2
History 2
Philosophy 2
Sermons 2
∨ more  
Indexed names
University of Oxford 3
University of Oxford | Prizes 2
Addison | Joseph | 1672-1719 | poet and statesman 1
Ball | Sidney | 1857-1918 | lecturer in classics and philosophy 1
Belloc | Joseph Hilaire Pierre | 1870-1953 | writer and historian 1
Bennett | Arnold | 1867-1931 | Writer 1
Bliss | Philip | 1787-1857 | Antiquary and Editor 1
Blunden | Edmund Charles | 1896-1974 | poet 1
Borough | Sir | John | d 1643 | antiquary and herald 1
Boudon | Raymond | fl | 1995 | sociologist 1
Bovey | James | 1622-1696 | Merchant, lawyer and philosopher 1
Bridger | R. Lowther | fl. 1905-1918 1
Browne | Thomas | bap.1604-1673 | Church of England clergyman 1
Collier | Jeremy | 1650-1726 | nonjuror 1
Connolly | Richard Hugh | 1873-1948 | philologist 1
Dasgupta | Partha | fl. 1993 | Economist 1
Dawes | WH | fl 1947-1957 1
Doble | William | fl. 1641-1674 | of Trinity College, Oxford 1
Dodderidge | Sir | John | 1555-1628 | judge | also called Doddridge 1
Elstrob | Elizabeth | 1683-1756 | Anglo-Saxon scholar and antiquary 1
∨ more
Emmett | William | fl 1731-1732 1
Finch | Heneage | 1656-1726 | 5th Earl of Winchilsea 1
Frere | John | Hookham | 1769-1846 | Diplomat and author 1
Gilpin | William | 1724-1804 | Clergyman, educationist, biographer and topographer 1
Gough | Richard | 1735-1809 | antiquary 1
Graham | T. D. D. | Cunningham | fl. 1835 1
Grenville | William Wyndham | 1759-1834 | Baron Grenville | statesman 1
Hadrill | John Michael | Wallace- | 1916-1985 | Historian 1
Heywood | Thomas | ? 1574-1641 | poet and dramatist 1
Hodges | Thomas | c 1600-1672 | dean of Hereford 1
Hutchinson | Thomas | fl 1880-1931 1
James | A. W. | fl. 1934 1
Kurdzialek | Marian | 1920-1997 | Polish priest 1
Laurence | Thomas | ? 1597-1657 | college head 1
Lonsdale | Mary | fl 1838-1853 | of Bath Easton 1
Lynd | Robert Wilson | 1879-1949 | Journalist and essayist 1
Manusson | E. A. D. | fl. 1968 1
Masefield | John Edward | 1878-1967 | poet and novelist 1
Mayer | Francis | fl. 20th century 1
Mellor | Ethel | fl. 1937-1949 1
Milles | Jeremiah | b 1751 | barrister 1
Needham | Rodney | 1923-2006 | Anthropologist 1
Nevinson | Henry Wood | 1856-1941 | Essayist Philanthropist Journalist 1
Pater | Walter | 1839-1894 | Author and critic 1
Pearson | Robert | fl. 1827 | of Newcastle 1
Peck | Francis | 1692-1743 | antiquary 1
Penrose | John | fl. 1734-1735 1
Pope | Alexander | 1688-1744 | Poet 1
Prichard | Harold Arthur | 1871-1947 | Philosopher 1
Raleigh | Sir | Walter | 1861-1922 | Knight | Literary scholar and historian 1
Roy | Ram Mohan | 1772-1833 | founder of the Brahmo Sabha 1
Sassoon | Siegfried | 1886-1967 | poet 1
Shallow | J | fl. 1918 1
Skinner | John | fl. 1807-1808 | Rector of Camerton, Somerset 1
Spelman | Sir | Henry | 1564-1641 | Knight | Historian and Antiquary 1
Stein | Sir | Mark Aurel | 1862-1943 | Knight Scholar Explorer Archaeologist 1
Temple | Sir | Richard | 1634-1697 | Knight | English politician 1
Thompson | James Matthew | 1878-1956 | Historian and Theologian 1
Urquhart | Sir | Thomas | 1611-1660 | of Cromarty | knight | author and translator | also called Urchard 1
Wallis | John | fl 1680-1690 1
White | John Henry | fl 1880-1931 1
White | William Hale | 1831-1913 | Writer as Mark Rutherford 1
Wilberforce | Samuel | 1805-1873 | Bishop of Oxford and Winchester 1
Wilkinson | Spenser | 1853-1937 | Military historian 1
Winchelsey | Robert | 1245-1313 | Catholic theologian and Archbishop of Canterbury 1
Woolford | A. J. 1
Wright | Abraham | 1611-1690 | Chuch of England clergyman and author 1
Wright | Thomas | 1810-1877 | historian and antiquary 1
∧ less
English 52
Latin 5
Cornish 1
French 1
German 1
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 1
Italian 1