- Views, 1837
- ABBOTT (Henry William Charles) 1807-59
- Drawings of Egyptian objects and papyri in his collection, n.d. (c. 1841-8?)
- Letter concerning, 1859
- Letters and notes concerning his papyrus, n.d. ( c. 1857-61)
- Letters from and other correspondence concerning his papyrus and collection, 1857-8
- Part of a letter to, n.d. (c. 1826?)
- Water-colours of Chinese bottles in the collection of, n.d. (c. 1843?)
- Water-colours of Egyptian objects and papyri in his collection, c. 1856
- ABDULLAH bin SAUD fl. 1806-7
- Copy of a letter dated 1806-7, n.d. ( c. 1840?)
- ABERCARN Monmouthshire
- View, c. 1856-7
- ABERGAVENNY Monmouthshire
- View, 1864
- ABINGER Surrey
- Photograph of church, n.d. (c. 1866-75?)
- View of 'false pyramid', c. 1822
- Copies of Greek inscriptions at, 1841
- Copy of a Greek inscription at, n.d. ( c. 1823-32?)
- Copy of a Greek inscription from, n.d. ( c. 1822-7?)
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1821-2
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1849
- Site plan and view, n.d. (c. 1821-2)
- Views above and Egyptological sketch, c. 1822
- ABYDOS Egypt
- Copy of an inscription at, n.d. (c. 1822)
- Copy of 'list of kings' from, c. 1821-2
- Engraving of 'tablet of Abydos', c. 1827
- Site plans, n.d. (c. 1822-33)
- Draft probably concerning, n.d. (before 1855)
- Notes headed 'In Abyssinia', c. 1821-3
- Financial papers of the West Middlesex Volunteer Rifles, c. 1860-2
- Note on 'yacht expenses', n.d. (c. 1846?)
- Notes and accounts concerning the management of Brynfield House in Gower, c. 1867-71
- Of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Cairo, c. 1821-2
- Of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Egypt, 1822-5
- Of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Egypt, c. 1825
- Of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Egypt, 1855-6
- Of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Egypt and Italy, c.1848-9
- Of the 'Uplands estate', 1870-5
- ACHENSEE lake, Austria
- Views, 1849
- Copy of a vase painting depicting, 1850
- ACRE Israel
- Views, 1844
- View, 1836
- Of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1848-53
- Of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1852-73
- ADY (Joseph) 1770-1852
- Circular letters, 1847
- View of Greek temple, 1843
- Views including classical site, 1843
- Commonplace book entries (illustrated) concerning, n.d. (c. 1840-75)
- Commonplace book entries (illustrated) concerning 'taste', n.d. (c. 1840-75)
- Copy (annotated) of On Colour and on the Necessity for a General Diffusion of Taste among all Classes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1858
- Copy (proof) of On Colour and on the Necessity for a General Diffusion of Taste among all Classes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1858
- Correspondence concerning, 1858-9
- Drafts concerning, 1859-60
- Letter concerning Arabic colour names, n.d. (before 1862)
- Notes headed 'taste and architecture', n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Papers concerning colour and taste, n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Papers concerning On Colour and on the Necessity for a General Diffusion of Taste among all Classes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1855-8
- Papers concerning On Colour and on the Necessity for a General Diffusion of Taste among all Classes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (before 1858)
- Review of On Colour and on the Necessity for a General Diffusion of Taste among all Classes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (c. 1858)
- Sketches and notes concerning colour and taste in furniture design and interior decoration, c. 1853-9
- Water-colours of contemporary decorative patterns, Paris, 1853
- Maps of, 1840-1
- Drawings of Welsh pigsties, c. 1858
- Engravings of poultry, n.d. (c. 1862)
- Notice of sale of pigs, 1849
- Sketch of women picking cotton, Sudan, 1848
- Sketches of Egyptian farming machinery, c. 1822
- View of Egyptian irrigation system, c. 1856
- Views of pigs and sheep, 1857
- Wash drawing of Egyptian irrigation system, n.d. ( c. 1833-7?)
- Water-colours showing Egyptian agricultural implements, c. 1821
- AIX-en-PROVENCE France
- Drawing of costume at, 1820
- AIX-en-SAVOIE France
- Views including Roman remains, 1841
- AJAX hero
- Copy of a vase painting depicting, 1850
- AKHMIM Egypt
- Copy of a Greek inscription from, c. 1827
- Copy of an inscription at, c. 1821-2
- Copy of an inscription at, n.d. (c. 1841?)
- AKSUM Ethiopia
- Copy of a site plan, n.d. (c. 1823-40)
- ALBANO lake, Italy
- Views including Roman remains, c. 1820
- View of tomb of Scipio, 1849
- ALBANO (Vittoria von) fl. 1842
- Engraved portrait of, 1842
- Views including Roman remains, c. 1820
- Views including Roman remains, 1849
- ALBURY Surrey
- View, 1856
- ALDBROUGH Yorkshire, North Riding
- View, 1836
- ALDWORTH Berkshire
- View of church, 1847
- Copy of a booklet entitled National Token of South Wales to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, 1864
- Admiralty plan, 1833
- Coloured tracings of a map of, n.d. ( c. 1822-33?)
- Copies of Egyptian inscriptions and Egyptological notes made at, c. 1821
- Copy of a Greek inscription at(?), n.d. ( c. 1823-33?)
- Correspondence concerning Cleopatra's Needle, 1865
- Draft concerning Cleopatra's Needle, n.d. ( c. 1849?)
- Drawings of Cleopatra's Needle, 1823
- Egyptological drawings and journal entry made at, c. 1833
- Egyptological drawings and water-colour made at, c. 1856
- Engraved view, n.d. (c. 1869?)
- Humorous sketch of cargo at, 1835
- Journal of travel to and from, 1849
- Journal of visit to, 1821
- Letter dated at, 1821
- Map of, 1855
- Plague and mortality statistics (for the period 1834-43), 1844
- Plague statistics, 1841
- Plan of a Roman camp at, n.d. (c. 1822?)
- Sketch copy of a plan(?) of 1736, n.d. ( c. 1823?)
- Sketch plan of, n.d. (c. 1822-33?)
- Sketch plan of, 1838
- Sketch plans of, n.d. (c. 1822?)
- View from and plan of a Roman site at, c. 1822
- Views, c. 1821-2
- Views mainly from the sea, 1841-2
- Water-colours of Roman remains and copies of inscriptions from 'Caesar's camp' and elsewhere at, c. 1856
- Manuscript plan of Algiers and the surrounding area, n.d. (c. 1845?)
- View, 1838
- ALLEN (W. Osborn B.) fl. c.1860-1880
- Letter, n.d. (after 1856)
- Letter, 1871
- Letter, 1875
- Letter, 1880
- Letter and enclosure, n.d. (c. 1860-71?)
- Part of a letter, n.d. (after 1866?)
- ALLIER river, France
- Views, 1843
- ALNWICK Northumberland
- Copy of an Egyptian inscription at, n.d. ( c. 1833-40?)
- Cutting concerning and views of Alnwick Castle, 1861
- Drawings of Egyptian and Chinese objects at, n.d. ( c. 1833-7?, c. 1855?)
- Drawings of Egyptian objects at, n.d. (after 1833)
- Engraving of an inscription, Alnwick Castle, n.d. ( c. 1847?)
- Printed description of Alnwick Castle, n.d. ( c. 1861)
- Sketches of Egyptian artefacts, Alnwick Castle, 1856
- View of Alnwick Castle, 1853
- View of ancient tombs, and artefacts, Alnwick Castle, c. 1850-5
- Views of vases and other objects, Alnwick Castle, 1861
- Arabic alphabet, c. 1821-33.
- Commonplace book entries concerning various alphabets, n.d. (c. 1840-75)
- Commonplace book entries concerning various alphabets, n.d. (c. 1840-75)
- Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabets, c. 1843-5
- Glagolitic alphabet, c. 1844
- Hebrew alphabet, c. 1821-33.
- Papers concerning ancient and ornamental alphabets, n.d. (c. 1850?)
- Papers concerning the comparative study of alphabets, n.d. (c. 1865)
- Papers concerning the study of the runic, 'Irish', and Ogham alphabets, n.d. (c. 1835?)
- Part of an Arabic manuscript concerning magical alphabets, n.d. (18th-19th cent.?)
- ALPS mts
- Engraved views, n.d. (c. 1835-43?)
- Sketchbook used in the Swiss and Italian Alps, 1849
- View, c. 1849
- Views, c. 1818
- Views, 1820
- Views, 1820
- Views in Italy and Austria, 1849
- Views in southern Switzerland, 1849
- Views in Switzerland and Italy, 1849
- Views in the Austrian Tyrol, 1849
- Views in the Tyrol, 1850
- ALTON Staffordshire
- View of Alton Towers, c. 1860
- 'AMADA Egypt
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1821-2
- View of site, n.d. (c. 1821-2)
- 'AMARA Sudan
- Egyptological drawings and view made at, c. 1849
- AMBOISE France
- Sketch of a house at, 1853
- Views, 1853
- Engravings of scenes from, n.d. (c. 1864-9?)
- AMIOUN Lebanon
- View, 1844
- AMMER lake, Germany
- View, 1849
- AMROTH Pembrokeshire
- Papers concerning property at, c. 1862, 1864-5
- View, c. 1862
- AMSTERDAM Netherlands
- View, 1836
- ANAFI Greece
- View, 1843
- ANAPO river, Sicily
- Views, 1838
- ANASTASI (Giovanni) 1780-1860
- Drawings of objects in the collection of, c. 1833
- ANCHOR CHURCH Derbyshire
- Views of rocks, c. 1851-2
- ANCONA Italy
- Views including Roman arch, 1845
- View, 1841
- ANGERS France
- View of cathedral, c. 1818
- Views of buildings, 1853
- Copy of a paper entitled 'On the Tumulus in Plas Newydd Park, Anglesey' by W.O. Stanley, 1870
- ANNECY France
- View, 1841
- ANTI-LEBANON mts., Lebanon
- Views, 1844
- AOSTA Italy
- View of Roman arch, 1820
- APIS Egyptian deity
- Conjectured view of the enclosure of Apis, n.d. ( c. 1821-33)
- Views of Roman remains, c. 1820
- Sketches of church, 1849
- Copy (proof) of a paper by Richard Burton concerning his exploration of, n.d. [1854]
- Sketch map and extract from Richard Burton's report on his exploration of, c. 1854
- Accounts and list in Arabic script, n.d. ( c. 1821-33)
- Arabic vocabulary, c. 1821
- Arabic vocabulary, c. 1826-7
- Cairene newspapers in, 1847
- Coptic/Arabic vocabulary, n.d. (c. 1821?)
- Coptic/Arabic vocabulary, n.d. (c. 1821-2?)
- Coptic/Arabic vocabulary, c. 1830
- Coptic liturgical work with parallel translation in, 14th-15th cent.(?)
- Coptic liturgical work with parallel translation in, 18th cent.(?)
- English/Arabic vocabulary, 1821
- English/Arabic vocabulary, c. 1821
- English/Coptic/Arabic vocabulary, n.d. ( c. 1821-33?)
- Extracts from the Koran, and other manuscripts in, c. 1800-50
- List of 'Arabic words resembling some in European languages', n.d. (c. 1825?)
- List of names of plants and animals in, c. 1832
- Manuscript copy of the Koran, 18th cent.(?)
- Manuscript fragments, most wholly or partly in, 9th-18th cent.(?)
- Manuscript in, concerning magical alphabets, n.d. (18th-19th cent.?)
- Note in, n.d. (c. 1821-33?)
- Note in, concerning Europeans in Egypt, c. 1831
- Notes concerning Arabic grammar, c. 1821
- Notes, vocabulary and words of songs in, c. 1827
- Official papers in, 1855-6
- Official papers in, concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's travel in Egypt, c.1830
- Papers concerning, n.d. (c. 1850-62?)
- Papers in, c. 1821-55
- Transliterated verses in, and word lists, c. 1828-33
- Travel permit and letter in, 1846-8
- Treatise on Coptic grammar in, and Coptic Bible lectionary with parallel translation in, 14th-15th cent.(?)
- Vocabulary in the 'Biskaren Language' in Roman transliteration, c. 1826
- ARBOR LOW HILL Derbyshire
- Sketch view and plans of site, n.d. ( c. 1860-70?)
- Account of Roman sites, Eastern Desert, Egypt, 1823
- Catalogue of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's collection of Egyptian, Greek, Roman and other antiquities, c. 1865
- Copy of a letter partly concerning the medieval gate, Tenby, 1868
- Copy of a Roman fresco from Stabia, 1821
- Cutting concerning excavation on Malta, c. 1845
- Cutting concerning Roman manuscripts and coins found near Beattock, c. 1846
- Cutting concerning the discovery of a stone axe at Ballarat, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Cutting from the Evening Standard concerning Roman Silchester, 1872
- Cuttings concerning antiquities, c. 1854-63
- Cuttings concerning antiquities, c. 1860-3
- Drawings of ancient artefacts found in England and Wales, c. 1858
- Engraving of a carved standing stone, Forres, 1826
- Engravings of Roman remains, south of France, n.d. (after 1835?)
- Illustrated account of excavations, Rhossili Down, Gower, 1865(?)
- Lists of Greek vases and other antiquities, c. 1866(?)
- Note and copy of a paper entitled 'An Etruscan Tomb at Cervetri, the Ancient Caere' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1856
- Notice concerning the medieval gate, Tenby, c. 1873
- Offprint and engraving concerning, c. 1861, n.d.
- Papers concerning the medieval gate, Tenby, 1867-8, 1873
- Photograph and engravings of Greek and Etruscan remains, Italy, n.d. (c. 1850?), 1855
- Photographs of Roman sites and objects, n.d. (before 1875)
- Plan and view of a dolmen, Saumur, 1853
- Plan of a Roman camp, Alexandria, n.d. ( c. 1822?)
- Plan of a Roman camp, Egypt, n.d. (c. 1832?)
- Plan of a Roman site, Alexandria, c. 1822
- Plan of a Roman site, Western Desert, Egypt, c. 1825
- Plans and view of Maltese and Sicilian sites, 1838
- Plans and views of a site, Westmorland, 1835
- Plans of ancient British camps and drawings of artefacts, c. 1852-64
- Plans of Roman sites, Egypt, c. 1821-33
- Section of deposits, Bacon Hole, Gower, c. 1860
- Site plans and drawings, Baalbek and Split, n.d. ( c. 1844)
- Sketch of an intaglio, Santini collection, 1866
- Sketchbook containing views of Etruscan and Roman remains, Italy, 1849
- Sketchbook containing views of Etruscan and Roman remains, Italy, 1850
- Sketchbook containing views of Etruscan, classical Roman and late Roman remains, Italy, 1850
- Sketchbook containing views of Greek, Etruscan and Roman remains, Italy, 1850
- Sketchbook of views of Roman remains, Italy, 1820
- Sketchbook of views of Roman remains, Split, 1844
- Sketches and notes concerning Roman remains, York, 1847
- Sketches and site plans, 1843-4
- Sketches and site plans, 1844-5
- Sketches and site plans, 1845
- Sketches and site plans, 1849
- Sketches and views of Roman remains, Rome, 1849
- Sketches of Etruscan and Roman remains, Verona, 1850
- Sketches of Roman remains including the Arch of Titus, Rome
- Sketches, site plans and other papers concerning, 1850-3
- Tracing of a view of Roman arches called 'Soupiaia', Croatia, c. 1848
- Tracings of Roman remains, Etruscan objects and carvings, Italy, n.d. (c. 1849-50?)
- View of a Roman amphitheatre, Italica, 1864
- View of a Roman amphitheatre, Trier, 1841
- View of a Roman amphitheatre, Verona, 1849
- View of a Roman arch, Trieste, 1844
- View of a Roman camp, Burgh Castle, 1848
- View of a Roman lamp from Cyprus, c. 1848
- View of Roman remains, Aix-en-Savoie, 1841
- Views and site plans of ancient British, Saxon, and Roman remains, England and Ireland, c. 1850-5
- Views concerning, 1852-6
- Views of a Roman gateway, Rheims, and Roman artefacts, Lincoln and Carleon, 1856
- Views of a Roman lock found at Cirencester and engraving of a Roman carving from Bath, n.d. (c. 1847?), 1855
- Views of a stone hammer found in Pembrokeshire, and a Roman brick kiln, Farringdon Street, London, 1863
- Views of ancient artefacts, Alnwick Castle, and Roman pottery, 1861
- Views of ancient artefacts including grave goods, Truro, Torquay and Taunton, c. 1860
- Views of ancient Maltese and classical Greek remains, 1843
- Views of ancient objects found in Britain, 1857
- Views of antiquities, n.d. (c. 1838-50?)
- Views of artefacts found in Cornwall, 1859
- Views of Baalbek and other remains, Lebanon and Constantinople, 1844
- Views of bronze implements found in eastern England, 1845
- Views of Etruscan and Roman remains, Italy
- Views of Greek sites, 1843
- Views of Greek sites, 1843
- Views of Roman and British artefacts, 1858
- Views of Roman and Greco-Roman remains, Sicily, North Africa and Britain, 1845
- Views of Roman and Greek remains, Solin, Ancona, Cephalonia, Sicily and Tunisia, 1844-5
- Views of Roman and prehistoric remains, France and Rome, c. 1820-1
- Views of Roman artefacts, Avignon and Lyons, 1856
- Views of Roman artefacts, Sens, 1856
- Views of Roman, Maltese and Greek sites, 1843
- Views of Roman remains, Alexandria, c. 1856
- Views of Roman remains, France, 1838
- Views of Roman remains, Italy, 1820
- Views of Roman remains, Italy (central), c. 1820-1
- Views of Roman remains, Lebanon and Smyrna, 1844
- Views of Roman remains, Leicester
- Views of Roman remains, Trier and Igel, 1841, and ancient sites on Malta and Gozo, 1842-3
- Views of Roman remains, Tunisia, 1845
- Views of Roman sites and artefacts, Croatia, 1844
- Views of sites, Middle East and Croatia, 1844
- Letter, 1872
- Commonplace book entries concerning, n.d. ( c. 1840-75)
- Commonplace book entries (illustrated) concerning, n.d. (c. 1840-75)
- Copies of a paper entitled 'The Art-Treatment of Granitic Surfaces' by John Bell, 1860
- Copies of papers by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning, 1860-1, 1863
- Copies of papers by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning, 1861, 1863
- Copy (annotated) of a paper entitled 'On the Use of Granite' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1860
- Copy of a letter concerning a paper entitled 'Heads placed over Arches' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1863
- Copy of a paper entitled 'Remarks on the Question raised by Sir Gardner Wilkinson respecting the Origin of the Vertical Line in Architecture, and the Return to the Horizontal Line after the "Revival"' by George Godwin, c. 1840
- Copy of The Architecture of Ancient Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (plates only), [1850]
- Copy of The Architecture of Ancient Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (plates only), with original drawings and water-colours, n.d. (c. 1850)
- Copy of The Architecture of Ancient Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (text only), 1850
- Copy (proof?) of The Architecture of Ancient Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (plates only), n.d. ( c. 1850)
- Copy (proof?) of The Architecture of Ancient Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (text only), 1850
- MS. Wilkinson dep. d. 90 (part)
- Draft concerning, c. 1847-58
- Draft concerning Islamic architecture, c. 1861
- Draft entitled 'On the origin and early use of the pointed arch', 1849
- Draft (illustrated) concerning Greek architecture, n.d. (c. 1845-56?)
- Draft (illustrated) concerning Roman architecture, n.d. (c. 1845-56?)
- Drafts concerning, 1840-1860
- Drawings and engravings used to illustrate The Architecture of Ancient Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1850
- Engravings of buildings and architectural details, c. 1835-71
- Floor plan of a mosque, Cairo, 1825
- Floor plan of Islamic baths, Cefal, 1845
- Journal including entries concerning Spanish architecture, 1863-4
- Letters concerning 'Flemish architecture' in Pembrokeshire, 1863
- Notes and sketches concerning, n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Notes concerning, n.d. (c. 1816)
- Notes concerning Greek and Roman architecture, n.d. (after 1847)
- Notes, drawings and plans concerning, n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Papers concerning, 1861
- Papers concerning The Architecture of Ancient Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1850
- Plan of a Roman bridge, Las Alcantarillas, n.d. ( c. 1864)
- Plan of baths, Cairo, and note on a mosque, c. 1832-3
- Sketch of a 'Moorish tower', c. 1838
- Sketch of an Egyptian village house, c. 1822
- Sketchbooks including views and details of buildings, 1815-c. 1875
- Sketches and ground plans of buildings, 1843-4
- Sketches and ground plans of buildings, 1844
- Sketches and notes concerning classical architecture, n.d. (c. 1821-40?)
- Sketches and plans concerning Egyptian and Islamic architecture, n.d. (c. 1821-56)
- Sketches and plans of buildings, 1844-5
- Sketches and plans of buildings, 1845
- Sketches and plans of buildings, 1849
- Sketches and plans of buildings, 1853-6
- Sketches of buildings, 1850-3
- Sketches of Italian architectural details, 1849
- Tracings of ground plans and architectural details from the works of Luigi Canina, n.d. (c. 1849-50?)
- View of an Arab tomb, Sohag, c. 1855
- Views of mosaics and other architectural details, Rome, 1849
- Wash drawings of architectural forms, 1836
- Water-colour of stained glass windows, Cairo, c. 1855
- Water-colours and sketches of architectural details, Rome, 1849
- Water-colours of Italian architectural details, c. 1848-9
- Water-colours of Italian architectural details, 1850
- Water-colours of Moorish architectural details, Spain, 1864
- ARDCHE river, France
- View, 1820
- ARGOS Greece
- View of ancient site, 1843
- Views of ancient site, 1843
- View, c. 1820
- Views, 1849
- Illustrated quotation from Clouds, 1866
- ARKWRIGHT (Frances Crauford) d. 1849
- Transcribed poem by, c. 1817
- ARLES France
- Drawing of costume at, 1820
- Engravings of Roman remains and cathedral, n.d. (after 1835?)
- Views of Roman remains and churches, 1838
- ARMANT Egypt
- Copies of inscriptions or paintings from, n.d. ( c. 1827-32?)
- Views, 1822
- ARMY, Austrian
- Views of Austrian troops in Italy, 1821
- ARMY, British
- Copy of a letter to the United Service Gazette concerning uniforms, 1859
- Papers concerning the West Middlesex Volunteer Rifles, c. 1860-2
- ARONA Italy
- View, 1820
- ARRETON Isle of Wight
- Brass rubbing made at, n.d. (c. 1847?)
- View, 1847
- Views of church buildings, 1847
- Drawings of Etruscan objects, 1850
- Sketch of church, 1850
- ARROWSMITH (John) 1790-1873
- Map of Egypt published by firm of, 1875
- Papers concerning maps published by firm of, 1873-80
- ARTHUR'S STONE Gower, Glamorgan
- Copies of a paper entitled 'Avenue and Carns about Arthur's Stone in Gower' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1870
- Copy of a paper entitled 'Avenues and Carns about Arthur's Stone in Gower' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1870
- Drawings, plans and views, n.d. (c. 1870)
- Plans and views, c. 1866-75
- View, 1866
- View, c. 1866-75
- View, c. 1866-75
- Water-colours, n.d. (1860?)
- ARUNDEL Sussex
- Photograph of Arundel Castle, n.d. ( c. 1865-75?)
- ASASIF Egypt
- Sketch view of site, n.d. (c. 1825-32?)
- ASHBOURNE Derbyshire
- Views of church, c. 1860
- ASHBY-de-la-ZOUCH Leicestershire
- View of a house, 1858
- ASHDALE Isle of Arran, Buteshire
- Plan of an ancient camp, n.d. (c. 1852-64)
- ASHFORD co. Wicklow
- Views, 1835
- Sketch of a house, n.d. (c. 1856-8?)
- View, 1856
- View of a house, 1858
- Views, 1858
- ASSISI Italy
- Views including the church of St. Francis, 1850
- Views, and sketches of churches, 1850
- Article (illustrated) concerning Assyrian sculptures, 1847
- Drafts concerning, n.d. (after 1849), 1857
- Engraving of carvings on the 'Nimroud Obelisk', n.d. (after 1821?)
- Extracts concerning Nineveh, n.d. (c. 1834-65)
- Sketches of carvings, 1848
- ASWAN Egypt
- Copies of inscriptions at, c. 1821-2
- Egyptological drawings probably made at, c. 1822
- Sketch of cataracts at, n.d. (c. 1822)
- Squeeze of an Arabic inscription from(?), n.d. ( c. 1821-56)
- Surveying drawings made at, c. 1828
- View, c. 1849
- Views, 1848
- Views of ruins, 1822
- ASYUT Egypt
- View, c. 1826
- View, 1848
- ATFIH Egypt
- Egyptological sketches, notes and water-colours made at, c. 1855
- View, 1848
- ATHANASI (Giovanni d') 1798-1854
- Draft letter concerning a house occupied by, 1860
- Engraving of an Egyptian statue belonging to, 1841
- ATHENAEUS of Naucratis
- Draft commentary on the Deipnosophists, n.d. (c. 1858-70)
- Extracts from the Deipnosophists in Latin translation, n.d. ( c. 1847-58)
- References to the Deipnosophists, n.d. (c. 1850?)
- References to the Deipnosophists, n.d. (c. 1858-70)
- ATHENS Greece
- Views and plan of ancient site, 1843
- Views including ancient remains, 1843
- Views, mainly of ancient site, 1843
- Views of Spanish and Portuguese coasts, 1838
- Views of Spanish and Portuguese coasts, 1863-4
- Engravings of scenes in, n.d. (c. 1862-9?)
- Journal of travel in, 1849
- Views in the Austrian Tyrol, 1849
- AUTUN France
- Views including Roman remains, 1838
- AUXERRE France
- Views including churches, 1856
- AVEBURY Wiltshire
- Drawing of standing stones at, after Stukeley, n.d. ( c. 1860?)
- Rough site plans, n.d. (c. 1858?)
- Site plans, n.d. (c. 1859-69?)
- Views, c. 1858
- AVIGNON France
- Egyptological drawings made at, 1838
- View of cathedral, 1820
- View of Papal palace, 1841
- Views of museum objects, 1856
- BAALBEK Lebanon
- Drawing of a column at, n.d. (c. 1844)
- Site plans and sketches, n.d. (c. 1844)
- View, 1844
- Views of ancient site, 1844
- Views of Roman artefacts from, 1858
- BABBAGE (Charles) 1792-1871
- Engraving of part of his 'Difference Engine, No. 1', 1853
- Letter, 1855
- Letters, 1865-6
- Views, 1841
- BACK (Sir George) 1796-1878
- Copies of letters from, and letters to, 1873-6
- Letter, 1871
- Letter, 1875
- Letter and enclosure(?), 1860
- Part of a letter, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- BACON HOLE Glamorgan
- Plan of site near, n.d. (c. 1859-70?)
- BAD EMS Germany
- View, 1841
- Views, 1841
- BAIX France
- View, 1843
- BAKEWELL Derbyshire
- Views of standing stone and church, 1837
- Cuttings concerning revolt in, 1875
- Letters and enclosures concerning, 1845-53
- Letters and papers concerning, c. 1841-52
- BALLARAT Victoria, Australia
- Cutting concerning the discovery of a stone axe at, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- BAMIAN Afghanistan
- Engraving of colossal statues at, 1834
- BANGOR Caernarfonshire
- View, 1835
- View, c. 1836
- BANGOR Flintshire
- View, 1837
- BANNERMAN (Anne) d. 1829
- Transcribed poem by, c. 1816
- BANWELL Somerset
- Views of a cave, c. 1860
- Papers concerning the doctrine of, c. 1837
- BARACCO (Giovanni) 1801-58
- Letter and enclosure, 1852
- Views, c. 1818
- View of rocks, 1863
- BARNACK Northamptonshire
- Views of church, 1847
- View, 1837
- BARNWELL (Edward Lowry) 1813-87
- Letter and enclosures with draft reply, 1869
- Views of the Holy Ghost Chapel, 1835
- BASLE Switzerland
- View, 1841
- BATH Somerset
- Engraving of a Roman carving, 1855
- BATROUN Lebanon
- View, 1844
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1852-64)
- View of ruins, 1847
- BAYRAMI Turkey
- View, 1844
- BEATTOCK Dumfries-shire
- Cutting concerning Roman manuscripts and coins found near, c. 1846
- View, 1837
- BECHE (Sir Henry Thomas De la) 1796-1855
- Engraving of dinosaurs by, n.d. (c. 1849)
- View, 1839
- BECKET (Thomas) 1118(?)-1170
- Water-colours of vestments of, 1856
- BEDE 673-735
- View of 'Bede's chair', Jarrow, 1845
- BEESTON Cheshire
- Views of castle, 1836
- BEGELLY Pembrokeshire
- Plan and view of fallen cromlech, c. 1862
- View of church, c. 1862
- Plan of site of Iseum, n.d. (c. 1822-33)
- Views, 1841
- BEIRUT Lebanon
- Views, 1844
- BEIRUT river, Lebanon
- View, 1844
- BELL (John) 1811-95
- Two copies of a paper entitled 'The Art-Treatment of Granitic Surfaces' by, 1860
- View, 1849
- Sketches of architectural details at, 1849
- View, 1849
- BEN NEVIS mt., Inverness-shire
- Views, 1835
- View of triumphal arch and bridge, c. 1820
- Egyptological water-colours and drawings made at, 1855
- Scale drawings of architectural features at, n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- View from site, n.d. (c. 1821-2)
- Journal of travel from, 1823
- BENTON CASTLE Pembrokeshire
- Plan of ancient avenue near, n.d. (c. 1862?)
- View, and plans of ancient avenue, c. 1862
- Copies of Greek inscriptions from, c. 1833
- Copies of inscriptions at, n.d. (c. 1841?)
- Journal of travel to, 1825-6
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1823-6?)
- BERGUES France
- Views, 1817
- BERLIN Germany
- View, 1836
- Views, 1836
- BERLIN Museum of Egyptian Antiquities
- Sketches of Egyptian artefacts at, 1836
- BERNE Switzerland
- Water-colour of costume at, c. 1818
- Views, 1841
- View of castle, 1857
- Views of church and ruins, 1857
- Papers concerning, 1862
- BESANON France
- Coloured engraving of an ancient bronze object, Muse Archologique, n.d. (c. 1850?)
- View, 1844
- BEWICK, Old, Northumberland
- Drawings of ancient carvings and plans of British camp at, c. 1852-6
- Plans of ancient sites, 1852
- BEX Switzerland
- View, 1820
- Coptic Bible lectionary with Arabic parallel translation, 14th-15th cent.(?)
- BIBLE Old Testament
- Map showing the exodus of the Israelites, n.d. ( c. 1845?)
- Plan (traced) showing the exodus of the Israelites, n.d. (c. 1826-33)
- BIBLE Old Testament, Psalms
- Coptic Bible lectionary with Arabic parallel translation including extracts from, 14th-15th cent.(?)
- BIBLE New Testament
- Coptic Bible lectionary with Arabic parallel translation including extracts from the Gospels and Epistles, 14th-15th cent.(?)
- BICKHAM (George) the younger, d. 1758
- Egyptological engraving by, n.d. (c. 1737)
- BIDDULPH (Sir Thomas Myddleton) 1809-1878
- Letters from, and copies of letters to, 1875
- Copies of inscriptions on, c. 1821-2
- BINGEN Germany
- View, 1841
- BINGHAM (Peregrine) the elder, 1754-1826
- Transcribed extracts from 'The Pains of Memory', 1816-21(?)
- BIR 'ABBAD Egypt
- Copies of inscriptions at, n.d. (c. 1841?)
- BIRCH (Samuel) 1813-85
- Copy of Hieroglyphics on the coffin of Myserinus found in the third pyramid of Gizeh (London, 1838) by
- Letter, 1843
- Letter, 1860
- Letter, 1877
- Letter from(?), 1865
- Letters, 1865
- Letters, 1866
- Letters from, and copy of letter to, 1857
- Letters from, enclosures, and copies of letters to, 1869
- BIRMINGHAM Warwickshire
- Invitation to a banquet in celebration of a royal visit to, 1858
- BLACK MOUNTAINS Herefordshire
- Views, c. 1870-2
- Drawings of church, 1854
- BLAGAJ Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Views of(?), 1844
- BLAKE (Robert) 1599-1657
- Photograph of a bust of, n.d. (c. 1865-75?)
- BLENHEIM Oxfordshire
- Views of Blenheim Park and Blenheim Palace, c. 1818
- BLESSINGTON (Marguerite) Countess of Blessington, 1789-1849
- Engraved portrait of, n.d. (before 1849?)
- BLOIS France
- Views of church and chteau, 1853
- Views of church and chteau, 1853
- Sketches of church, 1848
- BLYFORD Suffolk
- Views of church, 1848
- BLYTH Nottinghamshire
- Sketches and notes concerning church, 1861
- Views of church architecture, 1848
- BOARHUNT Hampshire
- Views mainly of church, 1848
- Copy of a letter concerning measurement of distances at sea, 1859
- Drawings of French river craft, 1843
- Drawings of gondolas, 1820
- Drawings of Greek boats, 1843
- Engravings of boats on the Nile and Ganges, n.d. ( c. 1862-9?)
- Humorous sketch of diners on a ship, n.d. ( c. 1835?)
- Humorous sketch of dinner at sea, 1836
- Humorous sketches of ironclad warships, n.d. ( c. 1866-75?)
- Letter to The Times headed 'Vulnerable and Invulnerable Armour', n.d. (c. 1850?)
- List of yachts in and views of Cowes Regatta, 1843
- Plans of an Egyptian boat, n.d. (c. 1822-32?)
- Restaurant bill for travel from Syra to Malta, n.d. ( c. 1837-56)
- Sketch, 1844
- Sketch of a Loire boat, 1853
- Sketch of a Rhine raft, 1836
- Sketch of an Egyptian boat, c. 1830
- Sketch of boats on the Guadalquivir, 1838
- Sketch of British ships, giving names, c. 1848
- Sketches of boats, Trieste, 1844
- Sketches of Egyptian boats, 1855
- Sketches of Maltese and other boats, 1841-2
- Sketches showing Egyptian craft, c. 1822
- View of a boat, Malta, 1842
- View of a collier, Dunwich, 1848
- View of a Thames steam boat, c. 1816, and notes on the history of steam boats, n.d. (after 1863)
- View of boats, El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain, 1864
- View on a steamer from Beirut, 1844
- View out of a gondola, Venice, 1844
- Views of boats, Tenby, c. 1862
- Views of craft on the Waal, Rhine and Moselle, 1841
- Views of Egyptian boats, n.d. (c. 1822)
- Views of Maltese and Egyptian boats, and watercolour entitled 'Night on a Rhine steamer', 1841
- Views of Sicilian and Portuguese boats, 1838
- Water-colour of a canal boat, Venice, 1850
- Water-colours showing Nile boats, c. 1821-1822
- View, 1850
- Views of parts of churches and museum objects, 1850
- Views, c. 1818
- BOLSOVER Derbyshire
- View of Bolsover Castle, 1861
- BOLTON Lancashire
- Engraving of a house near, n.d. (c. 1862-9?)
- BOLVENTOR Cornwall
- Drawing of an ancient tool found at, c. 1864
- View of church, 1850
- BONN Germany
- View, 1841
- BONNINGTON Lanarkshire
- View of Bonnington Linn, n.d. (1835?)
- BONOMI (Joseph) the younger, 1796-1878
- Copies of an engraving by, n.d. (after 1837)
- Egyptological drawings possibly by, n.d. ( c. 1833-59?)
- Egyptological engraving by, 1841
- Engraving of camel by, n.d. (c. 1847?)
- Inscription copied from the papers of, n.d. ( c. 1821-33?)
- Letter, 1862
- Letter from and draft letter to, 1862
- Letter to, 1839
- Letters, 1842
- Map of Roman Egypt lithographed by, 1848
- Map of Roman Egypt lithographed by, 1848
- Notice of publication by, c. 1864
- BONVILLE (Miss) fl. c.1862
- Water-colour portrait, c. 1862
- Cuttings including book reviews, c. 1854-1875
- Cuttings including book reviews, c. 1860-3
- Drawings of bookcases, and lists of titles (some with prices), 1851, n.d.
- Lists of titles (some with prices), c. 1848-53
- Papers concerning Don Quijote de La Mancha, c. 1871, and other papers concerning books, c. 1838-75
- BOOKS Catalogues of libraries
- Catalogue of the library of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1862
- Catalogue of the library of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1866-76
- BOOTHBY PAGNELL Lincolnshire
- Views of hall, 1861
- View of theatre, c. 1818
- BORROWDALE Cumberland
- View, 1835
- Views, 1835
- Journal of travel in, 1844
- Sketchbook used in, 1844
- Tracings of views, c. 1848
- Views into Herzegovina from Montenegro, 1844
- BOSPORUS strait
- Views, 1844
- Views, 1844
- Cutting, sketches and water-colours concerning, c. 1837-75
- Draft entitled 'A Gossip about the Cactus' by Caroline Catherine, Lady Wilkinson, n.d. (c. 1850-6?)
- Drawings of 'petrified' specimens from Egypt, c. 1856
- Dried fern, c. 1853
- Dried flower, c. 1860
- Dried flower, c. 1863
- Dried flowers, c. 1844-55
- Dried plants, c. 1821-56
- Duplicate prospectuses and copies of a plate for an unpublished work Desert Plants of Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1880
- Engraving of a tropical forest, n.d. ( c. 1860?)
- Letters and other papers concerning an unpublished work Desert Plants of Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1878-80, 1905-6, 1921
- List of Arabic names of plants and animals headed 'Materia Medica of Egypt', c. 1832
- List of plants of the Eastern Desert, Egypt, 1830
- Lists of Egyptian plants, c. 1826-7
- Notes concerning, made in Egypt, c. 1832-3
- Papers concerning the germination of ancient Egyptian seeds, 1852
- Papers for an unpublished work 'Distribution of Plants' by Caroline Catherine, Lady Wilkinson, 1852-64
- References and notes concerning Egyptian plants, n.d. ( c. 1825?, c. 1840?)
- Sketch and water-colour of Egyptian plants, 1848
- Sketch and water-colour of plants, 1848, 1872
- Sketch of a pepperwort plant (Lepidium santhii), 1872
- Sketch of mimosa, Egypt, 1855
- Transcript of a botanical poem by Jane Williams, n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Views of cedars of Lebanon, Lebanon mountains, 1844
- Views of cedars of Lebanon, Lebanon mountains, 1844
- Views of trees, 1865
- Water-colour of a papyrus plant, 1838
- Water-colour of a papyrus plant, Malta, 1845
- Water-colour of an aloe, 1874
- Water-colour of an ancient papyrus plant, Alnwick Castle, 1852
- Water-colour of Egyptian acacias, c. 1855
- Water-colours of garden and hothouse flowers, n.d. ( c. 1879-80)
- Water-colours of trees, Egypt, 1856
- View of monument to Napoleon I, 1817
- Views, 1837
- BOURGES France
- View of cathedral interior, 1853
- Views of cathedral, 1853
- BOURGET lake, France
- View, 1841
- Views, 1861
- BOVERTON Glamorgan
- Plan of ancient camp, 1861
- View, 1860
- BOWNESS Westmorland
- View, 1835
- BRADING Isle of Wight
- View of a tomb, 1848
- Views of church, 1848
- Notes on and views of church, 1848
- BRAMSHILL Hampshire
- Views, and plan of church, 1847
- BRAMSHOTT Hampshire
- View of church, 1848
- BRANSTON Lincolnshire
- Views of church, 1861
- Rubbings, n.d. (c. 1840-61?)
- BRATHAY river, Westmorland
- Views, 1835
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1852-64)
- BRAY co. Wicklow
- Views, 1835
- BREDON Worcestershire
- Plan of British camp on Bredon Hill, n.d. ( c. 1859-69?)
- Sketches of church and plans of Bredon Hill, c. 1851-2
- BREEDON-on-the-HILL Leicestershire
- Drawings of a quern found at, c. 1859
- Views of church, c. 1851-2
- Water-colours of parts of church, 1847
- BRENT KNOLL Somerset
- Engravings (proof?) of site plan, n.d ( c. 1860-71?)
- Site plans, n.d. (c. 1860-71?)
- BREWSTER (Sir David) 1781-1868
- Review by, of On Colour and on the Necessity for a General Diffusion of Taste among all Classes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (c. 1858)
- BRIENZ Switzerland
- View, 1820
- BRIENZ lake, Switzerland
- View, 1849
- BRIG Switzerland
- View, 1820
- BRIGGS (John Joseph) 1819-76
- Letter to, 1859
- Views, 1837
- BRIGSTOCK Northamptonshire
- Views of church, 1847
- Photographic view, n.d. (before 1875)
- BRINKBURN Northumberland
- Drawings of Brinkburn Priory, 1852
- Sketches and notes concerning Brinkburn Priory, c. 1851-2
- BRITAIN, ancient
- Commonplace book entries concerning, n.d. ( c. 1840-75)
- Commonplace book entries (illustrated) concerning, n.d. (c. 1840-75)
- Copies (annotated) of papers by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson mainly concerning, 1860-2
- Copies (annotated) of papers concerning, mainly by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1861-2, 1870-1
- Copies of papers by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning, 1860-71
- Copy (annotated) of a paper entitled 'Cromlechs and other Remains in Pembrokeshire' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1871
- Copy of a paper entitled 'On the Megalithic Circles or Open-Air Temples of the Ancient Britons and Gauls' by John Thurnam, with a letter, c. 1861
- Drawing of an ancient British shield found at Battersea, c. 1861
- Drawing of an inscribed stone, and draft concerning remains in Lincolnshire, c. 1862
- Drawings and engravings concerning, used to illustrate publications by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1860-71
- Drawings and notes concerning British and Irish antiquities, n.d. (c. 1835?), c. 1846
- Drawings of a standing stone, Bakewell, 1837
- Drawings of stone circles, n.d. (c. 1859?)
- Extracts and notes concerning Welsh antiquities, c. 1848-59
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning, 1850-3
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning, 1863-75
- Letters concerning, 1822-75
- Letters concerning, 1828-71
- Letters concerning, c. 1852-71
- Miscellaneous papers concerning, c. 1856-70
- Notes and draft concerning sites in Gower, n.d. ( c. 1866-9)
- Notes concerning, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Notes concerning an ancient town near Hastings, n.d. (after 1858?)
- Papers and photographs concerning, c. 1858
- Papers of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning, 1845-75
- Photograph of an ancient bowl found at Heighington, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Site plans and engravings concerning, n.d. ( c. 1834-61)
- Site plans concerning, 1852
- Sketchbook containing plans and views of Arthur's Stone and other ancient sites, Gower, with notes, c. 1866-75
- Sketchbook containing plans of ancient sites, Gower, 1866
- Sketchbook containing views of cromlechs and other ancient sites, Cornwall and Gower, 1859-60
- Sketchbook containing views of standing stones, west of England and Gower, 1858-60
- View of an ancient 'amphitheatre' near Dorchester, c. 1818
- View of Arthur's Stone, Gower, c. 1866-75
- View of Arthur's Stone, Gower, c. 1866-75
- Views and plans of ancient sites, Marros and Gower, c. 1865
- Views and plans of cromlechs and stone circles, Pembrokeshire and the west of England, 1863
- Views and plans of prehistoric sites, west of England, 1857-8
- Views and site plans concerning, c. 1850-5
- Views and site plans, Greave's Ash, Pembrokeshire and Gower, 1861
- Views of ancient sites, England and Wales, 1859-61
- Views of ancient sites, Gower, 1865
- Views of ancient sites, west of England, 1857-9
- Views of carved stones, Stanwick St. John, c. 1845
- Views of cromlech, Manorbier, c. 1862
- Water-colours of ancient weapons, 1847
- Notice of congress, 1874
- Exhibition catalogues, 1860, 1863
- Railway map of, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- BRIXWORTH Northamptonshire
- Views of church, 1847
- BROMFIELD (William Arnold) 1801-51
- Engraved portrait, n.d. (c. 1840?)
- Photographic views, n.d. (c. 1866-75?)
- Plan of house and garden, 1861
- Views, c. 1862
- BROWNE (Frances Crauford) see ARKWRIGHT (Frances Crauford) d. 1849
- BRUGES Belgium
- Engravings of tombs, buildings and a statue, n.d. (after 1835?)
- View of church interior, 1853
- Views of houses and museum objects, 1853
- BRUSSELS Belgium
- Engraving of town hall, n.d. (after 1835?)
- BRYNFIELD Gower, Glamorgan
- Papers concerning the management of Brynfield House, c. 1867-71
- Papers concerning the management of Brynfield House and estate, 1867-75
- Papers concerning the renovation of Brynfield House, and its garden, n.d. (c. 1866-75?)
- Photographs of the interior of Brynfield House, n.d. (after 1866)
- View of an ancient camp, 1866
- Views, mainly of Brynfield House and its garden, c. 1871
- BULLAY Germany
- View, 1841
- BULLE Switzerland
- View, 1820
- BUNSEN (Christian Karl Josias) Freiherr von Bunsen, 1791-1860
- Letter, 1849
- BUNSEN (Ernest de) 1819-1903
- Letter from, and extract from letter to, 1871
- BURCKHARDT (John Lewis) (or Johann Ludwig) 1784-1817
- List of Arabic placenames after, 1821
- View of Roman camp, 1848
- BURNES (Sir Alexander) 1805-41
- Engraving probably used to illustrate his Travels into Bokhara, 1834
- BURR (Daniel Highford Davall) 1811-85
- Sketch portraits of, 1848
- BURRY HOLMES Gower, Glamorgan
- Plan of ruins, 1860
- Sketch plan, n.d. (c. 1865?)
- BURTON (James) 1788-1862
- Copy of Excerpta Hieroglyphica by, c. 1823-9
- BURTON (Sir Richard Francis) 1821-90
- Copy (proof) of a paper concerning his exploration of the Arabian peninsula, n.d. [1854]
- Draft of his report on his exploration of the Arabian peninsula, 1854
- BURY Somerset
- Plan of Bury Castle, 1858
- BUTLER (George) 1819-90
- Letter from(?), 1865
- BUTLER (Henry Montagu) 1833-1918
- Letters from and copies of letters to, 1863-6, 1871, 1873-4
- BUXTON Derbyshire
- View, 1837
- BYRON (George Gordon) 6th Baron Byron, 1788-1824
- Engraving of his 'tomb' at Harrow, n.d. ( c. 1859-64)
- Transcribed poetry by, 1816-21(?)
- Transcribed poetry mainly by, c. 1816-17
- CADBURY, South, Somerset
- Plans of Cadbury Castle, c. 1861
- CADIZ Spain
- Views, 1838
- Views, 1838
- Views, 1863
- Views, 1863-4
- Water-colours of doors, and views, 1864
- CAERLEON Monmouthshire
- Views of museum objects, 1856
- CAERPHILLY Glamorgan
- Plan of castle, c. 1842
- CAESAR (Gaius Julius)
- Sketches of a statue of, 1849
- View, 1844
- CAILLIAUD (Frdric) 1787-1869
- Greek inscriptions copied from a work by, 1825
- Scale plan of part of the Nile after, n.d. ( c. 1821-33)
- CAIRO Egypt
- Cairene newspapers in Arabic, 1847
- Copies of hieroglyphic inscriptions and tomb paintings probably made at and near, c. 1821
- Copy of a carving at, 1832
- Copy of a Greek inscription in a church at, n.d. ( c. 1841?)
- Copy of a late antique Greek inscription from, 1826
- Copy of an Egyptian inscription at, n.d. ( c. 1821-33?)
- Drawings and water-colours of people at, 1821
- Egyptological drawings and water-colours made at, c. 1856
- Engraved view, n.d. (c. 1869?)
- Engravings of inscriptions at Cairo and Corfu, n.d. ( c. 1871)
- Fragments of a Kufic Koran found at the mosque of 'Amr
- German(?) plan of the pyramid fields near Cairo and the Faiyum, n.d. (after 1837?)
- Journal of visit to, 1822
- Journal of travel from, 1824-5
- Journal of travel from, 1826-7
- Letter dated at, 1821
- Line drawing, n.d. (c. 1833-7?)
- Notes on a tour to Jerusalem from, 1849
- Plans, copies of inscriptions, notes and journal entries made at, c. 1832-3
- Pocket book used in, 1825
- Pocket book used in, c. 1833
- Sketches of the mosque of Ibn Tulun, n.d. ( c. 1842?)
- Surveying drawings and calculations made at, c. 1821-2
- View of the mosque of Ibn Tulun, 1842
- View probably of, c. 1841-2
- Views, c. 1822
- Views including mosques, 1844
- Views including the mosque of 'Amr, 1855
- CALAIS France
- View of church, 1817
- CALDERSTONE Lancashire
- Letters, rubbings and water-colour relating to the Calderstones, c. 1859
- CALKE Derbyshire
- Lists of items bequeathed to the Crewe family of Calke Abbey by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1878
- Lists concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's bequest to the Crewe family of Calke Abbey, c. 1875
- View of Calke Abbey, 1847
- View of Calke park, 1858
- CALVELEY Cheshire
- Views, 1836
- Paper concerning the activities of, n.d. ( c. 1860?)
- CAMBRIDGE Cambridgeshire
- Engraving of interior of St. Sepulchre's church, c. 1843
- View of St. Benedict's church tower, 1848
- CAMPANA (Giovanni Pietro) 1808-80
- Sketches of objects in his collection, 1849
- Views of objects in his collection, 1850
- CANINA (Luigi) 1795-1856
- Letter, 1830
- Letters, 1850-3
- Letters and part of a letter, c. 1850
- Tracings of ground plans and architectural details from the works of, n.d. (c. 1849-50?)
- CANNES France
- View of anthropomorphic rock, c. 1861
- CANNING (Stratford) 1st Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe, 1786-1880
- Copy of letter to, and letter from, 1858
- Copies of letters to, and letter from, 1845
- CAPEL CURIG Caernarfonshire
- View, 1837
- CAPRI Italy
- Views, 1833
- CAPUA Italy
- View of Roman amphitheatre, c. 1820
- CARISBROOKE Isle of Wight
- Views of Carisbrooke Castle, 1848
- Newspaper cutting concerning cromlechs in, 1870
- Rubbings and site plans concerning, n.d. ( c. 1859-70?)
- Sketchbook used in, 1865-73
- Sketchbook used in, 1866
- CARN BREA Cornwall
- Copy of a paper entitled 'Carn Brea, near Redruth, Cornwall' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1860
- Manuscript and engraved site plans, n.d. ( c. 1860)
- Views of a stone at, c. 1860
- CARNAC France
- Plan of ancient sites, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- CARNARVON Caernarfonshire
- Views of castle, c. 1837-8
- View and sketches of cathedral, 1849
- CARRARA (Francesco) 1812-54
- Letters and enclosures, 1845-53
- Letters and enclosures, c. 1848
- Notes by, c. 1844
- Persian manuscript given to Sir John Gardner Wilkinson by
- CARRUTHERS (William) b. 1830
- Duplicate prospectuses and copies of a plate for an unpublished work Desert Plants of Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, edited by, 1880
- Letters and other papers concerning an unpublished work Desert Plants of Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, edited by, c. 1878-80, 1905-6, 1921
- CARTHAGE Tunisia
- Views, 1845
- Drawings and other papers concerning wood-carving by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1866-75
- Sketch view, 1821
- View, 1849
- Views of town and Roman bath, c. 1820
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1852-64)
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1859-69?)
- View, 1864
- CASTOR Northamptonshire
- View of church, 1847
- Views, c. 1818
- CATANIA Sicily
- View, 1845
- CATHERWOOD (Frederic) 1799-1854
- Plan of Jerusalem by, 1835
- Plan of Jerusalem by, 1835
- CATTERICK Yorkshire, North Riding
- View of an ancient gold cross and chain found near, 1845
- View, 1843
- CAVERSHAM Oxfordshire
- View, 1846
- Water-colours of parts of church, 1847
- CAVIGLIA (Giovanni Battista) 1770-1845
- Extracts mainly from the papers of, with a portrait sketch, 1833
- CAWDOR Nairnshire
- Views, 1835
- CEFAL Sicily
- Floor plan of Islamic baths, 1845
- CEFN BRYN Gower, Glamorgan
- Plans of ancient sites on, 1866
- Plans of site on, n.d. (c. 1859-70?)
- Views, c. 1866-75
- Journal of visit to, 1845
- Views including ancient site of Samos, 1845
- Copy of a paper entitled 'An Etruscan Tomb at Cervetri, the Ancient Caere' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1856
- Ground plan and views of an Etruscan tomb, 1850
- CETINA river, Croatia
- Views, 1844
- Copy of Plan of remains in the Parishes of Chagford and Gidley by G.W. Ormerod, n.d. ( c. 1859-74)
- View, 1858
- View of the Three Crowns Inn, 1857
- CHAIX (Paul-Georges-Gabriel-mile) 1808-1901
- Letter, 1852
- CHALON-sur-SONE France
- View, 1838
- Drawing of a scene at, 1820
- Drawing of costume at, 1820
- View, 1820
- CHAMPOLLION-FIGEAC (Jacques Joseph) 1778-1867
- Letter, 1841
- CHARLTON ABBOTTS Gloucestershire
- Photograph of tump, 1863
- Views of cathedral, 1856
- Printed chart of harbours in Syria, 1834
- View, 1820
- Views of chteau, 1853
- CHEDDAR Somerset
- Views, c. 1860
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1860-71?)
- View of chteau, 1853
- View of chteau, 1853
- CHERITON Gower, Glamorgan
- Sketches, c. 1872
- Sketches of church, c. 1871
- Views of church, 1865
- CHESTER Cheshire
- Drawings of house in Watergate Street, 1839
- Sketches of cathedral architecture, n.d.( c. 1839?)
- View, 1849
- View and sketches of church font, 1849
- Views of cathedral, 1848
- CHILLON Switzerland
- View, 1841
- View of castle, 1820
- Views, c. 1818
- CHIOS Greece
- View, 1844
- CHIUSI Italy
- Water-colours of Etruscan remains at, and view, 1850
- Engravings, n.d. (after 1835?)
- Papers concerning property at, 1861
- Draft headed 'Christian remains in Egypt', n.d. ( c. 1856-62?)
- CHRISTIE & MANSON auctioneers
- Sales catalogues, 1851
- CHUN CASTLE Cornwall
- Photograph of cromlech, 1858
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1860-71?)
- Views, 1857
- CHUR Switzerland
- Views of church, 1849
- Copy of a letter concerning stained glass windows, 1863
- Copy of a paper entitled 'On an Early Mosaic in St. Mark's, representing the Removal of the Body of the Evangelist to Venice' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1852
- Drawings of churches on the Rhine and Moselle, 1841
- Drawings, water-colours and site plans concerning monasteries, Sohag, c. 1855
- Engraving of the Lady Chapel, Fountains Abbey, n.d. (after 1835?)
- Engravings of, n.d. (c. 1862-9?)
- Engravings of church windows, 1854, n.d.
- Engravings of English church architecture, n.d. ( c. 1840-61?)
- Engravings of Glastonbury Abbey, n.d. ( c. 1858)
- Ground plan of a church near Gebel Barkal, c. 1849
- Notes on and views of English and Welsh churches, 1859-61
- Plan and water-colours of Egyptian monasteries, c. 1855
- Sketchbook containing views and sketches of Swiss and Italian churches, 1849
- Sketchbook containing views of English churches, including ruins, 1846-7
- Sketchbook containing views of Italian churches, 1850
- Sketches and notes concerning Blyth church, 1861
- Sketches of cathedral architecture, Chester, n.d. ( c. 1839?)
- Sketches of Cheriton church, c. 1871
- Sketches of churches, Glamorgan, 1860
- Sketches of churches, Spoleto and Assisi, 1850
- Sketches of English church architecture, 1856- c. 1860
- Traced ground plans of Italian churches, n.d. ( c. 1849-50?)
- Tracings of views of Zadar cathedral, c. 1848
- View of a church, Athens, 1843
- View of Angers cathedral, c. 1818
- View of Avignon cathedral, 1820
- View of Glastonbury Abbey, c. 1858
- View of Laverstoke church, c. 1845
- Views and details of English churches, 1845-8
- Views and plans of churches at Trier, 1841, and in England, 1847
- Views and sketches of churches, Rome, 1849
- Views of a church, Trieste, 1844
- Views of Bakewell church, 1837
- Views of Belem church, Lisbon, 1838
- Views of Belgian and French churches, 1853
- Views of Belgian and French churches, 1853
- Views of churches, Auxerre, 1856
- Views of churches, Chur, Orvieto and Padua, 1849
- Views of churches, England, Northern France and Flanders, 1815-17
- Views of churches, Lucca and Rome, 1849
- Views of churches, Monmouthshire and Gower, 1864-5
- Views of churches, Seville, Arles and Beckenham, 1838
- Views of churches, Venice and Croatia, 1844
- Views of cloister and church, Croatia, 1844
- Views of Elgin cathedral and Cawdor church, 1835
- Views of English and Egyptian churches, 1852-6
- Views of English and Welsh churches, c. 1847, 1857
- Views of English and Welsh churches, c. 1858
- Views of English and Welsh churches, 1861
- Views of English churches, 1848
- Views of English churches including ruins, 1847-8
- Views of English churches including ruins, 1850- c. 1855
- Views of French churches, 1843
- Views of French churches, 1843
- Views of French churches, 1856
- Views of French, English and Welsh churches, 1856-7
- Views of German churches, 1836
- Views of Gower churches, 1865
- Views of Italian churches, 1849
- Views of Italian churches, 1849
- Views of Italian churches, 1850
- Views of Italian churches, 1850
- Views of Italian churches and churches in Strasbourg and Cologne, 1850
- Views of Jarrow church, 1845
- Views of St. Donats church, 1862
- Views of Venice churches, 1844
- Water-colour of a window at the 'Red Convent', Sohag, n.d. (after 1856?)
- Draft on religious education, n.d. ( c. 1866-75)
- Extract from a letter deprecating High Church practices, 1867
- Humorous sketches of clergymen, 1849
- CICERO (Marcus Tullius)
- Photograph of his villa at Tusculum, n.d. (before 1875)
- Sketch of a statue of, 1849
- CIRENCESTER Gloucestershire
- Water-colours of a Roman lock found at, n.d. ( c. 1847?)
- View, 1820
- View, 1850
- View, 1841
- CLEOPATRA Queen of Egypt
- Sketches of a statue of, 1849
- CLEVEDON Somerset
- Views of Clevedon Court, c. 1860
- CLUMBER Nottinghamshire
- Views, c. 1860
- CLYDACH river, Monmouthshire
- View, c. 1856-7
- CLYDE river, Lanarkshire
- View of Bonnington Linn, n.d. (1835?)
- COBLENZ Germany
- Notes headed 'A tour from Coblentz', c. 1848-9
- COBURG Germany
- Engraved view of the ducal palace and church of St Moritz, n.d. (c. 1862-9?)
- COCHEM Germany
- Views, 1841
- COGNE Italy
- View of Roman bridge, 1820
- Views of church and castle, 1846
- COLENSO (John William) Bishop of Natal, 1814-83
- Verses about, c. 1860(?)
- COLOGNE Germany
- View, 1841
- Views and plan including churches, 1850
- Copy (annotated) of On Colour and on the Necessity for a General Diffusion of Taste among all Classes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1858
- Copy (proof) of On Colour and on the Necessity for a General Diffusion of Taste among all Classes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1858
- Letter concerning Arabic colour names, n.d. (before 1862)
- Papers concerning colour and taste, n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Papers concerning On Colour and on the Necessity for a General Diffusion of Taste among all Classes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1855-8
- Papers concerning On Colour and on the Necessity for a General Diffusion of Taste among all Classes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (before 1858)
- Review of On Colour and on the Necessity for a General Diffusion of Taste among all Classes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (c. 1858)
- Sketches and notes concerning colour and taste in furniture design and interior decoration, c. 1853-9
- COMO lake, Italy
- Views, 1849
- COMPTON (Spencer Joshua Alwyne) 2nd Marquis of Northampton, 1790-1851
- Letter, 1850
- Views, 1844
- Views including sketch of ruins, 1844
- CONWAY Caernarfonshire
- Views, 1837
- View of castle, c. 1835
- Views of castle, 1839
- CONWIL CAIO Carmarthenshire
- Rubbings of fossils at, n.d. (c. 1859-69?)
- COOPER (Basil Henry) 1819-1891
- Letter and proof of a paper by, 1861
- Draft headed 'Christian remains in Egypt', n.d. ( c. 1856-62?)
- Commonplace book entry concerning, n.d. ( c. 1840-75)
- Coptic/Arabic vocabulary, n.d. (c. 1821?)
- Coptic/English vocabulary, n.d. (c. 1823?)
- English/Coptic/Arabic vocabulary, n.d. ( c. 1821-33?)
- English/Coptic/Egyptian vocabulary, 1828
- List of Egyptian placenames, and Coptic-Arabic vocabulary, c. 1830
- List of numbers in, c. 1830
- Liturgical work with Arabic parallel translation, 14th-15th cent.(?)
- Liturgical work with Arabic parallel translation, 18th cent.(?)
- Miscellaneous papers in, 14th-15th cent.(?)
- Notes concerning, and vocabulary, n.d. ( c. 1821-2?)
- Treatise on grammar in Arabic, and Bible lectionary with Arabic parallel translation, 14th-15th cent.(?)
- CORBAUX (Marie Franoise Catherine Doetter) known as Fanny Corbaux, 1812-83
- Letters, n.d. (c. 1840?)
- Note on Egyptian chronology by, n.d. ( c. 1860?)
- Engravings of inscriptions at Cairo and Corfu, n.d. ( c. 1871)
- Journal of visit to, 1845
- Letter from William Leake concerning, and paper entitled 'Observations on a Greek Inscription lately found in the Island of Corfu', c. 1843
- Views, 1844
- Views, 1845
- CORI Italy
- Views including Roman remains, c. 1820
- CORINTH Greece
- Letter concerning ancient site, c. 1843
- Views including ancient remains, and plan, 1843
- Views of ancient site, 1843
- View of the tomb of, Lake Albano, 1849
- Photographs of cromlechs, 1858
- Site plans and related letter, n.d. ( c. 1860-71?)
- Views, mainly of cromlechs and other ancient sites, 1859
- Views, mainly of stone circles and standing stones, c. 1860
- CORRA LINN Lanarkshire
- View, 1835
- Sketch view, c. 1821
- Views of coast, 1843
- View, and sketches and plans of Roman and Etruscan remains, 1850
- View of Roman temple, 1850
- View, 1864
- Drawing of Parisians, 1837
- Drawings and water-colours of Italian, Maltese and Egyptian costume, 1821
- Drawings and water-colours of Swiss costume, 1820
- Drawings of Greek costume, 1843
- Drawings showing, France and Switzerland, 1820
- Drawings showing Greek and French costume, 1843
- Notes concerning Greek and Roman costume, 1846
- Sketch and water-colour of a woman's costume, Leghorn, 1833
- Sketch of, Cadiz, 1838
- Sketch of Italian costume, 1849
- Sketch showing Tunisian costume, 1845
- Sketches and water-colours of 9th-16th century and ancient Greek costume, n.d. (c. 1840-75)
- Sketches of Jewish costume, Split, 1844
- Sketches of Scotsmen, 1835
- Sketches of Swiss women's costume, 1849
- Sketches of Welsh women, 1835
- Sketches showing French costume, 1817
- Sketches showing Nubian costume, c. 1849
- Sketches showing Nubian women's costume, 1848
- Tracing of a view showing Balkan costume, c. 1848
- Views of Balkan costume, 1844
- Views of Balkan costume, 1844
- Views of Balkan costume, 1844
- Views of costume, Split, 1844
- Views of Middle Eastern and European costume, 1844
- Water-colour of a soldier, Italy, 1850
- Water-colour of an Egyptian woman, 1842
- Water-colour of Balkan or Turkish costume, c. 1859
- Water-colour of Egyptian costume, c. 1822
- Water-colour of French soldiers, 1853
- Water-colour of Italian women's costume, 1849
- Water-colour showing Maghrebi costume, 1838
- Water-colours and a sketch showing Spanish, Balkan, Middle Eastern, French, German and Swiss costume, c. 1818
- Water-colours and sketches showing Egyptian costume, c. 1822
- Water-colours of Austrian and German costume, 1849
- Water-colours of Balkan costume, 1844
- Water-colours of costume near Beirut and at Acre, 1844
- Water-colours of Dutch, German, Austrian and Prussian costume, 1836
- Water-colours of German and Swiss costume, 1841
- Water-colours of Gibraltarian, Maltese and Andalusian costume, 1838
- Water-colours of Italian and other costume, 1820
- Water-colours of Italian costume, 1820
- Water-colours of Tunisian costume, 1845
- Water-colours showing Balkan costume, 1844
- Water-colours showing Dutch, German and Polish costume, 1836
- Water-colours showing Spanish costume, 1863
- Photographic views, n.d. (c. 1865-75?)
- COWES Isle of Wight
- List of yachts in and views of Cowes Regatta, 1843
- View, c. 1862
- COWPER (William) 1731-1800
- Transcript of 'To Mrs Unwin', c. 1816
- CRERAN loch, Argyllshire
- Views, 1835
- Sketch map showing, and sketch views, c. 1833
- CREWE (Georgiana) Lady Crewe, c.1824-1910
- Letter, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Letters to and related papers, c. 1856-1890
- Lists by, of items bequeathed by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1878
- Pamphlets given to, 1860-76
- Papers of, 1876
- CREWE (Sir John Harpur) 9th Bart., 1824-86
- Letters to, 1876-7
- View of an ancient British dagger in the possession of, c. 1852
- Views of ancient British objects in the possession of, 1857
- CREWE (Sir Vauncey Harpur) 10th Bart., 1846-1924
- Letter, n.d. (c. 1865?)
- Letters to, 1905-6, 1921
- CREWE FAMILY of Calke Abbey, Derbys
- Lists concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's bequest to, c. 1875
- Papers of, c. 1856-90
- CRICKHOWELL Brecknockshire
- Engraved view of a house called Greenhill near, n.d. ( c. 1865?)
- View, 1864
- CRIMEA Ukraine
- Printed map of, 1854
- Drafts concerning, 1854-5
- Copy (annotated) of Dalmatia and Montenegro by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1848
- Copy (annotated proof) of Dalmatia and Montenegro by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1848
- Journal of travel in Dalmatia, 1844
- Journal of travel in Dalmatia, 1844
- Journal of travel in Dalmatia, 1844-5
- Letter concerning Dalmatia, n.d.(c. 1840?)
- Letters and notes concerning Dalmatia, c. 1848-50
- Map (printed) of Dalmatia, 1840
- Maps (manuscript) of Dalmatia, n.d. ( c. 1844)
- Maps (sketch) of Dalmatia, c. 1844
- Notes and sketches concerning travel in Dalmatia, 1844
- Notes concerning Dalmatia, 1845
- Notes concerning travel in Dalmatia, n.d. ( c. 1844)
- Persian manuscript 'from the mountains of Dalmatia', 1761
- Sketchbook used in, 1844
- Sketchbook used in, 1844
- Sketchbook used in, 1844
- Sketchbook used in, 1844
- Sketchbook used in, 1844
- Sketchbook used in, 1844
- Tracings of views, c. 1848
- Sketch map of the Roman province of Illyricum, c. 1843-5
- View, 1835
- CROMPTON (Samuel) 1753-1827
- Engraving of residence of, n.d. (c. 1862-9?)
- CROXDEN Staffordshire
- Views of abbey ruins, c. 1851-2
- CULLIMORE (Isaac) 1791-1852
- Engraving entitled 'Chronologica Hieroglyphica', c. 1834
- CULLODEN MOOR Nairnshire
- View, 1835
- CUMBY (Anthony) 1803?-1881
- Commentary on a Greek inscription by, n.d. (after 1850?)
- Copies of letters to, and letters from and related papers, c. 1858-68
- Letter, 1857
- Letter, 1869
- Letter and enclosure(?), 1865
- Letter to, 1871
- Letters and enclosures, 1854-60, 1863, c. 1871
- Letters and enclosures, 1865
- Letters from and copy of a letter to, 1862-3, n.d. ( c. 1870?)
- Notes by, n.d. (c. 1850-75)
- Notes concerning accent in Greek by, n.d. ( c. 1859?), and letters, 1858-9
- Part of a letter(?), n.d. (c. 1840-75)
- Part of a letter(?), n.d. (c. 1840-75)
- Part of a letter, 1858
- Part of a letter, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Transcript of a paper by, 1862
- CUTHBERT, St., d. 687
- Sketches of 'St. Cuthbert's cross' and associated seal, 1845
- CWM Glamorgan
- Views near, 1874
- Coloured tracing of a colossal vase found on, n.d. ( c. 1859-70)
- View of Larnaka harbour, 1844
- DABOD Egypt
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1821-2
- View of site, n.d. (c. 1822)
- Sketch of pyramids, 1855
- View of pyramids, 1842
- DALAAS Austria
- View, 1850
- View of bazaar, 1844
- Views, 1844
- Sketch entitled 'Almah dance at Thebes', n.d. ( c. 1822-32?)
- Tracing of a view of a Balkan dance, c. 1848
- View of a Balkan marriage-dance, 1844
- View of a 'Morlacco dance', Croatia, 1844
- Water-colour of dancers from the Abruzzi, 1838
- Water-colours of Egyptian dancing, c. 1821-1822
- DARGLE river, co. Wicklow
- View, 1835
- Views, 1835
- DARSHAM Suffolk
- Views of church architecture, 1848
- Copies (annotated) of papers entitled 'On the Rock-Basins of Dartmoor, and some British Remains in England' and 'British Remains on Dartmoor' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, with an index to the latter, 1860, 1862
- Notes concerning, n.d. (after 1856?)
- Plans of sites on or near, n.d. (c. 1859-74)
- Rough sketches and notes concerning sites on, c. 1858-71(?)
- Site plans, n.d. (c. 1856-61?)
- Site plans, n.d. (c. 1860-2?)
- View of standing stones near Castor, 1858
- Views, 1859
- Views, c. 1860
- Views and plans, mainly of stone circles and other prehistoric sites, c. 1858
- Views mainly of prehistoric sites, including Grimspound, Scorhill Circle and Roundham Pond, 1857
- Engraved views, n.d. (c. 1862-9?)
- Engraving of a ceiling at, n.d. (c. 1865?)
- View, c. 1818
- View, 1815
- View, 1844
- DEBBA Sudan
- View, 1849
- DEIR el-BERSHA Egypt
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1855
- Plan of monastery, n.d. (c. 1823-6?)
- Plan of monastery of 'Deir Amba Antonios', 1830
- Views of church buildings, c. 1856
- DLEMONT Switzerland
- View, 1841
- DELPHI Greece
- Copy of an inscription at, c. 1844
- Copy of a paper entitled 'On Greek inscriptions from Delphi, communicated in a letter from Sir Gardner Wilkinson to W.R. Hamilton, esq.' by William Leake, 1843
- Views mainly of ancient site, 1843
- Copies of inscriptions at, n.d. (c. 1841?)
- Egyptological drawings and notes made at, c. 1855
- Egyptological drawings and notes made at, and view, c. 1825
- Egyptological drawings made at, n.d. ( c. 1822-7?)
- Engravings of temple sculptures, n.d. ( c. 1821-33)
- Scale drawings of architectural features, n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1821-33)
- Tracings of paintings(?), n.d. (c. 1823-7?)
- Wash drawing of column capital, n.d. ( c. 1825-32?)
- DENDUR Egypt
- Copy of view of site, n.d. (c. 1821-56)
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1821-2
- View of site, n.d. (c. 1821-2)
- DERWENT WATER Cumberland
- Views, 1835
- Journal of tour to, 1819
- Plans of ancient sites in, n.d. (c. 1859-74)
- Journal (draft) of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson from Alexandria to Turin, 1833
- Journal entries made by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson at Cairo and Alexandria, c. 1833
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Dalmatia, the Ionian islands and Malta, 1844
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Egypt, 1823
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Egypt, 1824-5
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Egypt, 1825-6
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Egypt, 1826-7
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Egypt, 1830
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Egypt and Nubia, 1821-2
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Egypt and Nubia, 1848-9
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Egypt, the Mediterranean, Malta and England, 1841-3
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in England, 1845-8
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in England and Wales, 1856-c. 1860
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in England and Western Europe, 1819-20
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in England, Wales and Spain, 1863-75
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Europe and England, 1850-3
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in France, Britain and Egypt, 1853-6
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in France, Malta and Gozo, Greece, Egypt, the Middle East, Turkey, Dalmatia and Venice, 1843-4
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in France, Switzerland and Italy, 1820-1
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Germany, 1836
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Germany, 1836
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Nubia, Egypt and Europe, 1849
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Sicily and the Regency of Tunis, 1845
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in the Balkans, 1844
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Wales and England, c. 1860-2
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in Western Europe, Gibraltar and Malta, 1838-9
- DIJON France
- Views of cathedral, 1856
- DILLON (Frank) 1823-1909
- Engravings of Egyptian subjects by, n.d. ( c. 1869?)
- DIMAI Egypt
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1824?)
- Copies of Late Roman frescoes probably showing, 1856
- Notes and extracts from, 1845
- DISRAELI (Benjamin) 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, 1804-81
- Note of his address given to Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. [1831]
- DISUQ Egypt
- View, 1848
- DOBROTA Montenegro
- Views, 1844
- DODDINGTON Northumberland
- Cutting on incised rock-markings at, n.d. ( c. 1864?)
- DOLAUCOTHY Carmarthenshire
- Engraving of antiquities at, n.d. (c. 1859-69?)
- View, 1871
- View of caves (Roman gold mines), c. 1856-7, c. 1870
- Water-colours of Roman artefacts, 1858
- DOLBADARN CASTLE Caernarfonshire
- View, 1837
- DOLBURY Somerset
- Site plans, n.d. (c. 1861?)
- DONALDSON (Thomas Leverton) 1795-1885
- Letter, 1861
- DONCASTER Yorkshire, West Riding
- Views of church windows, with notes, c. 1859
- DONGOLA, New, Sudan
- View, 1848
- DONGOLA, Old, Sudan
- View, 1849
- View, c. 1849
- View of ancient 'amphitheatre' near, c. 1818
- Notes on the history of, n.d. (c. 1878)
- DOUGGA Tunisia
- Views of Roman remains, 1845
- DOVE river, Derbyshire
- View, c. 1851-2
- DOVER Kent
- Views, 1817
- DRESDEN Germany
- Views, 1836
- View of cromlech, 1857
- Views, 1844
- Views near, 1844
- View, 1836
- View, 1841
- DUNBAR East Lothian
- View of castle, 1835
- DUNKIRK France
- Views, 1817
- DUNSTER Somerset
- Engraved view, n.d. (c. 1862-9?)
- Plan of 'Balt's Castle', n.d. (c. 1861?)
- DUNWICH Suffolk
- Views, 1848
- Engravings of city and cathedral, 1839, n.d.
- View, 1839
- EARLS BARTON Northamptonshire
- Views of church, 1847
- Draft by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning, c. 1821-3
- Draft chapter by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning, c. 1821-3
- Journal of travel in, 1823
- Journal of travel in, 1825-6
- Journal of travel in, 1826-7
- Journal of travel in, 1830
- List of plants of, 1830
- Papers concerning travel from, c. 1830
- Papers concerning travel in, c. 1825-6
- Papers concerning travel in, c. 1826
- Papers concerning the 'Kossayr Road', n.d. ( c. 1823?)
- Papers probably concerning travel in, c. 1823-7
- Plans and other papers mainly concerning, c. 1821-33
- Sketch map of, n.d. (c. 1823-6?)
- Surveying drawings and related papers concerning the 'Maazy desert', c. 1825-32
- EBERS (Georg Moritz) 1837-98
- Newspaper cutting concerning, n.d. (before 1875)
- EDFU Egypt
- Copy of an inscription at, n.d. (c. 1821-33?)
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1849
- Tracing of a painting(?) at, n.d. (c. 1823-7?)
- Draft letter to The Times headed 'Public Schools', 1864
- EDWARD VII King of Great Britain and Ireland, 1841-1910
- Engravings illustrating his visit to Egypt, n.d. ( c. 1869?)
- Accounts and luggage lists of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in, c. 1848-9
- Accounts and luggage lists of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in, c. 1848-9
- Cairene newspapers in Arabic, 1847
- Catalogue of fossils from, c. 1866-70
- Copies of papers entitled 'On the Nile and the Present and Former Levels of Egypt' and 'On the Decrease of the Level of the Nile, and on Egyptian Fortification' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1839, 1853
- Copy (annotated) of Modern Egypt and Thebes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1843
- Copy (annotated) of Topography of Thebes, and General View of Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1835
- Draft chapter by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning travel in Middle Egypt, c. 1821-3
- Draft headed 'Christian remains in Egypt', n.d. ( c. 1856-62?)
- Draft headed 'The Egyptian Cat', n.d. ( c. 1860-1)
- Drafts concerning the geography and contemporary politics of, 1849, 1858
- Drawings and engravings of views, n.d. ( c. 1835-50?)
- Duplicate prospectuses and copies of a plate for an unpublished work Desert Plants of Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1880
- Engravings illustrating the visit of the Prince of Wales to, n.d. (c. 1869?)
- Journal of travel in, 1821-2
- Journal of travel in, 1823
- Journal of travel in, 1830
- Journal of travel in, 1841-2
- Journal of travel in, 1848-9
- Journal of travel in, 1849
- Journal of travel in, 1855-6
- Journal of travel in Middle and Upper Egypt, 1824-5
- Journal of travel in Upper Egypt, 1825-6
- Journal of travel in Upper Egypt, 1826-7
- Journal of visit to, 1844
- Letters from Sir John Gardner Wilkinson written in, c. 1855
- Map entitled Carte de l'Etbaye ou pays habit par les Arabes Bicharis by Linant de Bellefonds, 1834
- Map (manuscript, partial) of Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (c. 1822-32?)
- Map of Egypt based on work by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1875
- Map of Egypt by Jacotin and Jomard, n.d. ( c. 1822-40?)
- Map of Roman Egypt, 1848
- Map of Roman Egypt, 1848
- Map (sketch) of the nomes of Upper Egypt, c. 1855
- Maps (hydrographic) of Upper, Middle and Lower Egypt by Linant de Bellefonds, c. 1855
- Maps (sketch), related papers and site plans concerning, c. 1825-32
- Notes concerning contemporary Egypt, c. 1827
- Notes concerning travel in Egypt, Sicily and Greece, c. 1821
- Official papers in Turkish, Greek and Arabic concerning travel in, c. 1822-33
- Papers concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's travel in, 1821-56
- Papers concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's travel in, c. 1821-33, c. 1875-8
- Sketchbook used in, c. 1821-32
- Sketchbook used in, 1842
- Sketchbook used in, 1844
- Sketchbook used in, 1848-9
- Sketchbook used in, 1848-9
- Sketchbook used in, 1855-6
- Sketchbook used in, 1856
- Sketches and water-colours made in, c. 1822
- Tracing of a map of ancient Egypt by d'Anville, n.d. ( c. 1823?)
- Various papers concerning, n.d. (c. 1834-61)
- List of manuscripts of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson used by, 1890
- Chronological tables of royal names, with related papers, n.d. (c. 1835?)
- Comparative lists of letter forms, c. 1856
- Copies (duplicate) of plates for Topography of Thebes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, listing Egyptian royal names, 1835
- Copies of Materia Hieroglyphica (text only, 1828) and Extracts from several hieroglyphical subjects (1830) by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson
- Copy of An essay towards explaining the hieroglyphical figures on the coffin of the ancient mummy belonging to... William Lethieullier and An essay towards explaining the antient hieroglyphical figures on the Egyptian mummy in the collection of dr. Mead by Alexander Gordon (1737)
- Copy of an inscription on a vase, British Museum, c. 1853-61
- Copy of Excerpta Hieroglyphica by James Burton, c. 1823-9
- Copy of Extracts from several hieroglyphical subjects by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1830
- Copy of Hieroglyphics on the coffin of Myserinus found in the third pyramid of Gizeh by Samuel Birch (London, 1838)
- Copy of Notes on Hieroglyphics by Orlando Felix, [1828]
- Copy (proof?) of Materia Hieroglyphica by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (plates only), c. 1828
- Draft by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning, c. 1821-3
- Draft chapter and appendix by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning, c. 1821-3
- Drafts by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning hieroglyphics at Thebes, c. 1827
- Drawings and engravings of hieroglyphic inscriptions, c. 1821-2
- English/Coptic/Egyptian vocabulary, 1828
- Engraving (annotated) concerning, n.d. ( c. 1825-32?)
- Engraving entitled 'Chronologica Hieroglyphica' by Isaac Cullimore, c. 1834
- List of names of Egyptian deities, c. 1826-7
- List of symbols entitled 'Phonetick Alphabet', n.d. ( c. 1821-33?)
- Lists of Egyptian kings after Young, n.d. ( c. 1821-2)
- Lists of Egyptian royal names, 1821
- Lists of hieroglyphic, hieratic and demotic signs, with related papers, n.d. (c. 1821-33)
- Names of Egyptian deities and rulers, c. 1828
- Notes concerning, c. 1821
- Notes concerning hieroglyphics, 1855
- Papers concerning, c. 1821-1878
- Papers concerning ancient Egyptian and other languages, c. 1852-71
- Vocabulary notes, n.d. (c. 1823?)
- Article concerning Egyptian women, 1863
- Catalogue of the collection of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, including Egyptian objects, c. 1865
- Commonplace book entries concerning, n.d. ( c. 1840-75)
- Copies of Materia Hieroglyphica (text only, 1828) and Extracts from several hieroglyphical subjects (1830) by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson
- Copies of papers entitled 'On the Nile and the Present and Former Levels of Egypt' and 'On the Decrease of the Level of the Nile, and on Egyptian Fortification' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1839, 1853
- Copies of plates (duplicates) for The Fragments of the Hieratic Papyrus at Turin by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (1851)
- Copies of plates (duplicates) for Topography of Thebes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1835
- Copies of plates (proofs?) for The Fragments of the Hieratic Papyrus at Turin by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (1851)
- Copies of The Fragments of the Hieratic Papyrus at Turin by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (plates only), [1851]
- Copies (proof?) of The Architecture of Ancient Egypt and The Fragments of the Hieratic Papyrus at Turin by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (texts only), c. 1850-1
- Copy (annotated) of a paper entitled 'On the Use of Granite' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1860
- Copy (annotated) of a paper entitled 'On the Use of Granite' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1860
- Copy (annotated) of a paper entitled 'Account of a Bilingual Inscription taken from a Vase at St. Mark at Venice' by T.J. Pettigrew, 1844
- Copy (annotated) of Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, first series, by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1837
- Copy (annotated) of Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, second series, by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1841
- Copy (annotated) of Modern Egypt and Thebes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1843
- Copy (annotated) of Topography of Thebes, and General View of Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1835
- Copy (incomplete) of a map entitled Topographical Survey of Thebes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1830
- Copy of a map entitled Topographical Survey of Thebes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1830
- Copy of a paper entitled 'The Apis-Tablets in the Louvre' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1856
- Copy of Extracts from several hieroglyphical subjects by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1830
- Copy of The Architecture of Ancient Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (plates only), [1850]
- Copy of The Architecture of Ancient Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (plates only), with original drawings and water-colours, n.d. (c. 1850)
- Copy of The Architecture of Ancient Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (text only), 1850
- Copy of The Fragments of the Hieratic Papyrus at Turin by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (text only), 1851
- Copy (proof) of Materia Hieroglyphica by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (plates only), c. 1828
- Copy (proof?) of The Architecture of Ancient Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (plates only), n.d. ( c. 1850)
- Draft by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning, c. 1821-3
- Draft dialogue set in Ancient Egypt, n.d. ( c. 1827-33?)
- Draft manuscript map of Thebes, c. 1827-30
- Draft story set in Ancient Egypt, n.d. ( c. 1827-33?)
- Drafts by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning, c. 1821-3
- Drafts by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning hieroglyphics at Thebes, c. 1827
- Drafts concerning, 1834, after 1849
- Drafts concerning, and list of royal names, 1849, n.d. (after 1859)
- Drawings and notes concerning, n.d. ( c. 1846?)
- Drawings and water-colours concerning, 1821
- Egyptological engravings, n.d. (c. 1837?)
- Egyptological engravings, n.d. (c. 1837-41)
- Egyptological sketches, 1848-9
- Egyptological tracings, drawings and engravings, n.d. ( c. 1833-41)
- Journal concerning, 1824-5
- Journal concerning, 1825-6
- Journal concerning, 1826-7
- Journal concerning, 1849
- Journal concerning, 1853-6
- Letter concerning, 1877
- Letters concerning, 1822-75
- Letters concerning, 1828-71
- Letters concerning, c. 1852-71
- Letters concerning early publications of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1827
- Letters concerning Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1865, 1873
- Letters concerning the Abbott papyrus and collection, 1857-8
- Letters largely concerning, c. 1837-1875
- Lists of books and antiquities including Egyptological references, c. 1851-71
- Miscellaneous papers and drafts concerning, c. 1827-41, c. 1855
- Notes and drawings concerning, 1844
- Notes and sketches concerning, 1822-33
- Notes and sketches concerning, 1825
- Notes concerning, 1821
- Notes concerning, 1859
- Original drawings and engravings used to illustrate works by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning, c. 1826-50
- Original drawings for the illustrations of George Rawlinson's edition of Herodotus' Histories, n.d. (c. 1856?)
- Papers concerning, c. 1819-59
- Papers concerning, c. 1831-33
- Papers concerning, n.d. (after 1837?), 1870
- Papers concerning, c. 1847-58
- Papers concerning, c. 1848-50
- Papers concerning, c. 1850-65
- Papers concerning, c. 1858-66
- Papers concerning Egyptological publications of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1830, c. 1850, 1875
- Papers concerning The Architecture of Ancient Egypt and The Fragments of the Hieratic Papyrus at Turin by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1850-5
- Papers concerning the Eastern Desert, Egypt, c. 1825-6
- Papers concerning the Eastern Desert, Egypt, c. 1826
- Papers concerning the Western Oases, Egypt, 1825
- Papers concerning travel in Egypt, c. 1830
- Papers of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning, 1737-1878
- Papers probably concerning the Eastern Desert, Egypt, c. 1823-7
- Plans and drawings concerning, n.d. ( c. 1821-56)
- Plate showing patterns from Egyptian ceilings, c. 1854
- Printed description of a scarab-ring, n.d. ( c. 1847?)
- Proofs (annotated) of notes and illustrations by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson for George Rawlinson's commentary on Herodotus' Histories, 1856
- Proofs of illustrations of George Rawlinson's edition of Herodotus' Histories, with original drawings, n.d. (c. 1856?)
- Review of Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians (second series) by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1841
- Sketch of hieroglyphics, Dresden, 1836
- Sketchbook concerning, c. 1821-32
- Sketchbook concerning, 1848-9
- Sketchbook concerning, 1848-9
- Sketches and notes concerning, 1845
- Sketches and water-colours of Egyptian objects and inscriptions, 1836
- Sketches concerning, c. 1821-33
- Sketches concerning, c. 1822
- Sketches of Egyptian artefacts, Alnwick Castle and the Queen's College, Oxford, 1856
- Sketches of Egyptian artefacts, Italy, 1850
- Sketches of Egyptian objects and inscriptions, 1836
- Sketches of Egyptian objects, Vatican, 1849
- Sketches of hieroglyphic inscriptions, Bologna, 1850
- Squeezes, rubbings and other papers concerning, n.d. ( c. 1834-61)
- Surveying drawings and calculations concerning Cairo, c. 1821-2
- Temple plans and notes concerning, c. 1822
- Tracing concerning, 1845
- Tracings for the illustrations for The Egyptians in the Time of the Pharaohs by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1855
- View of an ancient Egyptian scene, c. 1842
- View of pyramids, Dahshur, 1842
- Views of an Egyptian artefact, Split, 1844
- Views of Egyptian artefacts, Alnwick Castle and the British Museum, c. 1850-5
- Views of Egyptian artefacts, Avignon and Lyons, 1856
- Views of Egyptian objects, Louvre, 1853
- Water-colour of gold jewellery, Cairo, and views of Giza, 1844
- Water-colours of objects in Frankland Hood's collection, 1861
- EIGER mt., Switzerland
- View, 1849
- View, 1863
- View of Jesuit house, 1864
- Views, 1864
- el-'AMARNA Egypt
- Engraving of a plan of and sculptures from (published in Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians), c. 1837
- Papers concerning, n.d. (c. 1822-32?)
- View, c. 1849
- el-BAHNASA Egypt
- Traced plan of part of the Nile marked 'my Journey to Bahnesa in 1822', 1841
- Plan of site at(?), n.d. (c. 1825)
- Water-colour view, n.d. (c. 1825?)
- el-DAKKA Egypt
- Copies of inscriptions at, c. 1821-2
- Drawing of pottery from, c. 1849
- el-DERR Egypt
- Copy of view of site, n.d. (c. 1821-56)
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1821-2
- el-KAB Egypt
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1849
- Plan of site of Eileithyiaspolis, n.d. ( c. 1822-33)
- View of site, n.d. (c. 1822)
- Plans of tombs and temples at, and plan of, n.d. ( c. 1825?)
- Sketch map of, n.d. (c. 1825?)
- el-MAHARRAQA Egypt
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1821-2
- el-MATARIYA Egypt
- Copies of hieroglyphic inscriptions at, c. 1821
- View of an obelisk at the site of Heliopolis, c. 1821
- el-MINYA Egypt
- View of a sheikh's tomb, c. 1822
- el-SAFF Egypt
- Egyptological sketches made at, c. 1855
- el-SEBU'A Egypt
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1821-2
- Views and plan of site, n.d. (c. 1821-2)
- el-SHEIKH 'IBADA Egypt
- Plan of site of Antinoopolis, n.d. ( c. 1821-33)
- View, c. 1822
- el-UQSUR see THEBES Egypt
- Views, 1821
- ELBE river, Germany and Czech Republic
- Views, 1836
- Drawing of a carving at, n.d. (c. 1825-7?)
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1821-2
- Engravings of tomb paintings at, n.d. ( c. 1827?)
- Sketch of hieroglyphics at, c. 1822
- Surveying drawings made at, n.d. (c. 1828)
- View, 1822
- View of the Nilometer, n.d. (c. 1822)
- ELEUSIS Greece
- View, 1843
- ELGIN Morayshire
- Views of cathedral, 1835
- ELPHINSTONE (Mountstuart) 1779-1859
- Letter, n.d. (before 1852?)
- ELTVILLE Germany
- View, 1841
- ELVASTON Derbyshire
- View of the grounds of Elvaston Castle, 1861
- ELY Cambridgeshire
- Sketches of cathedral, 1848
- EMMERICH Germany
- View of church, 1836
- View, 1857
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in, 1842-3
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in, 1853-6
- Printed map of England and Wales, n.d ( c. 1860?)
- View of the Isle of Portland, 1845
- Views at sea, 1835
- Views at sea, 1838
- List of dialect words used in Gower, c. 1862
- List of 'English-Saxon names', n.d. ( c. 1865?)
- ERFURT Germany
- View of cathedral, 1836
- ERLACH Switzerland
- View, 1841
- ESNA Egypt
- Scale drawings of architectural features, n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Tracings and copies of sculpted fish at, n.d. ( c. 1822-7?)
- ESTCOURT (Thomas Henry Sutton Sotheron) 1801-76
- Extract from and copy of letters to, and letters from, 1864
- ETIVE loch, Argyllshire
- Views, 1835
- ETNA mt., Sicily
- View, 1838
- EVCILER Turkey
- Views, 1844
- Copy of a vase painting by, 1850
- EXETER Devon
- Views of cathedral, 1815
- EXNING Essex
- Views of bronze objects found at, 1846
- Views, 1836
- FAIYUM Egypt
- Copies (imperfect) of Map of the Feioom by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1829
- Copies of Map of the Feioom by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. [ c. 1829]
- German(?) plan showing, n.d. (after 1837?)
- Journal of travel to and from, 1824-5
- FALKENER (Edward) 1814-1896
- Letters from and to, 1860
- FALMOUTH Cornwall
- View, 1838
- FARADAY (Michael) 1791-1867
- Letter to The Times, cutting, n.d. (after 1840?)
- FARAS Sudan
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1821-2
- FARDEN Northumberland
- Plan of ancient camp near, 1852
- FELIX (Orlando) 1790-1860
- Copy of an inscription after, n.d. ( c. 1821-33?)
- Copy of Notes on Hieroglyphics by, [1828], with obituary, 1860
- Inscriptions copied from his papers, n.d. ( c. 1826?)
- Letters, n.d. (c. 1822-33?), 1834
- Letters, n.d. (c. 1823-33?)
- View of ducal palace, 1850
- Views, 1850
- FIUME see RIJEKA Croatia
- Drawings of objects in the 'Florence museum', 1850
- Tracing of a carving on a sarcophagus at, n.d ( c. 1838-50?)
- View of a religious procession, 1820
- Views including sculptures, 1820
- Water-colours of churches and museum objects, 1850
- Articles concerning, published in Eliza Cook's Journal, n.d. (before 1856)
- Notes and extracts concerning, c. 1850
- View, 1838
- View of a 'tower called Petrarch's', 1820
- Views including classical statues, c. 1818
- FORBES (Edward) 1815-54
- Classification of shells based on work by, n.d. ( c. 1864-70)
- FORCETT Yorkshire, North Riding
- Sketch of tomb, 1847
- View, 1836
- FORD Northumberland
- Drawings and view of ancient carvings at Rowton Lynn, c. 1856
- FORLI Italy
- Views of churches, 1850
- FORRES Morayshire
- Engraving of carved standing stone at, 1826
- Views, 1835
- FORSHALL (Josiah) 1795-1863
- Letters, 1835, 1838
- FORSTER (Johann Reinhold) 1729-98
- English translation, probably of Liber singularis de bysso antiquo, n.d. ( c. 1841)
- FORTESCUE (Hugh) 3rd Earl Fortescue, 1818-1905
- Letter from and extract from letter to, 1864
- Catalogue of fossils from Egypt, c. 1866-70
- Drawings of fossils and note, n.d.(c. 1860?)
- Illustrated descriptions and lists of fossils from England and Wales, c. 1866-70
- Rubbings of fossils at Conwil Caio (Carms.), n.d. ( c. 1859-69?)
- FOUNTAINS ABBEY Yorshire, West Riding
- Engraving of the Lady Chapel, n.d. (after 1835?)
- FOX (Robert) 1798?-1843
- Illustrated description of an Egyptian inscription by, n.d. (after 1837)
- Draft concerning, 1860
- Journal of travel in, 1819-20
- Journal of travel in, 1820
- Journal of travel in, 1839
- Journal of travel in, 1843
- Journal of travel in, 1853-6
- View of a convent near Dubrovnik, 1844
- View of a Franciscan cloister, Dubrovnik, 1844
- FRANKS (Sir Augustus Wollaston) 1826-97
- Letter, n.d. (after 1837)
- Letter, 1867
- View, 1849
- View of Roman theatre near, c. 1820
- Views, 1849
- FREEBORN & CO., Rome
- Handbill, vouchers, and bill, 1849
- FRIBOURG Switzerland
- Views, 1820
- FRISTON Suffolk
- View of church, 1848
- FUWA Egypt
- View, 1822
- View, 1848
- Views, c. 1821
- FYNE loch, Argyllshire
- Views, 1835
- GAETA Italy
- View, c. 1820
- View, 1845
- View, 1844
- Commonplace book entries concerning, n.d. ( c. 1840-75)
- Drawings and other papers concerning the garden at Brynfield House, Gower, n.d. (c. 1866-75?)
- Papers concerning garden planning, 1861
- Papers concerning the layout of gardens, c. 1855-8
- Views of the garden at Brynfield House, Gower, c. 1871
- Water-colours of garden features, c. 1865
- GARIBALDI (Giuseppe) 1807-82
- Engravings of his quarters at Variagno, n.d. ( c. 1869?)
- Copies of sketches made at, n.d. (c. 1849?)
- Drawing of carving or painting at, n.d. ( c. 1849?)
- Egyptological drawings, site plans and notes made at, c. 1849
- Journal of travel to, c. 1848-9
- Views, c. 1849
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1849
- Copies of inscriptions from 'Porphyrites Mons', n.d. ( c. 1841?)
- Drawings of conjectured faade of, temple of Serapis, and plans, n.d. (c. 1823-6?)
- Egyptological drawings and notes made at, c. 1855
- View, 1848
- View from, n.d. (c. 1822-32?)
- Copies of inscriptions from, n.d. (c. 1827-32?)
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1855
- Journal of travel to, 1855-6
- View of the Nile at, c. 1822
- GEBEL FOGGO[?] Sudan
- Journal of travel north from, 1849
- View, n.d. (c. 1822)
- Views, 1841
- GELL (Sir William) 1777-1836
- Draft letter to, c. 1827
- Letters from and to, 1822-5, 1832-4
- Letters to, 1821
- Letters to, c. 1825
- Letters to, c. 1825
- Note headed 'Hieroglyphics explained. By Sir W. Gell', c. 1821
- Verses by, n.d. (c. 1821?)
- View below his house in Grasmere, 1835
- GENEVA lake, Switzerland and France
- Views, 1841
- GENEVA Switzerland
- View, 1820
- View, 1841
- Views, 1841
- Views including a riot, 1820
- GENOA Italy
- View, 1838
- Views, 1820
- Views, 1841
- Copies of papers entitled 'On the Nile and the Present and Former Levels of Egypt' and 'On the Decrease of the Level of the Nile, and on Egyptian Fortification' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1839, 1853
- Drafts concerning the geography of Egypt, 1849
- Papers for an unpublished work 'Distribution of Plants' by Caroline Catherine, Lady Wilkinson, 1852-64
- Surveying diagrams, drawings and calculations concerning Egypt, n.d. (c. 1821-33)
- Illustrated commonplace book entries concerning, n.d. ( c. 1840-75)
- Notes and diagrams of the geology of the Isle of Wight, 1847
- GEORGE III King of Great Britain and Ireland, 1738-1820
- Part of printed biography of, n.d. ( c. 1820?)
- Journal of travel in, 1819
- Journal of travel in, 1836
- Journal of travel in, 1836
- Journal of travel in, 1849
- Journal of travel in, 1850
- GHENT Belgium
- Engraving of town hall, n.d. (after 1835?)
- View, 1853
- Views, 1853
- Journal of visit to, 1838
- Views, 1838
- Views, 1838
- Views, 1841
- Views, 1845
- Copy of Plan of remains in the Parishes of Chagford and Gidley by G.W. Ormerod, and related manuscript plan, n.d. (c. 1859-74)
- GIEN France
- Views, 1843
- GILBEY (W. & A.)
- Handbill for wine imported by, c. 1874
- GILWERN Brecknockshire
- View, 1864
- GIORNICO Switzerland
- View, 1849
- GIOTTO 1266?-1337
- Sketch of a painting by, 1850
- GIRGA Egypt
- View, 1822
- View, 1856
- Views including Roman site, 1845
- Views of Roman site, 1845
- GIRONDE river, France
- View of the mouth of, c. 1818
- GIZA Egypt
- Copy of Hieroglyphics on the coffin of Myserinus found in the third pyramid of Gizeh by Samuel Birch (London, 1838)
- Drawing of a bas-relief at, c. 1856
- Drawings of inscriptions on a sarcophagus at, n.d. ( c. 1825-7?)
- Egyptological drawings and water-colours made at, c. 1856
- Engraved views, n.d. (c. 1869?)
- Engraving entitled 'The Great Pyramid [From the North East.]' by Edward William Lane, 1830
- Papers concerning the Pyramids, n.d. ( c. 1821-33)
- Plan of part of site, c. 1856
- Plan of the Pyramids after Norden, c. 1821
- Plans and sketch view of the Pyramids, n.d. ( c. 1821-32?)
- Surveying drawings concerning, n.d. ( c. 1821-33)
- Surveying drawings, diagrams, and site plans concerning the pyramids of, c. 1825-32
- View, 1822
- View including pyramids, 1822
- Views of the Pyramids and other sites, c. 1821
- Views of the Pyramids and the Sphinx, 1821, and printed plan, 1826
- Views of the Pyramids and tombs, 1844
- Vignette of the Pyramids, 1830
- Water-colour and engraving of the Pyramids, n.d. ( c. 1833-7?)
- Plans of ancient sites and other papers concerning antiquities in, c. 1859-74
- Engravings of cathedral, n.d. (c. 1835?)
- Engraving of the north door of St. Joseph's Chapel, Glastonbury Abbey, n.d. (c. 1840-61?)
- Engravings of Glastonbury Abbey and the Pilgrim's Inn, n.d. (c. 1858)
- View of Glastonbury Abbey, c. 1858
- GLEN COE Argyllshire
- View, 1835
- GLENDALOUGH co. Wicklow
- Views, 1835
- Views, 1835
- GLENMALURE co. Wicklow
- View, 1835
- GLOUCESTER Gloucestershire
- Sketches of cathedral, c. 1851-2
- Plans of tumps in, n.d. (c. 1859-74)
- GODSHILL Isle of Wight
- Views, 1847
- GODWIN (George) 1815-88
- Copy of a paper entitled 'Remarks on the Question raised by Sir Gardner Wilkinson respecting the Origin of the Vertical Line in Architecture, and the Return to the Horizontal Line after the "Revival"' by, c. 1840
- GORDON (Alexander) 1692?-1754?
- Copy of An essay towards explaining the hieroglyphical figures on the coffin of the ancient mummy belonging to... William Lethieullier and An essay towards explaining the antient hieroglyphical figures on the Egyptian mummy in the collection of dr. Mead by, 1737
- GORING Oxfordshire
- Views of church, 1846
- GOTHA Germany
- Engraved view, n.d. (c. 1862-9)
- GOWER Glamorgan
- Copies of a letter to the editor of the Cambrian Journal concerning, 1862
- Descriptions of ancient sites in, c. 1860-2
- Draft of a letter concerning the need for a lifeboat for, 1859
- Draft of a letter to the editor of the Cambrian Journal concerning, 1862
- Letter concerning the climate of, 1870
- Letters concerning the need for a lifeboat for, 1859
- Manuscript map of, by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1860-7
- Notes and draft concerning ancient British sites in, n.d. (c. 1866-9)
- Notes, sketches, and surveying calculations and drawings mainly concerning, 1871-5
- Photograph of Woodlands Castle, n.d. (1840-55?)
- Site plans and other papers concerning antiquities in, c. 1859-74
- Sketchbook used in, 1865
- Sketchbook used in, 1865-73
- Sketchbook used in, 1866
- Sketchbook used in, c. 1866-75
- Sketchbook used in, c. 1866-75
- Sketchbook used in, c. 1871
- View of Culver Hole, c. 1856-7
- Views, 1865
- Views, c. 1866-75
- Views, and water-colours of archaeological finds from, 1858
- Views including ancient site, 1862
- Views including cromlechs, 1859-60
- Views including standing stones, c. 1860
- Water-colour of glow-worms in, n.d. (after 1850?)
- Journal of visit to, 1843
- View of ancient site on, 1843
- Views including ancient remains, 1843
- Views of coast, 1845
- GRAND SAINT BERNARD pass, Switzerland
- View, 1820
- GRASMERE Westmorland
- View, 1835
- View, 1839
- GREAVE'S ASH Northumberland
- Views of ancient site, 1861
- Journal of travel in, 1843
- Notes concerning the ancient history of, n.d., c. 1855
- Notes concerning travel in Egypt, Sicily and Greece, c. 1821
- Papers concerning travel in, 1843
- Sketch map of, and views of coast, c. 1842
- Sketch map of Crete, the Cyclades and the Dodecanese, and sketch views of Crete, c. 1833
- Draft on the pronounciation of, n.d. ( c. 1860-70)
- Extract on the modern pronounciation of, n.d. ( c. 1834-65)
- Letter to The Times concerning the pronounciation of, n.d. (c. 1850-75)
- List of 'Greek words derived from the Egyptian', 1828
- Modern Greek vocabulary, 1843
- Note and drafts on the pronounciation of, n.d. ( c. 1865)
- Notes on accent in, n.d. (c. 1859?)
- Official documents in, 1843
- Official paper in, concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's travel in Egypt, 1822
- View, 1838
- GRENVILLE (George Nugent) Baron Nugent, 1788-1850
- Sketches of Egyptian tablets of, c. 1835
- GRIMSPOUND Dartmoor, Devon
- Site plans, 1858
- GRINDELWALD Switzerland
- View, 1820
- View of glacier, 1849
- GRUYRES Switzerland
- View, 1820
- GUADALQUIVIR river, Spain
- Views, 1838
- GUMFRESTON Pembrokeshire
- Views and plan of church, c. 1862
- GUNTON Suffolk
- Views of church, 1848
- GURNA see QURNA Egypt
- Views of church, 1848
- HADDON, Nether, Derbyshire
- View of Haddon Hall, 1837
- Views of Haddon Hall, c. 1860
- HAGUE, The, Netherlands
- View and sketches of the Great Hall of the Counts, 1836
- HALIBURTON (James) see BURTON (James) 1788-1862
- HALL (Augusta) Baroness Llanover, 1802-96
- Dedication in the hand of, 1848
- Letters, c. 1862
- Letters, n.d. (c. 1862-4, after 1875?)
- View of her fountain, 1864
- HALL (Basil) 1788-1844
- Letter, 1842
- Letter, 1842
- Letters, 1841-2
- Map of Thebes annotated by, 1830
- HALL (Spencer Timothy) 1812-85
- Letter, 1859
- HAM Glamorgan
- Views, c. 1865
- HAMBURG Germany
- Views, 1836
- HAMILTON (William Richard) 1777-1859
- Copy of a letter to, and letter from, 1857
- Copy of a paper entitled 'On Greek inscriptions from Delphi, communicated in a letter from Sir Gardner Wilkinson to W.R. Hamilton, esq.' by William Leake, 1843
- Letter, 1841
- Portrait sketch, 1835
- Sketch of a Chinese bottle belonging to, n.d. ( c. 1855?)
- HAMMER-PURGSTALL (Josef) Freiherr von Hammer-Purgstall, 1774-1856
- Letters, 1836-8, 1848
- Views, 1841
- HARDENDALE Westmorland
- Notes concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's estate at, n.d. (c. 1835?)
- Plans and other papers concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's estate at, n.d. (c. 1840?)
- Views, 1835
- HARDING DOWN Gower, Glamorgan
- Plan of site on, n.d. (c. 1859-70?)
- HARDWICK Buckinghamshire
- View, 1837
- HARDWICK HOUSE Oxfordshire
- View, 1847
- HARRIS (Anthony Charles) 1790-1869
- Copies from the Egyptological papers and collections of, c. 1855
- Copies from the Egyptological papers of, c. 1855
- Copies from the Egyptological papers of, c. 1855
- Copy of a papyrus of, n.d. (c. 1821-33)
- Drawings of objects in the collection of, c. 1833
- Letter, 1859
- Letters, c. 1843
- Letters, 1848
- Letters, parts of letters and enclosures, 1837, 1840, c. 1849-1858
- HARROW Middlesex
- Booklet of engravings of, n.d. (c. 1865?)
- View, 1816
- Circular for the Lyon Memorial Fund, 1875
- Copy of letter to the governors of, and enclosure, 1876
- Correspondence and other papers concerning the donation of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's collections to, and the tercententenary celebrations in 1871, 1859-74
- Engravings and bookplate of, n.d. (c. 1859-64)
- List of illustrations sent to, c. 1861
- Note concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's donation of his collection of antiquities to, 1866
- Notes and lists concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's donation of his collection of antiquities to, c. 1865, c. 1873
- Notes concerning collections donated by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson to, c. 1866-1876
- Papers mainly concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's donation of his collections to, n.d. (c. 1864-71)
- HARTING Sussex
- Papers concerning property at, 1863
- HARTSHORNE (Charles Henry) 1802-65
- Letter from and copy of letter to, 1863
- HARTSIDE Northumberland
- Plan of ancient camp near, 1852
- HARTWELL Buckinghamshire
- Engravings of Egyptian objects in the museum at, c. 1833
- HASKETON Suffolk
- View of church, 1846
- Engraving, n.d. (after 1835?)
- Notes concerning an ancient town near, n.d. (after 1858?)
- Partial draft concerning a Roman town near, n.d. ( c. 1858)
- HATHERSAGE Derbyshire
- Annotated copy of a paper entitled 'On some of the Vestiges of the Britons near Hathersage' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1861
- Views, c. 1860
- View, 1841
- HAWARA Egypt
- Sketch plan of pyramid, n.d. (c. 1824?)
- HAY (Robert) 1799-1863
- Engraving of an Egyptian painting or carving by, c. 1825
- HEAN CASTLE Pembrokeshire
- Sale particulars of the estate, 1863
- HEATH (Dunbar Isidore) 1816-88
- Letters, and related notes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (c. 1857-61)
- Notes on, 1833
- HEIGHINGTON Lincolnshire
- Photograph of an ancient bowl found at, n.d. ( c. 1860?)
- HEKEKYAN (Joseph) Bey, 1807-75
- Letter, 1861
- Letter, 1862
- Plan and section of the site of Memphis by, c. 1856
- Note concerning, c. 1856
- HELIOPOLIS see TELL HISN Egypt; see also el-MATARIYA Egypt
- HEN CASTLE Pembrokeshire
- Engraved views, n.d. (c. 1865?)
- Drawing of a coat of arms, 1843
- Water-colours of Balkan coats of arms, 1844
- Water-colours of coats of arms of the Turberville family of Glamorgan, n.d. (c. 1863)
- HEREFORD Herefordshire
- Sketches of cathedral, c. 1851-2
- HEREFORD BEACON Herefordshire
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1850-5?)
- Notes concerning, 1831
- Original drawings for illustrations of George Rawlinson's edition of the Histories, n.d. ( c. 1856?)
- Proofs and original drawings for illustrations of George Rawlinson's edition of the Histories, n.d. ( c. 1856?)
- Proofs (annotated) of notes and illustrations by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson for George Rawlinson's commentary on the Histories, 1856
- Subject index to the Histories, n.d. (c. 1856)
- Water-colour and engravings used to illustrate George Rawlinson's annotated translation of the Histories, c. 1825?, c. 1858
- Views of church, 1848
- HERTZ (Bram) fl. 1839-65
- Sketches of Egyptian objects belonging to, n.d. (before 1856?)
- Sketches of church architecture, 1847
- View, 1836
- HINCKS (Edward) 1792-1866
- Note from, n.d. (c. 1840?)
- HIW Egypt
- Drawings of tomb paintings at(?), n.d. ( c. 1822)
- HOARE (Charles James) 1781-1865
- Letter, 1848
- HOGG (Edward) 1783-1848
- Copies of inscriptions recorded by, 1841
- Notes concerning, c. 1821-31, n.d. (after 1866)
- References to vases in, c. 1860
- View, 1839
- View, 1843
- HOOD (William Frankland) c.1825-64
- Draft letter to, 1860
- Extracts from the Hood Papyrus, n.d. ( c. 1861?)
- Water-colours of Egyptian objects in his collection, 1861
- HOPE (Frederick William) 1797-1862
- Letters, n.d. (before 1850?)
- Notes concerning an extra-illustrated edition of, n.d. ( c. 1866-75)
- Papers concerning an extra-illustrated edition of, c. 1866-76
- Views of places associated with, 1820
- HORSLEY, East, Surrey
- Coloured engraving of the hall, n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Engraving of the seat of the Earl of Lovelace, n.d. (after 1835?)
- HORTON Gower, Glamorgan
- Plan of an ancient camp, 1860
- HOUGHTON Yorkshire, East Riding
- Sketches of chapel, 1861
- HOYLE'S MOUTH Monmouthshire
- View, c. 1865
- HURLERS Cornwall
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1860-71?)
- HUSSON (Hyacinthe) scholar, fl. 1868
- Copy of a letter to, 1868
- IFFLEY Oxfordshire
- View of church, c. 1816
- IGEL Germany
- Views of Roman remains, 1841
- ILAM Staffordshire
- Views of font, c. 1860
- ILFORD Essex
- Sketch of church arch, 1846
- View from Cefn Bryn, Gower, c. 1860
- ILSTON Glamorgan
- Views of houses, c. 1860
- IMOTSKI Croatia
- View, 1844
- Views, 1844
- Commonplace book entries concerning, c. 1840-75
- Copy of the Bombay Times, 1848
- Drawings concerning ancient sites north-west of 'Cotraconah', 1846
- Engraved views, n.d. (c. 1862-9?)
- Extracts concerning, n.d. (c. 1823-40)
- Extracts from Jean Antoine Dubois, Description of the Character, Manners and Customs of the People of India, 1845
- Sketches of architectural details, 1845
- Water-colours of a wooden spoon from, 1859
- INGOE Northumberland
- Letter and rubbing concerning an incised stone at, 1860
- View, 1849
- Views, 1849
- Copies and engravings of (Egyptian and Greek), Egypt, n.d. (c. 1821-40)
- Copies of, Eastern Desert, Egypt, c. 1826
- Copies of, Egypt, 1822
- Copies of, Egypt, 1823
- Copies of, Egypt, c. 1823-7
- Copies of, Egypt, 1824-5
- Copies of, Egypt, 1825
- Copies of, Egypt, 1825-6
- Copies of, Egypt, 1826-7
- Copies of, Egypt, 1830
- Copies of (Egyptian and cuneiform), on a vase, British Museum, c. 1853-61
- Copies of (Egyptian and Greek), 1821-1822?
- Copies of (Egyptian and Greek), c. 1823-40
- Copies of (Egyptian and Greek), c. 1849
- Copies of (Egyptian and Greek), Alnwick, n.d. (after 1833)
- Copies of (Egyptian and Greek), Egypt, n.d. ( c. 1821-33)
- Copies of Egyptian and Greek inscriptions and papyri, n.d. (c. 1821-65?)
- Copies of (Egyptian and some Coptic, Greek and Latin), Thebes, 1830
- Copies of (Egyptian, Greek and Arabic), c. 1828-37
- Copies of (Egyptian, Greek and Arabic), 1848-9
- Copies of (Egyptian, Greek and Arabic), 1848-9
- Copies of (Egyptian, Greek and Arabic), c. 1849
- Copies of (Egyptian, Greek and Coptic), n.d. ( c. 1821-75)
- Copies of (Egyptian, Greek and Coptic), c. 1825
- Copies of (Egyptian, Greek and Coptic), c. 1855
- Copies of Egyptian, Greek and Coptic inscriptions and papyri, c. 1821-60
- Copies of (Egyptian, Greek and Latin), c. 1821-1833
- Copies of (Egyptian, Greek and Latin), c. 1821-1878
- Copies of (Egyptian, Greek and Latin), 1855-6
- Copies of (Egyptian, Greek and Latin), Bologna, 1850
- Copies of (Egyptian, Hebrew and Latin), Avignon, 1856
- Copies of (Egyptian, Latin and Arabic), c. 1838-9
- Copies of (Egyptian, Latin and Arabic), 1849
- Copies of (Greek and Latin), 1844
- Copies of (Greek and Latin), 1844-5
- Copies of (Greek, Latin and Arabic), 1843-4
- Copies of (Greek, Latin and Arabic), 1845
- Copy of, Iona, 1835
- Drawings and engravings of (Egyptian and Greek), c. 1821-2
- Letter concerning, Corinth, n.d. (before 1847?)
- Commentary on an inscription, n.d. ( c. 1856-60?)
- Copies of, n.d. (c. 1834-61)
- Copies of, 1838
- Copies of, 1841-2
- Copies of and related papers, n.d. ( c. 1821-56)
- Copy of, n.d. (c. 1822)
- Copy of, Pisa, 1849
- Rubbings of, n.d. (c. 1847?)
- Seal impressions(?), n.d. (c. 1823-40)
- Copies of, Thebes, n.d. (c. 1827-32)
- Copy of, n.d. (c. 1859?)
- INSCRIPTIONS cuneiform
- Copy (annotated) of a paper entitled 'Account of a Bilingual Inscription taken from a Vase at St. Mark at Venice' by T.J. Pettigrew, 1844
- Copy of, Venice, 1844
- Draft concerning translation of, 1857
- Letter and enclosures concerning, Venice, 1844
- Copies of, c. 1825-6
- Copies of, 1827-8
- Copies of, c. 1830
- Copies of, c. 1833
- Copies of, 1841-3
- Copies of, c. 1850-5
- Copies of, Louvre, 1856
- Copies of, Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Berlin, 1836
- Copies of, Naples, 1821
- Copies of, probably Leiden, 1836
- Copy (annotated) of a paper entitled 'Account of a Bilingual Inscription taken from a Vase at St. Mark at Venice' by T.J. Pettigrew, 1844
- Copy of a paper entitled 'The Apis-Tablets in the Louvre' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1856
- Copy of Excerpta Hieroglyphica by James Burton, c. 1823-9
- Engraving of, n.d. (c. 1847?)
- Sketches of, Italy, 1850
- Squeezes of, n.d. (c. 1821-56)
- Squeezes of, Thebes, c. 1827-32, c. 1856
- Copies of, Italy, 1850
- Commentary on an inscription from Sigeum, 1846
- Commentary on an inscription near Thebes, Egypt, n.d. (after 1850?)
- Copies of, c. 1833
- Copies of, 1843
- Copies of, 1843
- Copies of, Eastern Desert, Egypt, c. 1830
- Copies of, Egypt, n.d. (c. 1821-33)
- Copies of, from Akhmim and elsewhere in Egypt, c. 1827-8
- Copies of, from Alexandria and Canopus, n.d. ( c. 1847?)
- Copy of, c. 1843
- Copy of a late antique inscription, Cairo, 1826
- Copy of a 'tombstone', Egypt, 1842
- Copy of, Delphi, c. 1844
- Engraving of, 1810
- Engravings of, Cairo and Corfu, n.d. ( c. 1871)
- Letter and papers by William Leake and Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning, Corfu and Delphi, c. 1843
- Transcript of text of, n.d. (c. 1865)
- Copies of, 1838
- Copies of, 1850
- Copies of, n.d. (c. 1860-70?)
- Copies of inscriptions found in Spain, c. 1860
- Copies of, Italy, 1849
- Copies of, Italy, 1850
- Copies of, Ravenna, 1850
- Copies of, Rome, 1849
- Copies of, Verona, 1850
- Copy of, 1843
- Copy of, Aix-en-Savoie, 1841
- Copies of, Malta, 1842
- INTERLAKEN Switzerland
- Views, 1820
- INVERNESS Inverness-shire
- Views, 1835
- IONA island, Argyllshire
- Copy of inscription on and view, 1835
- IPSWICH Queensland, Australia
- Photographic view, n.d. (c. 1854-1875)
- Note concerning travel in, n.d. (c. 1835)
- Papers concerning the language and antiquities of, n.d. (c. 1835?)
- Printed map of, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Sketchbook containing views of co. Wicklow, 1835
- Sketchbook containing views of co. Wicklow, 1835
- Copy (annotated) of a paper entitled 'On Saracenic Architecture' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1861
- Copy of a paper entitled 'On Saracenic Architecture' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1861
- Draft concerning Islamic architecture, c. 1861
- Drafts concerning, 1837, 1859
- Drawings and plan of mosques and other buildings, n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Engravings concerning Mecca(?), n.d. ( c. 1821-40?)
- Extract from the Koran, n.d. (c. 1850?)
- Extracts from the Koran, and other manuscripts, c. 1800-50
- Fragments of a Kufic Koran, 9th cent.(?)
- Manuscript copy of the Koran, 18th cent.(?)
- Plan of a Roman bridge with 'Moorish towers', Las Alcantarillas, n.d. (c. 1864)
- Sketches of the mosque of Ibn Tulun, Cairo, n.d. ( c. 1842?)
- View of the courtyard of a mosque, n.d. ( c. 1821-56)
- View of the mosque of Ibn Tulun, Cairo, 1842
- Views of mosques, Acre and Beirut
- Views of mosques, Cairo, 1844
- Views of the mosque of 'Amr, Cairo, 1855
- 'ISMA'EEL' see WILKINSON ( Sir John Gardner) 1797-1875
- View, 1849
- Plan of site of Speos Artemidos, n.d. ( c. 1822-33)
- italicA Spain
- Views, 1864
- Accounts and luggage lists of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in, 1849
- Copy of a paper entitled 'Rome in 1848-49' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1850
- Egyptological and other notes, drawings and copies of inscriptions made in, 1838
- Journal of travel in, 1820
- Journal of travel in, 1820-1
- Journal of travel in, 1838-9
- Journal of travel in, 1849
- Journal of travel in, 1850
- Luggage lists and vouchers concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's travel in, 1849
- Notes and draft concerning the ancient Etruscans, n.d. ( c. 1855)
- Sketch map of southern Italy giving Roman placenames, 1873
- Sketchbook used at Rome, 1849
- Sketchbook used in, 1820
- Sketchbook used in, c. 1820-1
- Sketchbook used in, 1849
- Sketchbook used in, 1849
- Sketchbook used in, 1849
- Sketchbook used in, 1849
- Sketchbook used in, 1849
- Sketchbook used in, 1850
- Sketchbook used in, 1850
- Sketchbook used in, 1850
- Sketchbook used in, 1850
- Sketchbook used in, 1850
- Tracings of Roman remains, Etruscan objects and carvings, n.d. (c. 1849-50?)
- Water-colours of Italian architectural details, c. 1848-9
- View, 1844
- IZMIR see SMYRNA Turkey
- Sketches of Japanese objects, Leiden, n.d. ( c. 1836)
- JARROW Durham
- Views, including church and 'Bede's chair', 1845
- JBAIL Lebanon
- Views, 1844
- JEREZ de la FRONTERA Spain
- View, 1864
- Notes on a tour from Cairo to, 1849
- Plan, 1835
- Plan, 1835
- Plan, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Plan (coloured), 1845
- Views including ancient sites, 1844
- View of Jesuit house, El Puerto de Santa Maria, 1864
- JOHNES (Charlotte) of Dolaucothy, fl. 1876-1906
- Letter, 1876
- Letters, 1905-6
- JOHNES (John) of Dolaucothy, fl. 1870-1
- Copy of letter to, and letter from, 1871, n.d.
- Letter, 1870
- JOMARD (Edm Franois) 1777-1862
- Letter and copy of reply, 1839
- Map of Egypt by Jacotin and Jomard, n.d. ( c. 1822-40?)
- JOUNIE Lebanon
- View of Roman bridge, 1844
- JTERBOG Germany
- View of church, 1836
- JUNGFRAU mt., Switzerland
- View, 1849
- KAIROUAN Tunisia
- View of 'Kaid's house', 1845
- Views, 1845
- Copies of inscriptions at, n.d. (c. 1821-2)
- Egyptological drawings and copies of inscriptions made at, c. 1821-2
- Water-colour of soldiers at, c. 1818
- KAUB Germany
- Views, 1841
- KELB river, Lebanon
- Views, 1844
- KEMPTEN Germany
- View near, 1849
- KENRICK (John) 1788-1877
- Letter, 1840
- KEWSTOKE Somerset
- View, c. 1860
- KIDWELLY Carmarthenshire
- Views of castle, 1872
- KILLARNEY, Lakes of, co. Kerry
- Engraving, n.d. (after 1835?)
- KING (Ada Augusta) Countess of Lovelace, 1815-52
- Letters, n.d. (c. 1846?)
- KING (Peter John Locke) 1811-85
- Letter to(?), 1864
- Letters, 1868
- Letters and related papers, 1861
- KING (William) 1st Earl of Lovelace, 1805-93
- Engraved portrait of(?), 1833
- Letter, 1846
- Plans and views, 1835
- Views, 1843
- KIPLIN Yorkshire, North Riding
- Coloured engraving of the library at Kiplin Hall by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (after 1846)
- Photographs of Kiplin Hall, n.d. (c. 1865-75?)
- View of a house (Kiplin Hall?), 1842
- View of Kiplin Hall, 1861
- Water-colour of interior, Kiplin Hall, 1846
- KLOTTEN Germany
- View, 1841
- KNARESBOROUGH Yorkshire, West Riding
- View, 1837
- KNIN Croatia
- Tracing of view, c. 1848
- View, 1844
- View, 1844
- Views, 1841
- KNIG (Charles Dietrich Eberhard) see KONIG
- View, 1841
- KOM OMBO Egypt
- Copies of inscriptions at, n.d. (c. 1821-2?)
- Copy of an inscription at, c. 1821-2
- View, c. 1849
- KOM el-AHMAR Egypt
- Copy of a tomb painting 'at Kom Achmar above Minieh', n.d. (c. 1825-32?)
- Egyptological site plan, notes and drawings made at, c. 1849
- Plan of site of Hierakonpolis, n.d. ( c. 1822-33)
- KONIG (Charles Dietrich Eberhard) 1774-1851
- Letter, 1847
- Extract from the Koran, n.d. (c. 1850?)
- Extracts from the Koran, and other manuscripts, c. 1800-50
- Fragments of a Kufic Koran, 9th cent.(?)
- Manuscript copy of the Koran, 18th cent.(?)
- KORccaron;ULA Croatia
- Tracing of view, c. 1848
- KORccaron;ULA Croatia
- Views, 1844
- Views, 1844
- KOTOR Montenegro
- Views, 1844
- KRASINSKI (Walerjan Skorobohaty) d. 1855
- Letters from, letter to, and drafts and notices of publication, 1841-52
- KRKA river, Croatia
- Views, 1844
- Views, 1844
- LA CHARIT France
- View, 1843
- Sketchbook used in, 1835
- Sketchbook used in, 1835
- LAMPETER Cardiganshire
- View of St. David's College, 1854
- LAMPHEY Pembrokeshire
- Views of Lamphey Palace, c. 1862
- LAND'S END Cornwall
- View, 1857
- Views, 1849
- LANDSEER (Sir Edwin Henry) 1802-73
- Facsimile of a drawing by, 1874
- LANE (Edward William) 1801-76
- Commentary on an Arabic inscription by, n.d. ( c. 1856-60?)
- Description of a scarab-ring by, n.d. ( c. 1847?)
- Draft letters to, c. 1855
- Engraving entitled 'The Great Pyramid [From the North East.]' by, 1830
- Letter, 1831
- Letter, 1850
- Letter, n.d. (before 1862)
- Letter, n.d. (c. 1863-75?)
- Note and letter, n.d. (c. 1848?), 1875
- LANEAST Cornwall
- Views, 1859
- LANGDALE Westmorland
- Views, 1835
- LANGTON, Great, Yorkshire, North Riding
- Sketches of church, 1846
- Commonplace book entries concerning languages, n.d. ( c. 1840-75)
- Comparative notes, n.d. (c. 1850?)
- Comparative vocabulary of 24 languages, n.d. ( c. 1865)
- Papers concerning ancient Egyptian and other languages, c. 1852-71
- Papers concerning Sanscrit and Zend, n.d. ( c. 1847-58)
- Papers concerning various languages, c. 1825-46
- Papers concerning various languages, c. 1834-65
- Papers concerning various languages, c. 1848-59
- Photograph, 1858
- Views of a bridge, 1864
- Views, 1864
- Views, 1864
- Papers concerning the pronounciation of, n.d. ( c. 1865), 1871
- Cutting concerning Roman manuscripts and coins found near Beattock, c. 1846
- LAUGHARNE Carmarthenshire
- Papers concerning property at, 1862
- View of castle, 1859
- LAUSANNE Switzerland
- View, 1841
- View, 1820
- View, 1849
- LAVENO Italy
- View, 1849
- LAVERSTOKE Hampshire
- View of church, c. 1845
- LAYARD (Sir Austen Henry) 1817-94
- Draft entitled 'On one of the Egyptian Cartouches found by Dr Layard at Nimroud', n.d. (after 1849)
- Engraving and cutting concerning Layer Marney Tower, n.d. (c. 1862-9?)
- LEAKE (William Martin) 1777-1860
- Letter, n.d. (c. 1840?)
- Letter, n.d. (c. 1841-60)
- Letter, c. 1845
- Letter and papers by, c. 1843
- Letters, n.d. (c. 1845-65)
- Letters, c. 1846
- LEBANON mts., Lebanon
- Views, 1844
- Views, 1844
- View, 1864
- LEDBURY Herefordshire
- Sketch of church window, c. 1851-2
- LEE (John Edward) 1808-87
- Letter, 1865
- LEEMANS (Conradus) 1809-93
- Letter, 1836
- Letter, 1852
- Views, 1820
- View, 1833
- View, 1841
- LEICESTER Leicestershire
- Views of Roman remains and St. Nicholas's church, 1847
- LEIDEN Netherlands
- Sketches of Egyptian artefacts at, 1836
- Sketches of Japanese objects at, n.d. ( c. 1836)
- LEIPZIG Germany
- Views, 1836
- LEPANTO Greece
- View, 1843
- LEPSIUS (Karl Richard) 1810-84
- Copies of letters to, 1860
- Drawings and notes from works by, n.d. ( c. 1846?)
- Letter, 1852
- Letter and circular concerning his Knigsbuch der Alten Aegypter, 1858
- View of Mytilene, 1844
- LETLOW Staffordshire
- View of an ancient British dagger found at, c. 1852
- LETRONNE (Jean Antoine) 1787-1848
- Letters, 1841, 1843
- LEUK Switzerland
- View of church tower, 1849
- LEUKERBAD Switzerland
- View, 1820
- LEVEN loch, Argyllshire
- View, 1835
- LICATA Sicily
- View, 1845
- LICHFIELD Staffordshire
- Engraving of cathedral, n.d. (after 1835?)
- LIEDER (Johann Rudolph Theophilus) 1798-1865
- Notes on a tour from Cairo to Jerusalem, 1849
- LINANT de BELLEFONDS (Louis Maurice Adolphe) Bey and Pasha, 1799-1883
- Maps of Egypt by, 1834, c. 1855
- LINCOLN Lincolnshire
- Sketches of churches, c. 1850-5
- View of cathedral, c. 1859
- Views, 1864
- Views of churches, 1861
- Water-colours of Roman objects, 1856
- Draft concerning ancient British remains, c. 1862
- LINDLEY (John) 1799-1865
- Letter, n.d. (c. 1840?)
- LISBON Portugal
- Views, 1838
- Lectionary including extracts from a liturgical work, 14th-15th cent.(?)
- Part of a liturgical work, 14th-15th cent.(?)
- Part of a liturgical work, 18th cent.(?)
- LIVIUS (Titus)
- Cutting concerning a manuscript of the History of Rome found near Beattock, c. 1846
- LIZARD, The, Cornwall
- View, 1838
- LLAN RUMNEY HALL Monmouthshire
- Correspondence concerning, 1864
- LLANBOIDY Carmarthenshire
- Copies (annotated) of a paper entitled 'The Menvendanus Stone' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, concerning a standing stone at, 1871
- Copy of a paper entitled 'The Menvendanus Stone' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, concerning a standing stone at, 1871
- Tracing of inscription on the Menvendanus Stone, n.d. ( c. 1871)
- LLANCARFAN Glamorgan
- Plan of Castle Ditches camp, n.d. (c. 1859-70?)
- Views, 1860
- LLANDOVERY Carmarthenshire
- Photograph of church, 1879
- Photographs of Dolanhirion Bridge, n.d. ( c. 1866-75?)
- Views near and views of castle, c. 1870-2
- Views of castle, 1874
- Plans of sites at, c. 1874
- Sketch views, c. 1874(?)
- View, c. 1872
- Views, 1874
- LLANGENITH Gower, Glamorgan
- Views of church and college, c. 1860
- LLANMADOC Gower, Glamorgan
- Engraved site plan, n.d. (c. 1856-61?)
- Plans of site on Llanmadoc Hill, n.d. ( c. 1859-70?)
- Sketches of Llanmadoc Hill, 1865
- LLANOVER Monmouthshire
- Brass rubbing made at(?), n.d. (c. 1840-61?)
- View of a fountain, Llanover House(?), 1864
- View of lake, 1865
- Views, c. 1856
- Views of the Mari Lwyd and New Year celebrations at, 1870
- Water-colour of carving at Llanover House(?), n.d. ( c. 1860)
- LLANOVER, Baroness see HALL (Augusta)
- LLANRHIDIAN Gower, Glamorgan
- Views of Llanrhidian Marsh, c. 1871
- LLANRWST Denbighshire
- Views, 1837
- LLANSTEPHAN Carmarthenshire
- View, c. 1871
- Views and plans, mainly of castle, 1866
- LLANTHONY Monmouthshire
- Views of abbey, c. 1847
- Plan of Castle Ditches camp, n.d. (c. 1859-70?)
- LLANWNDA Pembrokeshire
- Views of castle and cromlechs, 1863
- LLAWHADEN Pembrokeshire
- Sale particulars of the Veynor estate, 1862
- LLUGWY river, Caernarfonshire
- View, 1837
- LOCHES France
- Views of church and castle, 1853
- LOEWE (Louis) 1809-88
- Letters from(?), 1843
- LOFTUS (Jane) Marchioness of Ely, d. 1890
- Letter from and copy of letter to, 1875
- LOIRE river, France
- Views, 1843
- LOMOND loch, Dunbartonshire and Stirlingshire
- View from Tarbet, 1835
- Views, 1835
- Journal of travel from, 1848
- Views of places in, c. 1816
- LONDON Albert Memorial
- Engravings of Scott's design for, n.d. ( c. 1861-4?)
- LONDON Battersea
- Drawing of an ancient British shield found at, c. 1861
- LONDON British Museum
- Draft concerning the management of, 1860
- Drawing of an Egyptian carved tablet apparently at, n.d. (c. 1856)
- Drawings of Egyptian artefacts at, c. 1855
- Drawings of engraved pottery fragments from Thebes donated to, c. 1830
- Lists of objects donated by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1866
- Sketches and water-colours of Greek vases and other objects at, c. 1853-61
- Sketches of Egyptian objects at, n.d. (after 1833)
- Views of Greek vases at, 1863
- LONDON Farringdon Street
- Views of a Roman brick kiln in, 1863
- LONDON Great Exhibition of 1851
- Notes and sketches concerning, 1851
- LONDON Leicester Square
- Cutting concerning, n.d. (1874)
- LONDON London Bridge
- Sketch of a fire at, seen from the top of the Monument, 1861
- LONDON Marlborough House
- Notes and sketches concerning, c. 1853-9
- LONDON Merchant Taylors' School
- Engraved view, n.d. (c. 1862-9)
- LONDON South Kensington
- Engravings of exhibits from the International Exhibition of 1862 and the South Kensington Loan Collection, c. 1862
- LONDON Tower of London
- Engraved view of the chapel of St. John in the White Tower, n.d. (c. 1862-9?)
- LONDON Whitehall
- Plans showing site of 'new government offices' in, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- LONG loch, Dunbartonshire
- View, 1835
- LONG MEG Cumberland
- Sketch views of site, n.d. (c. 1860-70?)
- LONGHOUSE Pembrokeshire
- Views and plans of a cromlech, 1863
- LOUGHOR Glamorgan
- View, c. 1871
- LOVELACE, Countess and Earl see KING
- LOVELL (Sir Lovell Benjamin Badcock) formerly Badcock, 1786-1861
- Letters to, 1827
- LOVELL (William Stanhope) formerly Badcock, 1788-1859
- Letter to(?), 1857
- Letters and memorandum to, 1828, and copy of letter of 1805 from, n.d.
- Letters to, 1827
- Photograph of miniature, and sketch portraits of, c. 1859
- LOVELL (Matilda Sophia) daughter of W.S. Lovell, fl. 1859-75
- Commonplace book of(?), c. 1859-63
- Commonplace book of(?), c. 1861-77
- Drawing by, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Drawings of ancient objects by, 1860
- Letter, n.d. (after 1856?)
- Letter, n.d. (c. 1863)
- Notes made for, n.d. (c. 1875-1881?)
- Part of letter, and drawings by, n.d. (after 1856?)
- Sketch plans of sites examined by, n.d. ( c. 1859-74)
- LOVELL FAMILY of Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire
- Draft pedigree of, n.d. (after 1839)
- Views of church, 1848
- LUCAS (Caroline Catherine) see WILKINSON (Caroline Catherine) Lady Wilkinson, 1822-81
- LUCAS (John Ponsonby) 1823-98
- Copy of letter and enclosure, 1876
- Letter, 1873
- Letter to and copy of letter from, 1875
- Letters and related papers, 1882
- LUCAS FAMILY of Glamorgan
- List of portraits of, n.d. (c. 1866-70)
- LUCCA Italy
- Sketches of churches and view, 1849
- View of the church of S. Michele, 1849
- Views near, 1820
- LUCERNE Switzerland
- View, c. 1818
- View of a tower, 1849
- Views, 1849
- LUDCHURCH Pembrokeshire
- View, c. 1862
- LUKIS (William Collings) 1817-92
- Transcript of a paper on cromlechs by, 1863
- LUTHER (Martin) 1483-1546
- Views of places associated with, n.d. ( c. 1862-9?)
- LUXOR see THEBES Egypt
- LYDSTEP Pembrokeshire
- Views, c. 1865
- LYONS France
- Views of churches and museum objects, 1856
- MACQUEEN (James) 1778-1870
- Map of Africa by, 1841
- MAGENTA, battle of
- Printed plan, c. 1859
- MAGGIORE lake, Italy
- Views, 1849
- Drawing of a magician, Cairo, 1842
- Drawing of a magician, Cairo, n.d. ( c. 1842?)
- MAGRA river, Italy
- View, 1820
- Printed plan, n.d. (c. 1821-33?)
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1852-64)
- MAINZ Germany
- View of soldiers at, 1836
- View, 1841
- MAJOR (Richard Henry) 1818-91
- Letters, 1876
- MALAN (Csar Jean Salomon) later Solomon Caesar Malan, 1812-94
- Letters from, and copies of letters to, 1863
- Copies of Egyptian inscriptions found on, n.d. ( c. 1829-60)
- Copy and draft of a letter to The Times concerning, 1859
- Engraved views, n.d. (c. 1862-9?)
- Engravings and water-colour, n.d. (after 1843?)
- Journal of visit to, 1838
- Journal of visit to, 1842
- Journal of visit to, 1843
- Journal of visit to, 1845
- Journal of voyage and visit to, 1821
- Papers concerning, c. 1843-5
- Plan of Valletta, notes and engraving, n.d. ( c. 1842)
- Plans and view of ancient sites on, 1838
- Pocket book used on, 1821
- Map of, n.d. (c. 1821-33?)
- View, 1821
- View, 1838
- View of a carriage on, 1821
- Views, c. 1821, 1833
- Views, 1842
- Views including an ancient site, 1843
- Views including ancient remains, 1843
- Views including ancient sites, 1842-3
- Views of Valletta, 1841
- List of numbers in Arabic and Maltese, 1821
- MALVERN Worcestershire
- Sketch of pillars, Malvern Abbey, c. 1851-2
- MALVERN HILLS Worcestershire
- Plan of British site on the Herefordshire Beacon, c. 1851-2
- View, 1863
- Views, c. 1871
- MAMHILAD Monmouthshire
- Views of church, 1864
- Drawings of church arch, c. 1858
- MANCHESTER Lancashire
- View of a house in Market Street, 1840
- MANGLES (James) 1786-1867
- Part of a letter, 1854
- MANORBIER Pembrokeshire
- Plan of ancient camp, n.d. (c. 1852-64)
- Views of castle, c. 1865
- Views of castle and cromlech, c. 1862
- 'MANSOOR' see LANE (Edward William) 1801-76
- Copies (imperfect) of Map of the Feioom by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1829
- Copies of Map of the Feioom by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. [ c. 1829]
- Copy (incomplete) of Topographical Survey of Thebes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1830
- Copy of Topographical Survey of Thebes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1830
- Draft manuscript map of Thebes, c. 1827-30
- Drawings for and proofs of Topographical Survey of Thebes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1830
- German(?) plan of the pyramid fields near Cairo and the Faiyum, n.d. (after 1837?)
- Manuscript and printed maps of parts of Egypt and the Middle East, c. 1821-65
- Manuscript copy of the tithe award and map of Reynoldston in Gower (Glam.), 1868
- Manuscript map of the Gower peninsula by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1860-7
- Manuscript maps and plan concerning Egypt, n.d. ( c. 1823-6)
- Manuscript maps of Alexandria and Thebes, n.d. ( c. 1822-33?)
- Manuscript maps of Dalmatia and Montenegro, n.d. ( c. 1844)
- Manuscript maps of the Nile and the Arabian peninsula, c. 1849, c. 1854
- Plan of Valletta, n.d. (c. 1842)
- Printed map of Egypt based on work by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1875
- Printed map of England and Wales, n.d ( c. 1860?)
- Printed map of Ireland, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Printed map of Malta, n.d. (c. 1821-33?)
- Printed map of the sources of the Nile, 1860
- Printed maps showing the geographical extent of various languages, n.d. (c. 1865)
- Printed plan of the Mahmudya Canal, n.d. ( c. 1821-33?)
- Printed plan of Wimbledon, n.d. (c. 1860-2?)
- Railway map of the British Isles, n.d. ( c. 1860?)
- Sketch maps, related papers and site plans concerning Egypt, c. 1825-32
- Tracing of a map of ancient Egypt by d'Anville, n.d. ( c. 1823?)
- Various printed and manuscript maps, 1835-55
- Various printed maps and plans, 1838- c. 1860
- MAPLEDURHAM Oxfordshire
- Views, 1846
- Views of houses, 1847
- MARCROSS Glamorgan
- Views of the coast near, 1862
- View, c. 1820
- Views, 1849
- MARROS Carmarthenshire
- Plans of cromlechs near, n.d. (c. 1859-69?)
- View of the northern cromlech, n.d. ( c. 1870)
- Views and plans of cromlechs, c. 1865
- View, 1841
- View, 1843
- Views, 1820
- Copy of a paper entitled 'The Listening Slave and the Flaying of Marsyas' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1875
- Draft concerning, n.d. (c. 1870-5)
- Photograph of a classical statue probably concerning the myth of, 1875
- MARTIGNY Switzerland
- View, 1820
- MARTINEAU (Harriet) 1802-76
- Copy of a letter to, 1849
- Letters, n.d.(1848?)
- MASSA Italy
- View, 1820
- View, 1841
- View, 1849
- Engraving of part of Babbage's 'Difference Engine, No. 1', 1853
- Notes on trigonometry, c. 1821
- MATLOCK BATH Derbyshire
- Views, 1837
- View, 1849
- MDINA Malta
- View of races at, 1849
- MECCA Saudi Arabia
- Draft of Richard Burton's report on his exploration of the Arabian peninsula, 1854
- Engravings concerning(?), n.d. (c. 1821-40?)
