Correspondence with the Board of Trade about the British Enquiry, with prepared statement and documents, 1912
MS. Marconi 258/2
Held at the Weston Library
- Correspondence
- Draft statement of George Turnbull, Deputy Manager of the Marconi International Marine Communication Company.
- Printed letters from Bradfield, one with extracts from ships' reports and the other [2 copies] with a substitute procès-verbal for the Carpathia.
- Substitute procès-verbaux for the Titanic. and the Carpathia [2 printed versions]
- Printed copies of Masters' Service Messages received and sent by the Titanic. [4 printed copies, 3 annotated]
- Track and Communication Chart for the North Atlantic, Apr 1912
- Creation: 1912
1 box
Language of Materials
- English
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This is a select item. To ensure its availability to future readers, access to this item is restricted, and readers are asked to work from reproductions and published descriptions as far as possible. To apply to see the original, please send a message to, outlining the subject of your research, the importance of this item to that research, and the resources you have already consulted.
MS. Marconi 258/2
Repository Details
Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository
Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom
Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom