Box 603609939
Contains 1 Result:
Twelfth Histocompatibility Workshop, St Malo and Paris, France, 3-12 Jun 1996, 1994-1996
Comprises 'Europe 3 P-Z'. Questionnaire returns for registration of populations issued with circulars and associated correspondence and papers. Filed under the following names:
Dr. Chryssa Papasteriades,1994-96
Dr. Pavao Rudan, 1993-95
Professor Alberto Salerno, 1994
Dr. Guther Saruhan, 1993-96
Professor Arthur Sochnev, 1994-96
Found in:
Papers of Sir Walter Bodmer
Visits, conferences and workshops
HLA and Histocompatibility Workshops
Twelfth Histocompatibility Workshop
Shelfmark: MS. Bodmer 1111
Extents: 1 box (2 folders)