Box 603610995
Contains 1 Result:
Correspondents files under the letter P described as 'Assorted Alphabetical Files' covering PAD-PET, 1971-1995
Subjects include: Sir Ronald Fisher, Sewall Wright and the study of heredity; history of genetics in the 20th century; regional incidence of breast cancer in Britain. Correspondents:
Folder 1: Rose Ann Padva, Jon Palfreman, Paolo Palladino, Mr. T. Palmer, Ms. Shirley Pankhurst, C. Paraskeva, Mr. S. Parbhoo, Arthur Pardee, Dr. M. L. Pardue, Dr. S. Parkhurst, D. M. Parkin, Denis Parkinson, Sir…
Found in:
Papers of Sir Walter Bodmer
Alphabetically arranged professional…
Pre 2007 correspondence and ICRF sta…
Shelfmark: MS. Bodmer 212 ( =Res.)
Extents: 1 box (2 folders)