Box 606760022
Contains 1 Result:
Party Conferences: 1973-78; 1980; 1984-92, Oct 1973-Oct 1992
Comprises papers relating to arrangements made by the International Office for overseas observers attending the Conservative Party Conference.
1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977 and 1978 Party Conferences, Oct 1973-Nov 1978 [some folios have been closed];
1980 Party Conference, Aug-Dec 1980;
1984 Party Conference, Aug-Dec 1980;
1985 Party Conference,…
Conservative Party Archive: Conservative Central Office: Conservative Overseas Bureau/International Office
Found in:
Administrative papers
Arrangements for conferences
Shelfmark: COB 4/2/12
Extents: 1 box (10 folders)
Oct 1973-Oct 1992