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Showing Collections: 161 - 180 of 220

Single Item

Microfilm of Sir William Trumbull’s early letterbook

Microfilm of Sir William Trumbull’s early letterbook
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1495
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Soliloquies by Augustine

Microfilm of Soliloquies by Augustine
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1561
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing

Microfilm of St. George's Chapel Muniments (1362-1917), Windsor

Microfilm of St. George's Chapel Muniments (1362-1917), Windsor
Extents: 2.45 Linear Metres (49 items)
Dates: 20th century
Single Item

Microfilm of St. Gregory on Ezechiel; and William Sybbe, Fasciculus Morum

Microfilm of St. Gregory on Ezechiel; and William Sybbe, Fasciculus Morum
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1499
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of St. Jerome on Daniel and the minor Prophets

Microfilm of St. Jerome on Daniel and the minor Prophets
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1570
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Summa magistri G. de Haspale (1464) super librum phisicorum Aristotelis

Microfilm of Summa magistri G. de Haspale (1464) super librum phisicorum Aristotelis
Shelfmark: MS. Film 89
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Survey of the parish clergy of the diocese of Hereford

Microfilm of Survey of the parish clergy of the diocese of Hereford, c. 1587.
Shelfmark: MS. Film 426
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Swift papers

Microfilm of Swift papers
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1171
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not determined at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of the Accounts (1540) of James Needham

Microfilm of the Accounts (1540) of James Needham
Shelfmark: MS. Film 308
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of the accounts (1712-1718) of Thomas Coke, 1st Earl of Leicester, of money spent abroad

Microfilm of the accounts (1712-1718) of Thomas Coke, 1st Earl of Leicester, of money spent abroad
Shelfmark: MS. Film 304
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of the catalogue of the library of Sta. Justina, Padua (Padua, Museo Civico, MS. B.P. 229)

Microfilm of the catalogue of the library of Sta. Justina, Padua, begun in 1453 (Padua, Museo Civico, MS. B.P. 229)
Shelfmark: MS. Film 632
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of the Catalogue of the Saibante Coll, Ottavio Alecehi

Microfilm of the Catalogue of the Saibante Coll, Ottavio Alecehi
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1622
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of The Limantour correspondence (1833-1867): Teodosio Lares, letters and other documents

Microfilm of The Limantour correspondence (1833-1867): Teodosio Lares, letters and other documents
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1435
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Theocritus (13th century), Idylls 1, 5, 6, 4, 7-9, 2, 10-12v.22, 13v.57-15, 3

Microfilm of Theocritus (13th century), Idylls 1, 5, 6, 4, 7-9, 2, 10-12v.22, 13v.57-15, 3
Shelfmark: MS. Film 91
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Theological quaestiones

Microfilm of Theological quaestiones (c.1330)
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1410
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not determined at time of cataloguing

Microfilm of Thierry of Chartres (12th century), Heptateuchon

Microfilm of Thierry of Chartres (12th century), Heptateuchon
Extents: 0.1 Linear Metres (2 items)
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Thomas of Sutton, Questiones on Book IV of the Metaphysics (Assisi, Biblioteca comunale MS. 196)

Microfilm of Thomas of Sutton, Questiones on Book IV of the Metaphysics (Assisi, Biblioteca comunale MS. 196).
Shelfmark: MS. Film 558
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing

Microfilm of Tokyo University MS. 17. 100. 1300

Microfilm of Tokyo University MS. 17. 100. 1300
Extents: 0.10 Linear Metres (2 items)
Dates: 20th century
Single Item

Microfilm of various texts of the Wycliffe Bible

Microfilm of various texts of the Wycliffe Bible
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1174
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Vatican Library, Catalogues of the library of Cardinal Dominico Grimani

Microfilm of Vatican Library, Catalogues of the library of Cardinal Dominico Grimani
Shelfmark: MS. Film 953
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing

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  • Language: Undetermined X

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Indexed subjects
Philosophy 44
Music 28
Religion 27
15th century 26
19th century 26
17th century 23
18th century 23
20th century 23
Geography 18
13th century 17
Astronomy 17
12th century 15
16th century 15
Manuscripts 15
Theology 14
14th century 13
Africa -- Maps 9
Maps -- 19th century 9
Correspondence 7
Humanities 6
∨ more  
Indexed names
University of Oxford 6
Corelli | Arcangelo | 1653-1713 | composer and violinist 2
Handel | George Frederick | 1685-1759 | musical composer 2
Lawes | William | 1602-1645 | musician and composer 2
Tullius Cicero | Marcus | 106-43 BC | Roman orator and statesman 2
Aristotle | 384-322 BC | Greek philosopher 1
Banister | John | 1624/5-1679 | violinist and composer 1
Beeland | Ambrose | c1597-c1674 | composer, violinist and wind player 1
Bellin | Jacques-Nicolas | 1703-1772 | Cartographer 1
Bertali | Antonio | 1605-1669 | composer and violinist 1
Blacker | J | fl 1800-1840 | Major 1
Coleman | Charles | d 1664 | musician and composer 1
Cooke | Henry | c1615-1672 | singer, choir trainer and composer 1
Gamble | John | d1687 | composer and musician 1
Geminiani | Francesco Saverio | 1687-1762 | composer and music theorist 1
Gregory | Thomas | fl 1600-1650 | composer 1
Hely | Benjamin | fl 1680-1690 | composer 1
Hingeston | John | c 1606–1683 | composer and viol player 1
Homan | M | fl 1734 1
Hudson | George | (d1672 | viol player, violinist and composer 1