- Proof copy of a paper by Richard Burton concerning his exploration of the Arabian peninsula, n.d. [1854]
- MECHELEN Belgium
- Views, 1853
- List headed 'Materia Medica of Egypt', c. 1832
- Newspaper cutting headed 'Medicine in Ancient Egypt', n.d. (before 1875)
- Notes on medicines, c. 1833
- Notes on the 'homeopathic system', n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Plague and mortality statistics for Alexandria (for the period 1834-43), 1844
- Plague statistics for Alexandria, 1841
- Recipe for, c.1850-9
- MEDINA Saudi Arabia
- Draft of Richard Burton's report on his exploration of the Arabian peninsula, 1854
- Proof copy of a paper by Richard Burton on his exploration of the Arabian peninsula, n.d. [1854]
- Egyptological drawings and site plans made at, c. 1849
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1855
- Sketch view of 'palace' at, c. 1828
- Journal of travel in, 1842
- Sketch of its coastline, 1848
- Sketchbook containing views mainly of the coasts of Greek islands, 1844
- Sketchbook containing views of islands in and sketch maps of, 1820-1, 1833
- Views, 1838
- Views, 1838
- Views at sea, 1821
- Views at sea, 1821
- Views of Greek islands, 1849
- Views of the coast of Gozo, 1845
- Views of the coasts of Turkey, the Greek islands and mainland, Albania and Croatia, 1844
- Views of the Corsican, Sardinian and Greek coasts, 1843
- Views of the Croatian coast, 1844
- Views of the Croatian coast, 1844
- Views of the Croatian and Italian coasts, c. 1844
- Views of the eastern shore, 1844
- Views of the French, Italian, Egyptian and Greek coasts, 1841-2
- Views of the Greek coast, c. 1842
- Views of the Greek coast, 1843
- Views of the Greek coast, 1843
- Views of the Spanish and North African coasts, 1848
- Views of the Spanish and North African coasts and Gibraltar, 1841
- Views of the Spanish and North African coasts and Gibraltar, 1845
- Views of the Spanish, North African, Italian and French coasts, 1855-6
- MEGARA Greece
- View and sketch of a wall at, 1843
- Views, 1843
- Views, 1841
- MEIRINGEN Switzerland
- View, 1820
- Views, 1849
- MELBOURNE Derbyshire
- Engraving of church interior, n.d. ( c. 1840-61?)
- View, 1847
- View of the garden, Melbourne Hall, 1861
- Views of church, 1847
- Views of church, 1857
- Views of church, 1861
- MELSONBY Yorkshire, North Riding
- Sketch of part of church, c. 1853
- Views of church, 1847
- MICHELANGELO 1475-1564
- Drawing of a relief by, 1850
- Engraving of a statue by, n.d. (after 1835?)
- Commonplace book entries concerning the ancient, Greco-Roman and contemporary Near East, c. 1840-75
- Draft headed 'The Eastern Dog', n.d. ( c. 1860-1)
- Historical map of Palestine, n.d. (c. 1850?)
- Journal of travel in, 1844
- Notes on jurisdiction of British consuls in the Levant, 1845
- Official papers in Turkish concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's travel in, 1844
- Papers concerning the geography of, n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Sketchbook used in, 1844
- Sketchbook used in, 1844
- Sketchbook used in, 1844
- Sketch of an Egyptian 'lying-in chair', n.d. ( c. 1821-33?)
- MIGLIARINI (Angelo Michele) 1779-1865
- Letters, 1852
- MILAN Italy
- View, 1820
- MINEHEAD Somerset
- View of church near, c. 1859
- Plan and section of the site of Memphis by Hekekyan Bey, c. 1856
- Plans of the site of Memphis, c. 1856
- MITCHEN HOLE Gower, Glamorgan
- Views, 1873
- MOHAMMED 570-632
- Newspaper cutting on the character of, n.d. ( c. 1855?)
- MOHAMMED ALI Pasha, ruler of Egypt, d. 1848
- Portrait sketches possibly depicting, n.d. (c.1844?)
- Water-colour portrait, 1844
- View of church and sketch view, 1845
- Plan of(?), n.d. (c. 1823-6?)
- MONTE ROSA Switzerland
- View, 1849
- Copy (annotated) of Dalmatia and Montenegro by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1848
- Copy (annotated proof) of Dalmatia and Montenegro by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1848
- Journal of travel in, 1844
- Letter to The Times from Sir John Gardner Wilkinson headed 'Russia and Montenegro', 1859
- Map of, n.d. (c. 1838)
- Sketchbook used in, 1844
- Tracing of a map of, c. 1844
- MONTEROSI lake, Italy
- View, 1820
- Views of Roman remains, c. 1818
- MOORE (Thomas) 1779-1852
- Transcribed extracts from 'Lalla Rookh', c. 1817
- Transcribed extracts from poems by, 1816-21(?)
- Views, 1857
- MORGAN (Sydney) Lady Morgan, 1783?-1859
- Letter, 1851
- MORRITT (John Bacon Sawrey) 1772?-1843
- Letters, n.d. (c. 1850?)
- MORVAH Cornwall
- Photograph of the 'Holed Stone', 1858
- MOSELLE river, Germany
- Views, 1841
- MOSTAR Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Tracing of a view of the bridge, c. 1848
- View of palace, 1844
- Views (some showing the bridge), 1844
- MOULINS France
- View, 1843
- MOZART (Wolfgang Amadeus) 1756-91
- Photograph of portrait of, n.d. (c. 1865-75?)
- MULFRA hill, Cornwall
- Photograph of Mulfra Quoit, 1858
- MULL island, Argyllshire
- Views, 1835
- MUNICH Germany
- Engraving of the Glyptothek, n.d. (after 1835?)
- MURAD Bey, d.1801
- Fragments of a Kufic Koran probably found by
- MURANO Italy
- View, 1850
- Water-colours of parts of church, 1850
- MURRAY (John) 1808-92
- Letter, 1835
- Letter, 1865
- Letter, 1878
- Letters from and copy of letter to, 1863
- Arrangement for violin of 'The Harmonious Blacksmith' by J.S. Bach, n.d. (c. 1866?)
- Manuscript music and words of songs, n.d. ( c. 1854-1875)
- Sketch of a pianist, 1844
- Sketch of carol-singers, 1842
- Tracing of a Balkan musician, c. 1848
- Transcribed piano music and songs, c. 1836-66
- Transcript of words to the song 'Pulcinella mal contento', c. 1838
- View of a 'Morlaccan' musician, Croatia, 1844
- View of an eisteddfod, Gower, 1858
- Water-colour and drawings of Egyptian musicians and musical instruments, c. 1821-1822
- Water-colour of a Montenegrin fiddle, 1844
- Water-colour of a Roman flute, 1849
- Water-colour of Balkan musicians, 1844
- Water-colour showing musicians from the Abruzzi, 1838
- Words of Arabic songs, c. 1827
- MYCENAE Greece
- Views of ancient site, 1843
- Journal of travel to, 1823
- Plans of site, n.d. (c. 1823-6?)
- MLAGA Spain
- Views, 1845
- NAG' el-DEIR Egypt
- Plan, detail and water-colour interior view of a monastery building probably near, c. 1855
- Views of conventual church buildings near, c. 1856
- NAPLES Italy
- Coloured engraving, n.d. (c. 1835?)
- Engraved view, 1834
- Extracts in Italian concerning, n.d. ( c. 1835?)
- Journal of voyage to Egypt from, 1821
- Notes made at, 1821
- View, c. 1820
- View, 1841
- Views, 1821
- Views, 1838
- NAPOLEON I Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
- Humorous sketch of, at the Pyramids, c. 1844
- View of commemorative monument to, Boulogne, 1817
- NARBERTH Pembrokeshire
- View of castle, c. 1860
- NARNI Italy
- View, 1820
- View, 1849
- View, 1850
- View of Roman bridge, 1820
- Papers concerning, 1860
- NAUPLIA Greece
- View, 1843
- Views, 1843
- NAVILLE (Henri douard) 1844-1926
- Prospectus for Textes relatifs au Mythe d'Horus by, 1870
- NEMI lake, Italy
- Views, c. 1820
- Views, 1849
- NEPI Italy
- View, 1850
- View, 1850
- NERETVA river, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia
- Views, 1844
- NESS loch, Inverness-shire
- Views, 1835
- NETLEY Hampshire
- Views of Netley Abbey ruins, c. 1853
- NETTLETON Wiltshire
- Views, 1863
- NEUCHTEL Switzerland
- View, 1841
- NEUMAGEN Germany
- View, 1841
- NEUSS Germany
- View, 1836
- NEVERN Pembrokeshire
- Sketch of an ancient cross, 1863
- NEVERS France
- View of Htel de Ville, 1843
- Views of churches, 1843
- NEWARK Nottinghamshire
- Engraved view, n.d. (c. 1862-9?)
- Photograph, n.d. (c. 1866-75?)
- NEWCHURCH Isle of Wight
- View of church, 1847
- NEWGRANGE co. Meath
- Drawing of a tumulus, c. 1852
- NEWPORT Pembrokeshire
- Plans and views of a cromlech, 1863
- Cuttings concerning botany, geology and climate, c. 1850-64
- Cuttings concerning current affairs, international relations, antiquities and miscellaneous subjects, c. 1854-63
- Cuttings concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's death, c. 1875-6
- Cuttings mainly concerning current affairs, international relations and antiquities, c. 1860-3
- Cuttings (various), c. 1840-75
- Cuttings (various), c. 1850-75
- Cuttings (various), c. 1850-1880
- Cuttings (various), c. 1854-1875
- Cuttings (various), 1867-73, n.d.
- Newspapers, other publications and cuttings concerning current affairs and international relations, c. 1844-1853
- Polemical notes and cuttings concerning Protestantism and the Roman Catholic Church, c. 1847-51
- NICE France
- Engraving, n.d. (after 1835?)
- View, 1820
- Water-colour of costume near, 1820
- NICOLLS (Sir Jasper) 1778-1849
- Letters to and from, 1846-7
- View, 1817
- NILE river
- Copies of papers entitled 'On the Nile and the Present and Former Levels of Egypt' and 'On the Decrease of the Level of the Nile, and on Egyptian Fortification' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1839, 1853
- Draft concerning the exploration of, n.d. ( c. 1854)
- Engravings showing the inundation, c. 1863
- Extract headed 'rise of the White Nile', n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Map of, from Cairo to its conjectured source, n.d. ( c. 1840-60?)
- Map of the sources of, 1860
- Maps and plans of, c. 1821-41
- Maps of, c. 1821
- Notes concerning, n.d. (c. 1859)
- Plan of part of, after Cailliaud, n.d. ( c. 1821-33)
- Sketch map of, after Waddington, c. 1825
- Sketch map of, between the Second and Third Cataracts, 1849
- Sketch maps of, c. 1821, c. 1831-33
- Sketch of cataracts, Aswan, n.d. (c. 1822)
- Sketch views, 1822
- Sketchbook containing views, 1848-9
- View, Walad Amr(?), c. 1855
- Views, c. 1822
- Views in the Delta, 1848
- Views of the First Cataract, Aswan, 1848
- Views of the Rosetta branch, c. 1842
- Views of the Rosetta branch, 1844
- NMES France
- Engravings of Roman remains, n.d. (after 1835?)
- Views of Roman remains, c. 1818
- Views of Roman remains, 1820
- Draft entitled 'On one of the Egyptian Cartouches found by Dr Layard at Nimroud', n.d. (after 1849)
- NITON Isle of Wight
- View of The Hermitage, 1845
- NOLA Italy
- View, c. 1820
- NORBURY Derbyshire
- Sketches of church, c. 1851-2
- NORCIA Italy
- Views of ruins, 1849
- NORDEN (Frederick Lewis) (or Frederik Ludwig) 1708-42
- Plan of the Pyramids at Giza after, c. 1821
- NORDEN (Frederik Ludwig) see NORDEN (Frederick Lewis)
- NORRIS (Edwin) 1795-1872
- Letters, 1861-2
- NORTHAMPTON Northamptonshire
- Views of churches, 1847
- NORTHUMBERLAND, 4th Duke of see PERCY (Algernon) 4th Duke of Northumberland, 1792-1865
- Plan of ancient camp, n.d. (c. 1859-69?)
- NORWICH Norfolk
- Sketches of cathedral, 1848
- NOVAR Ross and Cromarty
- Views, 1835
- NUBIA see SUDAN; see also EGYPT
- Draft sent to, 1846
- Article from The Times entitled 'The Coins of the Ancient Britons', 1864
- Commonplace book entries (illustrated) concerning coins, n.d. (c. 1840-75)
- Copy of a paper entitled 'Inscription Illustrating the Legends of the Coins of Vaballathus' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1847
- Drawings of coins and commemorative medals, c. 1872
- Drawings of coins found in Lincolnshire, 1861
- Drawings of coins, mostly made in Egypt, c. 1832-3
- Drawings of Roman and Byzantine coins, 1856
- Drawings of Roman(?) coins from Cairo, n.d. ( c. 1821-33)
- Drawings of Spanish coins, 1863
- Engravings of coins from Smyrna and Ephesus, n.d. ( c. 1850-75)
- List of coins given to Harrow School by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1873
- Papers concerning Roman coins, n.d. ( c. 1840-60?)
- Papers concerning the donation by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson of his collection of coins to Harrow School, 1873-4
- Sale catalogue of coins, 1846
- NURI Sudan
- Plan of the pyramid-field, c. 1849
- NYMPSFIELD Gloucestershire
- Plan of a barrow, 1862
- NYON Switzerland
- Views, 1841
- OBAN Argyllshire
- View, 1835
- Views, 1841
- OCKHAM Surrey
- Engraving of school, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- View, 1836
- SCHINEN lake, Switzerland
- Views, 1820
- O'HARA (-)traveller, fl. 1819
- Notes on Egypt headed 'given me by Mr O'Hara', 1819
- OICH loch, Inverness-shire
- View, 1835
- OLIVER (Richard Aldworth) 1811-89
- Engraving of a view of Malta by, n.d. (after 1843?)
- View of an ancient site on Gozo by, 1843
- OMI Croatia
- View, 1844
- View, 1844
- ORANGE France
- View of Roman theatre, 1843
- Views of Roman remains, 1820
- ORFORD Suffolk
- Views of castle and church, 1848
- Letter to The Times concerning an ancient site, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- ORLANS France
- Engravings of cathedral and other buildings, n.d. (after 1835?)
- Views, 1843
- ORMEROD (George Wareing) 1810-91
- Copy of Plan of remains in the Parishes of Chagford and Gidley by, n.d. (c. 1859-74)
- Articles concerning, from Eliza Cook's Journal, n.d. (before 1856)
- Drawings of birds, c. 1866-75
- List of Egyptian birds and animals, c. 1826-7
- Notes concerning birds in classical literature, n.d. ( c. 1866-75)
- Sketches of birds, n.d. (c. 1870)
- Water-colours of sea birds and eggs, Rhossili, 1862
- ORTA lake, Italy
- View, 1849
- Views, 1849
- Views, 1849
- OSMAN Effendi, c.1791-1835
- Letter, 1830
- Letter and part of letter, 1835, n.d.
- OSTIA Italy
- Photograph, n.d. (before 1875)
- View of Roman remains, c. 1820
- OTOK Croatia
- View, 1844
- OULTON Suffolk
- Sketch of church brass(?), 1847
- Sketches of church, 1848
- OVIDIUS NASO (Publius)
- Reference to a work of, c 1845
- OVOCA co. Wicklow
- View, 1835
- OWEN (Sir Edward Campbell Rich) 1771-1859
- Sketch portrait, 1845
- OXFORD, Oxfordshire, general notes etc
- Egyptological sketches made at, n.d. ( c. 1856?)
- OXFORD, Oxfordshire, general notes etc.
- Journal of tour from, 1819
- OXFORD, Oxfordshire, general notes etc
- Views, 1856
- Views of classical sculptures at, c. 1818
- OXFORD, Oxfordshire, university, Colleges and institutions
- Various views of colleges, c. 1816
- OXFORD, Oxfordshire, university, Colleges and institutions, Ashmolean Museum
- Sketches of Egyptian objects at, n.d. ( c. 1856?)
- OXFORD, Oxfordshire, university, Colleges and institutions, Exeter College
- Sketch of quadrangle, c. 1816
- OXWICH Gower, Glamorgan
- Photographs of church and Oxwich Point, n.d. ( c. 1866-75)
- Views, c. 1871
- Views of church and castle, 1865
- PADUA Italy
- View, 1820
- View, 1850
- Views of churches, 1850
- Views of churches including frescoes, 1849
- PADWORTH Berkshire
- Drawings of church arches, c. 1854
- Monochrome photographic print of temple, n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Views of Roman temples, c. 1820
- Sketches of parts of church, c. 1853
- Experimental use of coffee and tobacco-water as paint, 1841
- Commonplace book entries concerning, n.d. ( c. 1840-75)
- Copy of a letter to The Athenaeum headed 'Man and the Gorilla', 1862
- Draft concerning the origins of the human race, n.d. ( c. 1856-62?)
- Draft headed 'Human remains with fossil bones of extinct animals', 1860
- Drawings of ancient bones, c. 1860
- Engraving of dinosaurs by Henry De la Beche, n.d. ( c. 1849)
- Letters concerning the discovery of human bones with the bones of extinct animals, 1860
- PALERMO Sicily
- Views, 1845
- View of Roman ruin, and conjectured elevation of Roman temple, c. 1820
- PANIZZI (Sir Anthony) 1797-1879
- Letter, 1858
- PANT-y-GOITRE HOUSE Monmouthshire
- View of the park, 1857
- View of the park, c. 1862
- Copies of Egyptian and Greek papyri and inscriptions, n.d. (c. 1821-65?)
- Copies of Egyptian, Coptic and Greek inscriptions and papyri, c. 1821-60
- Copies of Egyptian papyri, n.d. (c. 1821-33)
- Copies of Egyptian papyri, 1855-6
- Copies of Egyptian papyri, Alnwick, n.d. (after 1833)
- Copies of Egyptian papyri found at Thebes, n.d. ( c. 1827-31?)
- Copies of Egyptian papyri in the Abbott collection, n.d. (c. 1826?)
- Copies of Egyptian papyri, Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Berlin, 1836
- Copies of papyri, Cairo, c. 1856
- Copies of plates (duplicates) for The Fragments of the Hieratic Papyrus at Turin by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (1851)
- Copies of plates (proofs?) for The Fragments of the Hieratic Papyrus at Turin by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (1851)
- Copies of The Fragments of the Hieratic Papyrus at Turin by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (plates only), [1851]
- Copies of the Turin papyrus, n.d. (c. 1849-50)
- Copy of an Egyptian papyrus, n.d. (c. 1821-33)
- Copy of The Fragments of the Hieratic Papyrus at Turin by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (text only), 1851
- Copy (proof?) of The Fragments of the Hieratic Papyrus at Turin by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (text only), c. 1851
- MS. Wilkinson dep. d. 90 (part)
- Engravings of a papyrus(?) entitled 'Parisian Manuscript of Casati', n.d. (c. 1821-2?)
- Extracts from the Hood papyrus, n.d. ( c. 1851-65?)
- Letters and notes concerning the Abbott papyrus, n.d. ( c. 1857-61)
- Letters concerning the Abbott papyrus and collection, 1857-8
- Newspaper cutting concerning the Ebers papyrus, n.d. (before 1875)
- Papers concerning the Turin papyrus, n.d. ( c. 1845-50?)
- Papers concerning The Fragments of the Hieratic Papyrus at Turin by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1850-5
- Water-colours of Egyptian papyrus fragments, Turin, 1849
- PARAVEY (Charles Hippolyte de) 1787-1871
- Letter, 1831
- PARGA Greece
- Views, 1844
- Egyptological drawings made at, 1837
- Egyptological notes probably made at, 1837
- Engraved views, n.d. (c. 1862-9?)
- View of a fountain, c. 1818
- PARIS Htel de Bristol
- View of a bedroom at, 1837
- PARIS Louvre
- Copy of a paper entitled 'The Apis-Tablets in the Louvre' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1856
- Sketches of Egyptian objects at, 1837
- Views of Egyptian objects at, 1853
- Views of Egyptian objects at, 1856
- PARIS Place de la Concorde
- Engraving of Egyptian obelisk at, n.d. ( c. 1869?)
- PARIS Sainte Chapelle
- Water-colour views of parts of, 1853
- PARKMILL Gower, Glamorgan
- Plan and view of a tump, 1865
- Plans of site at, c. 1869
- PARNASSUS mt., Greece
- View of a cave on, 1843
- Official papers mainly in Turkish concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's travels in Egypt, Turkey and the Levant, c. 1822-1844
- Travel permit in Arabic, 1848
- PATMOS Greece
- Views, 1844
- PATRAS Greece
- Views, 1843
- PAVILAND Gower, Glamorgan
- Plans of ancient camps and water-colours of ancient objects found at, 1860
- PEMBROKE Pembrokeshire
- View of the Retainers' Kitchen, Pembroke Castle, c. 1862
- Views of Pembroke Castle, c. 1862
- Copies of a letter to the editor of the Cambrian Journal concerning, 1862
- Copy (annotated) of a paper entitled 'Cromlechs and other Remains in Pembrokeshire' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1871
- Draft of a letter to the editor of the Cambrian Journal concerning, 1862
- Letters concerning 'Flemish architecture' in, 1863
- Sale particulars of estates in, 1862-3
- Site plans and other papers concerning antiquities in, n.d. (c. 1859-70?)
- Sketchbook used in, 1862
- Sketchbook used in, 1862
- Sketchbook used in, 1863
- Sketchbook used in, 1864-6
- PENALLY Pembrokeshire
- Views of church, c. 1862
- PENMAEN Glamorgan
- Plan of site at, n.d. (c. 1859-70?)
- PENNARD Gower, Glamorgan
- Views of Pennard Castle, c. 1860
- PENRHYN Caernarfonshire
- View of castle, 1835
- PENRICE Gower, Glamorgan
- Views including castle, c. 1871
- Views, 1847
- PERCY (Algernon) 4th Duke of Northumberland, 1792-1865
- Copies of sketches made at Gebel Barkal by, n.d. ( c. 1826?)
- Coptic manuscript given to Sir John Gardner Wilkinson by
- Coptic manuscript given to Sir John Gardner Wilkinson by
- Coptic manuscript given to Sir John Gardner Wilkinson by
- Copy of a letter to, 1852
- Copy of an inscription or papyrus belonging to, 1850
- Copy of an inscription sent to Sir John Gardner Wilkinson by, n.d. (before 1847)
- Draft entitled 'On Lord Prudhoe's Two Granite Lions', 1834
- Egyptological drawings marked 'Ld Prudhoe's Lions', n.d. (c. 1821-33?)
- Extract from a letter(?) from, n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Letter, n.d. (c. 1834-47?)
- Letter, 1860
- Letter, 1864
- Letters, 1837
- Letters, 1862-3
- Notes headed 'A tour from Coblentz' by, c. 1848-9
- Official paper in Turkish concerning his travel in Egypt, c. 1822-33
- Tracings of Egyptian sculptures possibly by, n.d. ( c. 1825?)
- PERRING (John Shae) 1813-69
- Drawings entitled 'Mr Perring's paper', n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- German(?) plan of the pyramid fields near Cairo and the Faiyum after work by, n.d. (after 1837?)
- 'Masnavi' in Persian, 1761
- View of gate, 1820
- Views of and notes on Roman and Etruscan remains including inscriptions, 1850
- Views of Roman remains and church, 1850
- PETER the GREAT Emperor of Russia, 1672-1725
- Sketch of hat of, 1836
- Sketch of house of, 1836
- PETERBOROUGH Northamptonshire
- Engravings of cathedral, n.d. (after 1835?)
- Sketches of parts of cathedral, 1847
- PETRARCA (Francesco) 1304-74
- View of a 'tower called Petrarch's', Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, 1820
- PETROVICH-NEGOSH (Pietro) vladika of Montenegro, fl. 1844-7
- Copies of letters to, 1845-7
- Letter, 1844
- Water-colour and engraved portraits of, 1844
- PETTIGREW (Thomas Joseph) 1791-1865
- Circular for the Pettigrew Memorial Fund, 1866
- Copy (annotated) of a paper entitled 'Account of a Bilingual Inscription taken from a Vase at St. Mark at Venice' by, 1844
- Letter, n.d. (c. 1847-58)
- Letter to, n.d. (1848?)
- PHILAE Egypt
- Copies of inscriptions at, n.d. (c. 1822-32?)
- Copies of inscriptions, drawings and water-colours made at, c. 1849
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1821-2
- Engraved view of site, n.d. (c. 1869?)
- Surveying drawings made at, n.d. (c. 1828)
- View, 1848
- Views of site and copies of paintings(?) at, n.d. ( c. 1822)
- Water-colours of paintings at, n.d. ( c. 1825-7?)
- Albumen and gelatin prints, c. 1860-79?
- Albumen and salted paper prints of various views, n.d. ( c. 1866-75?)
- Albumen monochrome portrait print of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (c. 1865)
- Albumen monochrome portrait print of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (c. 1865)
- Albumen monochrome portrait prints of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1865
- Albumen(?) monochrome portrait print of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (c. 1865?)
- Albumen monochrome print of a classical statue, 1875
- Albumen monochrome print of a view of Ipswich, Queensland, n.d. (c. 1854-1875)
- Albumen monochrome print of an excavated tump, 1863
- Albumen monochrome prints of ancient sites and antiquities, c. 1861-77
- Collodion or gelatin(?) monochrome prints of various subjects, n.d. (before 1875)
- Mounted albumen monochrome print of an ancient bowl, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Mounted albumen monochrome print of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's grave monument, n.d. (c. 1875-80?)
- Mounted salted paper monochrome prints of cromlechs, c. 1858
- Salted paper(?) monochrome print of temple, Paestum, n.d. (c. 1850?)
- Salted paper(?) monochrome prints, 1854, n.d.
- Salted paper(?) monochrome prints of Egyptian statues, 1856
- Papers concerning the calotype process, c. 1850
- Request for a portrait sitting, n.d. ( c. 1869?)
- PIAVE river, Italy
- Views, 1849
- View, 1836
- PIESPORT Germany
- View, 1841
- PISA Italy
- Sketches of church architecture and copies of inscriptions at, 1849
- View, 1820
- PLAS NEWYDD Anglesey
- Copy of a paper entitled 'On the Tumulus in Plas Newydd Park, Anglesey' by W.O. Stanley, 1870
- PLATEN (August) Graf von Platen, 1796-1835
- Transcript of poem by, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- View of harbour, 1835
- Views, c. 1818
- POccaron;ITELJ Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Tracing of view, c. 1848
- Views, 1844
- POETRY Arabic
- Transliterated verses, c. 1828-32
- POETRY English
- Humorous verses entitled 'Te(a) veniente die, Te(a) decedente canebo' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1857
- Religious verse, and humorous verse by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (after 1854?)
- Transcribed poetry, 1816-21(?)
- Transcribed poetry, c. 1816-17
- Transcript of a poem by Jane Williams, n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Transcript of humorous verses, 1820
- Transcript of humorous verses by 'M', 1832
- Verses by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1823-7
- Verses by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1825
- Verses by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1863-7
- POETRY French
- Translation into English of verses beginning 'Vouz veillerez ma belle maitresse', n.d. (c. 1850-6?)
- Verses, c. 1839
- POETRY German
- Transcript of a poem by August von Platen, n.d. ( c. 1860?)
- POETRY Italian
- Transcript of verses beginning 'Pulcinella mal contento', 1821
- Transcript of words to the song 'Pulcinella mal contento', c. 1838
- POETRY Latin
- Humorous verses, c. 1830-2
- Quotations and notes concerning, c. 1819-20
- POETRY Persian
- 'Masnavi', 1761
- Views of churches, 1853
- Views of churches, 1853
- Advertisement for a hotel at, n.d. ( c. 1850)
- Letter requesting admission to, c. 1821
- Drawings of arch of, Aix-en-Savoie, 1841
- PONSONBY (Sir Henry Frederick) 1825-95
- Copy of a letter to, 1878
- View of bridge, 1820
- POOLE (Reginald Stuart) 1832-95
- Copy of a paper by, submitted for publication on behalf of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1856
- Letter, 1850
- Letter, n.d. (c. 1863?)
- Letters and enclosure, 1857
- Letters to and from, 1863, n.d. (1864?)
- Parts of letters from, and letter to, 1854, n.d. ( c. 1854-62?)
- PORCHESTER Hampshire
- View of castle church, 1848
- Views of castle and churches, 1848
- PORCIA Italy
- Sketches of architectural details, 1849
- Sketches of architectural details, 1849
- Views, 1849
- PORTER (Jane) 1776-1850
- Letters, 1842
- PORTER (Sir Robert Ker) 1777-1842
- Obituary notice, 1842
- PORTLAND, Isle of, Dorset
- View, 1845
- Journal of travel in, 1838
- POSTOJNA Slovenia
- Views, 1844
- POTSDAM Germany
- View, 1836
- View of Spandau gate, 1836
- POUGES-les-EAUX France
- Views, 1843
- POWERSCOURT co. Wicklow
- Views, 1835
- View, c. 1820
- PRccaron;ANJ Montenegro
- Views, 1844
- PRESTON Lancashire
- Engraving of proposed town hall, n.d. ( c. 1862-9?)
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1859-74)
- PRICHARD (James Cowles) 1786-1848
- List of names of 'Theban Kings' headed 'From Pritchards chronology', 1821
- PRIME (William Cowper) 1825-1905
- Letter, 1858
- Letter, 1859
- PRISSE D'AVENNES (Achilles Constant Thodore mile) 1807-79
- Letter from(?), 1840
- Drafts and notes concerning theological polemic, n.d. ( c. 1856-62?)
- Polemical notes and cuttings concerning, c. 1847-51
- Views including Roman remains, c. 1818
- PRUDHOE, 1st Baron see PERCY (Algernon) 4th Duke of Northumberland, 1792-1865
- View, 1864
- PULA Croatia
- Tracing of view, c. 1848
- Views including Roman remains, 1844
- Views of Roman remains, 1844
- PUMPSAINT Carmarthenshire
- Views of standing stones, c. 1858
- PURBECK, Isle of, Dorset
- Engravings, n.d. (after 1835?)
- Views, c. 1818
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1821-2
- View of an 'old Egyptian building at Castle Ibrim', n.d. (c. 1821-2)
- Copies of inscriptions at, c. 1821-2
- Views of site(?), n.d. (c. 1821-2)
- QIFT Egypt
- Drawings of hieroglyphics at, c. 1855
- View of irrigation system near, c. 1856
- QUARITCH (Bernard) 1819-99
- Letter, 1873
- QUBAN Egypt
- Egyptological drawings, notes and plan made at, c. 1849
- Plan of site of Contra Pselchis, n.d. ( c. 1822-33)
- QUEKETT (John Thomas) 1815-61
- Letter, 1860
- QURNA Egypt
- Copies of an inscription or painting from, n.d. ( c. 1827-32?)
- Sketch of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's house at, 1827
- View, c. 1830
- Water-colours of details from a sarcophagus at, n.d. ( c. 1821-33)
- QUS Egypt
- Copies of inscriptions at, c. 1821-2
- Copy of an inscription at, n.d. (c. 1841?)
- QUSEIR Egypt
- Papers concerning the 'Kossayr Road', n.d. ( c. 1823?)
- Plans of 'Leucos Portus' and 'old Kassayr', n.d. ( c. 1823-6?)
- QUSEIR Egypt
- Views, c. 1826
- RABY CASTLE Yorkshire, West Riding
- View, 1836
- RAGLAN Monmouthshire
- View, 1860
- View of castle, c. 1858
- RAGWEN Pembrokeshire
- View, c. 1862
- RAMLA Israel
- Views, 1844
- RAMSAY (Sir Andrew Crombie) 1814-91
- Letter, 1876
- RAPHAEL 1483-1520
- Sketch of a painting by, 1850
- RAPPERSWIL Switzerland
- View, 1849
- View of Theoderic's tomb, 1820
- Views and notes concerning churches and late Roman remains, 1850
- Views including churches and late Roman remains, 1850
- RAWLINSON (George) 1812-1902
- Letters from and copies of letters to, 1857
- Original drawings for illustrations of his edition of Herodotus' Histories, n.d. (c. 1856?)
- Proofs and original drawings for illustrations of his edition of Herodotus' Histories, n.d. ( c. 1856?)
- Proofs (annotated) of notes and illustrations by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson for his commentary on Herodotus' Histories, 1856
- Water-colour and engravings used to illustrate his annotated translation of Herodotus' Histories, c. 1825(?), c. 1858
- RAWLINSON (Sir Henry Creswicke) 1st Bart., 1810-95
- Letter, with enclosures, 1844
- READING Berkshire
- Plan and views of church ruins, 1846
- Journal of travel in Egypt to, 1823
- Journal of travel in Egypt to, 1825-6
- REDRUTH Cornwall
- View of clock tower, c. 1860
- Commonplace book entries concerning religion, n.d. ( c. 1840-75)
- REPTON Derbyshire
- Water-colours of church, 1847
- REYNOLDSTON Gower, Glamorgan
- Copy of tithe award and map, 1868
- View of church interior, c. 1866
- RHEIMS France
- Views, 1856
- RHIND (Alexander Henry) 1833-63
- Letter, 1856
- Letter, 1859
- Letters, 1859, 1862
- RHINE river
- Views, 1841
- Views, 1841
- Views between Mainz and the Dutch border, 1836
- RHODES Greece
- Views, 1844
- RHNE river, France
- Views, c. 1818
- Views, 1841
- Views, 1843
- RHOSSILI Gower, Glamorgan
- Illustrated account of excavations on Rhossili Down, 1865(?)
- Plan of site near, n.d. (c. 1859-70?)
- View, 1862
- Views, 1860
- Water-colours of sea birds at, 1862
- RHUDDLAN Flintshire
- Ground plan and view of castle, c. 1839
- View, 1837
- RHYDLANGOED Pembrokeshire
- Manuscript plan of the Colby Lodge estate, n.d. ( c. 1862)
- Papers concerning the Colby Lodge estate, c. 1862
- View of Colby Lodge, c. 1862
- RICCI (Alessandro) d. 1834
- Drawing by, n.d. (c. 1825-32?)
- RICHMOND Yorkshire, North Riding
- Sketches of castle, 1861
- View, 1845
- View, 1852
- View, 1837
- RICKMANSWORTH Hertfordshire
- View, 1843
- Riddles, 1837-70(?)
- Riddles and related papers, c. 1849-70
- RIDGE WAY Pembrokeshire
- View of Pembroke and Lamphey from, c. 1862
- RIGAUD (Stephen Peter) 1774-1839
- Letters, 1836
- RIGNY France
- View of a cromlech, c. 1820
- RIJEKA Croatia
- View, 1844
- RIMINI Italy
- Views of Roman remains, 1820
- RIPON Yorkshire, West Riding
- Engraving of cathedral, n.d. (after 1836)
- RISEHOLME Lincolnshire
- Notes on and view of church, c. 1859
- ROBERTS (David) 1796-1864
- Copy of a letter to, 1862
- ROCCA di PAPA Italy
- View, 1849
- ROCHE ABBEY Yorkshire, West Riding
- View, 1861
- Engraved views, n.d. (c. 1862-9?)
- RODMARTON Gloucestershire
- Plans of a tump, n.d. (c. 1863?)
- View of a tump, 1863
- ROGERS (Samuel) 1763-1855
- Letter, n.d. (c. 1847?)
- Letters, 1841, 1848
- Transcribed poetry by, 1816-21(?)
- Transcribed poetry by, c. 1816
- ROKEBY Yorkshire, North Riding
- Views, 1837
- Comment on conversions at Khartoum, n.d. ( c. 1850?)
- Commonplace book entry concerning, n.d. ( c. 1840-75)
- Polemical notes and cuttings against, c. 1847-51
- Sketches of devotions, Italy, c. 1821
- View of a religious procession, Florence, 1820
- Copy of a paper entitled 'Rome in 1848-49' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1850
- Copy of an inscription on an obelisk at, n.d. ( c. 1821-33?)
- Notes and draft concerning the political situation in, c. 1848
- Sketch views entitled 'souvenirs of Rome', n.d. ( c. 1821-2)
- Sketchbook used in, 1849
- Sketchbook used in, 1850
- Sketches and water-colours of parts of churches, 1849
- Views including Roman remains, c. 1818
- Views including Roman remains, 1820
- Views including Roman remains, 1849
- Views, mainly of Roman remains, 1820
- Views, mainly of Roman remains, 1820-1
- Water-colour of a Roman flute found at, 1849
- Water-colours and sketches of parts of churches, with plan of St. Clement's, 1849
- ROME Capitol
- Copies of inscriptions and sketches of Roman remains on, 1849
- Sketches of Roman remains on, 1849
- ROME Catacombs
- Views, and plan of part of, 1849
- ROME Vatican
- Photographs of Roman statues on, n.d. (before 1875)
- Sketches of objects in the museums of, and views, 1849
- Tracings of objects in the Etruscan Museum, n.d. ( c. 1849-50?)
- Views of objects in the museums of, 1850
- ROME Villa Ludovisi
- Views of Roman remains at, 1849
- RORSHACH Switzerland
- Sketches of a house, 1849
- ROSE CASTLE Cumberland
- View, 1836
- Views, 1836
- ROSELLINI (Niccolo Francesco Ippolito Baldessare) 1800-43
- Letters, 1834-41
- View of the north gate, 1842
- Views, 1842
- Copies and translations of inscriptions on, n.d. ( c. 1821-2?)
- Copies of inscriptions on, n.d. (c. 1837-65?)
- Copy of the hieroglyphic inscription and translation and copy of the Greek inscription on, n.d. (c. 1823?)
- Engravings of the inscriptions on, n.d. ( c. 1821-2?)
- ROTTERDAM Netherlands
- View, 1836
- Views, 1841
- ROUEN France
- Engraving of cathedral, n.d. (after 1835?)
- View of cathedral, 1843
- ROUGH TOR Cornwall
- Plan of an ancient site near, c. 1864
- ROUNDHAM POND Dartmoor, Devon
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1856-61?)
- ROWTON LYNN Northumberland
- Plans and view of ancient sites, 1852
- Draft letter to, 1831
- Letter to the Secretary, 1831
- Proof copy of a paper by Richard Burton submitted to, n.d. [1854]
- Agenda paper, 1872
- Papers concerning, 1861
- Certificate of the election of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson as an honorary member, 1831
- RDESHEIM Germany
- View, 1841
- RUSKIN (John) 1819-1900
- Letters from, and copies of letters to, 1858-9
- Drafts concerning, 1854, 1860
- Letter to The Times from Sir John Gardner Wilkinson headed 'Russia and Montenegro', 1859
- SA el-HAGAR Egypt
- Engraved site plans, n.d. (c. 1858)
- Plan of site of Sais, n.d. (c. 1822-33)
- Site plan and drawings, c. 1833
- View, 1844
- SAAS river, Switzerland
- Views, 1849
- SAAS GRUND Switzerland
- View, 1849
- SAI Sudan
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1849
- ST. ALBANS Hertfordshire
- Views of church, 1847
- Engraving of St. Alban's Quarry, n.d. (after 1835?)
- ST. ASAPH Flintshire
- View, 1839
- View of cave near, 1837
- ST. BENOT France
- View, 1843
- Sketch plans of archaeological sites near Bournemouth, n.d. (c. 1859-74)
- ST. DOGMAELS Pembrokeshire
- Views of cromlechs near, 1863
- ST. DONATS Glamorgan
- View, 1860
- View, c. 1860
- Views of churchyard and church, 1862
- Plan of ancient site on, n.d. (c. 1852-64)
- ST. GINGOLF Switzerland
- View, 1841
- ST. GOAR Germany
- View, 1841
- View, 1841
- ST. GOTTHARD pass, Switzerland
- Sketch, 1849
- ST. GOWAN'S HEAD Pembrokeshire
- Views, c. 1862
- Views, c. 1862
- ST. HELENS Isle of Wight
- Sketch of chimney, 1847
- ST. LAWRENCE Isle of Wight
- View of church, 1847
- ST. LEONARDS-on-SEA Sussex
- Views, 1836
- ST. LORENZEN Austria
- View, 1849
- View, c. 1860
- ST. NICHOLAS Pembrokeshire
- Views of a standing stone and a cromlech, 1863
- ST.-OMER France
- View of bridge near, c. 1818
- ST. RMY-de-PROVENCE France
- Views of Roman remains, 1820
- ST. VINCENT cape, Spain
- View, 1841
- View, 1845
- SALAMIS Greece
- Views, 1843
- View, c. 1820
- Views, 1838
- SALT (Henry) 1780-1827
- Copy of a sketch by, 1830
- Draft letter headed 'On the House belonging to Mr Salt at Thebes', 1860
- SALZBURG Austria
- Photographs of views, n.d. (before 1875)
- Part of a letter concerning the archaic tunnel on, 1854
- Views, 1844
- SAMS (Joseph) 1784-1860
- Engravings of Egyptian objects from the collection of, 1836-9
- SAN el-HAGAR Egypt
- Plan of site of Tanis, n.d. (c. 1822-33)
- View, 1850
- View, 1838
- View, 1864
- Views, 1843
- SANDOWN Isle of Wight
- View of bay, 1847
- SANDROCK Isle of Wight
- View, 1847
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1856
- Surveying drawings, diagrams, and site plans concerning the pyramids at, c. 1825-32
- View including the pyramids at, 1822
- View of the coast, 1843
- Sketches of parts of church, 1849
- SAUMUR France
- Plan and view of a dolmen, 1853
- SAUNDERSFOOT Pembrokeshire
- View, c. 1862
- Journal of travel in, 1820
- View of church doorway, 1848
- SBEITLA Tunisia
- Views of Roman remains, 1845
- SCHAFFHAUSEN Switzerland
- View, c. 1818
- SCHIEDAM Netherlands
- View, 1836
- SCIACCA Sicily
- View, 1845
- SCOLES (Joseph John) 1798-1863
- Drawings of Cleopatra's Needle by, 1823
- Sketchbook used in, 1835
- Sketchbook used in, 1835
- Sketchbook used in, 1835
- SCOTSBOROUGH Pembrokeshire
- Views, c. 1865
- SCOTT (Sir George Gilbert) 1811-78
- Engravings of his design for the Albert Memorial, n.d. ( c. 1861-4?)
- SCOTT (Sir Walter) 1771-1832
- Views annotated with quotations from Rokeby, 1837
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1852-64)
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1859-69?)
- SEBASTOPOL, siege of
- Plan, 1854
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1849
- SEGESTA Sicily
- View, 1845
- Views of Greco-Roman site, 1845
- SEINE river, France
- Views, 1843
- SELINOS Sicily
- View of ancient site, 1845
- SEMNA Sudan
- Copy of an inscription from, n.d. (c. 1821-33?)
- Egyptological drawings, site plans, views and notes made at, c. 1849
- Journal of travel to, 1822
- Plans of sites at, c. 1821-2
- Site plans, n.d. (c. 1822-33)
- Views and site plans, n.d. (c. 1821-2)
- SENS France
- Views, 1856
- Views of Roman artefacts, 1856
- Copy of a paper entitled 'Inscription Illustrating the Legends of the Coins of Vaballathus' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1847
- English/Serbo-Croat vocabulary, c. 1843-5
- Vocabulary notes, n.d. (c. 1844)
- Ticket of admission to the Alczar, c. 1863-4
- View, 1838
- View, 1864
- Views, 1838
- SHANKLIN Isle of Wight
- View, 1848
- View of church, 1847
- SHARPE (Samuel) 1799-1881
- Letter, n.d. (before 1839)
- Map of Roman Egypt by, 1848
- Map of Roman Egypt by, 1848
- Illustrated classification of shells, n.d. ( c. 1864-70)
- Illustrated classification of shells, n.d. ( c. 1864-70)
- Illustrated classification of shells, n.d. ( c. 1864-70)
- List of specimens, n.d. (c. 1866-70)
- Papers concerning, c. 1865
- Sketches, n.d. (c. 1848-50)
- Sketches, 1849
- Water-colours and notes concerning Spanish shells, 1863-4
- SHERWOOD FOREST Nottinghamshire
- Views, c. 1860
- SHIRLEY Surrey
- View, 1836
- Views, 1844
- IBENIK Croatia
- Views, 1844
- Journal of travel in, 1838
- Journal of travel in, 1845
- Notes concerning travel in Egypt, Sicily and Greece, c. 1821
- Sketch view, c. 1821
- Sketchbook used in, 1845
- Sketchbook used in, 1845
- Views of coast of, 1841
- Views of coast of and islands near, 1838
- SIDON Lebanon
- View, 1844
- Water-colour of a tomb painting at, n.d. ( c. 1844)
- Water-colours of a tomb painting at, and views, 1844
- SIENA Italy
- View of cathedral interior, 1850
- SIERRE Switzerland
- View, 1820
- SILBURY HILL Wiltshire
- View, c. 1858
- SILCHESTER Hampshire
- Cutting from the Evening Standard concerning the Roman site, 1872
- Sketches of Roman remains, c. 1852
- Views of church, 1847
- SIMOS river, Turkey
- Views, 1844
- SIMPKINSON (Lady [?]) fl. 1835
- Portrait sketch, 1835
- SINAI Egypt
- Copy of a letter dated 1806-7 possibly concerning, n.d. (c. 1840?)
- Manuscript outline map of, n.d. (c. 1826-33?)
- Map showing, n.d. (c. 1845?)
- Tracings of plans of, n.d. (c. 1826-33)
- SINJ Croatia
- Views, 1844
- SION Switzerland
- View, 1820
- Views, 1820
- SKIDDAW Cumberland
- View, 1835
- SKIRRID mt., Monmouthshire
- View, 1865
- Views, c. 1864-5
- SLOANE (Charles) fl. 1820-38
- Letter, 1835
- Letter, 1836
- SMYRNA Turkey
- View, 1844
- Views including Roman remains, 1844
- SNAPE Suffolk
- Sketches of church and view of font, 1848
- SNAPE Yorkshire, North Riding
- View of Snape Castle, c. 1842
- View of Snape Castle, c. 1846
- SNOWDON mt., Caernarfonshire
- Views, 1837
- Map showing the exodus of the Israelites published for, n.d. (c. 1845?)
- SOHAG Egypt
- Egyptological and other papers concerning monasteries and other sites at, c. 1855
- Views of conventual church buildings at(?), c. 1856
- Water-colour of a window at the 'Red Convent', n.d. (after 1856?)
- SOLEB Sudan
- Egyptological drawings, notes and view made at, c. 1849
- View, 1848
- SOLIN Croatia
- Views, 1844
- Views including Roman carvings, 1844
- Views of people at a fair, 1844
- Plans of archaeological sites in, c. 1859-74
- Views of church, 1848
- SOTHEBY (Samuel Leigh) & WILKINSON (John) auctioneers
- Sales catalogues, 1851-2, 1860, n.d.
- SOUNION cape, Greece
- View, 1843
- View of temple on, 1843
- SOUTH GARE breakwater, river Tees
- Engraved view, 1863
- Views, c. 1853
- SOUTHEY (Robert) 1774-1843
- Transcribed extracts from 'Roderick, the Last of the Goths', c. 1816
- SOUTHWICK Hampshire
- Brass rubbings made at, n.d. (c. 1848?)
- Sketches of church, 1848
- Journal of travel in, 1838
- Journal of travel in, 1863-4
- List of the kings of, c. 1864
- Notes, drawings and copies of inscriptions made in, 1838
- Sketchbook used in, 1863-4
- Sketchbook used in, 1863-4
- Sketchbook used in, 1864
- Sketchbook used near Cadiz, 1864
- SPANDAU Germany
- View, 1836
- English/Spanish botanical vocabulary, n.d. (1864?)
- English/Spanish vocabulary and notes, 1863-4
- SPEZIA gulf, Italy
- Views, 1849
- SPLIT Croatia
- Site plans and drawings, n.d. (c. 1844)
- View, 1844
- Views, mainly of Roman remains, 1844
- Views of part of Roman temple and artefacts, 1844
- SPLGEN Switzerland
- View of castle, 1849
- Sketch of church of S. Pietro, 1850
- View of Roman aqueduct, 1820
- SPRATT (Thomas Abel Brimage) 1811-88
- Copy of a letter to, 1859
- STAFFA island, Argyllshire
- Views, 1835
- STALDEN Switzerland
- View, 1849
- STANHOPE (Lady Hester Lucy) 1776-1839
- Views of her house and grave, Juni, 1844
- STANTON Derbyshire
- Plans and views of standing stones, 1853
- Site plan, 1858(?)
- Site plans, n.d. (c. 1860-2?)
- Views of stone circle, c. 1858
- STANWICK ST. JOHN Yorkshire, North Riding
- Sketches of church arches, 1847
- View, c. 1857
- Views, 1836
- Views of carved stones at, c. 1845
- Water-colour plans of a garden at, n.d. ( c. 1840-75)
- STEETLEY CHAPEL Nottinghamshire
- Views, 1861
- STEPHENSON (George) 1781-1848
- Draft entitled 'Statue of George Stephenson', 1859
- STERZING Austria
- Views, 1849
- STITHIANS Cornwall
- View of an ancient cross, c. 1860
- STOCK GILL rivulet, Westmorland
- View of Stock Gill Force, n.d. (1835?)
- STODDART (Sir John) 1773-1856
- Letter from(?), 1844
- STONEHENGE Wiltshire
- Engraving, n.d. (after 1835?)
- Site plans, n.d. (c. 1859?)
- Site plans and notes, 1859
- Views, 1859
- Plan of a barrow, n.d. (c. 1852-64)
- Plan of a tump near, n.d. (c. 1859-69?)
- Views of a tump and a cromlech, 1863
- STOW Lincolnshire
- Views of church, 1861
- STRAGEATH Perthshire
- Plan of Roman camp, n.d. (c. 1852-64)
- Sketches of cathedral, 1850
- View, c. 1818
- View, 1841
- STRATH ALLAN Perthshire and Stirlingshire
- Plan of ancient camp in, n.d. (c. 1852-64)
- STUART (John) 1813-77
- Letter, 1871
- STUART (John Sobieski Stolberg) 1795?-1872
- Obituary cutting, 1872
- STUBAI TAL mts., Austria
- View, 1849
- STUKELEY (William) 1687-1765
- Drawing of standing stones at Avebury after, n.d. ( c. 1860?)
- Water-colour of soldiers at, c. 1818
- Sketch view of doorway, St. Scholastica's church, 1850
- Views, 1849
- Views, 1850
- Copy of Carte de l'Etbaye ou pays habit par les Arabes Bicharis by Linant de Bellefonds, 1834
- Draft chapter entitled 'Extracts from hieroglyphical and other notes in Nubia' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1821-3
- Draft entitled 'Extracts from Hieroglyphical and other Notes in Nubia' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1821-3
- Journal of travel in Nubia, 1822
- Journal of travel in Nubia, c. 1848-9
- Journal of travel in Nubia, 1849
- Sketchbook used in Nubia, c. 1822
- Sketchbook used in Nubia, 1848-9
- Sketches and water-colours made in, c. 1822
- SUEZ Egypt
- Engraved views, n.d. (c. 1862-9)
- Journal of travel to, 1826-7
- Sketch view, n.d. (c. 1823-32?)
- Surveying drawings made near, c. 1825-30
- Engravings of scenes at, n.d. (c. 1862-9)
- Papers concerning, 1847, 1859
- SUGAR LOAF mt., Monmouthshire
- Views, c. 1862
- Views, c. 1864-5
- SUGARLOAF mt., Carmarthenshire and Brecknockshire
- Sketch view, c. 1872
- SULLY-sur-LOIRE France
- Views, 1843
- SUSA Italy
- Views of a Roman arch, c. 1818
- SWANAGE Isle of Purbeck, Dorset
- Engraved views, n.d. (after 1835?)
- SWANSEA Glamorgan
- View of factories at Landore, c. 1865
- SWARKESTON Derbyshire
- Views, 1847
- Drawings of ancient objects from the 'Lake Dwellings', c. 1864
- Journal of travel in, c. 1819-20
- Journal of travel in, 1820
- Journal of travel in, 1849
- Journal of travel in, 1850
- SYDNEY New South Wales, Australia
- Engraved views, 1863
- SYME [Middle East]
- Views, 1844
- SYON HOUSE Middlesex
- View of the conservatory, 1852
- Views, 1863
- SYRA Greece
- View, 1844
- Views, 1845
- Views including Greco-Roman sites, 1838
- Chart of harbours, 1834
- Drafts concerning massacres in, 1860
- Parchment fragment in, 14th-15th cent.
- Map of Roman Egypt dedicated to, 1848
- Map of Roman Egypt dedicated to, 1848
- View, 1842
- TALBOT (William Henry Fox) 1800-77
- Biographical cutting, c. 1877
- TALLEY Carmarthenshire
- View, c. 1856-7
- TAMAR river, Devon and Cornwall
- Cutting concerning, n.d. (c. 1854-75)
- View, 1857
- TANGIER Morocco
- Views, 1845
- View, 1845
- Views including Roman remains, 1845
- View, 1820
- TARIFA Spain
- Sketches, 1845
- View, 1841
- View, 1855
- TATTAM (Henry) 1789-1868
- Coptic vocabulary lent to, n.d. (c. 1821-33?)
- TAUNTON Somerset
- Engraving of St. Mary's church, n.d. ( c. 1862-9?)
- Views of grave goods in a museum, c. 1860
- TEANINICH Ross and Cromarty
- View, 1835
- TEES river, Durham and Yorkshire, North Riding
- Engraved view of South Gare breakwater, 1863
- View of a sunken road, c. 1858
- Views, 1815
- Plan of site of Athribis, n.d. (c. 1822-33)
- Engraved site plans, n.d. (c. 1858)
- Plan of site of Bubastis, n.d. (c. 1822-7?)
- View, 1842
- Engraved site plan, n.d. (c. 1858)
- Plan of site of Heliopolis, n.d. (c. 1822-33)
- Plan of site of Heliopolis and related papers, n.d. ( c. 1822-7?)
- TELL (William) 13th cent
- View of the memorial chapel to, Vierwaldsttter See, 1849
- TENBY Pembrokeshire
- Advertisement for property at, c. 1862
- Copy of a letter partly concerning the medieval gate at, 1868
- Notice concerning the medieval gate at, c. 1873
- Papers concerning the medieval gate at, 1867-8, 1873
- View of a cliff, c. 1864-6
- Views, c. 1862
- Views, c. 1865
- Views near, c. 1860
- Views near, c. 1865
- Views of a ruined house, c. 1862
- Views, 1844
- TERNI Italy
- View, 1850
- View of a waterfall, 1820
- Views near, c. 1820
- Views, c. 1820
- TEWKESBURY Gloucestershire
- Engravings of Tewkesbury Abbey, n.d. (after 1835?)
- Sketches of churches and a house, c. 1851-2
- THAMES river
- View at Caversham, 1846
- Views, 1836
- Views of the estuary, 1835
- THARANDT Germany
- View, 1836
- Sketches of church, 1848
- THEBES Egypt
- Copies and engraving of inscriptions, Karnak, c. 1821-2
- Copies and engravings of inscriptions at, n.d. ( c. 1821-33?)
- Copies of Coptic inscriptions at, n.d. ( c. 1855-6?)
- Copies of Egyptian papyri found at, n.d. ( c. 1827-31?)
- Copies of inscriptions at, n.d. (c. 1841?)
- Copies of tomb paintings at, n.d. (c. 1821-33)
- Copy (annotated) of Modern Egypt and Thebes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1843
- Copy (annotated) of Topography of Thebes, and General View of Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1835
- Copy (incomplete) of a map entitled Topographical Survey of Thebes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1830
- Copy of a map entitled Topographical Survey of Thebes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1830
- Copy of Extracts from several hieroglyphical subjects by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1830
- Copy of Extracts from several hieroglyphical subjects by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1830
- Draft manuscript map, c. 1827-30
- Draft letter headed 'On the House belonging to Mr Salt at Thebes', 1860
- Drafts by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson concerning hieroglyphics at, c. 1827
- Drawing for a map entitled Topographical Survey of Thebes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (c. 1827-30)
- Drawings for and proofs of a map entitled Topographical Survey of Thebes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, c. 1830
- Egyptological drawings and view made at Karnak and Qurna, c. 1855
- Egyptological drawings made at, n.d. ( c. 1822-32?)
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1825-32
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1830
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1849
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1849
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1855
- Egyptological drawings made at, and site plans, n.d. ( c. 1822)
- Egyptological notes and drawings made at, c. 1825
- Egyptological notes and drawings made at, 1827-8
- Egyptological notes and drawings made at, c. 1828-32
- Egyptological notes and drawings made at, 1830
- Egyptological notes probably made at Karnak, c. 1822
- Engravings of Egyptological subjects at, 1833
- Engravings of obelisks, Luxor, n.d. ( c. 1835?)
- Engravings of sites, n.d. (c. 1869?)
- Journal of visits to, 1824-5
- Line drawing of the Memnonium, n.d. ( c. 1833-7?)
- Papers concerning travel to, c. 1830
- Papers marked 'Funeral and other subjects Thebes c', n.d. (c. 1822-32?)
- Plans of the Valley of the Kings and the Western Valley, n.d. (c. 1825-32)
- Plans of tombs and temples at, c. 1821-33
- Sketch entitled 'Almah dance at Thebes', n.d. ( c. 1822-32?)
- Sketch views of sites, c. 1828
- Squeezes and rubbings of carvings at, including royal portraits and inscriptions, c. 1827-32, c. 1856
- Surveying drawings and site plans made at, c. 1825-32
- Tracings for a map entitled Topographical Survey of Thebes by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, n.d. (c. 1827-9?)
- View of sanctuary, Karnak, n.d. (c. 1821-33?)
- Views, c. 1849
- Views of late Roman frescoes in a tomb, Luxor, c. 1856
- THORNDON Suffolk
- View of a bronze implement found at, 1846
- THOR'S CAVE Staffordshire
- View, c. 1851-2
- THUNER lake, Switzerland
- Views, 1820
- THURNAM (John) 1810-73
- Copy of a paper entitled 'On the Megalithic Circles or Open-Air Temples of the Ancient Britons and Gauls' by, with a letter, c. 1861
- Letter, 1863
- Letter, 1863
- Letter, 1871
- Letter, 1871
- Letters from, and copy of a letter to, 1863(?)
- TICKNALL Derbyshire
- Views of pottery found at, 1857
- TIDMARSH Berkshire
- View of church doorway, 1847
- TIHNA Egypt
- Copy of inscriptions at, n.d. (c. 1841?)
- Papers concerning, n.d. (c. 1825-32)
- Site plan and sketches of objects, 1848
- Site plans, n.d. (c. 1822-33)
- Views, 1848
- View, 1844
- TINTAGEL Cornwall
- Views of castle, 1859
- TINTERN ABBEY Monmouthshire
- Views of church, c. 1856-7
- TIRYNS Greece
- Views of ancient site, 1843
- TIVOLI Italy
- View, 1849
- Views including Roman remains, 1820
- Views including Roman remains, 1850
- Views of Roman remains, c. 1820
- TODDINGTON Gloucestershire
- Engraving of Toddington House, n.d. (after 1835?)
- TORBAY Devon
- View, 1815
- View, c. 1865
- Engraved views of Barcombe House, n.d. ( c. 1865?)
- Views of museum objects at, c. 1860
- TOULON France
- Views, 1820
- TOURNON France
- View, 1841
- TOURS France
- Sketches of church, 1853
- Views, c. 1818
- Views of cathedral stained glass, 1853
- TOWY river, Carmarthenshire
- Views, c. 1871
- Views, 1841
- TRABLUS Lebanon
- View, 1844
- Engraving showing an Egyptian cotton market, n.d. ( c. 1862-9)
- Engravings showing the Indian cotton trade, n.d. ( c. 1862-9?)
- TRAFALGAR, battle of
- Copy of a letter of 1805 concerning, n.d. (before 1875)
- View of triumphal arch of, Benevento, c. 1820
- TRASIMENO lake, Italy
- Views, 1820
- Views, 1850
- TREBARTHA Cornwall
- View of a tor, 1859
- Views, 1859
- TREEN Cornwall
- Views, 1857
- Views, 1841
- TRENT Italy
- View, 1850
- View of cathedral, 1850
- TRIANTAPHYLLOS (George alias Wardi) d. 1852
- Draft letter concerning a house occupied by, 1860
- Letter, 1842
- TRIER Germany
- Views including Roman remains, 1842
- Views including Roman amphitheatre, 1841
- Sketches made on a steamer to, 1849
- View, 1849
- Views of church and Roman arch, 1844
- Views, 1841
- TROGIR Croatia
- Views, 1844
- TROY Turkey
- Sketch map of the plain of, after Jean Baptiste Le Chevalier, 1844
- Sketch plan of the site of, c. 1844
- Views of the plain of, 1844
- TRURO Cornwall
- Views of museum objects, c. 1860
- Views of museum objects, the Merry Maidens stone circle, Lanyon Cromlech and the Men-an-Tol, 1857
- TULT (George) antiquarian, fl. 1862
- Letter, 1862
- TUMBOS Sudan
- Egyptological drawings made at, c. 1849
- Views, 1847
- Views including Roman aqueduct near, 1845
- Views including Roman aqueduct near, 1845
- Journal of travel in the Regency of Tunis, 1845
- Map of the Regency of Tunis (probably after Sir Grenville Temple), 1845
- Sketch maps showing, and note, c. 1845
- Sketchbook used in, 1845
- Sketchbook used in, 1845
- Sketchbook used in, 1845
- TUPPER (Martin Farquhar) 1810-89
- Letter, 1852
- TURA Egypt
- Tracing of a carving from, n.d. (c. 1822-65)
- Pedigree and other papers concerning, n.d. ( c. 1863)
- TURIN Italy
- Drawings and water-colours of Egyptian objects and papyri and Sardinian objects at, 1849
- Egyptological water-colours and copies of inscriptions made at, n.d. (c. 1849)
- Journal of visit to, 1844
- Official papers in Turkish concerning Sir John Gardner Wilkinson's travel in, 1844
- Sketch map of the north-west coast of, and views, 1844
- Views of the north-west coast and the Dardanelles, 1844
- English/Turkish vocabulary, c. 1821
- Official papers in Turkish concerning travel in Egypt, Turkey and the Levant, c. 1822-1844
- Vocabulary, c. 1827
- TURNOUR (George) 1799-1843
- Letter, 1842
- Photograph of Cicero's villa at, n.d. (before 1875)
- Traced plans and views of Roman remains at, n.d. ( c. 1849-50?)
- TUTBURY Staffordshire
- Sketch of castle ruins, c. 1851-2
- TY-CCH Monmouthshire
- View, c. 1862
- TYRE Lebanon
- View, 1844
- ULEY Gloucestershire
- Plan of an ancient camp, n.d. (c. 1863?)
- Plans of a tump, n.d. (c. 1863?)
- View of a tump, 1863
- ULLSWATER Westmorland
- View, 1835
- UNKEL Germany
- View, 1841
- UPHILL Somerset
- Views, c. 1860
- URE (Alexander) d. 1866
- Letter, 1859
- URZIG Germany
- View, 1841
- USK river, Monmouthshire
- Views, 1864
- VALENCE France
- View, c. 1818
- View of cathedral, 1843
- Views of cathedral, 1856
- Plan and engraved view, n.d. (c. 1842)
- Views, 1841
- VAN VOORST (John) 1804-98
- Letter, 1865
- Letter and enclosures, 1860
- View, 1849
- Catalogue of the collection of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, including Greek vases, c. 1865
- Commonplace book entries (illustrated) concerning, n.d. (c. 1840-75)
- Commonplace book entry (illustrated) concerning, n.d. ( c. 1840-75)
- Copy of a vase painting by Exekias depicting Achilles and Ajax, 1850
- Correspondence and other papers concerning the donation by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson of his Greek vases and other collections to Harrow School, 1859-75
- Draft (illustrated, fair copy) concerning Greek vases, n.d. (c. 1859-70)
- Draft (illustrated, first part) concerning Greek vases, n.d. (c. 1859-70)
- Draft (illustrated, second part) concerning Greek vases, n.d. (c. 1859-70)
- Draft (illustrated, third part) concerning Greek vases, n.d. (c. 1859-70)
- Drawings of Greek and Egyptian vases, Alnwick Castle, 1861
- Engravings of 'Roman' vases, n.d. (c. 1847)
- Letter concerning Greek tazze, 1860
- Lists of Greek vases and other antiquities, c. 1866(?)
- Note concerning, n.d. (c. 1859-70?)
- Papers concerning, 1859
- Papers concerning, n.d. (c. 1859-70)
- Papers concerning, c. 1860(?)
- Papers concerning, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Papers concerning, c. 1860-1878
- Papers concerning, c. 1866
- Papers concerning Etruscan vases, n.d. ( c. 1856 and after 1865?)
- Papers partly concerning Greek vases, 1869
- Sale catalogues of Etruscan vases, 1851
- Sketches and water-colours of Chinese bottles, with related papers, c. 1825-55
- Sketches and water-colours of Greek and Etruscan vases, British Museum, c. 1853-61
- Templates for illustrations of Greek vases, n.d. ( c. 1860-70)
- Views of Greek vases, British Museum, 1863
- Water-colours of Etruscan and Greek vases, Italy, 1850
- Water-colours of Etruscan vases, 1850
- VAUX (William Sandys Wright) 1818-85
- Copy of a paper entitled 'Memoir of Sir Gardner Wilkinson' by, 1876
- VENICE Italy
- Coloured plan of, 1838
- Copy (annotated) of a paper entitled 'Account of a Bilingual Inscription taken from a Vase at St. Mark at Venice' by T.J. Pettigrew, 1844
- Copy of a paper entitled 'On an Early Mosaic in St. Mark's, representing the Removal of the Body of the Evangelist to Venice' by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson, 1852
- Handbills for lodgings in, c. 1844-50
- Journal of visit to, 1844
- Letter and enclosures concerning a cuneiform inscription at, 1844
- Sketch of a porch at, 1850
- Views, 1820
- Views, 1844
- Views, 1844
- Views including churches, 1850
- Views of parts of churches and of other buildings, 1850
- VERONA Italy
- Drawings of architecture, 1850
- View, 1820
- View of Roman amphitheatre, 1849
- Views including Roman remains and churches, 1850
- VESUVIUS mt., Italy
- View, c. 1820
- View, 1862
- Views, 1821
- VEURNE Belgium
- View, 1817
- VEVEY Switzerland
- View, 1841
- View of church, 1850
- VICTORIA Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, 1819-1901
- Papers concerning an extra-illustrated edition of Horace presented to, c. 1866-76
- VIENNA Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Printed papers concerning, 1874
- VIENNE France
- View, 1841
- Views including Roman remains, 1843
- Views of Roman remains, 1820
- VIERWALDSTTTER lake, Switzerland
- View of William Tell's chapel, 1849
- VIGO Spain
- View, 1864
- Views, 1864
- Views, 1820
- View, 1843
- View, 1849
- VOLTAIRE (Franois Marie Arouet) 1694-1778
- Extracts concerning Egyptology from his works, c. 1821
- Tracings of Etruscan objects at, n.d. ( c. 1849?)
- View, 1849
- Views including Roman and Etruscan remains, 1849
- VRLIKA Croatia
- Views, 1844
- WAAL river, Netherlands
- View, 1841
- WADDINGTON (George) 1793-1869
- Sketch map of the Nile after, c. 1825
- WADI el-NATRUN Egypt
- Manuscript map of, n.d. (c. 1822-32?)
- Views, 1842
- Plan of, n.d. (c. 1821-33)
- Egyptological drawings made near, c. 1849
- Plans of sites at, c. 1821-2
- 'WADI TAPHI' Sudan
- Views, 1822
- Booklet entitled National Token of South Wales to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, 1864
- Extracts and notes concerning Welsh antiquities, c. 1848-59
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in, 1856
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in, 1856- c. 1860
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in, c. 1860-2
- Journal of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in, 1863-75
- Printed map of England and Wales, n.d ( c. 1860?)
- Sketchbook used in, 1856-7
- Sketchbook used in, 1856-7
- Sketchbook used in, 1858
- Sketchbook used in, 1859-60
- Sketchbook used in, 1859-60
- Sketchbook used in, c. 1859-60
- Sketchbook used in, 1862
- Sketchbook used in, 1864-6
- Sketchbook used in, 1872
- Sketchbook used in, 1874
- Sketchbook used in Carmarthenshire and Gower, 1866
- Sketchbook used in Gower, c. 1866-75
- Sketchbook used in Gower, c. 1866-75
- Sketchbook used in Pembrokeshire, 1862
- Sketchbook used in Pembrokeshire, 1863
- Sketchbook used in Pembrokeshire, 1864-6
- Sketchbook used in Pembrokeshire and Gower, 1862
- Sketchbook used in Tenby, Gower and Carmarthenshire, 1865-73
- Sketchbook used mainly in Gower, 1865
- Sketchbook used mainly in Gower, c. 1871
- Views of Gower and other places in, c. 1866-75
- Water-colour plan of the geology of South Wales, n.d. (after 1856?)
- WALLEN lake, Switzerland
- View, 1850
- 'WALUD AMR' Egypt
- View of the Nile near, c. 1856
- WARBSTOW Cornwall
- Plans of a barrow at and related letter, n.d. ( c. 1860-71?)
- WARKWORTH Northumberland
- View of castle, 1861
- Views, 1856
- WARMINSTER Wiltshire
- Plans of Battlebury Camp, n.d. (c. 1859-69?)
- WARTBURG Germany
- View of castle, 1836
- Views, n.d. (c. 1862-9?)
- WASHINGTON (John) 1800-63
- Letter, 1860
- WAY (Albert) 1805-74
- Copy of a letter to, 1862
- Letter, 1847
- Letter, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Letters, 1870-1
- Letters from and copies of letters to, 1860-3, c. 1867
- Letters from and copies of letters to, 1867-8
- Letters to and from, 1871
- WEBLEY CASTLE Gower, Glamorgan
- Photographs, n.d. (c. 1866-75?)
- View, 1860
- WELBECK Nottinghamshire
- View of oak tree, 1861
- WELLESLEY (Arthur) 1st Duke of Wellington, 1769-1852
- Draft entitled 'The Wellington Monument', 1859
- WELLOW Somerset
- Plan of tump near, n.d. (c. 1859-69?)
- WELLS Somerset
- Drawings of parts of cathedral, c. 1858
- Comparative vocabulary, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Draft concerning, c. 1865
- English/Welsh vocabulary, n.d. (c. 1860)
- Views of Werrington Park, 1857
- WESEL Germany
- Views, 1841
- Collector's card, 1868
- Papers concerning, c. 1860-2
- Coloured manuscript maps of, n.d. (c. 1823-6?)
- Extracts and sketch maps concerning, c. 1825
- Journal of travel to, 1824-5
- Letters describing, c. 1825
- Letters describing, c. 1825
- Papers concerning travel in, 1825
- WESTON-super-MARE Somerset
- Plan of Worlebury Camp, n.d. (c. 1852-64)
- Views, c. 1860
- WETTERHORN mt., Switzerland
- View, 1849
- WIGGETT (James Samuel) fl. 1817-22
- Water-colour of an Egyptian tomb painting uncovered by, n.d. (c.1825?)
- WIGHT, Isle of
- Notes concerning and diagrams of the geology of, 1847
- WILKINSON (Caroline Catherine) Lady Wilkinson, 1822-81
- Articles by, published in Eliza Cook's Journal, n.d. (before 1856)
- Copies of letters from, letters to and other papers of, 1873-80
- Copies of letters from, letters to and other papers of, c. 1875
- Drafts by, n.d. (c. 1850-64)
- Duplicate prospectuses and copies of a plate for an unpublished work Desert Plants of Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson edited by, 1880
- Extracts and notes by, concerning Welsh antiquities, c. 1848-59
- Extracts from MS. Wilkinson dep. c. 7 by, c. 1875-8
- Journal entries by, 1868, 1874-5
- Letter to, n.d. (c. 1863)
- Letter to, 1864
- Letter to, n.d. (1866-75)
- Letter to, 1872
- Letter to and enclosures concerning Weeds and Wild Flowers by, 1860
- Letters, c. 1875-1881, and notes by, n.d.
- Letters and other papers concerning an unpublished work Desert Plants of Egypt by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson edited by, c. 1878-80, 1905-6, 1921
- Letters to, c. 1861-78
- Letters to, 1862, c. 1867
- Letters to and copy of a letter from, c. 1862, 1864, 1873
- Letters to and copy of a letter from, 1871, 1873
- Letters to and draft letter from, 1860, 1862
- List of her publications in her husband's library, c. 1866
- List of subscribers(?) to Weeds and Wild Flowers by, n.d. (c. 1858)
- Map of Egypt annotated by, 1875
- Note by, n.d. (after 1856)
- Note by, 1878
- Note by, concerning geology, n.d. (after 1856?)
- Note by, concerning the Eastern Desert, Egypt (dictated by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson), n.d. (after 1865)
- Notes by, c. 1860-2
- Pamphlet given to Lady Crewe by, 1876
- Papers for an unpublished work 'Distribution of Plants' by, 1852-64
- Papers of, 1852-80
- Papers of, concerning British antiquities, c. 1860-81
- Papers of, concerning Greek vases, c. 1878
- Portrait photograph of, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Reviews of works by, c. 1855-1860
- Sketch portrait of(?), n.d. (c. 1865-75?)
- Transcript by, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Water-colour of flowers by, n.d. (after 1856?)
- Water-colour portrait of, c. 1856
- Water-colour portrait of, 1859
- WILKINSON (Sir John Gardner) 1797-1875
- Account of his early life and first visit to Egypt, n.d. (c. 1856-62?)
- Chronological notes concerning his life and journeys, c. 1866
- Copies of letters, 1834-62
- Copies of letters, 1844-55
- Copy of a letter, 1852
- Copy of a letter, 1868
- Copy of 'Memoir of Sir John Gardner Wilkinson' by W.S.W. Vaux, 1876
- Correspondence and related papers of, 1822- c. 1875
- Cutting concerning his recovery from illness, c. 1856
- Draft letter, c. 1827
- Draft letter, 1831
- Draft letters, c. 1855
- Drawing of, n.d. (c. 1835-45?)
- Letter to, 1836
- Letter to, n.d. (after 1837)
- Letter to, c. 1843
- Letter to, 1844
- Letter to, 1859
- Letter to, 1862
- Letter to, 1870
- Letter to, 1871
- Letter to and enclosure, 1861
- Letter to, enclosures and draft reply, 1869
- Letter to (part), 1858
- Letter to (part), n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Letters, 1821
- Letters, c. 1825
- Letters, c. 1825
- Letters, c. 1856-1875, and papers concerning his death and bequests, 1875-c. 1882
- Letters and telegrams to, and copies of letters from, 1873-5
- Letters to, c. 1822-1837, 1856-70
- Letters to, n.d. (c. 1823-40)
- Letters to, 1841, n.d. (c. 1841-60)
- Letters to, 1843, 1855
- Letters to, n.d. (before 1850?), 1859
- Letters to, 1854-5, n.d. (c. 1860?)
- Letters to, 1855, 1858
- Letters to, 1859-60
- Letters to, 1861, n.d. (c. 1863-75?)
- Letters to, 1864
- Letters to, 1865-6
- Letters to, 1869
- Letters to and copies of letters from, 1837-58, n.d.
- Letters to and copies of letters from, c. 1837-65
- Letters to and copies of letters from, 1842, 1850, 1865
- Letters to and copies of letters from, 1858, 1864-8, 1871
- Letters to and copies of letters from, c. 1860-2
- Letters to and copies of letters from, 1861-74
- Letters to and copies of letters from, c. 1866-1875
- Letters to and enclosures, 1831-60
- Letters to and enclosures, 1848-50
- Letters to and enclosures, 1860-5
- Letters to and from, 1830, 1843
- Letters to and from, 1860-c. 1861
- Letters to and from, 1871
- Letters to and from (some copies), 1827, 1845-7, 1859-61, 1871-3
- Lists of items bequeathed by, 1878
- Notes by, inserted in a Coptic manuscript, n.d.
- Papers and collections of, c. 9th cent.-1921
- Papers concerning his death, c. 1875-6
- Papers concerning his death and bequests, 1875-6
- Papers concerning his donation of his collections to Harrow School, 1859-75
- Photograph of the monument on his grave, n.d. ( c. 1875-80?)
- Plate depicting a painting or carving from a tomb opened by, c. 1825
- Portrait photograph, n.d. (c. 1865)
- Portrait photograph, n.d. (c. 1865)
- Portrait photograph, n.d. (c. 1860?), and photograph of portrait of, n.d. ( c. 1875?)
- Portrait photographs, 1865
- Published sources for the life of, 1860- c. 1875
- Sketchbooks of, 1815-c. 1875
- Publications and projects
- Copies (imperfect) of Map of the Feioom, 1829
- Copies of a Greek inscription used to illustrate 'The Menvendanus Stone', 1845
- Copies of a letter to the Journal of the Society of Arts, 1860
- Copies of articles given to Lady Crewe, 1860-75
- Copies of Map of the Feioom, n.d. [ c. 1829]
- Draft, 1869, and copy of a letter concerning, 1867
- Draft concerning Cleopatra's Needle, n.d. ( c. 1849?)
- Draft concerning standing stones, n.d. ( c. 1860?)
- Drafts for a map of the eastern Mediterranean coast, and related papers, c. 1837
- Draft for 'Inscriptions Illustrating the Legends of the Coins of Vaballathus' and related letters, 1846
- Draft for Materia Hieroglyphica (?), c. 1827
- Draft headed 'Massacre of the Memlooks', n.d. ( c. 1859?), and dramatic fragment, n.d. ( c. 1840?)
- Draft headed 'Prd of Giza', n.d. ( c. 1821-33)
- Draft letter probably concerning The Architecture of Ancient Egypt, 1849
- Draft letter to The Times, 1864
- Drafts headed 'Journey to the Bah[nese]' and 'Taken from the foregoing Journal', 1823
- Drafts (various), c. 1830
- Drafts (various), 1845, 1859, n.d. ( c. 1860?)
- Drafts (various), n.d., 1868
- Drawing for Topographical Survey of Thebes, n.d. (c. 1827-30)
- Drawing used to illustrate 'The Menvendanus Stone', 1826
- Egyptological draft, 1830
- Egyptological drawings marked 'Ld Prudhoe's Lions', n.d. (c. 1821-33?)
- Egyptological drawings possibly used for illustrations, c. 1821-2
- Egyptological drawings possibly used for illustrations, c. 1821-1833
- Egyptological drawings possibly used for illustrations, n.d. (c. 1821-33)
- Egyptological tracing used for an illustration, n.d. ( c. 1840?)
- Egyptological water-colour possibly used for an illustration, c. 1842
- Engraving of an inscription from Karnak, n.d. ( c. 1821-2?)
- Engravings used for illustrations, n.d. ( c. 1837, c. 1871)
- Engravings used for illustrations, n.d. ( c. 1837, c. 1871)
- German(?) plan of the pyramid fields near Cairo and the Faiyum after work by Wilkinson, n.d. (after 1837?)
- Letter concerning, 1831
- Letter concerning 'Inscriptions Illustrating the Legends of the Coins of Vaballathus', n.d. (before 1847?)
- Letter concerning Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, 1837
- Letter concerning 'The Menvendanus Stone', 1870
- Letter to The Times, n.d. (c. 1850?), short drafts, 1862, and correspondence concerning, 1863
- List (partial) of plates for Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, n.d. ( c. 1837)
- Lists of manuscripts, publications and sketchbooks, c. 1866
- Lists of subscribers to and recipients of various works, c. 1848-53
- Lists of subscribers to and recipients of various works, c. 1852-73
- Manuscript map of the Gower peninsula, 1860-7
- Manuscript maps of Dalmatia for Dalmatia and Montenegro, n.d. (c. 1844)
- Note of papers to be written, n.d. ( c. 1860?)
- Papers concerning, c. 1821-1921
- MSS. Wilkinson dep. a. 3(R)-12, b. 7, c. 13-22, d. 65-115, e. 46-54
- MS. Wilkinson dep. d. 159, fols. 138-9, 143-62, 166-7
- Papers probably concerning The Architecture of Ancient Egypt, 1850
- Papers probably for his map of Egypt, c. 1825-32
- Parts of a manuscript map of Egypt, n.d. ( c. 1822-32?)
- Plate, c. 1835
- Proof of a paper by Richard Burton edited by, n.d. [1854]
- Proof(?) of part of Topographical Survey of Thebes, 1826
- Review of Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians (second series), 1841
- Review of On Colour and on the Necessity for a General Diffusion of Taste among all Classes, n.d. ( c. 1858)
- Reviews of and articles concerning, c. 1857-1863
- Sketch used to illustrate 'The Listening Slave and the Flaying of Marsyas', 1838
- Sketches for the illustrations for 'The Listening Slave and the Flaying of Marsyas', n.d. (c. 1870-5?)
- Tracings for Topographical Survey of Thebes, n.d. (c. 1827-9?)
- Verse (humorous), n.d. (after 1854?)
- Verses, c. 1857-60
- Verses probably by Wilkinson, 1816-21(?)
- Water-colours and drawings used to illustrate 'An Etruscan Tomb at Cervetri, the Ancient Caere', 1850
- Water-colours and drawings used to illustrate Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians and other works, c. 1825-37
- WILLIAMS (Jane) 1806-85
- Transcript of a poem by, n.d. (c. 1850?)
- WILSON (George) 1818-59
- Letters from, and copy of a letter to, 1859
- WILSON (Horace Hayman) 1786-1860
- Letter, 1847
- WILTON Wiltshire
- Engraving of church, n.d. (after 1844)
- Plans of archaeological sites in, c. 1859-74
- Plan of, n.d. (c. 1860-2?)
- Engraving of church, n.d. (after 1835?)
- WINCHESTER Hampshire
- Views of cathedral, 1848
- WINDERMERE lake, Westmorland
- View, 1835
- WING Buckinghamshire
- Views of church, 1847
- WITTERING Northamptonshire
- Views of church, 1847
- WITTON-le-WEAR Durham
- Engraving of Witton Castle, n.d. (after 1835?)
- Cuttings concerning Hebrew women, 1863
- Group of articles entitled 'Women of Antiquity', 1863
- Letters concerning ancient Egyptian women, 1862-3
- Drawings of archaeological finds(?) from 'Mr Wincopp's collection', n.d. (c. 1846?)
- WOODSTOCK Oxfordshire
- View, c. 1818
- WOOLER Northumberland
- Plans of ancient camps near, 1852
- WOOTTON Staffordshire
- View of Wootton Hall, c. 1861
- Views of and from Wootton Hall, 1859
- Engraving of Meups Rocks, n.d. (after 1835?)
- WORCESTER Worcestershire
- Engraving of the Adelaide memorial window, Worcester cathedral, 1854
- WORKSOP Nottinghamshire
- Views, c. 1860
- WORTH Sussex
- Views of church, 1848
- WRIGHT (Thomas) 1810-77
- Letter, 1847
- Letter, n.d. (c. 1848)
- WYATT (Sir Matthew Digby) 1820-77
- Letter and enclosure, 1861
- XANTEN Germany
- View, 1836
- Site plan, n.d. (c. 1859-69?)
- YAVERLAND Isle of Wight
- Views, 1848
- Views including church, 1847
- YEAVERING BELL Northumberland
- Papers concerning excavations on, 1862
- Plan of an ancient camp on, 1852
- Sketches and notes concerning Roman remains and the church of St. Mary Bishop Hill Junior, 1847
- YOUNG (Thomas) 1773-1829
- Drawings of hieroglyphics headed 'Names of Egyptian Kings accg to Dr. Young', 1821
- Extract from the works of, n.d. (c. 1823?)
- Letters and memorandum, 1828
- Lists of Egyptian kings after, n.d. ( c. 1821-2)
- Notes from work by, c. 1821
- YOXFORD Suffolk
- Sketch of house, 1848
- ZADAR Croatia
- Tracings of views of cathedral, c. 1848
- View, 1844
- Views, 1844
- Engraving of cotton market at, n.d. ( c. 1862-9)
- ZAGHOUAN Tunisia
- Views including Roman remains, 1845
- ZAHLE Lebanon
- View, 1844
- ZENNOR Cornwall
- Photographs of cromlechs at, 1858
- Classified list of animals and birds, n.d. ( c. 1830)
- Draft entitled 'A few words about the Great Ant-Eater in the Zoological Gardens' by Caroline Catherine, Lady Wilkinson, n.d. ( c. 1850-64)
- Drafts headed 'The Eastern Dog' and 'The Egyptian Cat', n.d. (c. 1860-1)
- Drawing of an Egyptian fish, 1844
- Illustrated classification of shells, n.d. ( c. 1864-70)
- Illustrated classification of shells, n.d. ( c. 1864-70)
- Illustrated classification of shells, n.d. ( c. 1864-70)
- List of Arabic names of plants and animals headed 'Materia Medica of Egypt', c. 1832
- List of Egyptian birds and animals, c. 1826-7
- Lists of Egyptian birds and fish, n.d. ( c. 1821-33)
- List of specimens, n.d. (c. 1866-70)
- Notes concerning insects and camels, c. 1839
- Notes concerning, made in Egypt, c. 1832-3
- Papers concerning shells, c. 1865
- Sketch of a dolphin, 1866
- Sketch of camels near Pisa, 1821
- Sketch of fish, 1845
- Sketch of Red Sea fish, c. 1857, and water-colours of flies, 1860
- Sketches of dogs, c. 1821-3
- Sketches of fish, giving Latin names, n.d. ( c. 1866-1875)
- Sketches of shells, n.d. (c. 1848-50)
- Sketches of shells, 1849
- Water-colour and sketch of cod, c. 1872
- Water-colour of a wasps' nest, c. 1848
- Water-colours and notes concerning Spanish shells, 1863-4
- Water-colours of a fish and a snake, south Wales, 1865-73
- End of index