Box 606601714
Contains 29 Results:
"Proclamation of justes royall;" the form of announcing the prizes at the tournament held by Q. Mary at Westminster, 25 Nov 1554
Rawlinson Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Rawl. B. 120, fol. 194
Extents: 1 item
25 Nov 1554
A treatise of the origin and office of heralds, of knighthood and nobility; in two parts or books, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Tit. chap. i. book. i. "Who were the first Heroes, accordinge to the meaning of Thucidides a Greatian, and who first ordayned them." Tit. chap. i. book ii. "The second treatise of nobility, shewing how, and in what maner, the same should be understood." The last section is headed, "against them which geue arms, and haue not authority to enoblish."
Rawlinson Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Rawl. B. 120, fol. 195
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Translation of the letters patent of Rich. II., recording the judgment pronounced by him in the Scrope and Grosvenor controversy, 27 May 1390, 4 Jun 1390
Rawlinson Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Rawl. B. 120, fol. 208b
Extents: 1 item
4 Jun 1390
Qualifications for the creation of a territory into a new kingdom, for the creation of dukes and other orders of nobility; directions for the marshalling of battles; observations on strength and valour, etc., Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
The title of the first section is, "How to make a king of a new realme;" of the last, "Whether it be more expedient to fight fasting, or after a man hath eaten somwhat."
Rawlinson Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Rawl. B. 120, fols. 210–214
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
"The order and maner of creating and making new knights of the Bath, in tyme of peace, according to the custome of England", Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Rawlinson Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Rawl. B. 120, fol. 215
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
"Copie of the charge executed by an officer of armes intituled Lorrayne Herauld, belonging to the duke of Lorrayne his master, sent to Charles duke of Burgundy and Brabant; etc., then being at the siege of Nuys uppon the Ryne:" an account of his denouncing defiance, and of the reward given him by the duke of Burgundy, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Rawlinson Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Rawl. B. 120, fol. 219
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
On precedency, 15 Jun 1582
"The difference of all degrees, and the order of theyr goinge;"
"The diuersitie of seruise of all degrees in the chief poynte."
"Written first by Thomas Cherer, dark of the counsayle in the marches of Wales, 15 Junii, 1582."
Rawlinson Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Rawl. B. 120, fols. 220, 220b
Extents: 1 item
15 Jun 1582
"A perfect demostration of all such insident fees and duties as belongeth to a serjant at armes to be always leuied at the execution of the said office", Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Rawlinson Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Rawl. B. 120, fol. 221b
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Various heraldic tracts and miscellanies, collected by William Smith, Rouge Dragon pursuivant, bulk: 1586
The following title is prefixed: "The image of heraldrye: shewing divers secrett matters and secrettes touchinge heraldrye: wherein is described the true path-waye to obtaine that excellent science: fitt for to be knowne and readde of all those whiche are desirous to searche therein. Written ano Domini 1586, et anno regni Reginæ Elizabethæ vicesimo nono." At the end of the volume, reversed, is an account of receipts for timber sold to Harry Vane, Thomas Browning, and others,…
Rawlinson Manuscripts
Found in:
Rawlinson B: English History
Shelfmark: MS. Rawl. B. 120
Extents: 221 Leaves
Majority of material found in 1586