Twenty-six manuscripts collected by Richard Heber, relating to Spanish history and literature in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.
- Creation: 17th-18th century
2.86 Linear metres (26 boxes)
Language of Materials
- Spanish; Castilian
- Latin
Preferred Citation
Oxford, Bodleian Libraries [followed by shelfmark and folio or page reference, e.g. MSS. Add. A. 136].
Full range of shelfmarks:
MSS. Add. A. 136-157, C. 126-129
Collection ID (for staff)
CMD ID 13011
Manuscripts collected by Richard Heber, relating to Spanish history and literature in the 16th-18th centuries.
Biographical / Historical
Richard Heber (1773-1833) was an MP, book collector and classical scholar. Details are given in the Dictionary of National Biography.
Other Finding Aids
Falconer Madan, et al., A summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto series (7 vols. in 8 [vol. II in 2 parts], Oxford, 1895-1953; reprinted, with corrections in vols. I and VII, Munich, 1980), vol. V, nos. 28360-28385.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
The manuscripts formed part of the Richard Heber sale on 9 June 1835, where they were bought for £40. The Heber catalogue states that they were all 'from the Iriate [Yriate] Collection'.
Separated Materials
Among the printed volumes (catalogued on SOLO) which formed part of this collection, the following contain some manuscript pieces:
- Arch. Seld. A. II. 13 (poem by don Luys de Gongora: 'Los triumphos que alcanza el Zelo, solo juzgar puede el Cielo, dialogo comico y armonico,' 1737: a religious poem by don Pedro Ortiz de Escovar);
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 5 (complaint against the Junta de Comercio, 1688; also the same printed);
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 6 (general news-letter from Rome, April-May, 1633, in Spanish);
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 7 (theological pieces, one an original petition of 1674, the rest later);
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 8 (' Cattezismo politico' por el conde de Aguilar, 1715: certified Spanish translation of the process preliminary to the beatification of st. Miguel de Los Santos, 1630: with a large number of theological papers of the first half of the 18th century, chiefly connected with the 'Carmelitas Descalzos');
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 10 (an account of the family of Osorio: 'Discurso sobre los cllentos de las Brujas, por Pedro de Valencia,' 17th century);
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 11 (' Anti· Hortensio, hecho por ... Alonso Vasquez de Miranda ... contra el sermon que ... Hortensio Patauissino ... predico ... 1625 ': 'La sentencia de fray Francisco Garcia Calderon,' with many other pieces, chiefly theological and relating to the Inquisition);
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 12 (Declaration of war by Louis xiii of France against Spain, June 18, 1635, in Spanish: Spanish chronicle of 1674-1675, and a few miscellaneous pieces);
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 13 (an essay on the relation of ecclesiastical and civil jurisdiction in Spain, with a few miscellaneous pieces);
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 14 (paper relating to the formation of a 'Compania armada para el trafico y comercio de Espana con las Indias [orientales?],' about 1732 (?): 'Capitulos de los cassamientos de la hermana del rey de Francia con el principe de Gales,' 1623: 'Carta del rey de lnglaterra escrita al rey de Espana en que pone los cargos que hizo al marques de la Inoxossa supplicando le proceda contra el. Por loque estuuo preso etc.,' about 1623 (?): 'Relacion de la entrada del exercito del rey de Francia en Italia, de los lugares que ha conquistado en Genoua y derrota de 700 hombres,' 1625 : and other historical papers, foreign and domestic);
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 15 ('Relacion del Auto general de fee que se celebro en la uilla de Quenca ... 29 de Junio de mill 654');
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 16 (a discussion 'sobre la tenuta de los estados de Aguilar y Castaneda');
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 17 ('Relaçion de lo que ha sucçedido en la villa de Bruxellas el dia 16 de Diciembre 1684': 'Verdades Catholicas, contra ficciones Judaicas,' by don Luys de Melo: with a few other pieces);
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 18 ('Ystoria de la vida y trauajos de Sahabedra, por cuia yndustria se introduso la Ynquisicion en Portugal,' from an Escurial MS.: 'Caida del conde duque de Oliuares ... 1643': with several other pieces, chiefly poetical and political: the official stamp of 'yo el Rey' (Charles iii) occurs on two documents of 1683);
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 19 ('Relazion del socorro que envio su Majestad ... a los estados de Flandes el año de 1637 ... ,' etc.: 'Relaçion de el socoro que yva a los condados de Rosellon y Cerdania ... ,' 1641-2(?): and two other pieces);
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 20 (a paper on the claims of the archbishopric of Toledo, 1632);
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 21 ('Parænesis al don Phelipe 4°...rey dEspaña, por el padre fray Geronimo de la Cruz,' with other political pieces: a paper on the coinage: 'Preparacion de guerra para la restauracion y conquista del Sepulcro Sancto de Hierusalem ... por Luis Fernandez de Paredes ...,' with other pieces and a few poems);
- Arch. Seld. A. subt. 22 (many original papers relating to the Cortes of Aragon held at Barbastro in 1626, some official);
- Arch. Σ. III. 67 ('Desembarco del exercito, combate con los Moros y toma de la ciudad de Oran ... ' 1732: 'Carta que escribe vn canallero Romano catholico a otro cauallero Romano,' 1722: 'Cartilla instructiua de el estado presente preterito y futuro de la Europa,' by question and answer).
- Title
- Heber (Yriarte) Spanish Manuscripts
- Status
- Published
- Author
- Collection Level Description by Emily Tarrant; EAD version 2020 by Pauline Soum-Paris
- Date
- EAD version 2020
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository
Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom