Box 603609864
Contains 1 Result:
Fourth International HLA Workshop, Los Angeles, California, USA, 27-29 Jan 1970, 1968-1970
Folder 1: Correspondence, donor data and manuscript and typescript material for scientific paper: 'Recombination between the LA and 4 loci of the HL-A system'
Folder 2: 'Pygmy paper'. Data and notes
Folder 3: Manuscript and typescript draft material for scientific papers, including donor data: 'Detection of HL-A and other antigens on fibroblast micro…
Found in:
Papers of Sir Walter Bodmer
Visits, conferences and workshops
HLA and Histocompatibility Workshops
Third and Fourth International HLA Workshops
Shelfmark: MS. Bodmer 1030 ( =Res.)
Extents: 1 box (4 folders)