Box 606711759
Contains 1 Result:
Copy of 'Directions how to make such Coloured and Gilded Letters...' etc, written chiefly in the 18th cent. by G. Ballard
'Directions how to make such Coloured and Gilded Letters, as are to be seen frequently in old Manuscripts Transcribed ... by Mrs. Elizabeth Elstob August 9th, 1710', copy. At p. xiii is 'The manner howe to anneile or paint in Glas ... 1616', 'Isaac Herbert scripsit Anno Domini 1785.' There is also a note by Rich. Twiss about shell-gold and -silver, Aug. 1, 1804 (p. v), and a few similar extracts and notes.
Douce Manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Douce 392
Extents: 44 pages
written chiefly in the 18th cent. by G. Ballard