Education briefs, 1965-1986
1. CRD/B/8/1 - Education briefs, 1965-1972:
- PEC(65)1 Debate on the organisation of Secondary Education, 18/01/1965 [Author:AGMG/ADC]
- PEC(65)2-4 [Vacant]
- PEC(65)5 Teachers' Superannuation Bill, 16/11/1965 [Author: AGMG/PM]
- PEC(66)1 Fifth Report from the Estimates Committee, Session 1964-5. Grants to Universities and Colleges, 21/01/1966
- Copy of an article by Sir Edward Boyle on the Plowden Report on Primary Education in The Birmingham Post, Tuesday, 10th January, 1967
- Paper prepared by Dr Richard Griffiths for a discussion meeting on Higher Education on 12th January, 1967, 03/01/1967
- PEC(67)1 Higher Education fees for students from overseas, 30/01/1967 [Author: AGMG/PM]
- PEC(67)2 Teachers' Salaries, 24/02/1967 [Author: EB/AGMG/PM]
- PEC(67)3 [Vacant]
- PEC(67)4 Note for the second reading of the Education Bill, 08/12/1967 [Author: AGMG/MLF]
- PEC(68)1 Student grants, 22/02/1968 [Author: AGMG/ISW]
- PEC(68)2 University Teachers' Salaries, 04/11/1968 [Author: AGMG/ISW]
- PEC(69)1 Teachers' Salaries and the National Association of Schoolmasters, 03/03/1969 [Author: AGMG/ISW]
- PEC(69)2 Teachers' Salaries Dispute, 27/11/1969 [Author: AGMG/BAM]
- PEC(70)1 Charges for overseas students in L.E.A. hostels, 27/01/1970 [Author: CEB/BAM]
- PEC(70)2 Education Bill, 10/02/1970 [Author: AGMG/JW]
- PEC(70)3 Notes on recommittal of Education Bill, 20/04/1970 [Author: AGMG/BAM]
- Note for debate on prayer to annul the Provision of Milk and Meals (Amendment) Regulations 1971, 05/03/1971 [Author: AGMG/JW]
- PEC(71)1 Teachers' Pay, 12/03/1971 [Author: AGMG/ISW]
- PEC(71)2 Note on Education (Milk) Bill, 10/06/1971 [Author: CEB/AGMG/JW]
- PEC(71)3 Note on the strike and lobbying by members of the National Association of Schoolmasters (NAS), 25/06/1971 [Author: AGMG/JW]
- PEC(71)4 Debate on Education, 16/11/1971 [Author: AGMG/CEB/JW]
- PEC(71)5 Financing of Student Unions, 07/12/1971 [Author: AGMG/JW]
- PEC(72)1 National campaign for Nursery Education, 01/05/1972 [Author: AGMG/JW]
- PEC(72)2 Village Halls and Community Centres: 1972-73 Capital Programme, 28/06/1972 [Author: ID/JW]
- PEC(72)3 Education: A Framework for Expansion, 08/12/1972 [Author: CEB/JW]
2. CRD/B/8/2 - Education briefs, 1973-1977:
- PEC(73)1 The organisation of Secondary Education, 31/01/1973 [Author: ID/JW]
- PEC(73)2 Education Bill, 08/02/1973 [Author: ID/JW]
- PEC(73)3 Student Maintenance Grants, 14/02/1973 [Author: ID/JW]
- PEC(73)4 Education: A framework for expansion, 16/02/1973 [Author: ID/JW]
- PC(74)1 Supply Day Debate - Education, 01/07/1974 [Author: CH/MF]
- PEC(75)1 Education: The decline in standards, 24/01/1975 [Author: AJMH/CBB]
- PEC(75)2 Supply Day Debate on Education, 20/06/1975 [Author: JR/GD/JW]
- PEC(75)3 [Vacant]
- PEC(75)4 Labour's Economies in Education, 20/10/1975 [Author: CEB/JW]
- PEC(76)1 Education Bill Debate, 02/02/1976 [Author: JR/AS]
- PEC(76)2 Education Bill (Report Stage), 07/06/1976 [Author: JR/AS]
- Scottish Grand Committee. Colleges of Education debate, 11/02/1977 [Author: GW/SO'B]
- PEC(77)1 Supply Day Debate. Educational Standards, 14/02/1977 [Author: JR/CRS]
3. CRD/B/8/3 - Education briefs, 1978-1981:
- PEC(78)1 Student Grants, 23/02/1978 [Author: MAP/CRS]
- PEC(78)2 Queen's Speech Debate, 01/11/1978 [Author: MAP/ALC]
- PEC(78)3 Education Bill, 01/12/1978 [Author: MAP/ALC]
- PEC(79)1 [Vacant]
- PEC(79)2 Education Bill 1979, 18/06/1979 [Author: CC/ALC]
- PEC(79)3 [Vacant]
- PEC(79)4 Education (No.2) Bill - second reading debate, 6th November 1979 [Author: CC/SL]
- PEC(79)5 [Vacant]
- PEC(79)6 Tuition fees for overseas students, 22/11/1979 [Author: CC/SL]
- PEC(80)1 [Vacant]
- PEC(80)2 Education (No.2) Bill: supplementary brief, 11/02/1980 [Author: CC/SS/SL]
- PEC(80)3 Education (No.2) Bill, 18/02/1980 [Author: CC/SS/SL]
- PEC(80)4 Tuition fees for overseas students, 27/02/1980 [Author: CC/CD]
- PEC(80)5 Tuition fees for overseas students, 04/06/1980 [Author: CC/CD]
- PEC(80)6 The Assisted Places Scheme, 21/07/1980 [Author: SS/CD]
- PEC(80)7 The Assisted Places Scheme, 02/11/1980 [Author: CC/CD]
- PEC(80)8 Student Union Finance, 26/11/1980 [Author: CC/CD]
- PEC(81)1 The Education Bill 1981, 02/02/1981 [Author: CC/SH]
- PEC(81)2 Adult Education, 16/02/1981 [Author: CC/SH]
- PEC(81)3 Opposition Supply Day Debate concerning educational standards, 02/03/1981 [Author: CC/SH]
- PEC(81)4 Briefing for National Union of Students' lobby, 10/03/1981 [Author: TH/SH]
- PEC(81)5 Brief for debate on 'The effects of Expenditure cuts and increased fees on the quality and availability of the education service at every level', 17/03/1981 [Author: CC/SH]
- PEC(81)6 The Education Bill 1981, 19/06/1981 [Author: CC/SH]
- PEC(81)7 The Government's policies towards Further and Higher Education, 23/06/1981 [Author: CC/SH]
- PEC(81)8 Higher Education, 07/06/1981 [Author: CM/SH]
- PEC(81)9 The Government's policies towards Higher Education, 16/11/1981 [Author: CFC/RRJ/SH]
- PEC(81)10 The Inner London Education Authority, 30/11/1981 [Author: CC/SS/SH]
4. CRD/B/8/4 - Education briefs, 1982:
- PEdC(82)1 House of Lords debate on Education, 16/02/1982 [Author: AC/MM]
- PEdC(82)2 Debate on Educational and Employment Opportunities, 11/03/1982 [Author: AC/MM]
5. CRD/B/8/5 - Education briefs, 1983:
- ED(83)1 'To call attention to the erosion of educational opportunities under the present Government, and the adverse effect this will have on economic recovery', 12/01/1983 [Author: Oliver Letwin]
- ED(83)2 The Government's policies towards Higher Education, 07/03/1983 [Author: OL/LC]
- ED(83)3 Education: the Conservative Record, 22/04/1983 [Author: Oliver Letwin]
- ED(83)4 Education (Fees and Awards) Bill, 22/04/1983 [Author: Oliver Letwin]
- ED(83)5 Education (Grants and Awards) Bill, 09/11/1983 [Author: Tim Sargeant]
- ED(83)6 The National Advisory Body for Local Authority Higher Education, 09/11/1983 [Author: Tim Sargeant]
- ED(83)7 Brief for National Union of Students' Lobby, 21/11/1983 [Author: Timothy Sargeant]
- ED(83)8 National Advisory Body. Recommendations on Advanced Further Education, 29/11/1983 [Author: Timothy Sargeant]
- ED(83)9 The Inner London Education Authority, 06/12/1983 [Author: Timothy Sargeant]
- ED(83)10 [Vacant]
- ED(83)11R General briefing on the Government's plans for student grants 1984-1985, 20/12/1983 [Author: Tim Sargeant]
6. CRD/B/8/6 - Education briefs, 1984:
- ED(84)1 Raising standards in Education, 18/01/1984 [Author: Tim Sargeant]
- ED(84)2R The Inner London Education Authority, 23/01/1984 [Author: Tim Sargeant]
- ED(84)3R 'To call attention to the need for change in Universities, Polytechnics, and Colleges of Higher and Further Education', 14/03/1984 [Author: Timothy Sargeant]
- ED(84)4R 'To call attention to the fact that Britain lives by the skill of its people; to the implications of this for education and training; and to invite attention to the White Paper, "Training for Jobs" (Cmnd. 9135)', 26/03/1984 [Author: Tim Sargeant]
- ED(84)6R Student Travel Grants, 30/05/1984 [Author: Tim Sargeant]
- ED(84)5R National Union of Teachers' Lobby of Parliament, 24/05/1984 [Author: Tim Sargeant]
- ED(84)6 [Vacant]
- ED(84)7R Debate on Higher Education, 26/10/1984 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(84)8R Schools and Further Education, 14th November 1984 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(84)9R Debate on the work of the Research Councils and the resources available to them, 19/11/1984 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(84)10R The future of Student Grants 1985/86, 07/12/1984 [Author: Andrew Turner]
7. CRD/B/8/7 - Education briefs, 1985:
- ED(85)1R Education (Corporal Punishment) Bill, 21/01/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(85)2R Voluntary Membership of Student Unions and of the National Union of Students, 28/01/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(85)3R Further Education Bill, 24/04/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(85)4R Education (Corporal Punishment) Bill, 02/05/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(85)5 The development of Higher Education into the 1990s, 03/06/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(85)6R The Government's policy towards science, 13/06/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(85)7 The Government's policy towards Higher Education, 19/07/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(85)8R Teachers' Pay, the current position, 21/10/1985 [Author: AJ Turner]
- ED(85)9R Student Grants, 22/11/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(85)10R Education (Amendment) Bill, 03/12/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(85)11R The Government's policy towards Higher Education, 05/12/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(85)12 Student Grants 1986-1987, 17/12/1985 [Author: AJ Turner]
8. CRD/B/8/8 - Education briefs, 1986:
- ED(86)1 Students' Grants and Benefits, 10/01/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)2 Students' Grants and Benefits, n.d. [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)3R Schools and Teachers' Pay, 16/01/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)4R Schools and Teachers' Pay, 22/01/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)5R The Politicisation of Education, 30/01/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)6R ILEA's Rate Precept 1986-7, 10/02/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)7R NUS Lobby - Students' Grants and Benefits, 11/02/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)8 The Proposed Teachers' Pay Settlement, 05/03/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)9R Opposition Motion to call attention to the case for a new structure for the governance and funding of the universities and polytechnics, 05/03/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)10R The Education Bill, 06/03/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)11 Students' Grants and Benefits, 12/03/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)12R GCSE (The General Certificate of Secondary Education), 15/04/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)13 Schools, 18/04/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)13A Schools, 01/05/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)14R The Opposition Parties and Education, 01/05/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)15 Education Bill, 06/06/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)16R Announcement on Students' Grants and Benefits, 18/06/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)17R Higher Education, 24/06/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)18R Education Questions and Answers, 01/07/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)19R Announcement on Students' Grants and Benefits, 02/07/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)20 The Education Bill, 18/07/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)21R Statement on Teachers' Pay and Conditions of Service, 30/10/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)22 The Government's Announcement on Teachers' Pay and Conditions of Service, 04/11/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)23R Teachers' Pay and Conditions - The Government's Reaction to the Employers' Proposals, 27/11/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)24 Teachers' Pay and Conditions Bill, 04/12/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)25R NUT Lobby, 10/12/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- ED(86)26R Teachers' Pay and Conditions Bill, 16/12/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
- Creation: 1965-1986
1 box (8 folders)
Language of Materials
- English
Repository Details
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