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Correspondence: Champion-Chitty, 1931-1988

MS. 21042/8
Held in our offsite storage facility

  • Request

Comprises correspondence from, to, and regarding:

Folder 1:

  1. Champion, T. & S., 1968-1981

Folder 2:

  1. Chaplin, R.E., 1962-1967
  2. Chapman, Robert, 1979-1981
  3. Chapman-Purchas, Fiona, 1967
  4. Chapotat, Gabriel, 1964
  5. Charlesworth, Dorothy, 1950-1953
  6. Cheke, Anthony, 1978
  7. Childe, V. Gordon, 1933-1955

Folder 3:

  1. Chilver, Richard, 1982
  2. Chippindale, Christopher, 1983-1987
  3. Chitty, Mary and Derwas, 1946-1988
  4. Christie, Paddy, 1987
  5. Chropovský, Bohuslav, 1970

Folder 4:

  1. Chitty, Lily, 1931-1975


  • Creation: 1931-1988


1 box

Language of Materials

  • English


MS. 21042/8