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Box 606693420


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Miscellaneous English poems, epigrams, etc., of about 1615-30, written in about 1630-1640

Miscellaneous English poems, epigrams, etc., of about 1615-30, largely political, among which are: (p. 23) 'Upon the fall of sr Francis Bacon ...', beg. 'Great Verulam is very lame' (p. 32) 'The copie of a libell put into the hand of queene Elizabeths statue in Westminster by an vnknowne person anno Domini 1619', altered to '1621' and 'vltimo Martij. 1623': beg. '... If Saints in…
Collection: Malone Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Malone 23
Extents: 228 pages
Dates: written in about 1630-1640