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Notes and papers relating to the Ashmole Collection of MSS. now in the Bodleian Library, by William Henry Black

 Single Item
MS. Ashmole 1834
Held at the Weston Library

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Notes and papers relating to the Ashmole Collection of MSS. now in the Bodleian Library, by William Henry Black, who published a Catalogue of them in 1845, when they were still in the Ashmolean Museum.

That Catalogue was issued without preface or appendixes, which are here to a large extent supplied:

  1. Nos. 4-8. drafts of most of the preface
  2. Nos. 10-11. App. i, a copy of the Oxford diploma granting the degree of Doctor in Medicine to Ashmole
  3. Nos. 12-15. App. ii, a copy of Plot's Memoir of Ashmole, 1683
  4. Nos. 16-19. App. iii, a copy of Plot's Register of MSS. given to the Ashmolean Museum by the founder in his lifetime
  5. Nos. 20-28, 62-65. App. iv, a copy of Ashmole's Will
  6. Nos. 29-58. App. v-vi, two tables of old and new numbers of Ashmole MSS.

The rest of the volume consists of haphazard papers, drafts, and notes by Black usually on scraps of paper, not arranged in any order, chiefly extracts from Ashmole MSS., among which are copies of letters (nos. 209-19), Simon Forman's Autobiography, 1600 (nos. 227-47), followed by a proof of it in print for the Camden Society, drafts of portions of the Catalogue, etc.

Additons:(fols. 411-15) Six scraps from Ashmole manuscripts, found among W. H. Black's papers.


  • Creation: Written about 1830-1850 chiefly by W. H. Black


410 pages

Language of Materials

  • English

Preferred Citation

Oxford, Bodleian Libraries [followed by shelfmark and folio or page reference, e.g. MS. Ashmole 1834, fols. 1-2]

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MS. Ashmole 1834

Collection ID (for staff)

CMD ID 19570


Notes and papers relating to the Ashmole Collection of MSS. now in the Bodleian Library, by William Henry Black

Biographical / Historical

William Henry Black (1808-1872) was an antiquary.

Other Finding Aids

Falconer Madan, et al., A summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto series (7 vols. in 8 [vol. II in 2 parts], Oxford, 1895-1953; reprinted, with corrections in vols. I and VII, Munich, 1980), vol. VI, no. 33549

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Presented by mr. R. Hovenden (a letter from whom dated March 17, 1905, is no. 2) on March 20, 1905 with additions bought from P. J. Dobell, 1938.

Physical Facet

On paper, generally mounted on blank leaves


14 × 9 3/4 in.

Notes and papers relating to the Ashmole Collection of MSS. now in the Bodleian Library, by William Henry Black
EAD version 2020 by Alice Whichelow
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom