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Box 606688062


Contains 1 Result:


Miscellanies, written in several hands, chiefly in the second half of the 17th century

Miscellanies: (fol. 1). 'Copia de vnas Decimas que aparecieron en la Real Boisa de Londres el mismo dia que se publico la Paz entre Inglaterra y Olanda ... die 28 mensis Februarii 1673/4 ...'; (fol. 3). 'Breve elogio de la vida del rey Phelipe segundo', d. 1598; (fol. 56d). short political pieces, chiefly in verse.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. A. 148
Extents: 117 Leaves
Dates: written in several hands, chiefly in the second half of the 17th century