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'Farrago plurium scitu dignissimorum'

 Single Item
MS. Bodl. 487
Held at the Weston Library

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'Farrago plurium scitu dignissimorum', a miscellaneous theological and historical note-book, which cannot be treated summarily. A full list of contents is printed in the Old Catalogue of 1697, see also fols. 1 and (in alphabetical order) iii-v, in the present manuscript. Among the more important items are:

  1. Fol. vi, 3, 36. Notes about England, e.g. church revenues, numbers of churches, shires, etc.
  2. Fols. 2, 106, cf. 79v. Short Latin chronicles of England, 1422-1509, ('Opinio vulgaris') and 1066-1447
  3. Fol. 3v, cf. 11v. a short general Latin chronicle, with some special references to Dominicans, to 1286, partly ('Aetates mundi') 'ex tabula Cronicarum cathedrali ecclesia (sic) Lincolnie', and at fol. 6 a note on Friday
  4. Fols. 5, 17v, 25v, 29v. Short Latin poems and proverbs, one poem on fol. 5 beg. 'Tot video gentes', another on fol. 19v 'Exiit edictum ab Augusto Caesare'
  5. Fols. 9v, 27v. 'De Joanne Potadwe' archbp. of Armenia, who came to England in 1228 with tidings of the Wandering Jew
  6. Fol. 15. 'Problemata Secundi philosophi':
  7. Fol. 21. Latin note of a yearly indulgence at Eton
  8. Fol. 22. Extracts 'Ex prologo [Gulielmi] Notyngham de concordia'
  9. Fol. 39. Computus ecclesiasticus manualis (beg. 'Filius esto Dei'), with prose commentary
  10. Fol. 51v. Latin note on the death of King Richard i
  11. Fol. 53. the Ars Minor of Donatus, here anonymous, cf. fol. 80v
  12. Fol. 60v. 'Vaticinium Johannis Brydlyngtone' in Latin verse (beg. 'Febribus infectus')
  13. Fol. 66. 'Ludus scaccorum' in Latin verse (beg. 'Si ic [i. e. Sic?] fit famosa sine sanguine pugna iocosa')
  14. Fol. 69. 'Pronostica' astrologica: (fol. 73) 'The way to Rome thorow France', an itinerary
  15. Fols. 75, 87. Calendarial notes, in English
  16. Fol. 83. Tractatus de generatione hominis (beg. 'Homo inter omnia animalia')
  17. Fol. 87v. 'Colores versuum' or De modis xxx versificandi (beg. 'Primus color quo moderni versiste vtuntur')
  18. Fol. 91. 'Omnia vtilia ad arma pertinencia', a heraldic manual: beg. 'Here begynth a scorth [i.e. short] informacon of armis, how that .. s
  19. Fol. 95. Statuta universitatis Oxoniensis, a copy of some early statutes, including the Statuta Aularia (fol. 105)
  20. Fol. 115. 'Testamentum ... domini Willelmi de Wykeham olim episcopi Wyntoniensis ...' followed at fol. 121 by 'Cursus vite et actorum ... ' ejusdem, a short Latin biography (beg. 'Natus est anno Domini 1334')
  21. Ending with statistics about Winchester and New College admissions 1394-1431, written in 1497: f and s are printed from this MS. in Hearne's ed. of Leland's Itinerary, 1711, vol. iii, pp. 105, 154.


  • Creation: Written in more than one hand of about A.D. 1500 in England


131 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • Latin
  • English

Preferred Citation

Oxford, Bodleian Libraries [followed by shelfmark and folio or page reference, e.g. MS. Bodl. 487, fols. 1-2]

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MS. Bodl. 487

Collection ID (for staff)

CMD ID 17885


'Farrago plurium scitu dignissimorum'

Biographical / Historical

The collector and chief writer was apparently John Curteys (1457-1509), for the writer was born Nov. 12, 1457; entered Winchester College Apr. 23, 1469; entered New College, Oxford, June 29, 1474 (see fol. 121v); and was apparently a Fellow of New College and of Winchester: Curteys died in 1509.

Other Finding Aids

Falconer Madan, et al., A summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto series (7 vols. in 8 [vol. II in 2 parts], Oxford, 1895-1953; reprinted, with corrections in vols. I and VII, Munich, 1980), vol. II, no. 2067

Custodial History

Manuscript 966 acquired by the Bodleian Library

'John Smyth Roberte Sylvest[er?] hys grandfather Elyn Sylvest[er?] late wyff of Sir[?] Edwarde Spenlowe,' early 16th cent.: 'Hanley liber,' 'This ys William Hanleys booke,' 16th century.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Presented by sir Henry Savile in 1620.

Physical Facet

On paper and parchment


8 3/4 × 6 1/4 in.

'Farrago plurium scitu dignissimorum'
EAD version 2020 by Alice Whichelow
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom