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Annotated conference programmes, 2013-2019

MS. 21710/16
Held in our offsite storage facility

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Annotated conference programmes and three folders of additional materials.


  1. Controlled Human Infection Studies in the Development of Vaccines and Therapeutics. Jesus College, Cambridge. 9-11 Jan 2013.
  2. Options for the Control of Influenza. Cape Town, South Africa. 5-10 Sep 2013. (folder 1) Contains a questionnaire originally slipped into this booklet.
  3. UK Veterinary Vaccinology Workshop, BBSRC, London. 7 Jan 2014. (folder 2) Contains notes notes and programmes for the day's events originally slipped inside this booklet.
  4. The Fifth ESWI Influenza Conference. Riga, Latvia. 14-17 Sep 2014. (folder 3) Contains list of conference speakers originally slipped inside this booklet.
  5. Options X for the Control of Influenza. Suntec, Singapore. 28 Aug - 1 Sep 2019.
  6. A notepad containing handwritten notes from an unidentified conference.


  • Creation: 2013-2019


1 box

Language of Materials

  • English


MS. 21710/16

Separated Materials

Born-digital material relating to The Fifth ESWI Influenza Conference, 14-17 Sep 2014, is catalogued at MS. 21710 digital 1.

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom