Box 606757732
Contains 1 Result:
'Σχεδιάσματα. Brief Lives' by John Aubrey, Written chiefly in 1680-1681, by J. Aubrey
'Σχεδιάσμαra. Brief Lives' by John Aubrey, part 3 of 3, and one separate volume (MS. Aubrey 9) containing 'The Life of Mr. Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, by Mr. John Aubrey ... 1679/80' These Lives, which were put together 'tumultuarily', to aid Wood in his Athenæ, were edited in 1813 by Dr. Philip Bliss and the rev. John Walker in "Letters written by Eminent Persons ... and Lives ... by John Aubrey ...", and in 1898 by the rev. Andrew Clark, who has given a full description of the MSS., in…
Aubrey Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Aubrey 8
Extents: 116 Leaves
Written chiefly in 1680-1681, by J. Aubrey