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Showing Collections: 101 - 120 of 220

Single Item

Microfilm of grammatical works (4th-7th centuries) on palimpsest

Microfilm of grammatical works (4th-7th centuries) on palimpsest
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1445
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Grammatical works copied by Janus Parrhasius (1470-1522) from Bobbio MS. now Naples, Bibl. Naz. Lat.2 (Vindobon.16)

Microfilm of Grammatical works copied by Janus Parrhasius (1470-1522) from Bobbio MS. now Naples, Bibl. Naz. Lat.2 (Vindobon.16)
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1443
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Grammatici latini (9th-10th century), Augustini categoriae (9th century), 4 evangelia (9th century)

Microfilm of Grammatici latini (9th-10th century), Augustini categoriae (9th century), 4 evangelia (9th century)
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1420
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not determined at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Gregorius Gyöngyösi (17th century), Vitae fratrum heremitarium ordinis s. Pauli

Microfilm of Gregorius Gyöngyösi (17th century), Vitae fratrum heremitarium ordinis s. Pauli
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1441
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Grosseteste on Psalms 1-100

Microfilm of Grosseteste on Psalms 1-100
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1496
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing

Microfilm of Heptateuchon (12th century) by Thierry of Chartres

Microfilm of Heptateuchon by Thierry of Chartres
Extents: 2 item (0.10 linear metres)
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Hugh of St. Cher (13th century, 14th century); Books of Kings; Thomas Aquinas commentary on Aristotle, Posterior Analytics

Microfilm of Hugh of St. Cher (13th century, 14th century); Books of Kings; Thomas Aquinas commentary on Aristotle, Posterior Analytics
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1438
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of indices (1501-1793) to the archives of the Archbishop of Westminster

Microfilm of indices (1501-1793) to the archives of the Archbishop of Westminster
Shelfmark: MS. Film 588
Extents: 1 item
Dates: 20th century
Single Item

Microfilm of Isidore, Etymologicon (12th century), pars 1

Microfilm of Isidore, Etymologicon (12th century), pars 1
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1413
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not determined at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Isidore, Etymologicon (13th century), pars 1

Microfilm of Isidore, Etymologicon (13th century), pars 1
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1412
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not determined at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Jerome (1436), Letters and other works

Microfilm of Jerome, Letters and other works
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1531
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Jerome’s version of Eusebius’ chronicle (S. Gall, Stadtbibliothek MS. 298)

Microfilm of Jerome’s version of Eusebius’ chronicle, 1410 (S. Gall, Stadtbibliothek MS. 298)
Shelfmark: MS. Film 470
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Johannes Eschiud, astrological pieces (15th century) and astronomical texts (16th century)

Microfilm of Johannes Eschiud, astrological pieces (15th century) and astronomical texts (16th century)
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1432
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not determined at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of John of Garland and Orthographia attributed to William of Lombardy

Microfilm of John of Garland and Orthographia attributed to William of Lombardy
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1409
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not determined at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Kontakarion (Moscow, Gosudarstvennîi Istoricheskii Muzei, MS.Synod.302; 437/II qu.xxi)

Microfilm of Kontakarion (Moscow, Gosudarstvennîi Istoricheskii Muzei, MS.Synod.302; 437/II qu.xxi)
Shelfmark: MS. Film 555
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of letters from F.W. Newmanto Epes Sargent; 3 letters from Newman to W.Lloyd Garrison and one to Miss Priestman [sic]

Microfilm of letters from F.W. Newmanto Epes Sargent; 3 letters from Newman to W.Lloyd Garrison and one to Miss Priestman [sic]
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1610
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Letters of Henry Wooton as Ambassador at Venice; letters of Gregoriodi Monte; state papers

Microfilm of Letters of Henry Wooton as Ambassador at Venice; letters of Gregoriodi Monte; state papers
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1614
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Letters of Philippus van Limborch, Amsterdam University Library

Microfilm of Letters of Philippus van Limborch, Amsterdam University Library
Shelfmark: MS. Film 849
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of Medical and scientific works (Gloucester Cathedral MS. 25)

Microfilm of Medical and scientific works, 13th century
Shelfmark: MS. Film 403
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item

Microfilm of medical tracts (12th century)

Microfilm of medical tracts (12th century)
Shelfmark: MS. Film 1439
Extents: 1 item
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing

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  • Language: Undetermined X

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Indexed subjects
Philosophy 44
Music 28
Religion 27
15th century 26
19th century 26
17th century 23
18th century 23
20th century 23
Geography 18
13th century 17
Astronomy 17
12th century 15
16th century 15
Manuscripts 15
Theology 14
14th century 13
Africa -- Maps 9
Maps -- 19th century 9
Correspondence 7
Humanities 6
∨ more  
Indexed names
University of Oxford 6
Corelli | Arcangelo | 1653-1713 | composer and violinist 2
Handel | George Frederick | 1685-1759 | musical composer 2
Lawes | William | 1602-1645 | musician and composer 2
Tullius Cicero | Marcus | 106-43 BC | Roman orator and statesman 2
Aristotle | 384-322 BC | Greek philosopher 1
Banister | John | 1624/5-1679 | violinist and composer 1
Beeland | Ambrose | c1597-c1674 | composer, violinist and wind player 1
Bellin | Jacques-Nicolas | 1703-1772 | Cartographer 1
Bertali | Antonio | 1605-1669 | composer and violinist 1
Blacker | J | fl 1800-1840 | Major 1
Coleman | Charles | d 1664 | musician and composer 1
Cooke | Henry | c1615-1672 | singer, choir trainer and composer 1
Gamble | John | d1687 | composer and musician 1
Geminiani | Francesco Saverio | 1687-1762 | composer and music theorist 1
Gregory | Thomas | fl 1600-1650 | composer 1
Hely | Benjamin | fl 1680-1690 | composer 1
Hingeston | John | c 1606–1683 | composer and viol player 1
Homan | M | fl 1734 1
Hudson | George | (d1672 | viol player, violinist and composer 1