Box 606159428
Contains 1 Result:
(17) The Literature of Art; (18) Einige Berührungspunkte zwischen Naturwissenschaft und Geschichte / Some points of Contact between History and Natural Science; (19) reprints of Warburg Institute publications; (20) Donatello's Judith; (21) Ænigma Termini, (22) Platonic Justice; (23) Maenad under the Cross, 1934-1988
Folder 1: (17) The Literature of Art, 1935. Photocopy of Edgar Wind's review of Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, in The Burlington Magazine, LXVII (1935). (18) Einige Berührungspunkte zwischen Naturwissenschaft und Geschichte, 1936. Two typescripts of original German drafts,…
Edgar Wind Papers
Found in:
Published Works
Shelfmark: MS. Wind 65
Extents: 1 box (5 folders)