Box 603609267
Contains 1 Result:
Copy letters, 7 Jul 1995-15 Dec 1995
Topics include:
(fols. 2460-2564) HLA loss in tumour metastases; stomach cancer study. A paper entitled The HLA System and the Analysis of Multi-Factoral Genetic Disease by Walter Bodmer and I. P. Tomlinson is also enclosed
(fols. 2656-2758) Goran Moller; cancer genetics; Royal Society celebrations to mark the Millennium; Romanes Lecture on The Book of Man;…
Found in:
Papers of Sir Walter Bodmer
Imperial Cancer Research Fund (ICRF), 1967-2005
Walter Bodmer correspondence and office notes
Outgoing letters from Walter Bodmer
Shelfmark: MS. Bodmer 544
Extents: 298 Leaves
7 Jul 1995-15 Dec 1995