Box 606004195
Contains 1 Result:
Market Research Reports: MR80-89, Jan 1990-Feb 1995 and n.d. [1993,1994]
Folder 1 comprises:
MR80 'Giving the Broader Picture: BBC TV and the Wider World' compiled by Adrian Cleasby for the Third World and Environment Broadcasting Project, Apr 1993
MR81 'Losing the Picture - The Future for Television's Coverage of Global Issues' by the Third World and Environment Broadcasting Project, edited by James Firebrace with a preface by David Bellamy, Jan 1990
Found in:
Appeals and Fundraising Policy
Market Research
Shelfmark: MS. Oxfam APL/2/2/18
Extents: 1 box (2 folders)
Jan 1990-Feb 1995 and n.d. [1993,1994]