Box 603609246
Contains 1 Result:
Copy letters, 7 Jul 1987-9 Mar 1988
Topics include:
(fols. 1-422) dietary factors in relation to incidence of cancer; ABRC strategy document; human epidermal growth factor; recommendations to Royal Society and other research fellowships; Max Blythe video interviews of Royal College of Physicians fellows; response to attacks on cancer research; taxation on tobacco; activities of the Fisher Memorial Committee
(fols. 423-679)…
Found in:
Papers of Sir Walter Bodmer
Imperial Cancer Research Fund (ICRF), 1967-2005
Walter Bodmer correspondence and office notes
Outgoing letters from Walter Bodmer
Shelfmark: MS. Bodmer 523
Extents: 679 Leaves
7 Jul 1987-9 Mar 1988