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Box 606728338



Contains 1 Result:


People (J-L), Date not recorded at time of cataloguing

Folder 1: Jay, Jagan, Rev Jardine, Clive Jenkins, Jessel, Jinnah, Tom Johnston, Aubrey Jones, Jack Jones, Keith Joseph, James Joyce, William Joyce, Kaldor, Kaunda, Keightly, Edward and Robert Kennedy, Kenyatta, Keynes, Cecil King, Martin L King, Kissinger, Kitson, Kruschev, Kuznetsov, Lang, Laski, Lauder, Laval, Layton, Lee, Lever, Liebling, Megan Lloyd George, Selwyn Lloyd, Longford, Lubbock, Lynch, Lysenkos,…
Found in: People
Shelfmark: MS. Balfour dep. 87
Extents: 1 box
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing