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Drawings of places in Oxfordshire, c. 1750-c. 1915

MS. Top. Oxon. b. 91
Held at the Weston Library

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373 drawings and paintings, mainly of buildings in Oxford, by artists including (passim) William Alfred Delamotte, William Turner, James Allen Shuffrey, George Pyne, John Whessell, R Phene Spiers, W. Calcott, William Varley, H. O'Neill, and John Chessell Buckler. There is a table of contents at fol. ii [ii+375 leaves]:

  1. (image 1) Pencil drawing of a view from the South East of the Abingdon Road, Oxford, unsigned, 1660
  2. (image 2) Watercolour of a view from Banbury Road near the Parks, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1800
  3. (image 3) Watercolour of a view of Oxford from the South by Hugh O'Neill, c. 1810
  4. (image 4) Ink drawing of a view of Oxford from St. Giles Fields, by J. Whessell, 1840 (taken with Camera Lucida)
  5. (image 5) Pencil drawing of view of Oxford from St. Giles Fields, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, c. 1840
  6. (image 6) Pencil sketch of a view from Headington Hill, Oxfordshire by W.J., n.d.
  7. (image 7) Pencil sketch of a view from Headington Hill, Oxfordshire, unsigned [W. Taylor?], c. 1820
  8. (image 8) Watercolour of a view of Iffley Road, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1820
  9. (image 9) Ink sketch of a view from Iffley Road, Oxford by W. J., c. 1820
  10. (image 10) Ink sketch of a view from Hinksey near the stile on the Abingdon Road, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1830
  11. (image 11) Pencil sketch of a view of Oxford from the Weirs, Oxfordshire, unsigned [J. Taylor], c. 1815
  12. (image 12) Pencil sketch of a view from near Binsey, Oxfordshire, unsigned, c. 1810
  13. (image 13) Pencil sketch of a view from the Conduit, Oxfordshire, unsigned [T. Taylor?], c. 1820
  14. (image 14) Ink sketch of a view from the road leading to South Hinksey, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  15. (image 15) Watercolour of a view from the Upper River, Oxfordshire, unsigned, c. 1800
  16. (image 16) Watercolour of sham fight in Headington Road, Oxfordshire by R. Davidson, n.d.
  17. (image 16b) Pencil drawing of the Old Ashmolean Building [now the History of Science Museum], Oxford by G. R., 1828
  18. (image 17) Watercolour sketch of the staircase of the Ashmolean Museum [History of Science Museum], Oxford, unsigned, 1863
  19. (image 18a) Pen drawing of the Radcliffe Camera, Oxford by G. Pyne, c. 1870
  20. (image 18b) Watercolour of the Upper Camera, Oxford by G. Cooper, n.d.
  21. (image 19) Watercolour of the Proscholium, Bodleian Library, Oxford, unsigned [Whessell?], c. 1820
  22. (image 20) Pencil drawing of Old Clarendon Building, Oxford, unsigned [T. Taylor?], c. 1810
  23. (image 21a) Watercolour of the interior of the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford by J. Cooper, n.d.
  24. (image 21) Watercolour of the interior of the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1830
  25. (image 22) Ink and pencil sketch of the entrance to the Botanic Garden, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1820
  26. (image 23a) Watercolour of All Souls College, Oxford, seen from the west, by G. Cooper, n.d.
  27. (image 23b) Pencil sketch of the East view of All Souls College from the garden of the Warden of New College, Oxford by W. A. Delamotte, 1829
  28. (image 24) Pencil sketch of the High Street, Oxford by Powell, c. 1830
  29. (image 25) Pencil drawing of All Souls College and St. Mary's Church [University Church], seen from the High Street, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, c. 1840
  30. (image 26) Pencil and watercolour drawing of Balliol College, Oxford by W. Turner, 1 Jun 1852
  31. (image 27) Watercolour of Old Buildings in the Grove, Balliol College, Oxford, unsigned, June 1852
  32. (image 28) Pencil sketch of Balliol Grove, Oxford by [W.A. Delamotte?], c. 1830
  33. (image 29) Pen drawing of Brasenose College, Oxford, seen from the North, unsigned, c. 1820
  34. (image 30) Pencil sketch of Brasenose College, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  35. (image 31) Watercolour of Radcliffe Square, showing Brasenose College, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1830.
  36. (image 32) Ink sketch of Radcliffe Square, Oxford, seen from the Northeast, by G. Pyne, c. 1860
  37. (image 33) Ink drawing of the tracery of the Brasenose Chapel, Oxford by G. Pyne, c. 1870
  38. (image 34) Watercolour sketch of Tom Quadrangle, Christ Church College, Oxford by J. Whessel, n.d.
  39. (image 35) Watercolour of a view into Tom Quadrangle from the Tom Gate, Christ Church College, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  40. (image 36) Pencil sketch of Christ Church College, seen from the Christ Church Meadows, unsigned, c. 1810
  41. (image 37) Pencil sketch of the Upper Library, Christ Church College, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  42. (image 38a) Watercolour of Christ Church College, seen from the north of St. Aldates, Oxford by G. Cooper, n.d.
  43. (image 38) Pencil and watercolour sketch of a view in Christ Church Meadow, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, c. 1840
  44. (image 39) Pencil sketch of Christ Church College, seen from the south of St. Aldates, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, c. 1840
  45. (image 40) Pencil sketch of the Wide Walk, Christ Church Meadow, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, c. 1845
  46. (image 41) Pen drawing of the Hall Staircase, Christ Church College, Oxford by G. Pyne, c. 1865
  47. (image 42) Watercolour and pencil sketch of the Christ Church Meadow, Oxford by Cuthbert Bede, 1849
  48. (image 43a) Watercolour of unknown site, unsigned, n.d.
  49. (image 43) Watercolour sketch of the demolition of the Chaplain's Quadrangle, Christ Church College, Oxford, unsigned, 1862
  50. (image 44) Ink sketch of Corpus Christi Garden, Oxford by J. Whessell, c. 1830
  51. (image 45) Pencil drawing of an engraving by O. Jewitt, by W.A. Delamotte, n.d.
  52. (image 46) Pencil drawing of a woodcut engraving by O. Jewitt of Cloisters in Corpus Christi College, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, n.d.
  53. (image 47) Pencil drawing of a woodcut engraving by O. Jewitt of the Fellow Building in Corpus Christi College, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, 1835
  54. (image 48) Watercolour sketch of Exeter College seen from the south of Turl Street, Oxford by J. Whessell, 1833
  55. (image 49) Ink drawing of Exeter College Garden, Oxford by G. Pyne, c. 1870
  56. (image 50) Ink drawing of Hertford College, Oxford, unsigned, 1820
  57. (image 51) Watercolour of the Hertford College Quadrangle, Oxford by J. Whessell, c. 1830
  58. (image 52) Pen sketch of Lincoln College, Oxford by J. Whessell, 1831
  59. (image 53) Pencil sketch of Magdalen Tower from Merton Fields, Oxford by O'Neill, c. 1800
  60. (image 54) Pencil sketch of Magdalen Tower and Bridge from Christ Church Walk, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1810
  61. (image 55) Pencil drawing of Magdalen Bridge from St. Clement Street, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  62. (image 56) Pencil drawing of a view from Schoolhouse ground, Oxford by J. B[onnesser], n.d.
  63. (image 57) Watercolour sketch of a view from the Cherwell, unsigned [T. Taylor?], 1820
  64. (images 58a-58f) Watercolour and pencil sketches of figural sculptures, unsigned, n.d.
  65. (image 59) Watercolour of Magdalen Tower, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  66. (image 60) Pencil sketch of Magdalen College, Oxford by J. Mackenzie, c. 1840
  67. (image 61) Pencil drawing of Magdalen College from the Bridge Meadow, Oxford by W.O. Marshall, 1836
  68. (image 62) Pencil sketch of a Plane Tree in Magdalen College, Oxford by J. Mackenzie, c. 1839
  69. (image 63a) Watercolour and pencil sketch of Magdalen College, Oxford by J. Whessell, c. 1830
  70. (iamge 63b) Pencil sketch of the Magdalen Tower from Christ Church Meadow, Oxford by G. Lane, c. 1840
  71. (image 64) Pencil sketch of the Botanic Garden, Oxford by G. Pyne, c. 1865
  72. (image 65) Pencil sketch of Pugin Gate, Magdalen College, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, c. 1840
  73. (image 66) Watercolour of Pugin Gate, Magdalen College, Oxford by J.N. Richardson, c. 1860
  74. (image 67a) Pencil and watercolour sketch of Magdalen College, Oxford by [T. Allom?], 1839
  75. (image 67b) Watercolour of Magdalen Park Wall, Oxford by [J.N. Richardson?], 1854
  76. (image 68) Pencil sktech of Magdalen Tower, Oxford by M.A.W, c. 1850
  77. (image 69) Pencil sketch of Bridge near the mill, Oxford by T. Taylor, c. 1820
  78. (image 70) Watercolour of Magdalen Tower from New College Gardens, Oxford by G. Pyne, 1872
  79. (image 71) Ink drawing of Magdalen Tower seen from Christ Church Meadow, G. Pyne, c. 1865
  80. (image 72) Watercolour of St John Baptist Day, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1840
  81. (image 73) Pencil sketch of Merton College, Oxford by O'Neill, c. 1810
  82. (image 74) Watercolour of Merton College seen from the Merton Fields, Oxford by J. Whessell, c. 1820
  83. (image 75) Watercolour and pen sketch of Merton College Chapel, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  84. (image 76) Watercolour of Merton College seen from the fields by J. Whessell, c. 1820
  85. (image 77) Pencil drawing of the Treasury, Merton College, Oxford by J.N. Richardson, n.d.
  86. (image 78) Pencil drawing of Merton College Garden, Oxford, unsigned, 1848
  87. (image 79) Watercolour of the entrance and hall of Merton College, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1880
  88. (image 80) Watercolour of Merton College Chapel window, Oxford by J.C. Buckler, 1816
  89. (image 81) Watercolour of the east window, Merton College Chapel, Oxford by [J. Fisher?], c. 1820
  90. (image 82) Pencil drawing of the East Window of Merton College Chapel, Oxford by J.C. Buckler, c. 1816
  91. (image 83) Watercolour and pen sketch of New College Chapel, Oxford by J. Whessell, c. 1830
  92. (image 84a) Watercolour of the interior of New College Chapel, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  93. (image 84b) Watercolour of the Slipe, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1830
  94. (image 85) Pencil sketch of New College seen from the Gardens, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1840
  95. (image 86) Pencil drawing of The Slipe, New College, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, 1835
  96. (image 87) Pencil drawing of Entrance Gate of New College, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, 1835
  97. (image 88) Watercolour of New College Tower, Oxford by [J.N. Richardson?], 1860
  98. (image 89) Watercolour of New College Stables, Oxford by J.N. Richardson, c. 1860
  99. (image 90) Watercolour of the Master's Lodging, Pembroke College, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1815
  100. (image 90b) Pencil drawing of Pembroke College, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  101. (image 90c) Pencil and watercolour drawing of New Gate House, Pembroke College, Oxford by J.N. Nixon, 1895
  102. (image 91) Pencil drawing of the Gatehouse from within, Pembroke College, Oxford by N. Whittock, c. 1825
  103. (image 92) Watercolour and pen drawing of Queen's College, seen from the west of High Street, Oxford by J. Whessell, c. 1830
  104. (image 93) Watercolour and pen sketch of Queen's College, seen from the west of High Street, Oxford by J. Whessell, c. 1830
  105. (image 94) Pencil sketch of the west front of St. John's College, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1825
  106. (image 95a) Pencil drawing of St. John's College, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1840
  107. (image 95b) Watercolour of St. John's College, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  108. (image 95c) Pencil sketch of St. John's Gardens, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1840
  109. (iamge 96) Ink drawing of the north front of St. John's College, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  110. (image 97) Pencil sketch of St. John's College, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  111. (image 98) Watercolour and pencil sketch of Front Quadrangle, St. John's College, Oxford by J. Whessell, c. 1825
  112. (images 99-100) Pen drawing of St. John's College, Oxford by G. Pyne, c. 1870
  113. (image 101) Watercolour of St. John's College, Oxford by G. Pyne, 1876
  114. (images 102-103) Pencil sketches of St. John's College gardens, Oxford by T. Taylor, c. 1850
  115. (image 104) Pencil and watercolour drawings of Trinity College Garden Front, Oxford by J. Whessell, c. 1830
  116. (image 105) Pencil drawing of the Ancient Gate, Trinity College, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1750
  117. (image 106) Pen drawing of an unspecified gate, St. John's College, Oxford by R. Phine-Spiers, c. 1860
  118. (image 107) Watercolour of Trinity College Chalice, Oxford by J.F. Lees, June 22, 1850
  119. (images 108a-108b) Watercolours of University College, Oxford by G. Pyne, c. 1870
  120. (image 109) Pencil sketch of the East End window of University College Chapel, Oxford by J. Allen Shuttrey, June 1915
  121. (image 110) Watercolour of University College Hall, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1835
  122. (image 111) Watercolour of the reredos and the altar of Wadham College, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1850
  123. (image 112) Pencil drawing of Wadham College Hall seen from outside, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  124. (image 113) Pen drawing of the Front Facade of Wadham College, Oxford by G. Pyne, c. 1870
  125. (image 114) Pencil drawing of the Wadham College Lodgings from the Garden, unsigned, n.d.
  126. (image 115) Pencil drawing of the chapel of Wadham College, Oxford, from the garden, unsigned, n.d.
