Box 606920495
Contains 3 Results:
Single Item
Photostats of letters from John Locke to J.G. Graevius
Photostats of letters from John Locke to J.G. Graevius.
Shelfmark: MS. Facs. d. 74, fols. 11-24
Extents: 24 Leaves
Single Item
Facsimiles of Horae of Giovanni Bentivoglio II and bull of Gregory XI in favour of John Wyclif
Facsimiles of Horae of Giovanni Bentivoglio II and bull of Gregory XI in favour of John Wyclif.
Shelfmark: MS. Facs. d. 74, fols. 3-8
Extents: 6 Leaves
original dated c.1500, n.d.
Single Item
Photographs of marriage contract between Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves
Photographs of marriage contract between Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves.
Shelfmark: MS. Facs. d. 74, fols. 9-10
Extents: 2 Leaves
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing