Box 603610996
Contains 1 Result:
Correspondents files under the letter P described as 'Assorted Alphabetical Files' covering PET-POL, 1974-1995
Subjects include: New Zealand involvement with HUGO; draft letter by Richard Doll to the Lancet on HIV prevalence testing. Correspondents:
Folder 1: G. B. Petersen, Jerry Peterson, Dr. P. A. Peterson, Professor Julian Peto, Martin Petřek, Dr. S. de Petris, Dr. M. Pettersson, Professor D. E. Pettijohn, P. A. Philip, Mr. E. Philipp, Diana Phillips, Professor D.…
Found in:
Papers of Sir Walter Bodmer
Alphabetically arranged professional…
Pre 2007 correspondence and ICRF sta…
Shelfmark: MS. Bodmer 213
Extents: 1 box (2 folders)