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Contains 5 Results:


Poems, c.1816-57

Volume, c.1816-17, containing poems by Byron, with some poems by Rogers, Cowper, Southey, Miss Bannerman, Thomas Moore and Mrs. Arkwright, with: (p. iii) contents page (pp. 113-22) three poems by Wilkinson entitled 'The Learned Lady (a parody)', 'Bishop Colenso', and 'Tea' (the last dated 1857).
Found in: Personal papers
Shelfmark: MS. Wilkinson dep. e. 84
Extents: 126 pages
Dates: c.1816-57

Notes, mainly relating to contemporary British and European politics, 1818-19

Volume, 1818-19, containing miscellaneous notes, mainly relating to contemporary British and European politics, with (p. 30) copy of humorous verses by 'M', 1832. (pp. 31-86 blank
Found in: Personal papers
Shelfmark: MS. Wilkinson dep. e. 85
Extents: 86 pages
Dates: 1818-19

Notes, extracts, sketches, letters etc., c.1847-58

Volume, c.1847-58, containing rough notes and extracts (some not in Wilkinson's hand), and occasional sketches, relating to Egyptology and the study of the Ancient Near East, and other subjects, with: (fols. 8-11, 43v, 110-11, 168-9, 183-6, 214-50) letters to Wilkinson and copies of replies, 1837-58, n.d. (fols. 189-213) notes (mainly on Herodotus), 1831.
Shelfmark: MS. Wilkinson dep. e. 81
Extents: 251 Leaves
Dates: c.1847-58

Commonplace book, c.1850-75

Commonplace book, c.1850-75, containing references to and notes on various subjects arranged alphabetically, newspaper cuttings, and occasional drawings and water-colours.
Shelfmark: MS. Wilkinson dep. e. 82
Extents: 140 Leaves
Dates: c.1850-75

Comparative vocabulary of English and other languages, n.d. (c.1865)

Volume, n.d. (c.1865), containing a comparative vocabulary of English and 23 other ancient and modern languages, with: (fols. 74, 76, 78, 80-1) related printed material (fol. 82v) note on Welsh.
Shelfmark: MS. Wilkinson dep. e. 83
Extents: 83 Leaves
Dates: n.d. (c.1865)