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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 48


Archive of A.B. Poynton

Archive of Arthur Blackburne Poynton (1867-1944).
Extents: 0.16 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 20th century

Archive of Frederick Louis MacNeice

Papers of the poet and playwright Frederick Louis MacNeice (1907-1963), with papers of Hedli MacNeice, née Anderson (1907-1990)
Extents: 10.17 Linear metres (76 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1917-1989; n.d.

Archive of the Noel, Byron and Lovelace Families

Papers of Annabella, Lady Byron (1792-1860), including papers of her parents, Sir Ralph and Judith Milbanke (later Noel), papers of her daughter, Ada Byron (later Lady Lovelace), and her grand-children, Ralph King (2nd Earl of Lovelace) and Anne Blunt.
Extents: 50.6 Linear metres (460 Shelfmarks)
Dates: 1669-1930

Askew Manuscripts

Manuscripts collected by Anthony Askew, relating to classical literature.
Extents: 2.42 Linear metres (22 boxes)
Dates: 18th century
Single Item

Batavi in Britannia hospitis Otia Oxoniensia

'Batavi in Britannia hospitis Otia Oxoniensia,' written in 1690 by H. Beverland
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 404
Extents: 96 Leaves
Dates: Written in 1690 by H. Beverland

Canonici Manuscripts

Manuscripts of Matteo Luigi Canonici, Jesuit.
Extents: 146.08 Linear metres (1328 boxes)
Dates: 8th-18th century

Casaubon Manuscripts

Casaubon Manuscripts
Extents: 5.28 Linear metres (48 boxes)
Dates: 16th-17th century

Clarendon Press Manuscripts

Manuscripts owned or compiled by classical and oriental scholars of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Extents: 17.82 Linear metres (162 boxes)
Dates: 1514-late 19th century
Single Item

A collation of a Greek MS. of the Acts of the Apostles with Wetstein's Novum Testamentum

A collation of a Greek MS. of the Acts of the Apostles with Wetstein's Novum Testamentum
Shelfmark: MS. Auct. T. infra 1. 2
Extents: 10 Leaves
Dates: Written early in the 19th century by J. B. Hollingworth
Single Item

A collation of the Breslau MS. of the Odyssey marked Rhediger

A collation of the Breslau MS. of the Odyssey marked Rhediger
Shelfmark: MS. Gr. class. e. 2
Extents: 156 Leaves
Dates: Written in about 1850-1860 by W. K. Kayser
Single Item

A collation of the Breslau MS. of the Odyssey marked Rhediger

A collation of the Breslau MS. of the Odyssey marked Rhediger
Shelfmark: MS. Gr. class. e. 3
Extents: 276 Leaves
Dates: written in about 1850-1860 by W. K. Kayser
Single Item

Collectanea of Dr. Humphrey Hody

Collectanea of Dr. Humphrey Hody, written in about A.D. 1700 by H. Hody.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. C. 44
Extents: 129 Leaves
Dates: written in about A.D. 1700 by H. Hody
Single Item

Copies and photographs, taken '... in 1888 by F. C. Conybeare

Copies and photographs, taken '... in 1888 by F. C. Conybeare
Shelfmark: MS. Gr. class. e. 19
Extents: 31 Leaves
Dates: Chiefly written in 1888 by F. C. Conybeare
Single Item

Copies of works by Themistius Euphrada

Copies of works by Themistius Euphrada, written in A.D. 1518 by Leonellus Leonus Patavii
Shelfmark: MS. Auct. F. inf. 2. 4
Extents: 158 Leaves
Dates: written in A.D. 1518 by Leonellus Leonus Patavii
Single Item

The Cyropaedia of Xenophon, translation exercise by Richard Gough

The Cyropaedia of Xenophon, translation exercise by Richard Gough, written about A.D. 1750.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. D. 107
Extents: 514 Leaves
Dates: written about A.D. 1750
Single Item

An elementary manual of religious instruction

An elementary manual of religious instruction
Shelfmark: MS. Auct. T. 6. 6
Extents: 54 pages
Dates: Written in the 17th century

Greek Literature, Partly written in A.D. 1521 by Iakōbos Battista Rhitzos (Rizzo?) of Solanto (?)

Greek Literature
Extents: 0.10 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: Partly written in A.D. 1521 by Iakōbos Battista Rhitzos (Rizzo?) of Solanto (?)
Single Item

Greek religious pieces

Greek religious pieces
Shelfmark: MS. Auct. T. 6. 2
Extents: 111 Leaves
Dates: Written in the 16th and 17th century
Single Item

An index to the first words of epigrams in the Greek Anthology

An index to the first words of epigrams in the Greek Anthology
Shelfmark: MS. Add. A. 239
Extents: 84 Leaves
Dates: Written about the middle of the 18th cent.

Libri Manuscripts

Miscellaneous manuscripts collected by Guillaume Libri, 10th-18th century.
Extents: 7.48 Linear metres (68 boxes)
Dates: 10th-18th century

Filtered By

  • Language: Greek, Ancient (to 1453) X
  • Indexed subjects: Literature X

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Indexed subjects
16th century 18
Greek literature 17
18th century 16
17th century 15
19th century 15
Classical literature 15
Literature 14
x - 15th century 8
20th century 7
Religion 7
13th century 5
14th century 5
Classical literature -- Study and teaching 5
Manuscripts, Greek 5
Poetry 5
x - 10th century 5
x - 11th century 5
x - 12th century 5
Authors, Classical 4
Poetry, Greek 3
∨ more
Antiquarians 2
Bible 2
Dictionaries and encyclopaedias 2
Drama 2
Great Britain -- Topography 2
Latin literature 2
Liturgies 2
Manuscripts 2
Manuscripts, Latin 2
Photographs 2
Rhetoric, Ancient 2
Theology 2
Wiltshire (England) 2
x - 9th century 2
Anabaptists 1
Autographs -- Collections 1
Bible -- N.T. 1
Bible -- NT -- Epistles 1
Bible -- O.T. -- Psalms 1
Bodleian Library 1
Book collectors 1
Children's literature 1
Choirs (music) 1
Church 1
Church of England -- Clergy 1
Classical languages 1
Classicists 1
Constitutions 1
Diaries -- 18th century 1
Dissenters 1
Dorset (England) 1
Durham (England) 1
Ecclesiastical courts 1
English literature -- 19th century 1
English literature -- 20th century 1
English poetry -- 20th century 1
Essex (England) 1
Fantasy fiction 1
Fathers of the church 1
Flanders (Belgium) 1
France 1
Genealogy 1
Gloucestershire (England) 1
Great Britain -- History 1
Great Britain -- Political and Government -- 17th century 1
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 18th century 1
Greece -- History 1
Greek drama (Tragedy) 1
Hearth-money 1
Heraldry 1
History 1
Humanities 1
Hymns, Greek 1
Ireland 1
Italian literature 1
Italy -- Description and travel 1
Italy -- History 1
Languages 1
Latin poetry 1
Law 1
Literature -- Translations 1
London (England) 1
Manuscripts, Arabic 1
Manuscripts, Hebrew 1
Medicine 1
Music 1
Nonjurors 1
Northamptonshire (England) 1
Novelists -- 20th century 1
Numismatics 1
Oxford (England) 1
Oxford (England) -- History 1
Oxfordshire (England) 1
Papal medals 1
Poetry -- 18th century 1
Poetry -- 19th century 1
Poetry, English 1
Poetry, Italian 1
Poets, English | 19th century 1
Prayers 1
∧ less
Indexed names
Aristotle | 384-322 BC | Greek philosopher 3
Apollonius | b. 295 BC | of Rhodes | author and poet 2
Elmsley | Peter | 1773-1825 | Classical Scholar 2
Hermogenes | 161-180 | of Tarsus, Greek rhetorician 2
Homer | fl. ? 899-700 BC | Greek epic poet 2
Theocritus | c 300 BC-260 BC | Greek poet 2
University of Oxford 2
Askew | Anthony | 1722-1774 | Classical Scholar, Physician, and Collector of MSS and Books 1
Bast | Friedrich Jakob | 1771-1811 | Greek Scholar 1
Beaumont | fl 1688-1730 | Nonconformist 1
Beverland | Hadrian | 1650-1716 | philologist, jurist and philosopher 1
Bracton | Henry de | c 1210-1268 | Judge, Chancellor of Exeter Cathedral 1
Burton | Edward | 1794-1836 | Professor of Divinity 1
Byron | Anne Isabella | 1792-1860 | 11th Baroness Wentworth and Baroness Byron | Social reformer and philanthropist 1
Byron | George Gordon | 1788-1824 | | 6th Baron Byron | poet 1
Bywater | Ingram | 1840-1914 | Regius Professor of Greek at Oxford 1
Canonici | Matteo Luigi | 1727-1805 | Jesuit 1
Caravella | Johannes | fl. 1730-1770 | classical scholar 1
Casaubon | Isaac | 1559-1614 | Prebendary of Canterbury, Classical Scholar, and Diarist 1
Chaucer | Geoffrey | c 1340-1400 | Poet 1
∨ more
Chilmead | Edmund | 1610-1654 | scholar and musician 1
Chrysostom | John | 347-407 | Saint 1
Church of England | Diocese of London | Consistory Court 1
Conybeare | Frederick Cornwallis | 1856-1924 | Biblical and Armenian scholar 1
D'Orville | Jacques Philippe | 1696-1751 | Classical Scholar 1
De Missy | Cesar | 1703-1775 | Theologian 1
Dioscorides | Pedanius | c 40-c 90 | Greek physician and botanist 1
Dodds | Eric Robertson | 1893-1979 | classical scholar 1
Doxapatres | Joannes | fl 11th century | of Constantinople, monk 1
England and Wales | Exchequer 1
England and Wales | Royal Navy 1
Eton College 1
Euphrada | Themistius | 317-c.390 | statesman, rhetorician, and philosopher 1
Fenwick family 1
Fitzwilliams | John | fl 1600-1699 | Nonjuror 1
Fleming | Robert | ? 1660-1716 | Presbyterian Minister 1
Fosbroke | Thomas Dudley | 1770-1842 | Antiquary 1
French Protestant Church 1
Gentili | Alberico | 1552-1608 | Italian jurist 1
Gentilis | Scipio | 1563-1616 | Professor of Law at Altdorf 1
Gough | Richard | 1735-1809 | antiquary 1
Gregory | 329-389 | Saint, of Nanzianzus and Doctor of the Church, theologian 1
Grenville | Denis | 1637-1703 | Jacobite Archbishop of York | also known as Denis Granville 1
Gronovius | Jacobus | 1645-1716 | classical scholar 1
Gunning | Peter | 1614-1684 | Bishop of Ely 1
Hawes | Samuel | fl 1694-1700 | Nonjuror 1
Hearne | Thomas | 1678-1735 | Antiquary and Nonjuror 1
Hess | Saloman | 1763-1837 | Historian 1
Hody | Humphrey | 1660-1707 | Archdeacon of Oxford and Classical Scholar 1
Hollingworth | John Banks | fl 1800-1899 1
Holman | William | d 1730 | Essex Antiquary Congregational Minister 1
Ingram | James | 1774-1850 | Anglo Saxon Scholar Antiquary Archaeologist 1
King | Ada Augusta | 1815-1852 | mathematician | wife of 1st Earl Lovelace 1
King | William | 1805-1893 | 1st Earl of Lovelace 1
L'Estrange | Hamon | 1605-1660 | theologian and historian 1
Lewis | John | 1675-1747 | Antiquary 1
Lewis | John | c 1700-1799 | Minister of Margate 1
Libri | Guillaume | 1803-1869 | Professor of Mathematical Physics 1
Livius | Titus | ? 59 BC-AD 17 | Roman historian 1
Locke | John | 1632-1704 | philospher 1
MacNeice | Antoinette Millicent Hedley ('Hedli') | 1907-1990 | nee Anderson | singer and actress 1
MacNeice | Frederick Louis | 1907-1963 | poet and playwright 1
Malone | Edmond | 1741-1812 | Critic and Author 1
Mandeville | Sir | John | d 1372 | travel writer 1
Milbanke | Ralph Gordon Noel King | 2nd Earl of Lovelace | 1839-1906 1
Milbanke-Noel | Judith | 1751-1822 | nee Noel, afterwards Milbanke | wife of Sir Ralph Milbanke-Noel 1
Milbanke-Noel | Sir | Ralph | 1747-1825 | | 6th Baronet | MP for Durham 1
Montagu | Montagu | 1787-1863 | Captain RN, Author, and Autograph Collector 1
Moschus Syracusanus | fl. c.150 BC | poet and grammarian 1
Nedam | James | fl 1532-1543 | Royal Surveyor of Works 1
Neve | John Le | 1679-1741 | Antiquary 1
Nicholson | Edward Williams Byron | 1849-1912 | Bodley's Librarian, Poet, and Celtic and Biblical Scholar 1
Nicholson | Edward | fl 1835-1852 1
Ovidius Naso | Publius | 43 BC-AD 17 | Roman poet 1
Paphlagon | Niketas David | fl. 860-940 | also Nicetas the Paphlagonian | Byzantine Greek writer 1
Patavii | Leonellus Leonus | fl. 1518 1
Pepys | Samuel | 1633-1703 | MP, Diarist, Public Servant, Antiquary 1
Phillipps family | baronets | Middle Hill 1
Phillipps | Sir Thomas | 1792-1872 | Baronet | Antiquary, and Collector of MSS and Books 1
Phillipps | Sir | Thomas | 1792-1872 | Baronet | Antiquary, and Collector of MSS and Books 1
Planudes | Maximus | c.1260-c.1305 | monk, scholar, anthologist, translator, mathematician, grammarian and theologian 1
Pleydell | Sir | Mark Stuart | 1692-1768 | 1st Baronet Pleydell of Coleshill, Berkshire 1
Poynton | Arthur Blackburne | 1867-1944 | Greek scholar 1
Price | Daniel | fl 1685-1706 | Dean of St Asaph 1
Randolph | John | 1749-1813 | Bishop of London 1
Rawlinson | Richard | 1690-1755 | Antiquary and Nonjuror 1
Roach | Richard | 1662-1730 | Anglican clergyman 1
Robinson | John | 1650-1723 | Bishop of London 1
Roe | Thomas | 1581-1644 | Sir | Knight and Diplomat 1
Rowling | Joanne | b.1965 | writer 1
Saibante | Giovanni | fl 1732 1
Sallustius Crispus | Gaius | ? 86-? 34 BC | Roman historian 1
Samber | Robert | fl 1710-1729 | Poet 1
Sancroft | William | 1617-1693 | Archbishop of Canterbury 1
Shakespeare | William | 1564-1616 | Dramatist 1
Smith | Thomas | 1638-1710 | Nonjuror Historian and Librarian 1
Sophocles | ? 496-? 406 BC | Greek playwright 1
St Paul's Cathedral 1
Stanton | William | fl 1697-1704 1
Swadlin | Thomas | 1600-1670 | Royalist divine 1
∧ less
Latin 27
English 18
German 10
Italian 10
French 7
Arabic 4
Dutch; Flemish 4
Greek, Modern (1453-) 3
Hebrew 3
Welsh 3
Irish 2
Spanish; Castilian 2
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 1
Armenian 1
Catalan; Valencian 1
Chinese 1
Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic 1
Coptic 1
Danish 1
French, Old (842-ca.1400) 1