  127. (image 116) Watercolour and pencil drawing of the Old Building, Worcester College by J.C. Buckler, 1864
  128. (image 117) Watercolour of Worcester College Library, Oxford by J. Whessell, c. 1830
  129. (image 118) Pencil sketch of the Cloisters, Worcester College, unsigned, c. 1830
  130. (image 119) Pencil drawing of the East Front of Worcester College, Oxford by W. Turner, c. 1850
  131. (images 120-121) Pencil drawings of old Magdalen Hall, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, 1836
  132. (image 122) Pencil drawing of the Quadrangle of St Alban Hall, Oxford, unspecified, 1836
  133. (image 123) Watercolour of St Alban's Hall, Oxford by J. Whessell, c. 1830
  134. (image 124a) Watercolour of St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1830
  135. (image 124b) Pencil drawing of St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  136. (image 125) Pencil drawing of the Chapel and the Hall of St. Mary Hall [Oriel College], Oxford, unsigned, 1836
  137. (image 126) Pencil drawing of St. Mary Hall [Oriel College], Oxford, unsigned, 1836
  138. (image 127) Watercolour of Kettell Hall [Trinity College] by J. Whessell, c. 1830
  139. (image 128) Watercolour of a view from below the mill [Castle Mill], Oxford by J. Mackenzie, c. 1840
  140. (image 129) Watercolour of Oxford Castle from Tithouse Lane, Oxford, unsigned [Pugin?], 1825
  141. (image 130) Watercolour of the Castle, Oxford by J. Burrell, 1846
  142. (image 131) Pencil drawing of the east end of Osney Lane, Oxford by Taylor, c. 1820
  143. (image 132) Pencil drawing of the Castle from the river, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1820
  144. (image 133) Watercolour of the Castle, Oxford by R. Davidson, 1854
  145. (image 134) Pencil sketch of a view from Hythe Bridge, Oxford (the Canal Park looking South) by [J. Filher?] [drawn after the new bridge was built in 1861]
  146. (image 135) Ink and gouache sketch of a view from Osney fields, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1830
  147. (image 136) Pencil sketch of Oxford Castle, Oxford by J. O'Neill, c. 1810.
  148. (image 137) Pencil drawing of Lower Fisher Row, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1820.
  149. (image 138) Watercolour of Fishers Row, Oxford by R. Phine Spiers, 1879
  150. (image 139) Watercolour of the Botley Tollgate from the Bridge, Oxford, after Malchair, c. 1803
  151. (image 140) Pencil sketch of a view of the Castle Tower and part of the Hall Brewery from Old Breckwells ground, Oxford by J. Taylor, c. 1814
  152. (image 141) Watercolour of the Osney Lock, Oxford by R. Davidson, c. 1860
  153. (image 142) Pencil sketch of the Hythe Bridge, Oxford by J. Taylor, 1814
  154. (image 143) Pencil sketch of Osney Mill, Oxford by J. Taylor, c. 1814
  155. (image 144) Watercolour of the Osney Lock, Oxford by R. Davidson, c. 1860
  156. (image 145) Ink sketch of the Osney Lock, Oxford, unsigned, 1819.
  157. (image 146) Pencil sketch of Hythe Bridge, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1830
  158. (image 147) Pencil sketch of Hythe Bridge, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1860
  159. (image 148) Watercolour of Hythe Bridge, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1830
  160. (image 149) Watercolour of Osney Mead, Oxford, after Malchair, n.d.
  161. (image 150) Watercolour of the remains of Rewley Abbey, Oxford by R. Davidson, 1855
  162. (image 151) Watercolour of a detail of a window on 55-56 Cornmarket Street, Oxford, unsigned, 1871
  163. (image 152) Ink and pencil drawing of the Bocardo with North Gate, Oxford by W. Calcott, 1770
  164. (image 153) Watercolour of the site of the market in Market Street, Oxford by [Malchair?], 1770
  165. (image 154) Pencil sketch of Broad Street, Oxford, showing a gate into Exeter College and trees in the garden of Alderman Wright's House, by J. Taylor, 1814
  166. (image 155) Pencil sketch of Balliol College on Broad Street, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, 1839
  167. (image 156) Watercolour of a view from the back of Wadham College, Oxford by W. Calcott, c. 1770
  168. (image 157) Watercolour of Parks Road, Oxford, looking to the south, by J. Whessell, c. 1820
  169. (image 158) Pencil sketch of Wadham College, Parks Road, Oxford by O'Neill, c. 1810
  170. (image 159) Ink drawing of an unknown view, [Oxfordshire], unsigned, n.d.
  171. (image 160) Ink sketch of old houses in George Lane, Oxford by Mary Higgins, n.d.
  172. (image 161) Pen drawing of St. Nicholas' School, Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford by T. Bonnemer, c. 1870
  173. (image 162) Watercolour sketch of Jericho House, a public house, Oxford by Mary Higgins, 1818
  174. (image 163) Pencil sketch of Beaumont Palace and Worcester College, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1820
  175. (image 164) Pencil sketch of the remains of Beaumont Palace, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  176. (image 165) Pencil sketch of the Beaumont Palace ruins, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  177. (image 166) Pencil sketch of the remains of Beaumont Palace, unsigned, 1791
  178. (image 167) Watercolour and pencil sketch of Beaumont Palace, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1830
  179. (image 168) Watercolour sketch of the back view of the site of the original shop of Alderman Cavell, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  180. (image 169) Pencil sketch of the Trinity Gate, Parks Road, Oxford by J. Taylor, c. 1820
  181. (image 170) Watercolour sketch of a house, No. 2 Observatory Street, Oxford, unsigned, May 1846
  182. (image 171) Watercolour of the Old Houses in St. Giles taken down in 1848, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  183. (image 172) Watercolour of the Cholera Hospital and Dispensary on the Pepper Hills near the Oxford Canal [between Southmoor Road and the Canal, north of Walton Well Road], by J. Taylor, Jun 1832
  184. (image 173) Pencil sketch of a view in Godstowe by J. Taylor, c. 1830
  185. (image 174) Pencil sketch of Godstowe, J. Taylor, c. 1830
  186. (image 175) Pen sketch of Oxford from Banbury Road, Oxford by O'Neill, n.d.
  187. (image 176) Pencil sketch of the Horse and Jockey Inn, Woodstock Road, Oxford by La Cave, n.d.
  188. (image 177) Ink drawing of a view in Jericho, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  189. (image 178) Pencil sketch of a view in Jericho, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  190. (image 179) Pencil sketch of the Observatory, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  191. (images 180-181) Pencil sketches of Davis' Long Boat by J. Taylor, c. 1820
  192. (image 182) Watercolour of the Hayfield's Hut, Oxford [the old name for the Anchor Inn at Aristotle Lane], unsigned, c. 1830
  193. (image 183) Ink drawing of the High Street, Oxford by G. Pyne, c. 1870
  194. (image 184) Pencil drawing of the Market and All Saints from the Bank, High Street, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, 1833
  195. (image 185) Watercolour of the High Street, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  196. (image 186) Watercolour and ink sketch of the High Street, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  197. (image 187) Watercolour sketch of Magpie Lane, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  198. (image 188) Watercolour of Magpie Lane (now Grove Street), Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  199. (image 189) Ink sketch of the lane leading to Holywell Church, Oxford by W. Turner, c. 1850
  200. (image 190) Pencil drawing of the Magpie Lane, Oxford by W. A. Delamotte, 1836
  201. (image 191) Pencil sketch of Brasenose Lane, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, c. 1840
  202. (image 192) Watercolour of the King's Mill, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1840
  203. (image 193) Pencil sketch of pargetting taken from Queen's College, High Street, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  204. (image 194) Etching of a house on the site of the Fellows' Building at University College, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, c. 1840
  205. (image 195) Ink drawing of a detail in Lady Chapel, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1835
  206. (image 196) Pencil sketch of Seal's Coffee House, on the site of the Indian Institution, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1835
  207. (image 197) Ink sketch of Seal's Coffee House, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1835
  208. (image 198) Pencil sketch of the Grey Hound, Oxford by W.M. Turner, n.d.
  209. (image 199) Pencil sketch of Old Houses on site of the New Schools [Examination Schools], High Street, Oxford by W.M. Turner, 1825
  210. (image 200) Pencil sketch of a view from the Iffley Road, facing the Cape of Good Hope, Oxford by J. Taylor, c. 1820
  211. (image 201) Pencil sketch of Rose Lane looking South West at the Christ Church Meadow, Oxford by J. Taylor, c. 1814
  212. (image 202) Pencil drawing of Magadalen College Hall and the New College Lane from the Old Clarendon Street, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, 1836
  213. (image 203) Pencil drawing of the Magdalen Bridge and Tower, Oxford by W.A. Delamotte, c. 1835
  214. (image 204) Pencil sketch of the Long Wall, Oxford by J. Taylor, 1814
  215. (image 205) Pencil sketch of the Holywell, Oxford by J. Taylor, 1814
  216. (image 206) Pencil sketch of the Cowley Road, Oxford by O'Neill, c. 1810
  217. (image 207) Pen sketch of the Long Wall, Oxford by W. Turner, n.d.
  218. (images 208-209) Watercolour of a view from Cheney Lane, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1820
  219. (image 210) Watercolour of Magdalen Tower from the River, Oxford by R. Davidson, c. 1856
  220. (image 211) Ink drawing of the old Town Hall, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  221. (image 212) Pencil sketch of the East elevation of Domus Conversorum, Oxford, n.d.
  222. (image 213) Pencil sketch of the West elevation of Domus Conversorum, Oxford, n.d.
