Box 606757157
Contains 1 Result:
'Tractatus de scientia Dei ex Scotico viridario selectus ...' by Paulus de Mesa of Alcalá and two other treatises, Written A.D. 1626-1642
Fol. 1. 'Tractatus de scientia Dei ex Scotico viridario selectus ...' by Paulus de Mesa of Alcalá, Dec. 29, 1642 Fol. 97. 'Celebris de voluntate Dei agitatio ...' by Joannes a Merinero, a Jesuit of Alcalá, Mar. 1, 1626, written on Feb. 27, 1627 Fol. 1, 3rd numbering '... Tractatus de Angelis ...' by Franciscus Felix, a Jesuit of Alcala, Oct. 26, 1634. Each with a list of contents.
Theological and philosophical dissertations and treatises, written at Cologne and in Spain
Shelfmark: MS. e Mus. 170
Extents: 255 Leaves
Written A.D. 1626-1642