Box 606625686
Contains 4 Results:
Rotulus coronationis Regis Edwardi Secundi, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Rawlinson Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Rawl. A. 118, fol. 1
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
"The Honor of Lancaster one of the beautifullest gemmes belonginge to the imperiale diademe of this noble kingdome; whose beginninge, encrease, and present estate in this treatise briefly is described, in such sort as it now standeth seperated from the other enheritances of the crowne, together with the severall owners and possessioners it hath had since the Norman Conquest, their lines and matrimoniall alliances delineated", Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Of this intended treatise all that is here given consists only of some introductory notes upon the county, and a short account of Roger the Poictevin.
Rawlinson Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Rawl. A. 118, fol. 23
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
"The genealogie of the antient family of the Howards, from Fulck who flourished in the time of King Henry the first surnamed Beauclerck, son of William the Conqueror, diligently and accurately drawene unto this daye in the month of May in the yeare of our Lord's incarnation, 1621, enlarged and contineued vnto this present yeare", 1639
[The pedigree as actually given does not descend later than the time of Edw. III.] On fol. 34b is the following note; "This whole genealogie I coppyed out of a pedegree in parchment lent me by the countesse dowager of Peterborough. Octob. 1639."
Rawlinson Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Rawl. A. 118, fols. 32–39
Extents: 1 item
Rotulus coronationis Regis Edwardi Secundi and other papers, bulk: 17th century
Rawlinson Manuscripts
Found in:
Rawlinson A: English History
Shelfmark: MS. Rawl. A. 118
Extents: 39 Leaves
Majority of material found within 17th century