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Education briefs, 1965-1986


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1. CRD/B/8/1 - Education briefs, 1965-1972:

  1. PEC(65)1 Debate on the organisation of Secondary Education, 18/01/1965 [Author:AGMG/ADC]
  2. PEC(65)2-4 [Vacant]
  3. PEC(65)5 Teachers' Superannuation Bill, 16/11/1965 [Author: AGMG/PM]
  4. PEC(66)1 Fifth Report from the Estimates Committee, Session 1964-5. Grants to Universities and Colleges, 21/01/1966
  5. Copy of an article by Sir Edward Boyle on the Plowden Report on Primary Education in The Birmingham Post, Tuesday, 10th January, 1967
  6. Paper prepared by Dr Richard Griffiths for a discussion meeting on Higher Education on 12th January, 1967, 03/01/1967
  7. PEC(67)1 Higher Education fees for students from overseas, 30/01/1967 [Author: AGMG/PM]
  8. PEC(67)2 Teachers' Salaries, 24/02/1967 [Author: EB/AGMG/PM]
  9. PEC(67)3 [Vacant]
  10. PEC(67)4 Note for the second reading of the Education Bill, 08/12/1967 [Author: AGMG/MLF]
  11. PEC(68)1 Student grants, 22/02/1968 [Author: AGMG/ISW]
  12. PEC(68)2 University Teachers' Salaries, 04/11/1968 [Author: AGMG/ISW]
  13. PEC(69)1 Teachers' Salaries and the National Association of Schoolmasters, 03/03/1969 [Author: AGMG/ISW]
  14. PEC(69)2 Teachers' Salaries Dispute, 27/11/1969 [Author: AGMG/BAM]
  15. PEC(70)1 Charges for overseas students in L.E.A. hostels, 27/01/1970 [Author: CEB/BAM]
  16. PEC(70)2 Education Bill, 10/02/1970 [Author: AGMG/JW]
  17. PEC(70)3 Notes on recommittal of Education Bill, 20/04/1970 [Author: AGMG/BAM]
  18. Note for debate on prayer to annul the Provision of Milk and Meals (Amendment) Regulations 1971, 05/03/1971 [Author: AGMG/JW]
  19. PEC(71)1 Teachers' Pay, 12/03/1971 [Author: AGMG/ISW]
  20. PEC(71)2 Note on Education (Milk) Bill, 10/06/1971 [Author: CEB/AGMG/JW]
  21. PEC(71)3 Note on the strike and lobbying by members of the National Association of Schoolmasters (NAS), 25/06/1971 [Author: AGMG/JW]
  22. PEC(71)4 Debate on Education, 16/11/1971 [Author: AGMG/CEB/JW]
  23. PEC(71)5 Financing of Student Unions, 07/12/1971 [Author: AGMG/JW]
  24. PEC(72)1 National campaign for Nursery Education, 01/05/1972 [Author: AGMG/JW]
  25. PEC(72)2 Village Halls and Community Centres: 1972-73 Capital Programme, 28/06/1972 [Author: ID/JW]
  26. PEC(72)3 Education: A Framework for Expansion, 08/12/1972 [Author: CEB/JW]

2. CRD/B/8/2 - Education briefs, 1973-1977:

  1. PEC(73)1 The organisation of Secondary Education, 31/01/1973 [Author: ID/JW]
  2. PEC(73)2 Education Bill, 08/02/1973 [Author: ID/JW]
  3. PEC(73)3 Student Maintenance Grants, 14/02/1973 [Author: ID/JW]
  4. PEC(73)4 Education: A framework for expansion, 16/02/1973 [Author: ID/JW]
  5. PC(74)1 Supply Day Debate - Education, 01/07/1974 [Author: CH/MF]
  6. PEC(75)1 Education: The decline in standards, 24/01/1975 [Author: AJMH/CBB]
  7. PEC(75)2 Supply Day Debate on Education, 20/06/1975 [Author: JR/GD/JW]
  8. PEC(75)3 [Vacant]
  9. PEC(75)4 Labour's Economies in Education, 20/10/1975 [Author: CEB/JW]
  10. PEC(76)1 Education Bill Debate, 02/02/1976 [Author: JR/AS]
  11. PEC(76)2 Education Bill (Report Stage), 07/06/1976 [Author: JR/AS]
  12. Scottish Grand Committee. Colleges of Education debate, 11/02/1977 [Author: GW/SO'B]
  13. PEC(77)1 Supply Day Debate. Educational Standards, 14/02/1977 [Author: JR/CRS]

3. CRD/B/8/3 - Education briefs, 1978-1981:

  1. PEC(78)1 Student Grants, 23/02/1978 [Author: MAP/CRS]
  2. PEC(78)2 Queen's Speech Debate, 01/11/1978 [Author: MAP/ALC]
  3. PEC(78)3 Education Bill, 01/12/1978 [Author: MAP/ALC]
  4. PEC(79)1 [Vacant]
  5. PEC(79)2 Education Bill 1979, 18/06/1979 [Author: CC/ALC]
  6. PEC(79)3 [Vacant]
  7. PEC(79)4 Education (No.2) Bill - second reading debate, 6th November 1979 [Author: CC/SL]
  8. PEC(79)5 [Vacant]
  9. PEC(79)6 Tuition fees for overseas students, 22/11/1979 [Author: CC/SL]
  10. PEC(80)1 [Vacant]
  11. PEC(80)2 Education (No.2) Bill: supplementary brief, 11/02/1980 [Author: CC/SS/SL]
  12. PEC(80)3 Education (No.2) Bill, 18/02/1980 [Author: CC/SS/SL]
  13. PEC(80)4 Tuition fees for overseas students, 27/02/1980 [Author: CC/CD]
  14. PEC(80)5 Tuition fees for overseas students, 04/06/1980 [Author: CC/CD]
  15. PEC(80)6 The Assisted Places Scheme, 21/07/1980 [Author: SS/CD]
  16. PEC(80)7 The Assisted Places Scheme, 02/11/1980 [Author: CC/CD]
  17. PEC(80)8 Student Union Finance, 26/11/1980 [Author: CC/CD]
  18. PEC(81)1 The Education Bill 1981, 02/02/1981 [Author: CC/SH]
  19. PEC(81)2 Adult Education, 16/02/1981 [Author: CC/SH]
  20. PEC(81)3 Opposition Supply Day Debate concerning educational standards, 02/03/1981 [Author: CC/SH]
  21. PEC(81)4 Briefing for National Union of Students' lobby, 10/03/1981 [Author: TH/SH]
  22. PEC(81)5 Brief for debate on 'The effects of Expenditure cuts and increased fees on the quality and availability of the education service at every level', 17/03/1981 [Author: CC/SH]
  23. PEC(81)6 The Education Bill 1981, 19/06/1981 [Author: CC/SH]
  24. PEC(81)7 The Government's policies towards Further and Higher Education, 23/06/1981 [Author: CC/SH]
  25. PEC(81)8 Higher Education, 07/06/1981 [Author: CM/SH]
  26. PEC(81)9 The Government's policies towards Higher Education, 16/11/1981 [Author: CFC/RRJ/SH]
  27. PEC(81)10 The Inner London Education Authority, 30/11/1981 [Author: CC/SS/SH]

4. CRD/B/8/4 - Education briefs, 1982:

  1. PEdC(82)1 House of Lords debate on Education, 16/02/1982 [Author: AC/MM]
  2. PEdC(82)2 Debate on Educational and Employment Opportunities, 11/03/1982 [Author: AC/MM]

5. CRD/B/8/5 - Education briefs, 1983:

  1. ED(83)1 'To call attention to the erosion of educational opportunities under the present Government, and the adverse effect this will have on economic recovery', 12/01/1983 [Author: Oliver Letwin]
  2. ED(83)2 The Government's policies towards Higher Education, 07/03/1983 [Author: OL/LC]
  3. ED(83)3 Education: the Conservative Record, 22/04/1983 [Author: Oliver Letwin]
  4. ED(83)4 Education (Fees and Awards) Bill, 22/04/1983 [Author: Oliver Letwin]
  5. ED(83)5 Education (Grants and Awards) Bill, 09/11/1983 [Author: Tim Sargeant]
  6. ED(83)6 The National Advisory Body for Local Authority Higher Education, 09/11/1983 [Author: Tim Sargeant]
  7. ED(83)7 Brief for National Union of Students' Lobby, 21/11/1983 [Author: Timothy Sargeant]
  8. ED(83)8 National Advisory Body. Recommendations on Advanced Further Education, 29/11/1983 [Author: Timothy Sargeant]
  9. ED(83)9 The Inner London Education Authority, 06/12/1983 [Author: Timothy Sargeant]
  10. ED(83)10 [Vacant]
  11. ED(83)11R General briefing on the Government's plans for student grants 1984-1985, 20/12/1983 [Author: Tim Sargeant]

6. CRD/B/8/6 - Education briefs, 1984:

  1. ED(84)1 Raising standards in Education, 18/01/1984 [Author: Tim Sargeant]
  2. ED(84)2R The Inner London Education Authority, 23/01/1984 [Author: Tim Sargeant]
  3. ED(84)3R 'To call attention to the need for change in Universities, Polytechnics, and Colleges of Higher and Further Education', 14/03/1984 [Author: Timothy Sargeant]
  4. ED(84)4R 'To call attention to the fact that Britain lives by the skill of its people; to the implications of this for education and training; and to invite attention to the White Paper, "Training for Jobs" (Cmnd. 9135)', 26/03/1984 [Author: Tim Sargeant]
  5. ED(84)6R Student Travel Grants, 30/05/1984 [Author: Tim Sargeant]
  6. ED(84)5R National Union of Teachers' Lobby of Parliament, 24/05/1984 [Author: Tim Sargeant]
  7. ED(84)6 [Vacant]
  8. ED(84)7R Debate on Higher Education, 26/10/1984 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  9. ED(84)8R Schools and Further Education, 14th November 1984 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  10. ED(84)9R Debate on the work of the Research Councils and the resources available to them, 19/11/1984 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  11. ED(84)10R The future of Student Grants 1985/86, 07/12/1984 [Author: Andrew Turner]

7. CRD/B/8/7 - Education briefs, 1985:

  1. ED(85)1R Education (Corporal Punishment) Bill, 21/01/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  2. ED(85)2R Voluntary Membership of Student Unions and of the National Union of Students, 28/01/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  3. ED(85)3R Further Education Bill, 24/04/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  4. ED(85)4R Education (Corporal Punishment) Bill, 02/05/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  5. ED(85)5 The development of Higher Education into the 1990s, 03/06/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  6. ED(85)6R The Government's policy towards science, 13/06/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  7. ED(85)7 The Government's policy towards Higher Education, 19/07/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  8. ED(85)8R Teachers' Pay, the current position, 21/10/1985 [Author: AJ Turner]
  9. ED(85)9R Student Grants, 22/11/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  10. ED(85)10R Education (Amendment) Bill, 03/12/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  11. ED(85)11R The Government's policy towards Higher Education, 05/12/1985 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  12. ED(85)12 Student Grants 1986-1987, 17/12/1985 [Author: AJ Turner]

8. CRD/B/8/8 - Education briefs, 1986:

  1. ED(86)1 Students' Grants and Benefits, 10/01/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  2. ED(86)2 Students' Grants and Benefits, n.d. [Author: Andrew Turner]
  3. ED(86)3R Schools and Teachers' Pay, 16/01/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  4. ED(86)4R Schools and Teachers' Pay, 22/01/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  5. ED(86)5R The Politicisation of Education, 30/01/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  6. ED(86)6R ILEA's Rate Precept 1986-7, 10/02/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  7. ED(86)7R NUS Lobby - Students' Grants and Benefits, 11/02/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  8. ED(86)8 The Proposed Teachers' Pay Settlement, 05/03/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  9. ED(86)9R Opposition Motion to call attention to the case for a new structure for the governance and funding of the universities and polytechnics, 05/03/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  10. ED(86)10R The Education Bill, 06/03/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  11. ED(86)11 Students' Grants and Benefits, 12/03/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  12. ED(86)12R GCSE (The General Certificate of Secondary Education), 15/04/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  13. ED(86)13 Schools, 18/04/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  14. ED(86)13A Schools, 01/05/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  15. ED(86)14R The Opposition Parties and Education, 01/05/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  16. ED(86)15 Education Bill, 06/06/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  17. ED(86)16R Announcement on Students' Grants and Benefits, 18/06/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  18. ED(86)17R Higher Education, 24/06/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  19. ED(86)18R Education Questions and Answers, 01/07/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  20. ED(86)19R Announcement on Students' Grants and Benefits, 02/07/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  21. ED(86)20 The Education Bill, 18/07/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  22. ED(86)21R Statement on Teachers' Pay and Conditions of Service, 30/10/1986 [Author: Andrew Turner]
  23. ED(86)22 The Government's Announcement on Teachers' Pay and Conditions of Service, 04/11/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  24. ED(86)23R Teachers' Pay and Conditions - The Government's Reaction to the Employers' Proposals, 27/11/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  25. ED(86)24 Teachers' Pay and Conditions Bill, 04/12/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  26. ED(86)25R NUT Lobby, 10/12/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]
  27. ED(86)26R Teachers' Pay and Conditions Bill, 16/12/1986 [Author Andrew Turner]


  • Creation: 1965-1986


1 box (8 folders)

Language of Materials

  • English



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