Box 603611044
Contains 1 Result:
Correspondents files under the letters V and W, 1973-2000
Subjects include: discovery of genetic basis for common colon cancer. Correspondents:
Folder 1: Professor Jon J. van Rood, Daniel A. Vascoe, Dr. Julia Elvira C. W. Verne, Professor Umberto Veronesi, Dr. Martin P. Vessey
Folder 2: Professor Michael Vincent Viola, Professor Bert Vogelstein, Professor A. Wada, Brandon Wainwright, Dr. J. S. Wainscoat, Dr. Byron H. Waksman, Mr…
Found in:
Papers of Sir Walter Bodmer
Alphabetically arranged professional…
Pre 2007 correspondence and ICRF sta…
Shelfmark: MS. Bodmer 261 ( =Res.)
Extents: 1 box (2 folders)