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A treatise on Prohibitions, or a collection of papers relative to the question of prohibitions in ecclesiastical causes, as debated in the time of James I., Date not recorded at time of cataloguing

MS. Rawl. C. 731, fols. 1, 26, 39, 51, 56, 63, 73, 107, 133, 169

  • Request

The following are the heads of the various papers:

  1. (fol. 1) "A declaration of the true grounds of the prohibitions to the High Commissioners, and the authorities and reasons approveinge the same, with answeres to the objections made to the contrary ...... composed and committed by the commaundment of his most excellent Majestie, and the dispatch thereof often urged in his majesties name by the lord archbishoppe."
  2. (fol. 26) "Preface," to a Report from the Judges to the King, upon three questions delivered to them by the Attorney and Solicitor General in 1609, but chiefly with reference to the second question (as involving the rest) whether Acts of Parliament concerning ecclesiastical matters should be interpreted by the Judges of the Common Pleas, or by the Ecclesiastical Judges
  3. (fol. 39) "The grounds of Prohibicions to the High Commission and the answeres unto them."
  4. (fol. 48) "A breviate of the selected prooffes of Prohibicions out of the Common Pleas, noe record beeing before them."
  5. (fol. 51) "Propositions grounded uppon this position that the interpretation of all stattutes doth belonge to the judges of the temporall courts."
  6. (fol. 56) "A breviate of the selected proofes touchinge the recoverye of the treble value in the Spirituall Courte."
  7. (fol. 63) "A breviat of the cheife proofes selected touchinge the Modus decimandi."
  8. (fol. 73) Answer to the preceding.
  9. (fol. 107) "The arguements e contra for the archbishoppe of Canterburye."
  10. (fol. 133) "A conference by the King's espetiall appointment held before the Lords of the Counsell, touchinge Prohibitions, on the 23 of May, 1611, where were presente both of the Cheife High Commissioners and all the Judges of the realme."
  11. (fol. 169) "In what cases the Kinges courts of Common Pleas may graunt Prohibitions, by lawe and many presedents of former tymes."


  • Creation: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing


1 item

Language of Materials

  • English


MS. Rawl. C. 731, fols. 1, 26, 39, 51, 56, 63, 73, 107, 133, 169


Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom