Showing Collections: 41 - 55 of 55
Single Item
The treaty of 1281 between Peter of Aragon and Michael Palaeologus, by A. W. James
The treaty of 1281 between Peter of Aragon and Michael Palaeologus, by A. W. James, 1934.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. d. 230
Extents: 60 Leaves
Single Item
Twenty-four essays by Joseph Addison
Twenty-four essays by Joseph Addison
Shelfmark: MS. Don. d. 112
Extents: 114 Leaves
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item
Two essays by Robert Lynd
Two essays by Robert Lynd
Shelfmark: MS. Don. d. 31
Extents: 22 Leaves
Single Item
Two treatises by sir John Doddridge
Two treatises by sir John Doddridge, written in about A.D. 1700.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. D. 84
Extents: 183 Leaves
written in about A.D. 1700
Single Item
Two Typescript Essays by Miss W.H. Dawes
Two typescript essays by Miss W. H. Dawes.
Shelfmark: MSS. Eng. misc. c. 357-358
Extents: 1 box
Single Item
Typescript essay by E. A. D. Manusson, Stonehenge avant la perte de l'Atlantide ..., with coloured diagrams
Typescript essay by E. A. D. Manusson, Stonehenge avant la perte de l'Atlantide ..., with coloured diagrams, 1968.
Shelfmark: MS. French c. 42
Extents: 10 Leaves
Single Item
Typescript essay by Francis Mayer, entitled 'Mental alchemy'
Typescript essay by Francis Mayer, entitled 'Mental alchemy'
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 626
Extents: 130 Leaves
20th century
Single Item
Typescript essay by 'J. Shallow' (J. Y. A. Morshead), 'Conjectures on the Templar proces'
Typescript essay by 'J. Shallow' (J. Y. A. Morshead), 'Conjectures on the Templar proces', 1918.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. d. 109
Extents: 49 Leaves
Single Item
Typescript essay by Marian Kurdzialek, 'Davidis de Dinanto quaternulorum fragmenta', in English
Typescript essay by Marian Kurdzialek, 'Davidis de Dinanto quaternulorum fragmenta', in English
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 791
Extents: 83 Leaves
20th century
Single Item
Typescript essay by R. H. Connolly, 'The Ambrosian authorship of the six books De Sacramentis'
Typescript essay by R. H. Connolly, 'The Ambrosian authorship of the six books De Sacramentis'.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. th. d. 49
Extents: 171 Leaves
Single Item
Typescript essay on periodicity in history, edited by A. J. Woolford from the papers of A. B. Gough
Typescript essay on periodicity In history, edited by A. J. Woolford from the papers of A. B. Gough, 20th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. c. 307
Extents: 59 Leaves
20th cent.
Single Item
Typescript essays on Ram Mohan Roy by Shivacharan Lal
Typescript essays on Ram Mohan Roy by Shivacharan Lal, 1917.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. c. 125
Extents: 45 Leaves
Single Item
Typescript verse by R. Lowther Bridger
Typescript verse by R. Lowther Bridger
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. d. 23
Extents: 88 Leaves
Single Item
Volume compiled 1807-8 by John Skinner, rector of Camerton, Somerset
Volume compiled 1807-8 by John Skinner, rector of Camerton, Somerset
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. f. 34
Extents: 216 Leaves
Works of Jeremy Collier
Works of Jeremy Collier, transcribed mainly from printed sources, by William Emmett
Extents: 0.10 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- Essays 53
- 20th century 23
- 18th century 15
- 17th century 14
- Literature 13
- 19th century 11
- Poetry 7
- Religion 6
- Letters 5
- Humanities 3
- Manuscripts 3
- Speeches, addresses, etc. 3
- Theology 3
- Antiquarians 2
- Authors 2
- English poetry -- 21st century 2
- Ethics -- Addresses, essays, lectures 2
- History 2
- Philosophy 2
- Sermons 2
- University of Oxford 2
- University of Oxford -- Intellectual life 2
- University of Oxford -- Students 2
- Academic writing 1
- Anthropology 1
- Anti-Catholicism 1
- Calligraphy 1
- Catholicism 1
- Chemistry 1
- Christianity 1
- Christianity -- 20th century 1
- Church of England -- Bishops 1
- Church of England -- Clergy 1
- Coins, Greek 1
- Correspondence 1
- Diaries 1
- Dissertations, Academic 1
- Drama 1
- Dueling 1
- English Literature 1
- English literature 1
- France 1
- Great Britain -- Topography 1
- Historians 1
- History, Modern 1
- India 1
- Latin literature 1
- Lectures and lecturing 1
- Letters -- 20th century 1
- Literary criticism 1
- London (England) 1
- Nobility -- Great Britain 1
- Orders of knighthood and chivalry -- Great Britain 1
- Overpopulation 1
- Philosophers -- 20th century 1
- Philosophy -- 20th century 1
- Poems 1
- Poets 1
- Political satire 1
- Politics and Government 1
- Science 1
- Somerset (England) 1
- Speeches, addresses, etc., English 1
- Theology -- 20th century 1
- Travel 1
- Universities and colleges 1 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- University of Oxford 3
- University of Oxford | Prizes 2
- Addison | Joseph | 1672-1719 | poet and statesman 1
- Ball | Sidney | 1857-1918 | lecturer in classics and philosophy 1
- Belloc | Joseph Hilaire Pierre | 1870-1953 | writer and historian 1
- Bennett | Arnold | 1867-1931 | Writer 1
- Bliss | Philip | 1787-1857 | Antiquary and Editor 1
- Blunden | Edmund Charles | 1896-1974 | poet 1
- Borough | Sir | John | d 1643 | antiquary and herald 1
- Boudon | Raymond | fl | 1995 | sociologist 1
- Bovey | James | 1622-1696 | Merchant, lawyer and philosopher 1
- Bridger | R. Lowther | fl. 1905-1918 1
- Browne | Thomas | bap.1604-1673 | Church of England clergyman 1
- Collier | Jeremy | 1650-1726 | nonjuror 1
- Connolly | Richard Hugh | 1873-1948 | philologist 1
- Dasgupta | Partha | fl. 1993 | Economist 1
- Dawes | WH | fl 1947-1957 1
- Doble | William | fl. 1641-1674 | of Trinity College, Oxford 1
- Dodderidge | Sir | John | 1555-1628 | judge | also called Doddridge 1
- Elstrob | Elizabeth | 1683-1756 | Anglo-Saxon scholar and antiquary 1
- Emmett | William | fl 1731-1732 1
- Finch | Heneage | 1656-1726 | 5th Earl of Winchilsea 1
- Frere | John | Hookham | 1769-1846 | Diplomat and author 1
- Gilpin | William | 1724-1804 | Clergyman, educationist, biographer and topographer 1
- Gough | Richard | 1735-1809 | antiquary 1
- Graham | T. D. D. | Cunningham | fl. 1835 1
- Grenville | William Wyndham | 1759-1834 | Baron Grenville | statesman 1
- Hadrill | John Michael | Wallace- | 1916-1985 | Historian 1
- Heywood | Thomas | ? 1574-1641 | poet and dramatist 1
- Hodges | Thomas | c 1600-1672 | dean of Hereford 1
- Hutchinson | Thomas | fl 1880-1931 1
- James | A. W. | fl. 1934 1
- Kurdzialek | Marian | 1920-1997 | Polish priest 1
- Laurence | Thomas | ? 1597-1657 | college head 1
- Lonsdale | Mary | fl 1838-1853 | of Bath Easton 1
- Lynd | Robert Wilson | 1879-1949 | Journalist and essayist 1
- Manusson | E. A. D. | fl. 1968 1
- Masefield | John Edward | 1878-1967 | poet and novelist 1
- Mayer | Francis | fl. 20th century 1
- Mellor | Ethel | fl. 1937-1949 1
- Milles | Jeremiah | b 1751 | barrister 1
- Needham | Rodney | 1923-2006 | Anthropologist 1
- Nevinson | Henry Wood | 1856-1941 | Essayist Philanthropist Journalist 1
- Pater | Walter | 1839-1894 | Author and critic 1
- Pearson | Robert | fl. 1827 | of Newcastle 1
- Peck | Francis | 1692-1743 | antiquary 1
- Penrose | John | fl. 1734-1735 1
- Pope | Alexander | 1688-1744 | Poet 1
- Prichard | Harold Arthur | 1871-1947 | Philosopher 1
- Raleigh | Sir | Walter | 1861-1922 | Knight | Literary scholar and historian 1
- Roy | Ram Mohan | 1772-1833 | founder of the Brahmo Sabha 1
- Sassoon | Siegfried | 1886-1967 | poet 1
- Shallow | J | fl. 1918 1
- Skinner | John | fl. 1807-1808 | Rector of Camerton, Somerset 1
- Spelman | Sir | Henry | 1564-1641 | Knight | Historian and Antiquary 1
- Stein | Sir | Mark Aurel | 1862-1943 | Knight Scholar Explorer Archaeologist 1
- Temple | Sir | Richard | 1634-1697 | Knight | English politician 1
- Thompson | James Matthew | 1878-1956 | Historian and Theologian 1
- Urquhart | Sir | Thomas | 1611-1660 | of Cromarty | knight | author and translator | also called Urchard 1
- Wallis | John | fl 1680-1690 1
- White | John Henry | fl 1880-1931 1
- White | William Hale | 1831-1913 | Writer as Mark Rutherford 1
- Wilberforce | Samuel | 1805-1873 | Bishop of Oxford and Winchester 1
- Wilkinson | Spenser | 1853-1937 | Military historian 1
- Winchelsey | Robert | 1245-1313 | Catholic theologian and Archbishop of Canterbury 1
- Woolford | A. J. 1
- Wright | Abraham | 1611-1690 | Chuch of England clergyman and author 1
- Wright | Thomas | 1810-1877 | historian and antiquary 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 52
- Latin 5
- Cornish 1
- French 1
- German 1
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 1
- Italian 1
∨ more
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