  223. (image 214) Pen sketch of the view of the crypt under New Savings Bank, Oxford, unsigned, 1872
  224. (image 215) Pencil and gouache sketch of "Nixon's School", Oxford by W. Turner, 1853
  225. (image 216) Watercolour sketch of Beef Lane, Oxford by Mackenzie, c. 1835
  226. (image 217) Pencil sketch of New Folly Bridge, Oxford by W. Taylor, c. 1830
  227. (image 218) Pencil sketch of Hall's Boat House, Oxford by J. Taylor, c. 1820
  228. (image 219) Watercolour of Speedwell Street, Oxford by W. Varley, 1813
  229. (image 220a) Pencil sketch of Old Houses in St. Aldates, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  230. (image 220b) Watercolour and ink drawing of the view of Folly, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1750
  231. (image 221) Pencil drawing of the south view of Friar Bacon's Study at Oxford by W. Hunt, c. 1770
  232. (image 222) Pencil drawing of old houses at North End of Folly Bridge (west side), Oxford by O'Neill, c. 1820
  233. (image 223) Pencil sketch of a view from North End of Folly Bridge, looking up St. Aldates, Oxford by O'Neill, c. 1820
  234. (image 224) Pencil sketch of "Old White House", Abingdon Road, Oxford by O'Neill, c. 1815
  235. (image 225) Pencil sketch of Old Folly Bridge, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  236. (image 226) Ink drawing of a door at an unknown location, unsigned, n.d.
  237. (image 227) Pencil and watercolour sketch of a detail on 43 Castle Street, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  238. (image 228) "removed on February 25, 1926 by Mr. Lobel, and restored to its original place in MS. Top. gen. a. 4"
  239. (images 228-229) Ink sketches of an unknown location, unsigned, n.d.
  240. (image 230) Watercolour sketch of the South East view of the Cathedral [Christ Church Cathedral], Oxford by J. Whessell, c. 1830
  241. (image 231) Watercolour of the Christ Church Catheral, Oxford by Turner, 1812
  242. (image 232) Pencil sketch of the North front of the North Transept of Frideswide Shrine [Christ Church Cathedral] Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  243. (image 233) Pencil and ink sketch of the East Window of Oxford Cathedral [Christ Church Cathedral], Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  244. (image 234) Watercolour of the window of the Chapter House Door, Christ Church College, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  245. (image 235) Pencil drawing of the South West view of the Christ Church Cloisters, Oxford by J. Coney, 1816
  246. (image 236) Sketch plan of the brasses and matrices in the North Choir aisle and Lady Chapel of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, unsigned, 1899
  247. (images 237-239) Pencil, ink, and watercolour sketches of details of the Christ Church Cathedral, unsigned, n.d.
  248. (image 240) Ink sketch of St. Aldates Church, Oxford by J. Whessell., c. 1830
  249. (image 241) Watercolour of St. Clement's Turnpike, Oxford, unsigned, 1874
  250. (image 242) Watercolour of St. Clement's Church, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  251. (image 243) Watercolour and pen drawing of St. Clement's, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  252. (image 244) Pencil sketch of St. Ebbe's Church, Littlegate Street, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1830
  253. (image 245) Ink drawing of St. Ebbe's Church, Oxford by F. Mackenzie, c. 1837
  254. (image 246) Pencil drawing of the Font in St. Ebbe's Church, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  255. (image 247) Pencil sketch of St. Ebbe's Church, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1810
  256. (image 248) Ink sketch of St. Giles Church, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1805
  257. (image 249) Watercolour and pencil sketch of St. Giles Church, Oxford, unsigned, 1805
  258. (image 250a) Watrercolour and pencil drawing of St. Giles Church, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  259. (image 250b) Watercolour of the font at St. Giles Church, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  260. (image 251) Watercolour of St. Giles Church, Oxford by R. Davidson, c. 1855
  261. (image 252) Ink drawing of St. Martin's Church, Oxford by P.B. Delin, 1797
  262. (image 253) Ink and pencil drawing of font in St. Martin's Church, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  263. (image 254) Pencil and ink drawing of the interior view of St. Martin's Church, Oxford, unsigned, 1819
  264. (image 255) Ink drawing of St. Mary Magdalen Church, Oxford by J. Whessell, 1812
  265. (image 256) Pencil sketch of the tower of St. Mary Magdalen Church, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  266. (image 257) Ink drawing of St. Mary Magdalen Church, Oxford by F. Mackenzie, 1843
  267. (image 258) Ink drawing of St. Mary Magdalen Church, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  268. (image 259) Ink drawing of the seats in the Chancel of St. Mary's Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  269. (image 260) Pencil and watercolour of the seats in the Chancel of St. Mary's Oxford by J.C. Buckler, n.d.
  270. (image 261) Watercolour of the spire of St. Mary's Church, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  271. (image 262) Watercolour of the "Porch" of St. Mary's Church, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  272. (image 263) Watercolour of St. Mary's Church, Oxford by Pugin, c. 1815
  273. (image 264) Ink drawing of St. Michael's Church, Oxford, unsigned, c.1780
  274. (image 265) Ink drawing of St. Michael's Church, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1795
  275. (image 266) Pencil sketch of an urn, unsigned, n.d.
  276. (image 267) Ink drawing of old font in St. Michael's Church, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  277. (image 268) Ink drawing of St. Peter in East, Oxford by J. Whessell, c. 1840
  278. (image 269) Pencil drawing of the interior of St. Peter in East, Oxford by [J. Taylor?], c. 1840
  279. (image 270) Ink drawing of the door of St. Peter in East, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1840
  280. (images 271-272) Ink drawings of the crypt of St. Peter in East, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1840
  281. (image 273) Pencil drawing of St. Peter in East, Oxford by W. Turner, c. 1830
  282. (image 274) Watercolour drawing of St. Peter in East, Oxford by J. Richardson, 1860
  283. (image 275) Ink drawing of St. Peter in East, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1770
  284. (image 276) Ink and watercolour drawing of the tomb of Thomas Hearne in the churchyard of St. Peter in East, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  285. (image 277) Pencil drawing of R.C. Chapel, St. Clement's, Oxford by J.W. Hounslow, 1841
  286. (image 278) "transferred to MS. Top. Oxon. a. 61, fol. 8"
  287. (images 279-282) Pencil sketches of "Ambrosden", Oxford, unsigned, 1841
  288. (image 283) Pen drawing of the doorway at the South Transpet of Bampton Church, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  289. (image 284a) transferred to MS. Top. Oxon. a. 61, fol. 9
  290. (image 284b) Watercolour of houses in Bicester, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  291. (image 285a) Pencil drawing of Binsey Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  292. (image 285b) Watercolour and pen drawing of "Caversham", Oxfordshire, unsigned, 1791
  293. (image 286) Pencil and watercolour sketch of "Caversham", Oxfordshire, unsigned, c. 1800
  294. (image 287) Pen sketch of the floorplan of Chalgrove Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  295. (image 288) Watercolour sketch of the window of the sedilia at Chalgrove Church, Oxfordshire by C.A. Butler, n.d.
  296. (image 289) Pen sketch of Charlbury, Oxfordshire, unsigned, c. 1840
  297. (image 290) Pencil sketch of Charlton at Otmoor, Oxfordshire, unsigned, c. 1820
  298. (images 291-292) Watercolour of Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, unsigned, 1901
  299. (image 293) Pencil sketch of an unknown church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, c. 1840
  300. (image 294) Watercolour sketch of a detail of stained glass at Ewelme Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  301. (image 295) Pen sketch of "Hampton Poyle", Oxfordshire, unsigned, c. 1840
  302. (image 296) Pen and ink sketch of the entrance porch, Handborough Church, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  303. (image 297) Watercolour and ink sketch of Haseley Chancel, Oxford, unsigned, n.d.
  304. (image 298) Watercolour of Rose Hill Cottage, Oxfordshire, unsigned, c. 1795
  305. (image 299) Pen sketch of a detail on the North doorway of Heythrop Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  306. (image 300) Pen sketch of a detail on the South doorway of Heythrop Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  307. (images 301-304) Pencil drawing of the nave of the Iffley Church, Oxford by O'Neill, c. 1810
  308. (image 305) Ink sketch of the South view of Iffley Church, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1800
  309. (image 306) Ink drawing of the North West view of Iffley Church, Oxford, unsigned, c. 1800
  310. (image 307) Ink drawing of Newenham Murren, Oxford by W. Fisher, 1848
  311. (image 308) Pen sketch of "Newnham Murren", Oxford by W. Fisher, c. 1840
  312. (image 309) Pencil drawing of Noke Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, 1839
  313. (image 310) Pen drawing of the Northmoor Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, c. 1840
  314. (images 311-312) Pencil sketches of the Oddington Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, 1832
  315. (image 313) Pen study of the details on the East End of Church of All Saints Peppard, Oxfordshire, unsigned, 1875
  316. (image 314) Pen study of an Old Window in the Church of All Saints Peppard, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  317. (image 315) Pen and watercolour study of details in the Church of All Saints Peppard, Oxfordshire, unsigned, March 1875
  318. (image 316) Pencil drawing of Sandford, Oxfordshire, unsigned, c. 1830
  319. (image 317) Ink sketch of Doorway on the North side of Salford Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  320. (image 318) Ink sketch of South Stoke, Goring, Oxfordshire, unsigned, 15 Jul 1854
  321. (image 319) Pencil sketch of Stadhampton, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  322. (image 320) Pen drawing of a window in Stanton, St. John's Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  323. (image 321) Pencil sketch of Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire by W. A. Delamotte, c. 1840
  324. (image 323) Pencil drawing of Jackley Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, 1841
  325. (image 324) Pen sketch of South Doorway of Tetsworth Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  326. (image 325) Pen drawing of Warborough, Oxfordshire, unsigned, c. 1840
  327. (image 326) Ink sketch of Waterperry, Oxfordshire, unsigned, c. 1830
  328. (image 327) Watercolour sketch of South door of Westwell Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  329. (image 328) Ink drawing of South doorway of Westwell Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  330. (image 329a) Pencil drawing of St. John's Chapel, Curbridge, Oxfordshire, unsigned, 1835
  331. (image 329b) Pencil drawing of Trinity Church, Witney, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  332. (image 329c) Watercolour sketch of Wood Eaton Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  333. (image 330) Pencil sketch of Wood Eaton, Oxfordshire, unsigned, 1828
  334. (image 331) Watercolour and pencil drawing of a heraldic lion, unsigned, n.d.
  335. (image 332) Watercolour of Wheatley Church, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  336. (image 333) Pencil sketch of a church in Oxfordshire, unsigned, c. 1820
  337. (images 334-335) Watercolour sketches of a church in Oxfordshire by R. Davidson, n.d.
  338. (image 336) Pencil sketch of a church in Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  339. (image 337) Pencil drawing of a church in Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  340. There are no images 338 to 340
  341. (image 341) Pencil sketch of Binsey from Port Meadow, Oxfordshire, unsigned, 1849
  342. There are no images 342 to 344
  343. (image 345) Pencil sketch of Lyck Gate, Goring, Oxfordshire by John Cullum, 1848
  344. There are no images 346 to 350
  345. (image 351) Pencil sketch of Iffley Chruch, Oxfordshire by Taylor, c. 1834
  346. (image 352) Pencil sketch of Lidstone, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  347. There is no image 353
  348. (image 354) Pencil sketch of Cottage of Marston, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  349. (image 355) Pencil and pen sketch of Nuneham, Oxfordshire by Taylor, c. 1830
  350. (image 356a) Pencil sketch of Nuneham, Oxfordshire by W.H.C, 1849
  351. (image 356b) Pencil sketch of Nuneham, Oxfordshire, unsigned, 1849
  352. (image 357) Pen drawing of the Mill Backwater, Standlake, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  353. (image 358) Watercolour of Stanton Rectory, Oxfordshire by S. John, 1834
  354. (image 359) Pencil sketch of Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  355. (image 360) Pencil drawing of the weir on the Isis near Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  356. (image 361) Pencil and watercolour sketch of Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  357. (image 362) Watercolour of Whitechurch, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  358. (image 363a) Pencil sketch of Schools at Curbridge, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  359. (image 363b) Pencil sketch of farm houses at Curbridge, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  360. (image 363c) Pen sketch of the old independent meeting house, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  361. (image 363d) Ink drawing of Caswell House, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  362. (image 363e) Watercolour of the remains of the old gate house at Caswell, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.
  363. (image 363f) Watercolour of Paper Mill at Wolvercote, Oxfordshire, unsigned, c. 1840
  364. (image 364) Pencil sketch of the Joiner's Hall, Salisbury, unsigned, c. 1820
  365. (image 365) Pencil sketch of the Tree Tavern, Iffley, Oxfordshire by Taylor, c. 1814
  366. There are no images 366 to 374
  367. (images 375-376) Pencil sketches of caskets, unsigned, n.d.
  368. (image 377) Ink drawing of a metal crucifix from a service book, Christ Church, Oxford, unsigned, 1887
  369. (image 378) Ink and pencil sketch of a piece of an ornament, Oxfordshire, unsigned, n.d.


  • Creation: c. 1750-c. 1915


1 volume

Language of Materials

  • English


MS. Top. Oxon. b. 91

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Page 133a (picture 220a), the earliest known view of the Folly c. 1750, was exhibited by Percy Manning at the City Millenary Exhibition of 1912 and purchased from his brother's estate in 2 Oct 1930. Page 77 (picture 109) has the note "'Till 1918, in MS Top. Gen. a.4” and is incorrectly stamped with the Percy Manning collection stamp. Page 129 (picture 214) has a note stating that it was purchased by the Bodleian in 1890 but is also stamped with the Percy Manning collection stamp.

Pictures 67a and 90b (original drawings of Pembroke and Magdalen college, Oxford) were purchased in October 1919. Two watercolour sketches (on pages 181, 188a) were given by Oxford City Library in April 1920.


Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom