Box 606606349
Contains 1 Result:
Printed material relating to Egypt, 1904-1924
MS. Milner dep. 460, Cd. 2165, Sir William Garstin, Report upon the basin of the Upper Nile, 1904 MS. Milner dep. 461, H.G. Lyons, The physiography of the River Nile and its basin (Finance Ministry Survey Department, Egypt), 1906 MS. Milner dep. 462, Printed items, 1910-1924. Includes:
(item 1) Report of the Directors of theā¦
Found in:
Papers as Secretary of State for the Colonies
Papers relating to Egypt
Printed material relating to Egypt
Shelfmark: MSS. Milner dep. 460-462
Extents: 1 box