Box 606604331
Contains 42 Results:
Collection of treatises and papers relating to the offices of high steward, high constable and earl-marshal of England, bulk: 17th century
Until fol. 63 b, this MS. agrees with the first part of No. 1065 in the Harleian collection, which was probably compiled by Anstis.
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14
Extents: 112 Leaves
Majority of material found within 17th century
The antiquity, authority and succession of the high steward of England, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
The antiquity, authority and succession of the high steward of England, by sir Rob. Cotton:
of the office of the lord steward of England.
of the steward of the king’s household.
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 1
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
A discourse of the office of the lord steward of England, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
A discourse of the office of the lord steward of England, by Will. Camden.
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 8b
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
A discourse of the office of the lord high constable of England, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
A discourse of the office of the lord high constable of England, by sir Rob. Cotton.
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 10b
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
The antiquity and office of the earl marshall of England, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
The antiquity and office of the earl marshall of England, by sir Rob. Cotton.
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 12b
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
A discourse of the antiquity and office of the earle marshalls of England, [c. 1602]
A discourse of the antiquity and office of the earle marshalls of England, written by sir Rob. Cotton knt. at the request of the lord Howard, earle of Northampton. Begins, "Sir, Your small time I must ballance with a [sic] slender an answer." Ends, "Soe fare you well this morning the 25°. November 1602. Your assured freind, Ro. Cotton."
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 16b
Extents: 1 item
[c. 1602]
Reasons that the court of marshalsey may fitly be enabled in certaine cases to hold plea of all manner of trespasses, aswell upon the case as others, albeit neither party be of the king’s houshold, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
The original papers given at the end of the printed copy are not in the MS.
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 18b
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
The manner, forme and vsage of Gilbert de Strigull, marshall of England, in the execution of that office at the coronation of K. Henry II..., Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
The manner, forme and vsage of Gilbert de Strigull, marshall of England, in the execution of that office at the coronation of K. Henry II. with all the points thereunto belonging; taken out of an ancient book belonging to sir Edward Windham who served at Bulloigne in that office, etc. Begins, "The earle marshall ought to have the kings horse with all harness that is on him."
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 20
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
New ordinances propounded by Henry VIII. touching the service of the knight marshall, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 24
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
The etymology, antiquity and office of the earl marshall of England, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
The etymology, antiquity and office of the earl marshall of England, [by Will. Camden.]
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 25
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Commission from Q. Elizabeth unto the lord treasurer of England and others, to exercise the office of earl marshall of England, 26 Dec 1601
Commission from Q. Elizabeth, 26 Dec 1601, unto the lord treasurer of England and others, to exercise the office of earl marshall of England. (transcript.)
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 29b
Extents: 1 item
26 Dec 1601
Commission from K. James unto the lord treasurer of England, etc., 25 Sep 1616
Commission from K. James, 25 Sep 1616, unto the lord treasurer of England, etc. (transcript.)
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 31
Extents: 1 item
25 Sep 1616
Certaine observations concerning the earles marshalls of England and their jurisdictions, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Certaine observations concerning the earles marshalls of England and their jurisdictions. Begins, "After the death of William Marshall the elder earle of Pembrooke and earle marshall of England."
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 33
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
The jurisdiction of the lord high constable and marshall of England, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
The jurisdiction of the lord high constable and marshall of England. Begins, "The jurisdiction of the court of the constable and marshall was restrained."
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 34b
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
The letters patent made by K. James to Thomas [Howard] earl of Arundell, 1 Aug 1622
The letters patent made by K. James, 1 Aug 1622, to Thomas [Howard] earl of Arundell, for enlarging the power of his office of earl marshall of England. (transcript.)
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 36
Extents: 1 item
1 Aug 1622
The manner of the judiciall proceeding in the court marshall, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
The manner of the judiciall proceeding in the court marshall. Begins, "The plaintif must first by himselfe or his procurator."
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 37
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Orders to be observed in the earl marshall’s court, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Orders to be observed in the earl marshall’s court. Begins, "No writt of summons is to be granted untill after the plaintiff hath put in his libell."
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 41
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Collections out of records touching the usage and practice of the constable and marshall’s court in England, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Collections out of records touching the usage and practice of the constable and marshall’s court in England. Begins, "Roger le Bygod earle of Norfolke and marshall of England made Roger le Bygod his nephew his attorney or leiutenant."
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 45
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
The manner of proceeding in a case of arms between John lord Lovell and Tho. lord Morley, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
The manner of proceeding in a case of arms between John lord Lovell and Tho. lord Morley, before the constable and marshall, 1345. [1395.] Begins, "John lord Lovell knight came before the constable and marshall."
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 56
Extents: 1 item
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Letters patent of Rich. II. appointing Tho. Mowbray, earl of Nottingham, to be earl-marshal, 12 Jan 1386
Letters patent of Rich. II. appointing Tho. Mowbray, earl of Nottingham, to be earl-marshal; 12 Jan 1386. (transcript.)
Tanner Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 14, fol. 63b
Extents: 1 item
12 Jan 1386