Box 606768180
Contains 1 Result:
Collations of Greek MSS. (7th year) of the Septuagint made for Dr. Robert Holmes, deposited in the Bodleian in March 1795, Written chiefly in 1794-1795
Collations of Greek MSS. (7th year) of the Septuagint made for Dr. Robert Holmes, deposited in the Bodleian in March 1795:
Fol. 3. Collations of quotations of Genesis in the Syriac Version found in the Horreum Mysteriorum of Gregorius Bar-Hebraeus
Fol. 15. Collations of quotations from Genesis in certain Greek fathers
Holmes Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Holmes 73
Extents: 181 Leaves
Written chiefly in 1794-1795