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Showing Collections: 21 - 40 of 893

Single Item

Alchemical treatises and poems, and Welsh pieces

Alchemical treatises and poems, and Welsh pieces
Shelfmark: MS. e Mus. 63
Extents: 175 Leaves
Dates: Made up of two MSS. written in the 16th century in England
Single Item

Alexandri Magni vita et res gestae

Alexandri Magni vita et res gestae, written in the 16th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Auct. T. 5. 21
Extents: 121 Leaves
Dates: written in the 16th century
Single Item

Annals for the years 1600 to 1685, entitled 'Pandectae Nostri Temporis', written by Sir John Marsham

Annals for the years 1600 to 1685, entitled 'Pandectae Nostri Temporis', written by Sir John Marsham
Shelfmark: MS. Don. c. 60
Extents: 271 Leaves
Dates: 1592-1685
Single Item

Annotated transcript by J. D. Parsons of the dedicatory verses in T[homas ?] H[eywood ?], Oenone and Paris (1594)

Annotated transcript by J. D. Parsons of the dedicatory verses in T[homas ?] H[eywood ?], Oenone and Paris (1594).
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. e. 33
Extents: 67 Leaves
Dates: 1594
Single Item

'Annotationes in 1am partem [Summæ Theologiæ] D. Thomæ [Aquinatis]'

'Annotationes in 1am partem [Summæ Theologiæ] D. Thomæ [Aquinatis]'
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 601
Extents: 293 Leaves
Dates: Written in A.D. 1577 in Spain
Single Item

'Annotationes in libros Aristotelis De Generatione [et Corruptione]' and 'Annotationes in libros Aristotelis de Anima'

'Annotationes in libros Aristotelis De Generatione [et Corruptione]' and 'Annotationes in libros Aristotelis de Anima'
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 500
Extents: 185 Leaves
Dates: Written late in the 16th century in Spain
Single Item

'Annotationes in librum Iob datae A. D. F. LV. Desovio' and '[Gulielmus] Whitakerus in priorem Epistolam [Pauli] ad Timotheum'

'Annotationes in librum lob datre A. D. F. LV. Desovio' and '[Gulielmus] Whitakerus in priorem Epistolam [Pauli] ad Timotheum'
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 156
Extents: 207 Leaves
Dates: Made up of two MSS. written in the 16th and 17th century
Single Item

'Annotatjones'; 'Commentarij in Ii bros Aristotelis de Crelo'; 'In Sphreram Iohannis de Sacro Bosco', and others

'Annotatjones'; 'Commentarij in Ii bros Aristotelis de Crelo'; 'In Sphreram Iohannis de Sacro Bosco', and others
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 501
Extents: 285 Leaves
Dates: Written in A.D. 1577-1578 in Spain
Single Item

An anonymous commentary (composed at Evora?) on the parts of the 3rd book of the Summa Theologica of st. Thomas Aquinas

An anonymous commentary (composed at Evora?) on the parts of the 3rd book of the Summa Theologica of st. Thomas Aquinas
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 557
Extents: 133 Leaves
Dates: Written in or soon after 1586 at Evora (?) in Portugal
Single Item

Antiquarian collections

Antiquarian collections
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 373
Extents: 128 pages
Dates: 16th-18th century
Single Item

Antiquarian collections of Laurence Nowell

Antiquarian collections of Laurence Nowell, 16th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. gen. e. 62
Extents: 75 Leaves
Dates: 16th century
Single Item

An 'Apostel', i.e. Slavonic Epistle Book in its usual form

An 'Apostel', i.e. Slavonic Epistle Book in its usual form
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 942
Extents: 443 Leaves
Dates: Written in or shortly before A.D. 1557 at Kholmogory, in Russia
Single Item

'Apte and fit similes taken out of learned mens sermons in Oxford 1590: begin the xxiith of Aprill', possibly by Robert Cawdray

'Apte and fit similes taken out of learned mens sermons in Oxford 1590: begin the xxiith of Aprill', possibly by Robert Cawdray
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. e. 3400
Extents: 18 Leaves
Dates: 1590

Archive of Dr. Bulkeley Bandinel

Thirteen volumes, chiefly Dr. Bulkeley Bandinel's notebooks, 15th-19th century.
Extents: 1.43 Linear metres (13 boxes)
Dates: 15th-19th century

Archive of Edmund Gibson, Bishop of London, and his descendants

Papers of Edmund Gibson (1669-1748), Bishop of London, with papers of his descendants, 1388-1797.
Extents: 7.45 Linear metres (23 Shelfmarks)
Dates: 1388-1797

Archive of Robert Finch

Archive of Robert Finch (1783-1830).
Extents: 5.95 Linear metres (81 boxes)
Dates: 12th-19th century

Archive of Sir Herbert Grierson relating to John Donne

Archive of Sir Herbert Grierson relating to John Donne.
Extents: 0.27 Linear metres (3 boxes)
Dates: 1906-50

Archive of Sir Walford Selby, 1900-1965, with family papers, 15th-20th cent.

Correspondence and papers of Sir Walford Selby (1881-1965), diplomat, and the Selby family.
Extents: 9.9 Linear metres (91 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1900-1965, 15th-20th cent.

Archive of the Ashhurst family of Waterstock, Oxfordshire

Papers of the Ashhurst family of Waterstock, Oxfordshire, 16th-20th cent.
Extents: 5.1 Linear metres (51 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 16th-20th cent.

Archive of the Bertie family, Earls of Abingdon

Archive relating to the Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire estates of the Bertie family, Earls of Abingdon, from the 14th to the 20th century.
Extents: 43.45 Linear metres (337 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 14th-20th century

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: 16th century X
  • Indexed subjects: 16th century X
  • Indexed subjects: 16th century X

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Indexed subjects
16th century 879
17th century 408
18th century 288
19th century 216
20th century 135
x - 15th century 132
Religion 103
Humanities 96
Literature 85
14th century 76
Parishes -- England -- Oxfordshire 69
Theology 60
13th century 58
Oxfordshire (England) 54
Greek literature 43
x - 12th century 41
Philosophy 38
Letters 34
Royal family 32
Antiquarians 28
∨ more
Church records and registers 26
Correspondence 26
Politics and Government 26
Music 25
Poetry 25
x - 11th century 23
History 21
15th century 19
Genealogy 18
Sermons 18
Accounts 17
Local history 17
Manuscripts, Greek 16
Berkshire (England) 15
Buckinghamshire (England) 15
Heraldry 15
x - 10th century 15
Law 14
Great Britain -- Topography 13
Manuscripts 13
Manuscripts, Latin 13
Courts, manorial 12
Deeds -- England 12
Legal documents 12
Medicine 12
France 11
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 16th century 11
Astronomy 10
Great Britain -- History 10
Ireland 10
Manors -- England -- Oxfordshire 10
Northamptonshire (England) 10
Parishes -- England 10
Italy 9
Latin literature 9
Liturgies 9
London (England) 9
Manors -- England 9
Nobility -- Great Britain 9
Norfolk (England) 9
Saints 9
x - 9th century 9
Catholic Church 8
Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 8
Hampshire (England) 8
Prayers 8
Spain 8
University of Oxford 8
Yorkshire (England) 8
Account books 7
Church 7
Classical literature 7
England 7
Gloucestershire (England) 7
Motets 7
Music -- Manuscripts -- 19th century 7
Papacy 7
Astrology 6
Authors, Classical 6
Biography 6
Derbyshire (England) 6
Essex (England) 6
Herefordshire (England) 6
Kent (England) 6
Lincolnshire (England) 6
Literature -- Translations 6
Recipes 6
Science 6
Staffordshire (England) 6
Statutes 6
Suffolk (England) 6
x - 14th century 6
Charters 5
Church records and registers -- England -- Oxfordshire 5
Church records and registers -- Oxfordshire 5
House of Commons -- Parliament -- Great Britain 5
Inventories 5
Royal households 5
Scotland 5
Surrey (England) 5
∧ less
Indexed names
Goadby | Frank Reginald Lindsay | 1899-1985 | Brigadier Historian of Standlake 51
Church of England 18
Elizabeth I | 1533-1603 | Queen of England and Ireland 15
Aristotle | 384-322 BC | Greek philosopher 9
Henry VIII | 1491-1547 | King of England and Ireland 8
University of Oxford 7
Edward VI | 1537-1553 | King of England and Ireland 6
Sidney | Sir | Philip | 1554-1586 | Knight | Soldier, statesman, and poet 5
Bodley | Sir | Thomas | 1545-1613 | Knight | diplomat, scholar, and founder of the Bodleian Library 4
Byrd | William | c 1540-1623 | musical composer 4
Cecil | William | 1520-1598 | 1st Baron Burghley | Statesman 4
Leland | John | c 1506-1552 | Antiquary 4
Luther | Martin | 1483-1546 | theologist and reformer 4
Mary I | 1542-1587 | Queen of Scots 4
More | Sir | Thomas | 1478-1535 | Saint | lord chancellor, humanist, and martyr 4
Palestrina | Giovanni Pierluigi da | 1525?-1594 | composer 4
Savile | Sir | Henry | 1549-1622 | knight | mathematician 4
Society of Genealogists 4
Tallis | Thomas | c 1505-1585 | composer 4
Taverner | John | c 1490-1545 | composer 4
∨ more
Wolsey | Thomas | 1470/1-1530 | Royal minister, archbishop of York, and cardinal 4
Aquinas | Thomas | 1225-1274 | Dominican friar, philosopher, Catholic Priest 3
Ashmole | Elias | 1617-1692 | Antiquary and Astrologer 3
Bodleian Library 3
Devereux | Robert | 1566-1601 | 2nd Earl of Essex | statesman 3
Eusebius of Caesarea | 265-339 AD | historian of Christianity, exegete, and Christian polemicist 3
Eustace| E | fl. 1980 3
George | Sir | Henry | St | 1581-1644 | knight | herald 3
Harris | C. G | Oxfordshire Family History Society 3
Tye | Christopher | ? 1497-1572 | composer 3
White | Robert | c 1538-1574 | composer 3
Aldrich | Henry | 1648-1710 | composer 2
Attorney General of Ireland | Ireland 2
Barlow | Thomas | 1607-1691 | Bishop of Lincoln 2
Bartleman | James | 1769-1821 | singer (bass) 2
Beccadelli | Ludovico | 1501-1572 | archbishop and writer 2
Bernard | Edward | 1638-1696 | Astronomer and Scholar 2
Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | Poet Laureate 2
Brocas | family | Beaurepaire 2
Bruce | John | 1802-1869 | Antiquary 2
Butler | James | 1610-1688 | 1st Duke of Ormonde | soldier and statesman 2
Cambridge University 2
Carte | Thomas | 1686-1754 | historian 2
Charles II | 1630-1685 | King of England, Scotland and Ireland 2
Chrysostom | John | 347-407 | Saint 2
Company of Tailors | Oxford 2
Davies | Sir | John | 1569-1626 | Knight | Attorney General of Ireland and Poet 2
Dee | John | 1527-1608 | Mathematician and Astrologer 2
Donne | John | 1573-1631 | Dean of St. Paul's and poet 2
Dudley | Robert | 1532-1588 | Earl of Leicester, courtier and magnate 2
Dugdale | Sir | William | 1605-1686 | Knight | antiquary and herald 2
Etheridge | George | 1519-1588 | physician and classical scholar 2
Ewelme Almshouse Charity 2
Ferrabosco | Alfonso | 1543-1588 | composer 2
Fitzwilliam | Sir | William | 1526-1599 | Knight | Lord Deputy of Ireland 2
Gibbons | Orlando | 1583-1625 | composer 2
Heber | Richard | 1773-1833 | MP, Book Collector, and Classical Scholar 2
Hermogenes | 161-180 | of Tarsus, Greek rhetorician 2
Homer | fl. ? 899-700 BC | Greek epic poet 2
House of Lords Record Office: the Parliamentary Archives 2
Howard | Henry | 1540-1614 | 1st Earl of Northampton 2
Hyde | Edward | 1609-1674 | 1st Earl of Clarendon | Lord Chancellor 2
James VI and I | 1566-1625 | King of Scotland, England and Ireland 2
James | Thomas | ? 1573-1629 | Bodley's Librarian and Sub Dean of Wells 2
Laud | William | 1573-1645 | Archbishop of Canterbury 2
Lord Deputy of Ireland | Ireland 2
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland | Ireland 2
Marenzio | Luca | 1553/4-1599 | composer 2
Mauromates | Johannes | fl. 1501-1600 | scribe 2
Middleton | Charles | c. 1650-1719 | 2nd Earl of Middleton | statesman 2
Montagu | Edward | 1625-1672 | 1st Earl of Sandwich | admiral 2
Nairne | David | fl 1720 | Secretary to the Pretender 2
Neve | Peter Le | 1661-1729 | herald and antiquary 2
Order of the Garter 2
Oxford University 2
Parkyn | Robert | d.1569 | Church of England clergyman and writer 2
Perez | Antonio | 1540-1611 | Spanish statesman and secretary of King Philip II of Spain 2
Pergolesi | Giovanni Battista | 1710-1736 | composer 2
Philip II | 1527-1598 | King of Spain, King of Portugal, King of Naples and Sicily, King of England and Ireland (jure uxoris) 2
Pole | Reginald | 1500-1558 | cardinal and archbishop of Canterbury 2
Probatares | Emmanuel | fl. 16th century 2
Radcliffe | John | 1650-1714 | Physician 2
Sampson | Thomas | c.1517-1589 | Church of England clergyman and reformer 2
Shakespeare | William | 1564-1616 | Dramatist 2
Smith | Sir | Thomas | 1513-1577 | scholar, diplomat, and political theorist 2
Tanner | Thomas | 1674-1735 | Bishop of St Asaph and antiquary 2
Theocritus | c 300 BC-260 BC | Greek poet 2
University of Oxford | Christ Church 2
Vergecius | Angelus | fl. 1564 | Scribe 2
Warner | Stephen Alfred | fl. 1907-1948 | Antiquary 2
Wharton | Philip | 1613-1696 | 4th Baron Wharton 2
Wharton | Thomas | 1648-1716 | 1st Marquess of Wharton 2
Willis | Browne | 1682-1760 | Antiquary and Numismatist 2
d'Astorga | Emanuele | 1680-1757 | composer 2
Agas | Radulph | c.1540-1621 | land surveyor also known as Ralph Agas 1
Albinoni | Tomaso Giovanni | 1671-1750/1751 | composer 1
Alcocer | Pedro | de | fl. 1500-1540 | historian 1
Alexander III | 356-323 BC | known as Alexander the Great | King of Macedon 1
Alexander III | c.1100-1181 | Pope 1
Allegri | Gregorio | 1582-1652 | composer and singer 1
∧ less
English 573
Latin 323
Italian 65
Greek, Modern (1453-) 61
French 52
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 34
Spanish; Castilian 26
German 18
Undetermined 15
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 10
Dutch; Flemish 9
English, Middle (1100-1500) 8
Russian 8
Welsh 8
Arabic 7
Hebrew 7
Portuguese 6
Icelandic 4
Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic 3
French, Old (842-ca.1400) 3