Box 606654326
Contains 1 Result:
Audio recordings, Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Recording 35: Melbourne, 22 Oct. 1969, 1 reel-to-reel magnetic tape 6x130mm
Recording 36: Ottawa and Rotunda, Washington DC USA, Jun. 1967, 1 reel-to-reel magnetic tape 6x130mm
Recording 37: Lord Thomson and George Brown, nd, 1 reel-to-reel magnetic tape 6x130mm
Recording 38: Ian Smith Press conference to Rhodesian broadcasting corporation, 13 Oct. 1969, 1…
Archive of (James) Harold Wilson
Found in:
Labour Party Political Office
Speeches, Briefs, Press Releases and…
Audio-visual recordings
Shelfmark: MS. Wilson d. 34
Extents: 5 items
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing