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Box 606160012


Contains 1 Result:


Benner-Béthouart, 1924-1961

Correspondents comprise: Benner, Allen, 1936 [3.0150] Bennett, Ruth, 1932-1938 [3.0151] Bennett, R.B., 1933-1937 [3.0152] Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Francis, 1924-1936 [3.0153] Benouville, Guillian de, 1948-1955 [3.0154] Benson, Irving, 1956 [3.0155] Bentele, August and Paula, 1954-1961 [3.0156] …
Found in: Buchman / Correspondence
Shelfmark: MS. Oxford Group 3/12
Extents: 1 box
Dates: 1924-1961