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Box 603610069


Contains 1 Result:


Publications of Julia G. Bodmer, 1986-1997

Papers relating to: Bodmer, J.G., Kennedy, L.J., Lindsay, J. and Wasik, A.M. (1987) Applications of serology and the ethnic distribution of three locus HLA haplotypes. British Medical Bulletin, 43: 94-121; Kennedy, L. J., Bourel, D., Dejour, G., Fauchet, R. and Bodmer, J. G. (1987) A European workshop to investigate technical problems of using HLA monoclonal antibodies in microcytotoxicity assays. Tissue Antigens, 29: 43-54; Kennedy,…
Shelfmark: MS. Bodmer 2210
Extents: 1 box (2 folders)
Dates: 1986-1997