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Box 606733830


Contains 1 Result:


Working papers and scientific correspondence, 1959-1962

Comprises: 1) 'Talks to J. Garcia on leaving. 30.7.60', notes, a typescript paper with photographs of graphs and a letter from unknown (Medicinska Nobel-institutet, Stockholm), 1960 2) 'Blood TSH after Thyroxine', notes, letter from Claude Fortier (mentioning Bill Schindler), with attached papers and graphs, and a letter from Fortier to Mrs E. Cullen, Maudsley Hospital (Harris being in India), 1962 3) 'Formulae of hormones', two photostats of typed lists…
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 419
Extents: 15 folders
Dates: 1959-1962